New York

*******ELIZABETH ALERT****************
buddym 45 Reviews 4548 reads

Did not plan any activity this week and than comes Elizabeth as a surprise visit to L.I.  As everyone knows who read my posts she is my all time ATF. To me she is a double TEN.  I swear I could be in very serious trouble if she comes to town more often. Called BDJ and told Kim I needed an Elizabeth fix. She hooked me up and in no time I was in the arms of Elizabeth who gave me the best welcome any guy would want. I spent an unexpected hour in sheer delight. It was torture to leave but all good times have to end.  Thank you VonRyan for making me notice that Elizabeth was in town.

Bunny don't pass this one up.  You will thank me ten times over.


see link below

-- Modified on 6/23/2004 4:55:18 PM

-- Modified on 6/23/2004 6:13:43 PM

I will definately be seeing her by the end of the week.
Did she have her chocolate syrup? :)

Wait, but Buddy she definately had the chocolate syrup? :)
why did you pass on it? Elizabeth didn't want a Buddy sunday? lol!

freesam3065 reads

Yes he does!  He recommnded you to me, but our schedules never hooked up while you were in DC.

-- Modified on 6/24/2004 6:25:10 AM


...and then when I came to your name...the erotic thoughts of you and a body about double my pleasure.

It boggles the mind...and...
of course you know an air bag went off in my pants.


VonRyan loves all the women he is with... when he's with them.

It certainly beats playing chess,parchesi,two-handed pinocle, and

although the right game of tiddly-winks with the right provider...hey now!


-- Modified on 6/24/2004 9:59:52 AM

Your very welcome Buddy.

I'm glad you had a tremendous time.
She's one hell of a great gal but you know that already.


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