New York

...because i don't believe reviews should be 100% subjective...
Vinnie Vegas 9066 reads
1 / 22

just wanted to make a mini post of my time w/jill.  she is a true friend experience surpassing even the gfe gold standard.  felt like a friend and person rather than a client.  kudos to the inimatable kim and bdj for this once-in-a-lifetime find.  i look forward to many more sessions w/jill and others from bdj.

mmax6969 25 Reviews 4455 reads
2 / 22

Jill is truly a special lady! There are also several indy's that fall into this catagory for me like:

Taylor James
Sexy Toni
Alana Allure

Kornlover 22 Reviews 3642 reads
3 / 22

I recommended to her last year that she raise her rates to what I believe the market is--for which I have been roundly criticized by some on this board.  In my view, that is how we treat our friends.

And I assume you paid Jill's current rate, and I don't hear you complaining.   Quite the contrary

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 4144 reads
5 / 22

I am going to miss the chat later this morning, but do I wish I could be there. Nothing better that bashing the heads of guys like you. Maybe chats will be scheduled for 9pm EST or 10pm EST whenever a situation that caused the chat to happen this morning comes about again.

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 3964 reads
8 / 22

are worth. We as consumers of their services, should make a judgement on whether we think they are worth the fee. This is simple logic and conforms with the concept of value shopping. There are a lot of high dollar and low dollar ladies that I pass on because they either offer services that I am not interested in or I decide that they do not appear to be worth what they are asking. In all cases, I do not run to discussion boards complaining about how much they are charging, that would be rather infantile.

Swinging Johnson 4206 reads
9 / 22
Kornlover 22 Reviews 3673 reads
10 / 22

Actually, this thread began with a post about what a great friend, beyond girlfriend, Jill is.   I do not apologize for telling a friend that she is under the market.  
Apparently, you do not.

I can tell from your post that you are not penurious--you say you can afford it--so I guess you are just cheap. I must assume that you post under an alias because you don't want the providers you deal with to know of your parsimony.

-- Modified on 1/20/2005 8:46:33 AM

Swinging Johnson 2844 reads
11 / 22

It is a no brainer. Encouraging inflation doesn't do fellow hobbyists any good.

Vinnie Vegas 3197 reads
12 / 22

when i see inferior looking women, in both body, service, and facially in the 250.00 range, what do you think top-notch ladies will do?  seems with a lot of the window shopping i do, i fat and unattractive women who are driving the increase in fees.  so if you have a woman who is head and shoulders above the rest it only stands to reason for the aforementioned fee increase.

photo55 3 Reviews 4072 reads
13 / 22

Sorry, don't agree.  thought she was way too old and way to used to be a quality fuck.  scared the hell out of me.  would have so much preferred someone that hasn't been through the mill.  I mean she was totally spaced out (from what I don't know)

personally think the BDJ has serious quality issues.

al900 46 Reviews 3765 reads
14 / 22

I have never seen her "spaced out" or looking like she has been "through the mill".

I have been with her many times, so this is personal experience.

I have also been with many women from BDJ and, IMHO, quality has never been an issue.

-- Modified on 1/20/2005 12:48:06 PM

-- Modified on 1/20/2005 12:53:32 PM

-- Modified on 1/20/2005 1:29:17 PM

photo55 3 Reviews 3978 reads
15 / 22

How many times do I have to write this.  but for Al900, yet again.  I have over 10 reviews among three accounts (two of which are inactive).  

my review of Jill was deemed inconsistent and was one of her first 10 and hence never made it to the general viewing public.  I complained but only received "credit" at that time.

to each their own and I'm allowed my opinion of Jill and BDJ just as much as the fan base is.....

-- Modified on 1/20/2005 1:05:46 PM

moleculo 22 Reviews 4268 reads
16 / 22

...and in fact both experiences were a little creepy.

i tend to believe the lowest ratings are the most accurate, regardless of the agency, and to me jill is a 7 until proven otherwise (a 7 for an aging, short, dd-implant bleach blond seems fair to me). her 10/10's are no more credible then nyconfi's.

i'm glad she has a great personality and gives a loving gfe to many loyal ter members, but i like mine packaged in tall, slim, natural, young 8's or 9's, which, btw, have become a lot harder to find with the demise of you know who.

can't wait for all the shit to rain down but i realize that anyone with an out of the mainstream opinion is fair game on this board.

let it rain!


Alana Allure See my TER Reviews 2559 reads
17 / 22

Miss you Jill Big Kisses xoxo
Gosh we will meet up soon xoxo
Love Alana xo
God I love to xoxoxoxooxoxoxox

Shaba Shaba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kornlover 22 Reviews 4215 reads
18 / 22

OK.   You don't like Jill.   You are entitled to your opinion.  I gave her a 10/10.   Why put me in the same category as the shills for NYConfid.?    I have been at this hobby for more than 20 years, and Jill is the best I have seen overall.   Mine is an honest review for someone who finds her beautiful, sexy and a joy to be with.

moleculo 22 Reviews 3572 reads
20 / 22

...and a 10 for "apperance" in her case is not objective.

why should appearance be objective? because of the ter rating system: a 10 ranks higher than a 9, and a 9 is "model material". we all know what models look like. therefore a 10 has to be at least good enough looking to land a modeling gig (and Lane Bryant and biker magazines don't count).

the "attitude", "atmosphere" and "comments" sections are the proper place to describe jill's beautiful qualities that extend beyond her appearance.

it's not really a question of integrity, its philosophy, and, regardless of motive, i don't buy anyone's 10/10s.


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