New York

ExclusiveLee, we welcome the girls, but Donald Trump isn't going to pick them.....red_smile
Smelly Smegma 2272 reads

up at the airport, and Martha Stewart isn't preparing their room service 24/7. If these "ladies" are THAT sensitive, let them stay in Vegas with fat bald guys with wigs, (who by the way ARE tacky NYers)! We've rolled out the red carpet. If these wallflowers can't take our hospitality, then let them stay in Vegas, play craps, and eat the same. I'm done with this MORE THAN RIDICULOUS WHINING! We've got a few lawyers here that you can whine with.

I come to NYC cuz I love the spice of the City and its inhabitants (basically I am from here anyway) so I "get" the humor around here...but just fyi I talk to a lot of traveling hot ladies, one of whom  mentioned to me that the banter lately makes them nervous cuz the personalities seem Mean to eachother and to the outside girls traveling into town.  I will be here March 5/6 and again prolly once again later in March cuz I can't get enough of you New York studs but fyi I know of at least two gals who are HOT who said they are too scared to come to New York for fear of being eaten alive by TER NYC board comments. They are mostly posting in Las Vegas where the boys are more tame to us ladies.
Lee Chase  

-- Modified on 2/18/2006 12:09:41 PM

Maybe they don't know how to be any other way, don't be put off by that, they are all talk and no action. I think it is the same as punching the girls in grade school, it's nice to see they've grown up.

Smelly Smegma2781 reads

are apple pie. Travelling ladies are ALWAYS WELCOME here!  Most of the banter you refer to are local hobbyists jabbing local hobbyists. The only ladies that are ever scrutinized tend to fall in one of the following 3 categories: 1)Gals with no reviews at all,  2)Gals with hourly rates that equal the cost of a home theater system, (and then have the gall to have 2 hour minimums), and 3) possible Bait and Switch Ladies.  NYers are discriminating about everything!!!  This includes pizza, sushi, hot dogs, theater, music, steaks, art, and yes, escorts. This is the greatest city on the planet, and the WELCOME MAT is rolled out for you.  If you choose to miss the best market in this hemisphere, that is your choice, and a poor choice. Attractive ladies that are honest, perform well, have good attitudes, don't watch clocks, and don't have a "laundry list of rules", do extremely well here. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make her drink.

trustno202834 reads

in agreement this time. Don't let that go to your head now.

It's a NY guy thing. We're always poking fun at each other. If you're not from here you'd think we were mad at each other. That's not usually the case.

Only in NY can your call your SO a Bitch and she'll smile at the compliment.

They offer a PHD course in "Bitch" at several universities here West-Side.

 Our divorce rate proves it out.

irish_guy4549 reads

So Smelly, you state that ladies are always welcome unless they fall into one of three categories...

So, lets take the example of one of our ladies from here in Seattle, Naiya, who recently posted and visited your fine city and compare the way she was treated to your categories

1) Gals with no reviews at all

She has plenty of reviews, even a sprinkling comparing her to VVH, who I'm assuming a few of you know

2) Gals with hourly rates that equal the cost of a home theater system (and the gall to have 2 hour minimums)

This is where she was given the most crap, including direct statements that she shouldn't bother even coming to new york.   Interesting that VVH posted about her trip during the same time frame and didn't have people telling her not to bother coming.  And Naiya didn't even require a minimum, just stated a preference for longer appointments.  As far as the rate differential for traveling, has anyone checked her home rates lately?  

3) possible Bait and switch - not applicable, she's clearly not, and no one accused her of this

Funny, in her first post about the trip, guys even gave her crap for not posting a phone number and preferring initial contact to be through e-mail.

Sitting out here in Seattle watching the experience of one of our own come out there, I'd disagree with you that you've got the welcome mat rolled out.


irish guy....for the record i responded to jahanva...ridiculous price i did to naiya' was not posted and i was called a whiner for my trouble...for the record naiya's rates are less in seattle...and she outrightly admitted she doesnt raise them anywhere else but seems this fine lady raised her home rates to coincide with these if you wanna be a white night know what you are talking about dude
the bern
Re:Visit to NYC Feb 15-20
Posted by MissNaiya  , 2/10/2006 1:09:24 AM  

My rates for when I travel to other cities haven't increased.  

