New York

A few things
thirsty 2 Reviews 4121 reads

First, please reply in a separate thread. I have a few points to make. I don't want this thread to be so long that it becomes unreadable.


You might remember that I always say I love it when somebody willingly posts something that makes themself look bad. However, no matter what you feel about the controversy on this board recently, it is clear that people on both sides of the issue have been sinking to new levels of name calling. People, if you have a POV, you will get more people to listen if you express yourself thoughtfully rather than resorting to name calling. First and foremost, don't waste my time submitting insult filled posts. Moderated posts like this will not be approved. Unmoderated posts will be removed and the poster will be moderated. I know what some of you are thinking right now and all I can say is, (in my best 10 year old voice) "I know you are but what am I?" ;)


-- Modified on 1/21/2005 7:06:26 AM

The ALIAS feature is not going anywhere so get over it. I can promise that the ALIAS feature will not be used to attack competitors or those with a competing POV.


I don't intend to clean up old threads but I will moderate anyone who I feel is a bit ALIAS happy.

A recent form of abuse was to use an alias that was an intentional misspelling of another poster, e.g., captjyve.  Why not just outlaw this obnoxious practice?

As I suggested in the linked post, there are ways to continue this practice even without the ALIAS feature. You can certainly lobby Staff but I'm not going to unilaterally ban the use of aliases on this board. All that would do is create a spate of new usernames.


Because it's a handy feature.  Many peoples identities are known.  Some questions require anonymity for a true answer.  No provider is going to anything honest here if it has a chance to impact her business.  But with an alias no topic is too "dangerous" to discuss.

I don't care about their opinions. This isn't like the 980 stores called Ray's Original Pizza in Manhattan. I am sure that Thirsty will take care of repeated abuses.

-- Modified on 1/21/2005 11:11:26 AM

VERBAL KINT2935 reads

The other day I created captjve, IM PAYNG HERE!, FistFcuk and molecolu to spoof and mock some of the vocal posters in the New York Confidential wars. Granted some posts were over the top, and apparently some were dead on because many failed to pick up on the giveaways: captjve's traumatic potty training, IM PAYNG HERE!'s view that living in his parent's basement is just as good as a $2mm co-op, FistFcuk's view that, since hobbyist's pay for sex, they don't have to pay attention to cleanliness, and molecolu's disdain for the "filthy humiliation of seeing a $300 hooker".

Not to be mawkish, but over 200,000 people died in the tsunami; how serious can you take this business? I'm in it to have fun.

That's actually the title of a Ring Lardner short story. The reason your puerile humor is out of place on this website--particularly as one must be 18 to access the website--has to be explained to you, since you've never posted a review. Active members of the TER Board are interested in the exchange of the most intimate and personal details of anyone's life--sex. While I and the others you've listed can ignore your jejune comments, "fart" jokes, etc., others may be deterred from "opening" up and revealing themselves. Those of us who go to TER to get the most personal details--"Did she let you lick her pussy? Did it smell? What did it taste like?"-will be the losers if you've managed to deter someone from revealing his or her personal experience.

You want a "captive audience"--pardon the pun, but I couldn't help myself--go to any comedy club on "Open Mike Night" and give it your best shot. On these boards, you come across as a juvenile jock sniffer at a cocktail party given by the owner of the Rangers--bad jokes trying to get a word into a conversation among the players because you really have nothing to say of interest to the others at the party.

VERBAL KINT3005 reads

Listen up fool:

1) VERBAL KINT is an alias; under my handle I've posted twenty reviews and my insights are sought out frequently by other members

2) None of my posts have ever contained fart jokes (although the Janet Reno/Bill Clinton one that was posted here was very funny)

3) I've posted on this board for more than two years and I do not recall the type of graphic discussion you describe as ever being the topic of a thread

4) In my experience members come here to finds leads on quality escorts, not to engage in pornography

5) You are not a player but an abrasive nuisance

Note to thirsty: to me, captyve's post above is a flame, mean-spirited and meant to cause trouble. Under the guidelines posted at the top of this board, it should have been deleted. Is the fact that it wasn't deliberate or an oversight?


frankie2003a3336 reads

Aliases have been outed on other TER boards.  Sometimes
cryptically, sometimes not.

When someone posts alot with an alias you can figure out who it
is.  I find it a challenge and also fun to legitamately figure
out an alias from his or her posts.

Of course someone posting alot with an alias would not fall into
one of the "serious" uses of an alias - like reporting dangerous
people or something of that nature.  These uses of aliases are
usually one offs and do not allow for sleuthing.

dude out

Nobody can stop you from speculating. It's impossible for you to out somebody unless they admit you are right.


King of all Aliases2347 reads

You are the best!

King of All Aliases

aka !@#$
aka %^&*
aka ()_+

One of the great things that separates TER from websites of this type is that our message boards instill a greater sense of community. The boards I moderate have always been very active because I encourage posters to talk about anything they want. (For those of you who find this subject compelling, providers in Boston are now discussing their favorite hand creams. ;)

The point is if you narrow the posts to schedule/ads and ISOs, there is no reason to come back here everyday. IMHO, the moderator's main job is to give you a reason to come back here everyday. This is one of the "big picture" ideas that many people in the hobby refuse to see.

Having said that, the main reason why we are here is the hobby. Schedule/ads and ISOs should not get lost in endless threads about sports, politics and any other hot topics. As I did when I was here before, I will ask you to keep off topic threads to one per page for each topic. Now I know NYConfidential isn't off topic but I will ask you to confine your thoughts on the issue to one thread per page. Many have alleged that the "bla bla bla" posters have attempted to shout down this topic. My feeling is that if we keep each topic to one thread per page, those who wish to can still discuss this issue. For those who want to move on, I say, "It's only one thread per page. You have my permission to not read it!"


AKA "I love you Elizabeth!" posts. ;)

Many of the regular posters have ATF providers. Whether you call these shill posts or over-enthusiastic fan posts, I don't think it is fare to providers/agencies that keep a lower profile if you over do it. Let's try the one thread per page rule here as well.


Agreed. I came up with a new acronym for that:
bls: borderline shilling.
It is like proper shagging. has two levels.
bls levels are:
1. provider gives a discount and the person writes a favorable review because they got lucky on a special rate the provider was giving.
2. "I live and so.....
then shilling...which no explaination is needed.
There are some of us that are independent and quite and othes more agency related that like to keep on the down low for reason obvious as of late...busts, le, personal issues,,,ect...

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