New York

For those who say send her away, a follow up question.
TheEdge7 60 Reviews 2511 reads

Isn't this dangerous, particularly when this is an outcall? It's one of the reasons I've never had anyone over. Suppose you opt to send her away with cab fare and she starts causing a scene. Not a major problem if you live in an isolated area. But a screaming person on my door step would rouse my neighbors, the closest one being less than 100 feet away. Also, if she's really pissed, she has your name. Even if you gave a false name, she still has your address and phone number. God forbid, you thought she was an independent and it turns out she has a mean spirited pimp.

This scenario isn't something I imagined. Someone posted a similiar review under ripoff. He tried to send her away and she and her driver made a major scene. Out of embarrassment, he forked over the entire fund just to get her out quietly.

Then, what is your suggestion, people?

BILL183565115 reads

a provider looks nothing like their pictures? Is there a good way to handle this?

BILL183563228 reads

but there has to be a delicate way to handle it. If I'm not attracted its not going to happen but there has to be a way of dealing with this

Bill, I usually don't see a provider without pics or reviews.  I remember an expience where the provider had a "from the waist-up" pic with a blurred face.  After a few phone calls, etc, I decided to go anway...let's just say that there was a reason those pics were from the waist-up...never again!  But, I agree, there has got to be a way to handle this situation without embarrasing the provider...or yourself!

basically, If you dont see Cousin It.. It isnt me.. LOL ..

Megatha Christie2868 reads

just leave or ask her to if it's outcall.  It's your money and I'm sure you can think of a polite way to handle things.

:) Megatha (has never been sent away.. yet!)

BILL183562585 reads

-- Modified on 7/5/2005 1:18:46 PM

SmellySmegma2701 reads

room (outcall) too.  One girl had pictures that were too good to be true. Advertised DD tits, blonde, blue eyes.  I asked her twice specically on the phone "now you ARE the girl in the picture right"?  She swore she was. A Fuckin' Pock Marked Waif, dressed in polyester, that was flat as a board, showed up at my door.( Smelly had a few single malts in him) and I told her " I was looking for TITS, NOT ZITS"!!!  She started to cry and wanted $50 for her driver. I told her she could pay ME $50 for the priviledge of blowing me or she could take my foot up her sorry ass!  True story!  If you tolerate B&S, it will continue to happen.

Now that's funny!  You're right we should be able to walk, and in the case of the polyester-wearing zit-queen, I would've done the same thing.

BILL183562817 reads

I didnt mean Bait & Switch though as that is a little different. I meant providers that use very old pics or that may have used too much Adobe touchup. I had one almost a year ago that fortunately I agreed to meet for lunch first. When I met her she looked nothing like pics, was a very nice lady so I bought lunch and made an empty excuse that I couldn't do it. Felt really bad about it as during lunch she was telling me a couple other guys had told her forget it. She left the business now si I guess I wasn't alone

SmellySmegma3716 reads

running the same B&S ad in the same city 6 months later !!!!   I called her up and asked her AGAIN if she was the girl in the pictures (Eros). Again, she swore up and down she was.  (Meanwhile Smelly had made an appointment with a well reviewed provider).  I made sure I've got a few drinks in me and wait for the scammer with a shit eating grin on my face !!!    The scammmer knocks on my hotel room, I open the door and Smile, and say "hi, remember me"?? The scammer screams " NOT YOU AGAIN". I laughed at her, slammed the door,and poured another drink! (She was screaming bloody murder in the Hall)  LMAO  My well reviewed provider showed up 15 minutes later and fucked my lights out!!!

BILL183563750 reads

done was asked her if she wanted in on a threesome :D

I've never had this happen to me, but I do offer a guarantee of sorts (many other providers do the same) which means that if we meet and they are not happy with me they can choose to end the date within 10 minutes of meeting.  The only thing they owe me is $50 for my time and travels.  I would not want someone to go through the date if they were not comfortable with me for any reason (not just looks) and so it gives him an easy out, if that is what he needs.  If you are really worried about not liking the looks of your provider you might want to find someone with a similar process.

ritchie4214 reads

You walk plain and simple! You tell her that you were deceived and that she is not who is in the picture and you tell her to get the fuck out (Outcall) or you leave her apartment. If she gives you any shit you tell her to fuck off for being a liar. DO NOT give her money under any condition! Don't feel sorry for her and let her know that she should pay you for her lying to you!

