New York

dupe.... deleted
BILL18356 3591 reads

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 3:31:49 PM

THFKAM4358 reads

OK I've been posting for several months,and in general may tend to be a little too serious, not always one of the "guys," maybe that's my style.  But I care about this board and its integrity.  This morning I went on the national board and started following some posts by a guy named WhosJohnGalt which led me over to his local board, Twin Cities.  As I've now stated on the national board, I'm outraged by Galt's apparent belief that it is OK to make personal remarks about providers that go beyond a legitimate review of performance.  I'm also  troubled about the general tone of the Twin Cities board, because it seems to promote judgmental comments about providers -- though Galt is by far the worst offender.  Bottom line:  I'd like to know if other on the NY Board agree with me, and if yes I'd like some support.

BTW, Mr. Info is a regular on the TC board, and in all seriousness I'm interested in his views.  I recognize that Twin Cities is a smaller, more close-knit group, but I genuinely believe that Galt and maybe some others are crossing a line which should not be crossed.

THFKAM4212 reads

On reflection (and a more careful reading of the TC Board) my concerns are more about WhosJohnGalt than the TC board in general.

I, too, have been following Galt's trek of outing a provider he felt "sad" for.  My problem was that the original post included a link to the provider - I saw it early enough to see the provider.  Who knows if he's telling the truth - but outing a provider like that is just plain wrong.  Anyway, this is not Galt's first offense, he has another thread about providers with 10+ pages of reviews being overexposed.  Personal stuff should, by definition, stay personal.  Galt, despite what some have described as heartwarming reviews, is full of it.  Providers should ban him if only for his inate ability to expose what shouldn't be exposed.

I do agree with you in substance but I find it hard enough to keep up with the NY board let alone National and the other local boards.  You will find, I think, that many of us just do not have the time.  However that said, Yes, I will stand with you on this should you need my support.

Peace out


-- Modified on 8/6/2005 4:52:39 AM

Mr. Info3196 reads

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 6:57:04 AM

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 6:57:23 AM

THFKAM3274 reads

To my surprise (especially since my posts went up early in the AM) the Twin Cities guy who was the focus of my posts has publicly apologized and announced his intent to take a short vacation.  All of this is on the national board and doesnt require anyone to go to the "trouble" of reading the TC board.  As for buddym's point about the moderator, my understanding is that it's OK for TER member to object to another's post even if it has passed by the moderator.  Also, I'm not sure the posts in question violated any clear TER guideline, although IMO they were quite objectionable.  

As for the comments by yeast infection or whoever that guy is, feel free to disagree with me on substance but do me and everyone else on this board a favor and keep your sophomoric comments to yourself.  Yeah, I can skip posts like yours (hey you can skip mine) but it's tiresome.

I haven't looked at the board but I often let people post things that cross the line for two reasons...

1. If the poster is a jerk, let him (or her) show their true colors.

2. Rather than censoring the poster, let the board community have at the poster to set the poster straight.

If you feel strongly about the topic as Moment does, post away.



Is that your particular approach, or are all of the boards handled that way?  Just wondering...for the record, I agree with you.

I don't look at the other boards enough to know the mods styles. TER (Staff, Girl Next Door) gives us a lot of space to shape our own boards.


Just my two cents worth about all of these pompous guys. I suffered personally at the hands of Ben Dover of the twin cities. However, I will give him credit for finally offering an apology. I'm really sorry to see that there are more guys like him and the new expert on the Twin Cities board popping up. There is an underlying disrespect of woman in all of their posts and an overinflated sense of self. I'm not liking this trend ONE bit. Wasn't all of this supposed to be fun? Instead, it's getting adversarial. Lighten up folks.It's a tough enough business for us gals without you guys taking pot shots at us all the time. Those of us who take our jobs seriously are trying to make you happy not have pissing contests. I agree with Freezie. Make love, not war.


I also recall you said some nice things about the Twin Cities when you left.  Did you mean it, or was that just marketing?

Ben Dover2992 reads

one side of you says you had such a great time in the Twincities - All the men just rushed right over and stood in line to see you! Then out of the other side of your mouth, you can't stop saying how you "suffered" from my posts - Which is it? I'm willing to believe that my posts had ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT on your visit, or your life, or your emotions for that matter....I just think you can't stand it if anyone takes a differing opinion that you in that "maturity" is where the pinical of this hobby is.
  After our little spat on the board, I went back and read every post you've made since the beginning of this site, just to gain understanding of your thinking, CLEARLY you are the self-appointed carrier of the torch for the mature market, I'm ok with that, The thing I don't get is why do you still speak of me? or think about me at all! Aren't you far to busy and popular with the guys to even give me a second thought? -- Or is there more than your telling us here????

Mr. Info3016 reads

I think his mistake on the Nat board was more a
matter of taste/degree than any serious offense.
Other than that I haven't really been following

I'm too busy with my campaign to be the TC mod!

Patooie!4209 reads

it keeps you busy enough to stay away from here. By the way Howard, take Bill (Robin Quivers) and Junior (drunk midget)with you.

