New York

Bad Review and Good reviews.
Hence69 3999 reads

Every agency and provider get bad reviews and get great reviews. Girl and guys can't always get along. It's the chemistry of two people that make a difference in session with each other.

I don't know of one agency in this country that gets all great reviews, wouldn't they be thought of now as bogus , yes they would.

I think they should have a profile also on the reviewer.

Age,weight, if he likes to shower in the beginning on an apt. and also does he  brush his teeth often.

When the guys read the reviews on a beaustiful girl who get s alot of great scores and then a few bad ones, maybe you should think it's the guys fault why the girl did not want to kiss him or maybe cbj was on the menu when it normally is not due to hygiene.DFK is most likely not going to happpen on this session and then there you go.. a bad review from this guy. It happens to so many girls because the readers can't see that sort of stuff.
Anyone care to commment?

-- Modified on 1/28/2005 7:25:12 AM

JustHere5249 reads

Her being busted is a bad thing? Why is this?

If in fact she was running minors she deserves to rot in hell. She may claim she didn't know.. bullshit. How can anyone condone the exploitation of minors? Rest assured LE will comb through her records and once they identify the minors, they (LE) will match them with the "johns" they met up with and come knocking on their doors (hence why it is stupid providing agencies with your personal information).

All of you are fools to get involved with agencies, providing them with your personal info, etc. It's just a matter of time as a high percentage will be busted. Yes, even the one from FL who lately seems to have taken over Jason's role on TER by ensuring all her girls receive rave reviews.

I just don't understand why these agencies don't work on the up and up. With all that money to be made, setup shop right. Run it like a legit business. Incorporate, pay taxes. Either place the girls on a legit payroll or provide them with 1099's. Why be so greedy? LE could care less what goes on between two consenting adults but they do care when millions are being made and taxes are being evaded.

BlindGuy3968 reads

Paying incomes taxes may not be enough . Prostitution is still illegal and if convicted of it, the Feds can seize All and ANY assets obtained through "ill-gotten" gains.

The Feds are currently trying to seize over $60,000 of "ill-gotten gains" from a well-known San Francisco provider (who is also a Stanford Law graduate).

-- Modified on 1/29/2005 9:35:19 PM

-- Modified on 1/29/2005 9:38:49 PM

Hence694000 reads

Every agency and provider get bad reviews and get great reviews. Girl and guys can't always get along. It's the chemistry of two people that make a difference in session with each other.

I don't know of one agency in this country that gets all great reviews, wouldn't they be thought of now as bogus , yes they would.

I think they should have a profile also on the reviewer.

Age,weight, if he likes to shower in the beginning on an apt. and also does he  brush his teeth often.

When the guys read the reviews on a beaustiful girl who get s alot of great scores and then a few bad ones, maybe you should think it's the guys fault why the girl did not want to kiss him or maybe cbj was on the menu when it normally is not due to hygiene.DFK is most likely not going to happpen on this session and then there you go.. a bad review from this guy. It happens to so many girls because the readers can't see that sort of stuff.
Anyone care to commment?

-- Modified on 1/28/2005 7:25:12 AM

BadBusines rules3618 reads

Underage girls always get the authorities attention and drugs.
So far the underage issue and also being a brothel was the only thing that brought the attention to the authorities over a year ago to start checking this place out.

These brothels open and close all the time , they move to different locations constantly but when you have undergae girls, that a whole different isssue.I would say that Julies is going to have to prove alot to come clean that these girl were 18 and over.

Nobody likes to see these things happen to anyone but underage girls should not be in this indusrty period. I have a kid and I would be so hurt to know she did not have the right mind to do this and being that most are runaways,they are just proably were offered a place to stay and money to make. It's a shame.

Fistfuck3220 reads

void in the marketplace for a new QUALITY lower priced agency in NYC.

I think the cops should go after anyone who would put a child in that type of situation. If it was my kid, I would kill the person responsible.
Not all agencies are the same. And not all agencies keep the clients personal information. It is really careless to keep that information. Especially at the location they are conducting business. It is not only dangerous for their clients but it will be used as evidence against the agency.
Once you know the client is ok, there is no reason to keep their personal info. Unfortunetly I have to ask for certain info to make sure I am not putting someone in an unsafe situation. Girls get hurt and even killed when an agency doesnt screen their clients. And if you think independents are that much safer to give your info to, you are sadly mistaken. Once you have a problem with LE you open yourself up to being investigated.


I know several providers that pay taxes every year.  Usually they pay quarterly estimated tax (as someone who owns their own business).  The occupation could be listed simply be Personal Escort, or something similar.

Regarding the underage issue, it is a verrrrrrrry bad idea to anyone working who isn't or age.  They don't have the mental capacity to deal with the situation.  That's not to say that all people of age do, but it is just common sense.  Now the fun part is figuring out who is and isn't of age.

BlindGuy4228 reads

Even if escorts pay their income taxes, they could still lose EVERYTHING they own.

Prostitution is illegal (IMHO, it should be illegalized) and if an escort or escort agency is busted and convicted, the government can seize ANY and ALL ASSETS obtained through "ill-gotten gains." As an example of seizure of "ill-gotten gains," the Feds are currently attempting to seize over $60,000 in cash from an escort in San Francisco (who is a graduate of Stanford Law School).

The government prosecutors usually defer to the IRS in cases of non-payment of income taxes because of the ease and speed of such tax cases. But the Feds can still seize "ill-gotten" assets.

