New York

abygails...the mystery continues...
moleculo 22 Reviews 5341 reads

business must be great at abygails...they've hung up on me four times and haven't responded to an email.

the first time, i identify myself, ask if Jenny is available, the answer: "next week", what is her rate? "1", is Jill available: "next week"; do you have incall?:"it depends"; are the girls gfe: "call me back later...", when is a good time?: "call me back...CLICK!"; call back later, get answering machine. leave name and phone number and message that i'd like to book an appointment: no one calls back...

the following monday, i call, identify myself and ask if Jenny is available, the answer is "no...go to the website", tell her that I'm at the website: "...well, decide who you want and call me back...CLICK!" i call back, identify myself again, ask the phone person's name (since it was a different person from the previous week): "call me back...CLICK"; call back, get answering machine.

yesterday afternoon, send an email asking to set up an appointment for any one of three days this week, identify four girls, ask for a recommendation: 24 hours later, no response.

today, i call, ask to book a girl: "where and when?", this afternoon; "where?", do you have incall? "not yet...CLICK!"; call back to say that i can book a hotel if no incall, get answering machine!

by now i know that this place has to be a fraud, or the worst run agency on earth, but my curiosity won't let it go...


such a gargantuan effort?
We all appreciate your sharing this sort of information though, it helps us all!!

I would call another agency. They need to learn how to treat clients. Dont give them your business after they treated you like that.

Call them back and say "who can I fuck Now!" If that doesnt work just scream "I "m cumming" And hang up! Or tell them you know Shlomo Shlong Dong! Basically Fuck'em

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