~ Naiya

-- Modified on 2/20/2006 2:32:31 PM

-- Modified on 2/20/2006 2:37:18 PM

irish_guy3158 reads

I was just pointing out how some of the men of New York (you, if you were soup nazi) think it's ok to be rude to travelling providers.

She didn't admit her rates were only for NY, they were her travelling rates.

I'm not trying to be a white knight, just pointing out the not-so-warm reception you guys are giving to classy and above board providers.


irish guy...i am not the soup nazi...but i was rude to her......she DID say....she only raised her rates in is the post...ok i mght have over reacted to youre post...but if she said those where here traviling was a bold face lie... im cutting and pasting naiya post
Re:Visit to NYC Feb 15-20
Posted by MissNaiya  , 2/10/2006 1:09:24 AM  

My rates for when I travel to other cities haven't increased.  

~ Naiya

irish_guy2803 reads

You're kidding right?   Someone asked her if she had increased her traveling rates, and she stated she hadn't.  She was talking about her traveling rates compared to her home/local rates.  

Her reply was exactly what you're arguing about,  they weren't increased just for the New York trip...

You really owe the lady an apology...


In an other "region" if you so much as tap the horn on your car to allert the sleeping stoner in front of you that the light has changed you'll be facing the PC police along with a citation for disturbing the peace.

  Wild west? My ass!

this will probably not make the board as sensorship seems to be in vogue around these boards lately....but i am sick and tired of out of town ladies coming town NY...thinking its a goldmine....charging 100 more an hour than...there home cities and even when they seems only in...NY...they want these astronomical ask what you want fine...but dont wine ...when no one sees you..critisizes it...or tells you to stay home...and to all you white nights ...who stick up for these golddiggers...and run to moderators soon as we say what we have to say...the iron curtain and great wall in berlin fell in the 80's...please dont rebuild it ....even if you are republican...and for all you ladies searching for gold in NY...go west young man theres gold in there hills...that goes for you goldmining ladies too
the bern


For the record, you submitted 6 posts (including this one) to this board in the last 30 days. I approved 5 of them. I did not approve one where you encouraged a visiting provider to "go back to Seattle." The only reason why I didn't allow that post was because you submitted 3 replies on the same day whining about the donation requirements of visiting providers.

I neither sensor or censor people. In fact, I received a PM from one prominent poster asking me why I allow your posts.

Keep posting berny. You add flavor to the board.

Now, where is my red pencil? ;)


hey you wanna call it whining thats cool....what do you call it when someone runs to moderators to to sensor or censor my posts....i will always say what i feel and proud of  free speech...whining or not...and dont care what anybody thinks of it
the bern

-- Modified on 2/20/2006 2:22:06 PM

Old Red Dog2395 reads

Only the discussion was open for honest consideration. Recognize the theme?

I've heard this same issue brought up in S.F., L.A., N.O. and others - Ladie's have more overhead when traveling. Locals ALWAYS think they're being gouged.

Be kind.

You know darn well we get totally out of control in Vegas. After all it is Vegas ya know that.

I think most of the time it is men on men banter and some sprinkled in cat fights held to gender as well. Some cities in TER are lucky to be busy boards those are Vegas of course, NY and DC. Lot's happening. Jesus go to a board like Detroit or Fla, and be lucky to make a post and get a respones in a weeks time.

Hurry back I hear there's a bang going on in Vegas. lmao

"are too scared to come to New York for fear of being eaten alive by TER NYC board comments."  I am coming nonethless because I love it here ... but I wasn't talking about me.
Lee Chase

Smelly Smegma2689 reads

good service, with great attitudes, with few if any rules, and they don't watch the clock. This, of course pre-supposes they are highly attractive, and have some reviews. We don't bite, and welcome you, and them with open arms, and flys unzipped!

They are intimidated by the attitude of some of the banter lately, as it isn't warm and fuzzy, welcoming them into New York as a newcomer with open arms and helpful gentlemen. I reiterate I am basically from New York so I am not a stranger to the City but when a girl has never been here before and she needs a pat on the back, some of the attitude here may dissuade her from bothering to come at all.  There are 2 ladies I would love to see here (with great reviews and all that you mentioned as being necessary for you to be nice) but they are too worried they will get their feelings hurt on the board. After all they are human beings and being a single female traveling to a new area can be overwhelming.  My skin is made of steel so I am not talking about me.  
Lee Chase

Smelly Smegma2273 reads

up at the airport, and Martha Stewart isn't preparing their room service 24/7. If these "ladies" are THAT sensitive, let them stay in Vegas with fat bald guys with wigs, (who by the way ARE tacky NYers)! We've rolled out the red carpet. If these wallflowers can't take our hospitality, then let them stay in Vegas, play craps, and eat the same. I'm done with this MORE THAN RIDICULOUS WHINING! We've got a few lawyers here that you can whine with.

