New York

For "iknowiamstupid"
tattooed_asian See my TER Reviews 2251 reads

Free and anonymous HIV testing in New York:

I also recommend NYC Planned Parenthood for all STD tests:

PEP TALK FOR YOU:  I know you are probably really scared right now, especially if you are posting on TER discussion board under an alias...   Don't beat yourself up too much.  I'm an "active" girl who really, really loves to "have fun." I've had a few "close calls" before, and I have ALWAYS tested negative for EVERYTHING.  If I can test negative, you can test negative, too.  If you can, try to stay calm.  :)  Your chances of having no STD's are strong, although it never hurts to be completely sure about it (by getting tested.)

Also, I commend you for being responsible and pro-active about your own health care.  That's important.   I definitely don't think you are "stupid" as your alias suggests.


-- Modified on 11/26/2008 4:09:58 AM

iknowiamstupid4829 reads

Okay without going into too much detail something happened during my most recent encounter, that I neither asked for nor initiated, but it happened in the heat of the moment and I did not fight it either, so I blame myself. Either way I believe I should now get tested for the standard STD's, just to be safe.

So my question, as I just recently relocated to this area, if anybody knows of any good places in the city, where a gentleman can get tested without too many questions asked.

Sorry for the alias, but really don't feel like outing myself here, I already know myself that this was just stupid.

Please post and thank you very much.

Btw., you BLEW ME AWAY yesterday.



I can't wait to see you again.

@Kinkydad- ROFL

Also and I believe its the link for Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. They list the free anonymous STD testing clinics. The closest one in Manhattan was in Chelsea, I believe.

Be prepared to take the entire morning off from work. They'll perform the HIV test on the spot w/ immediate results, but blood work for the entire panel of STD's takes longer w/ results in 2-3 weeks. They open at 8:30am but you should be there earlier if you have questions or want the doctor to look at you. The doctor only sees 15 people a day.

Me, I got there at 8:30am and w/ the entire blood test and seeing the doctor...I didn't get out of there until 12:30pm...but hey, its free and its anonymous.

But you can't put a price on time to make sure you're clean and STD free!!

Happy (and safe) hobbying!!

Monk691989 reads

Just to add to the info on the free city STD testing clinics:

There's one up on 106th Street that's a lot less crowded than the Chelsea location. Again, you should get there early -- say 8am. But, if you're within the first five on the list you'll get seen pretty quickly. I believe the results only take five working days for the panel of STDs. But, if you report symptoms, they'll almost always give you antibiotics on the spot and not wait for the test results. The meds are free, too.

Free and anonymous HIV testing in New York:

I also recommend NYC Planned Parenthood for all STD tests:

PEP TALK FOR YOU:  I know you are probably really scared right now, especially if you are posting on TER discussion board under an alias...   Don't beat yourself up too much.  I'm an "active" girl who really, really loves to "have fun." I've had a few "close calls" before, and I have ALWAYS tested negative for EVERYTHING.  If I can test negative, you can test negative, too.  If you can, try to stay calm.  :)  Your chances of having no STD's are strong, although it never hurts to be completely sure about it (by getting tested.)

Also, I commend you for being responsible and pro-active about your own health care.  That's important.   I definitely don't think you are "stupid" as your alias suggests.


-- Modified on 11/26/2008 4:09:58 AM

Smelly Smegma2111 reads

Shot the Bird Fuckin' Bareback !  ;-)

-- Modified on 11/26/2008 7:11:18 AM

Great pic Smelly. Reminds me of a few of my former duck shoots! Mostly likely the guy just had to pee real bad! Lol.

The rest all had great posts on this topic!

Well said - Miss Tattooed Asian.

My personal preference for STD testing is NYC Planned Parenthood:

Hey, "iknowiamstupid", you are not stupid. Please see Andi Ryan’s extensive post re: testing, etc., on the Philadelphia Discussion Board. It is quite enlightening.

Happy Hunting and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Well said Tatoo! This information is applicable to all hobbists as we all get caught up in the heat of the passion. I hope your words give comfort to the original poster.

AnyOneNormalAnymore2573 reads

If she is taking the patch or birth control pills she needs to be extra careful. Certain types of antibiotics will render birth control useless.

iknowiamstupid2845 reads

I just wanted to say thank you for all the advice and the kind words. I have made my plans for next week and hope everything will be fine.

Also Smelly, nice Thanksgiving analogy there.

And yes the pregnancy aspect has been on my mind too, but I really can't do anything about that right now. If it happened, it happened and of course I would take full responsibility, but then I am not sure, if she even would ever tell me.

Anyway I wish everybody a great Happy Thanksgiving.

-- Modified on 11/26/2008 9:04:51 PM

Ive always been curious about other STD's and their risks.

Im not talking about going at it without a condom but other things like uncovered bj. What are those risks with things like that that people seem more comfortable doing?

Curious as to how many here might have gotten an STD from uncovered oral or other activity that wasn't just from penetration.....

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