Ben Dover3086 reads

you are the age old "policy wonk" that keeps dropping by to tell us how to run things! The people you continue to talk down to ARE the new generation of posters - get the hell out of our way! -- YOU as MODERATOR! The way you micro-manage and over simplify every post you make! How about posting in your real handle so I can easly click on you name and see if you even have any reviews! or if you ever like girls! -- You have mistaken what the hobby IS! You think TER is the hobby! This site and the policies of the board are not why we come here! It's to discuss Providers, Hobbiests, Sexual proclivities, sexual intrests, post reviews, flirt with each other, gather and post links about interesting ladies we find - providers to post warnings about creepy hobbiests they meet, LE issues & warnings, ECT!
 How about comming on the TC board and doing a search of all the posts under my handle for the rather short time I've been posting and seeing if I do these things on a regular basis or not -- THEN by comparison, search YOUR posts! RARELY do you even mention WOMEN! let alone any of those other topics that this place was CREATED FOR! -- YOU of all people, want to be the one who moderates our board and you don't even understand what the board is for! Go back to the newbie board,  as Mr.Q&A and leave the hobbying to us!

see-thru raincoast and a black ipex bra and panties... cowboy boots with exquisite trim and a brand new toy..

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 7:38:31 AM

BILL183562593 reads

yesterday and I think he used bad taste and judgement by including the provider's weblink. I didnt think he was intentionally attacking the provider but said he felt sorry for her.He said she seemed troubled and distracted. Hell everyone can be troubled and distracted on any given day, whats so terrible about saying that.

I haven't seen any of his other posts but only bad judgement was giving a link to her which now has been removed

THFKAM3056 reads

This guy had another post on the TC board in which he personally attacked an extremely popular TC provider because she had 14 pages of reviews and therefore in WJG's estimation might be "worn out."  His reviews also reveal some serious hostility issues.  So it's not just bad judgment.  On the other hand, none of us are perfect and maybe my "crusade" will help the guy look in the mirror.

So, you don't like a reviewers remark? You feel he exposed someone? Well, what are you doing, Moment? You're chasing this guy who made an error all over the world and universe. Why bring this to the NY board? You're as guilty as he is. You've exposed his mistake just like he exposed her. Do I think he could have handled his little epiphany better? Absolutely. Would I have handled it that way? No way.

He apologized. Geez. If this stuff bothers you, perhaps you shouldn't read the board, because it's replete with things that are (in my opinion) cruel and insensitive. Yet, I don't defend everyone. Will you?  You'll be a corpse before your time. Where were you when there was a full fledged attack on Angie Renee sometime ago? Even though, I didn't participate in the conversation, I do remember thinking it was kind of brutal. When someone made the suggestion that she was a flake and should leave the hobby, I don't quite remember anyone posting their outrage on a bunch of different boards.

Perhaps you should become a moderator, Moment. You and the rest of the "Bitch and Ban" posse can ride around saving people from themselves. They made a mistake and posted something that was in bad taste?? Off with their posting rights!! No refund either. As a matter of fact, they have to continue to pay for three more months as punishment. You can also get on every board and rat everyone out.

The system isn't perfect. This is an opinion based review board. People are entitled to their opinion. They are entitled to speculate. This doesn't make their opinion valid or even accurate. But it is their opinion and they are entitled to it,just like you're entitled to get on and start posts and cry like a little Titty-Baby without fear of being banned or hunted down and pummeled.

In closing, all my future reviews will be submitted to you, Moment. That way if I make a mistake and say something like "She was distracted or didn't seem into it" or "I think she should pick a new profession", you can catch it in advance. This will save me the embarrassment of seeing my name splashed over the National Board, the NY board, the Philly board, the DC board, the Boston board, the Tijuana board...........

BILL183562270 reads

He made an error in judgement by including her link. He made a comment about providers that maybe he didn't think through before he wrote it but my gosh to chase him from board to board is a little over the top. I think the point he was trying to make is that the providers sadness touched him and he was now seeing a more human element to providers. I can't explain why he is just now seeing this but at least he's seeing it.

Some people here need to chill a little.

BILL183563592 reads

-- Modified on 8/6/2005 3:31:49 PM

THFKAM3677 reads

I realize this thread has been beaten to death, but your comments are pretty strong, and are joined to some extent by Bill, whom I respect, so permit me to briefly respond:

First, I'm not moderating.  I'm just expressing my opinion.  And in this instence, that opinion sparked a vigorous debate about the ethics of this hobby, which IMO is a good result.

Second, I agree with you that WJG is entitled to his opinions, just as I am entitled to mine.  But yes, I do think that WJG's posts crossed a line that should not be crossed, and I said so.  And he AGREED; that's why he apologized.  

It's also interesting to me that your memory of the AngieRenee episode is a bit selective.  What happened was that AR outed a hobbyist, which IMO is sort of the flip-side of the line which WJG crossed.  And at the risk of getting myself in a whole heap of trouble, I was the poster (under a prior username) who suggested she needed a break.  And she AGREED.  Maybe, in restrospect, and considering the whole issue in light of my reaction to WJG, I should have been more circumspect in my remarks, but again, what got me going was that my belief that the integrity of this board requires a fundamental level of decorum among hobbyists and providers.

BILL183564007 reads

Moment he made an error in judgement, he apologized. Let it go

This is TC board stuff and you are all busy bodies.  Maybe I will start running the NY board.  It concerns me as much as TC does you all.

Nice, gutless move going where you don't think I'd look.

THFKAM3731 reads

I dont know if you're directing this at me but if you are you have to be f**king kidding.  The NY posts have been basically about whether the guys on my own board agreed with my posts this weekend, and to be honest not everyone has.  Some people actually take your side, hard as that is to believe.  Finally, your post totally disregards the fact that after the flurry of posts on Saturday I basically have disengaged from you.  Dude, let's just agree to disagree and move on with our lives.

Lesson4u2597 reads

Shouldn't you be at your Toy Trains Collectors Club meeting right 'bout now?

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