Smelly Smegma3362 reads

have nice freakin legs. You also have some serious spunk. What's the matter with your "friends"?  I think you might be fun, but have reservations about the "frail ones".  Are you TER VIP? If yes, I'll PM you. I'm a nice, and very cultured guy, but won't ever let our group get trashed or misrepresented.

I am a TER VIP (which anyone can pay for), my web site has almost 100k hits on it(so I've been around the block), most of my reviews are at least 8s, if not 9s and 10s for scores (indicating that my attitude is quite alright in most people's opinions) so I wasn't looking for approval with my post. I was simply stating that NYC board attitude lately doesn't welcome touring hot ladies who have lots of choices of where to go and they are intimidated by some of the local comments and afraid of getting their feelings hurt. They aren't frail they are just human. (I am neither frail nor human - I am a machine) :)
Lee Chase

ny0073801 reads

Can't wait to see you in NYC. Lots of us here are gentlemen, only a few are acting out like children.
Good luck

Fuhgeddaboutit!2782 reads

and charge $$.5, I swear you won't read a single negative on this Board.  You have my word.

you might find more what you are looking for there...
Lee Chase

well well well... it seems someone thinks she is better than other people...well just remember lee you do the same and are the same as ladies in the red light lets be real...and get over yourself
the bern

my rates are much higher than the ladies on the street, so we are not the same, I am expensive, they are not, that is the difference. Oh yeah - and all the disease and lack of screening that follows along with that too...Lee Chase

-- Modified on 2/20/2006 11:11:18 AM

ok is the ride on the high must be think so much of yourself....ahh..i know the feeling...but i at least try to keep it real....a concept you couldnt must love the mirror as much as me
the bern

the great news is they make drugs for your kind of anger and agression against women. I am sorry if your mother was mean to you...or wife...or sister...but try to understand it isn't my issue not the other many touring ladies who want to come to New York to meet respectable men.  Peace! Oh - and in the future don't worry about trying to ruin my career or reputation because I already have way more business than I can handle and I won't possibly get through all the nice guys before I retire soon anyhow ...smooches you stud lover!!  Lee Chase

i dont have any anger...towards woman..only to the white nights who stick up for them.and i aint most of the white nights....who stick up for you..and im an only child......and you show how much class you have by bringing mothers into it....your the one who started this by trying to drum up biz for your i know how full of it...the white nights are....your the only one who can ruin your buisness....beuty fades but dumn is forever
the bern

Berny - white nights as you call them are guys who are nice/cordial to women, as opposed to woman-hating grouches like yourself when a girl simply posts her point here. It is my point so why does it offend you so much? and why do you need to belittle me? does it make you feel better to put me down? Because you look like an idiot. As for your statement about "my girls" they are not MY girls they are a few hot independent providers who talk to me and mention their fear of New Yorkers like yourself slamming them. I am not promoting any girls here, in fact I could care less if touring women leave New York alone forever. I would just think that knuckleheads like yourself would realize the Ahole affect you are having on women in general.  Why would a woman bother visiting you? Beats me...Lee Chase

youre so funny....why would woman visit me....duh what do you wanted to make a point fine...but the world..isnt full of your puppy dog white nights..who kiss up to you...why do i be little you...because you think your tough bringing mothers into about an idiot....thats mother is the lady you wish you could not a woman hating grouch..far from it....a male asked about the banter ...and i stated my might be hot looking...but the mother comment...made you look low far as me being an ahole really hurts...your the first woman to call me that..and i rather be an ahole ..then full of herself...that she thinks she walks on water...and they also make drugs for trying to ruin your reputation and buisness...where thel hell did that come from....get over yourself...
the bern really enjoying this so keep writting back...hugs to you too

Mr. Info3090 reads

I agree with what you say and have sent a few
emails to ladies that I thought we unfairly
being harangued on the board to welcome them to
our great city.

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