-- Modified on 1/29/2005 9:37:10 PM

You've hit it right on the nail.
Some of you ask sometimes why do you have to give the info again since you did it a week or a month ago.  That is the reason. Unless we recognize your voice and name, screening is repeated since your info is not kept.  It serves us in my opinion no purpose.  The only purpose of this info is to make sure the person you are seeing is safe. Once that is being established, here comes the shredder.

Be safe

LarryBrilloHeadGigolo3386 reads

am deeply saddened and angry at the hypocrocy of this all (See my post in the other Julie's thread above).  I thought the reaction would be different on a board like this.  Most of you have responded to this just like idiots.  "Julie baaad!!"  "Lets hang um!!!"  "They do bad things kill em!!!!"

Sounds like you all want to feel a little self-righteous for a while.  "If it were my daughter I would kill em!" and etc.

Please let me pose a couple questions:

If those worried about someone's daughter being involved, what do you think of a provider (whom I know personally) who is 19 but very naive and whose parents would actually have a stroke if they new what their daughter was doing after school?  I suggested to her many times that I didn't think she should be doing this.  I told her this because she is not very quick wited and is quite gullible.  Should we arrest the agency she worked for?  Why?  Because she is gullible and young?  Ok, what should the minimum age be? 25?  35? 45?

What about you who say Julie's should have been more legit like and pay taxes and all.  OK, do you realize declaring a 3 million dollar gross will get some attention? Unwanted attention as the business is illegal.  This would open another can of worms.

Hey, but Julies didn't pay much tax.  Ok then. Wouldn't you say the countless restaurants, bars etc which essentially deal in cash should be shut down?  They are essentially on the honor system to report their gross.  Reporting 400 thousand unstead of 800 saves them hundreds of thousands in taxes yearly. I've worked for a few that declared a fraction of what they were taking in. Better yet, what about the fortune 500 companies who profit extensively by tax loopholes and other tricks?  Why doesn't anyone come down on them?

What about Johny and Jimmy's bagel shop up the street?  They hired a 16 year old boy illegally.  Should we close them down?  I'm sure John's 10 year old daughter wouldn't appreciate her dad being broke and not being able to afford school supplies.  But the 16 year old working there is not having sex you say.  Ok, should we focus on trying to stop minors from having sex with each other?  Cause we know that would be easy to do.

I am disappointed in most of you.  Julies was a fair place.  Reasonably priced and accommodating.  Clean too as far as stds go, or so that's what I've heard.  I don't like the idea of a minor working at a brothel.  But how about looking into the situation that led to her running away.  Shouldn't the police investigate what was going on in her life that found her as a runaway in a strange city?  100 bucks somone was abusing her at home.  And This Is Only IF There is any truth to the allegations that a minor was hired.  And let's not forget some minors get very believable fake ID.

And I better repeat this cause complex thoughts and ideas are beyond some of you.  I DO NOT THINK IT'S OK FOR A MINOR TO WORK IN A BROTHEL.   I do however think police resources and taxpayer monies are better spent on protecting the population against overtly violent crimes instead of spending countless hours and manpower on stings that border on entrapment.  In my neighborhood an elderly woman was assaulted and killed for her purse in broad daylight.  The cops still don't have a clue about a suspect.  But whenever a massage parlor opens up, they come swooping down hard and heavy.  Of course this is not the cops fault as these decisions are dictated from the higher ups.

I really believe this hobby should legal and regulated.  Imagine going to an incall that you know had to have regular std tests and a standard of working conditions for the girls and all.  Wouldn't you feel more comfortable?  Of course that wont happen.

Good luck out there.

LBHG.......superbly stated....couldn't agree more!!

The real hypocrites are the politicians and lawmakers who love to proclaim how holier than thou they are, yet they "hobby" more than the hardest core hobbiest on this board.

The stench of the BS politicians and police chiefs makes me wanna puke!!

I never said Julie had children there and I know not everything written in the papers is true. But anyone who is is "proven guilty" of this kind of crime deserves to be prosecuted if they know the girl is a minor. That's all.
And btw friend, I know your writing style quite well. How was everything last night?

-- Modified on 1/28/2005 3:45:27 PM

LarryBrilloHeadGigolo2836 reads

My main point is that the hypocrisy meter goes off the charts when this sort of story comes out.  I wish safe and happy hobbying for all involved.  As for me, I admit I am posting this under an alias (I usually don't use an alias) because I am fearful of the current situation here in NYC, with a heavy handed LE policy, angry madams, disgruntled clients etc.  Eh, nyjewels I don't believe we've ever met.  Actually, I was home all day and night yesterday.  Sorry I'm not who you think I am but I am a long time member here(since 2002) with many reviews.

I thought you were an old friend. Your writing style is very similiar. Alyssa

I agree with Larry - I have been going to Julie's for 3 years and I can categorically state that I have not seen or been with anyone that looked 15 years (as reported in the NY Post).  Julie's may have had runaway's (who is to know that from an encounter) however to say there were minors working is absolute garbage.  Julie had a very successful business and LE needed to bust it - the underage headlines is just sensational reasoning on LE's part.

BeenTharDunThat23705 reads

the mioner was? It doesnt say in the article who was underaged. I never knew Julies to have children. I thougt most of their ladies were older. If its true I say thats a very bad thing. But is it true?

stpenn4065 reads

I heard that the real reason that Julies was busted was that police found an ashtray in one of the provider’s apartment.

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