New York

Kate of Boston 2595 reads

Soap, water, toothbrush, toothpaste, and once in a while manners.  While I haven't had as many issues since I started seeing professional gentlemen over 40, I did find more issues with younger guys.  I have had them show up from the gym (and not take the shower I suggested).  We have all had guys show up with a stinky butt (sorry, but it's in the client reviews I've read), and then not be extremely happy that we weren't as orally aggressive from a geographical standpoint.  Also, when I saw younger men, many did not understand they had well overstayed their welcome (as in ridiculous, couldn't get them to leave and it's interesting that after working my @ss off all one guy gave me was a mediocre review when he got more than an hour for free, no class as he was a stinky slob and showed up in sweat pants- this made me enforce the over 40 rule)

My suggestion is that in making your decision you eliminate the best review and the worst review, and if the rest are consistent then you've got your answer.  Always keep in mind it's not always the lady that could have had a bad day and sometimes reviews are used to get back at women for various reasons as well as being very subjective.  A Goddess to one man may not have the attributes another man desires.

Good luck with your search.

Kate of Boston  aka Carnal Courtesan
[email protected]    (978) 590-3863

-- Modified on 4/17/2006 8:06:47 AM

When reviews show a general rating of 7 and above then the occasional 4 or 5 can one assume that YMMV would apply here? Or, is it that some hobbists need a lesson in hot water and soap?

Kate of Boston2596 reads

Soap, water, toothbrush, toothpaste, and once in a while manners.  While I haven't had as many issues since I started seeing professional gentlemen over 40, I did find more issues with younger guys.  I have had them show up from the gym (and not take the shower I suggested).  We have all had guys show up with a stinky butt (sorry, but it's in the client reviews I've read), and then not be extremely happy that we weren't as orally aggressive from a geographical standpoint.  Also, when I saw younger men, many did not understand they had well overstayed their welcome (as in ridiculous, couldn't get them to leave and it's interesting that after working my @ss off all one guy gave me was a mediocre review when he got more than an hour for free, no class as he was a stinky slob and showed up in sweat pants- this made me enforce the over 40 rule)

My suggestion is that in making your decision you eliminate the best review and the worst review, and if the rest are consistent then you've got your answer.  Always keep in mind it's not always the lady that could have had a bad day and sometimes reviews are used to get back at women for various reasons as well as being very subjective.  A Goddess to one man may not have the attributes another man desires.

Good luck with your search.

Kate of Boston  aka Carnal Courtesan
[email protected]    (978) 590-3863

-- Modified on 4/17/2006 8:06:47 AM

Sugar Girl1952 reads

I am a long established and consistently well reviewed provider, who occasionally receives a not-so-flattering comment about how I don't like to kiss, or I'll only LFK (though others have had a completely different experience).  However, these particular individuals forgot to add, in the review, that they don't own a toothbrush or even know where their local dentist is.  Another classic is "She was much nicer before the session ended".  Yeah, when you overstay your welcome by more than an hour, pontificating your problems in life, because *you* don't have anywhere to be (not to mention if you totally ignore the subtle hints that its time to go)... I might get a little irritable.  Oh, and I always get a laugh out of the insecure little men who come into my room with nauseating and obnoxious "big dog" attitudes, who, predictably, have only negative things to say afterwards (their personality issues had nothing to do with it, of course).  These examples are only the tip of the distortions you'll find in one sided reviews.  The bottom line is that we ladies meet all kinds of men out there, some are spectacular, personable gentlemen and, not so much ;)  And in a court room, both sides get to tell their stories before being judged.  But not here.  So use Kate's advice and go with consistency.  If a girl is truly a YMMV kind of provider, she won't be able to garner consistently good reviews for her sessions.

The best points have been made.  throw out best and worst. Another good check on the review accuracy is to check against other reveiews the hobbyist has done. If he's constantly critical or hasn't reviewed before, take it with a grain of salt.

Kate of Boston4310 reads

Often when a lady refuses to see a guy again, they will write an awful review.  Keep this in mind when you see reviews that don't fit the norm for a provider.

Happy Hobbying!


ZoeyXXXotic3283 reads

Let me start by saying; I love what I do and I do it mainly because I love making love. Most of the gentlemen I see at the company are a joy, truly. One was not and with him, I couldn't be as loving as I am but I still provided a great service. Well, he wrote a very unflattering review and tossed a 4-7 *gasp* amongst my 8's, 9's & 10's. Needless to say, I'm not pleased. Nevertheless anyone can spot the blaring inconsistency and be well assured that I'm an awesome lay! I say "Whatever. You be the judge, Sir."

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