I agree that the answer is to walk or ask them to leave if it is outcall.  However, if it is outcall, I will offer cab fare ($20).  I think this is understood.  I called a booker for some independent (?) girls (like an agency but after you meet the girls you can go direct).  She directed me to a web site and told me the names of the girls available so I could see their pictures.  I picked one out and had her come over.  When she arrived the girl was not nearly as attractive as her photos although it was probably the same girl but years and many pounds earlier.  I sent her home with cab fare and called back the booker.  She was very apologetic and sent me someone else that was a real winner.

Perhaps it is more tricky with an incall, especially once inside the door.  But why pay for something you decide you don't want when it was offered under doubtful pretenses.

Walk, walk, walk !!!! If you bought a house or a car based on a picture you saw and then when you saw it in person it wasn't the same would you still pay for it??? No freakin way. This is the only way to discourage this sought of tactic. WALK and there is no need to feel guilty about doing it.

Isn't this dangerous, particularly when this is an outcall? It's one of the reasons I've never had anyone over. Suppose you opt to send her away with cab fare and she starts causing a scene. Not a major problem if you live in an isolated area. But a screaming person on my door step would rouse my neighbors, the closest one being less than 100 feet away. Also, if she's really pissed, she has your name. Even if you gave a false name, she still has your address and phone number. God forbid, you thought she was an independent and it turns out she has a mean spirited pimp.

This scenario isn't something I imagined. Someone posted a similiar review under ripoff. He tried to send her away and she and her driver made a major scene. Out of embarrassment, he forked over the entire fund just to get her out quietly.

Then, what is your suggestion, people?

YOu make a good point Edge but my experience has been, at least through an Agency or an Agency type, that girls can expect at times to get turned away.  When I travel, at least in the old days pre-TER, I would call an Agency and ask for a particular type of girl.  I learned early on that if you were not happy with the girl they sent, you could politely ask her to leave and just pay for her cab fare home.  So to me, that was the accepted practice.  Of course there are exceptions and if I faced a scene I would immediately call the Agency (in fact often the girls ask to use the phone to tell them that they will not be having a session with me).

SmellySmegma3749 reads

need to be punished.  This is not even debateable!  Let them eat the driver's and/or parking fees/tolls. Send their B&S and BS asses away. Then right them up on TER as ripoffs.  Some of you guys have no spine!

BILL183563342 reads

you're hard. lol

So far I havent had a B & S so maybe that's why I'm less inclined to throw them in front of a bus. I do have a problem with some that abuse Adobe touchup features or leave the same pics up for extended periods of time knowing they no longer look that way. I'm not going to do a session with anyone I'm not attracted to but $50 bucks to limit my loss doesn't bother me.

SmellySmegma2516 reads

that told me about TER, and reviews in general, was a clockwatcher who wanted to only drink for the 1st 30 minutes. I thanked her for her advice and did her the courtesy of NOT reviewing her.

junior4573726 reads

Only do outcall with providers you have past experience with : )

Lesson4u5068 reads

I said I ain't feelin it.  Gave her cabfare and sent her on her way.  She didn't give me any problems.  

Let's face it guys, most girls don't look exactly like their picture, and if they've changed for the worse you'll notice the same picture they for 2 yrs.  How many times do you see a provider and your first reaction is huh! and but then eventually say what the hell? The power of the little head is pretty strong. I keep mine in check but once I let it loose it's hard to reign in. Hell it happen to me this weekend, I was beyond exhaustion but also horny, you would think I'd  rest after 6 hrs. sleep in 2days, but nooo, it won and I spent $$$$ and had poor Jenna work OT trying to get 2 pops and ended feeling like I cheated myself and Jenna ( she was almost taking it personal). In short unless she was an absolute dog I woulda gave it a shot. God! I'm such a weak person.

It happened to me twice!  Once in NY and once in DC.  Both times it was a B&S.  Both girls were obviously not the ones in the pics.  They were good looking enough though!  lol.  I imagine it would be easier to jet before you walk in the room.  Once in the door, it's a bit harder for me to turn around and say "Sorry toots, see ya!"

junior4573607 reads

I had a buddy of mine walk in my office and tell me he arranged a "meeting" with a girl he met in an AOL chat room. She was local to the area and he arranged to meet her at a local go-go that was adjacent to a no-tell motel.

She had a photo on her AOL profile and she was pretty cute but it was just a head shot. Well long story short she shows up and is pretty....short and fat.....really nothing I was in the "mood" for so I was like I'm out!! Seeing my reaction my buddy decided he wasn't up for it either so we're sitting at the bar we bought her a couple of drinks a few shots, called a cab paid the fare and sent her on her way. No harm no foul.

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