New York

;-) Old news.... ;-)
27cigar 14 Reviews 2497 reads

That article gets posted at least once a year somewhere...the names, the cities and the rants may change but the underlying theme remains the same... ;-)

There is so much wrong with the link below, however, the most offensive to me is her rate.

Who knows what was going through her head when she posted that?  Maybe she had a bad week, had just gotten ripped off, was criticized about her rates being too high, etc.  Or maybe she just needed to take a break for awhile, or just got drunk one night, and vented her frustrations on the board?  Who knows, but there is not info or history to put this into perspective...

If you don't vent sometimes, you blow up.....

Alot of those things ARE said quite frequently in session....! especially the "you're clean right?" thing, and the "tell me your real name" I do feel that is an invasion. I do not like that either.

Ugly Betty1863 reads

Most gals hate the Johns that come see them, and want them to cum, and leave quickly.Most gals hate fingers in their pussies, and asses. Do you guys really think 20 somethings are enamored with fat, old bald guys, or guys that slurp on their pussy most of the session because they can't fuck properly? Or guys that smell, or leave skidmarks? Providers also hate guys that are seeking a girl friend in a session. Most of what's in that rant is true, but providers won't admit it publicly.

The last time I saw that rant posted, over a dozen providers told me they wanted to frame it because that's the way they really feel. Don't delude yourselves guys. It's about the Franklins period.

First of all there are many reasons why a women chooses to be a "provider". You will be happy to know that from my knowledge of knowing and talking to providers, most of us actually do have a very high sex drive. We just absolutely love love love sex! I garantee this is true. I am quite aware of what at least TER ladies feel about their "job" and most do genuinely have a high sex drive. Other reasons women do this, is to support their families after a divorce. Some of those women, may not have the high sex drive, but they will have a great attitude and provide a great service, because they are thinking of more then themselves. They are thinking of paying for a good life for their children. So, single mothers you can be pretty sure will have a great attitude and service, and girls with just super high sex drives will have a great attitude and service. Now, there are some girls who are only thinking of making loads of money, and don't really have a passion for sex, or have love for people, and this might be the reason for all the negativity. Honestly, you cant really make more money doing this then you can with other things. I made the same amount of money doing my music full time as I do with providing. Now I combine the two, because I love the two. But alot of women, see shows like that new show on showtime, "secret diary of a call girl"... and they just jump in, thinking there's all this money to be made, and they don't have the right reasons and heart for doing this. This can of course reflect a bad service and attitude. The good thing is that its quite easy to avoid these girls, because they will make it very obvious to you, in their phone ettiquete, emails responses, and adverts. Thats Kinda a good thing don't you think? They don't fool anyone, like this girl for instance. They put it all out there for you, telling you they don't give a shit. So you have the choice then to go see them or not. Believe it or not, some guys want to be with a girl who has no sensitivity. I remember a few guys in the beginning of my time in New York (before my reputation was well-known), and those men didnt want any connection or good intention. They just wanted me to bend over face the wall and not say a word. Not look them in the eyes, and the only words they wanted out of me were "f**k me hard till I break". Now, I suppose a guy like that would be more then happy with a girl like her, correct??

Now just like I, for instance, am a singer, musician, and writer, I am also doing those things which I have a love for and good skill at, to also profit and make a living off of. I was born with a natural talent as a creative writer and musician, but I loved my gift so much, that I have chosen in my life to also use it as a profession. This allows me to do what I love and also make a living off of it. Its the same with girls who love sex, love spending time with a man, making a connection... they love this so much, that they choose to make it their profession. Now this is the majority of women that I know TER has profiled. And I do believe this is what most of you have seen during your hobbying experience. It is like any job in life, where if you don't like what you do, you just dont do it. Why suffer? I certainly couldn't do something I don't have a passion for. Life is too short to be miserable. So this girl who ranted, may be one of the few who just doesn't have this intense sex drive. It seems she has all she wants and needs from her husband. She probibly is like alot of women (the husbands tell me this sad news), who like it just once a week or month or year. She was probibly just attracted to the idea of making alot of money, and decided to "grin and bear it". But noone will ever have the right attitude if they do any job in the world with an attitude of "grin and bear it."

As for the complaints she mentioned. Again, this all has to do with a girl's love and compassion level. Of course not every man is attractive. But who cares? I know most of the girls I know don't care about how a man looks. We care about hygene and manners and having respectful attitudes, and of course our safety is a top priority. We don't care about looks. I don't know one single provider who cares about looks. We don't care if you are bald, or have 3 hairs on the top of your heads, or a full head of curly red hair. We don't care if you have a hairy chest or hairless chest. We don't care if your legs are long and lean or short and stocky, chest all toned from weights or fat from too much beer. Honestly, we don't care. We love you for who you are.
Dry fingers, true they aren't feeling that great. But a girl who is with a right attitude and diplomacy will know how to resolve this very politely during the moment, rather then have to rant later on.

Anyway, I think a rant like this makes you all think that we all think this way. It's not how we all "really thing" as some of you suggested. From my knowledge, most girls don't care how a man looks, we do have good attitudes and high sex drives, we do care about the feelings and well-being of our clients, we strive to leave a great impression on those we play with. And we do this for not just the money, we do it because we love people.
Don't take those rants to heart. As someone else said, we don't know her mindset or why she wrote it. But it doesn't really matter, because she has shown who she is, and how she thinkgs,and in a way that is a good thing, because now you know if will ever see her or not. Just don't go putting all us ladies in the same basket. Take her for what she is and says, respect that she was honest about HERSELF, but don't think that we all feel this way. As I have said many times, most of the ladies I know have a great attitude and love all you wonderful men.

Hope this helps. Flora

-- Modified on 7/21/2008 6:21:57 AM

Yes, life is too're very lucky in life if you can enjoy what you do & make a living at sound like someone I'd like to meet..

if this person is so unhappy with her job, then how can she provide a good enough service to be worth $500.  

Just like any other person, I'm sure she doesn't feel exactly the same all the time.  However, Is it possible to hide venom like that?  Is it possible to hide it so well that you should command top dollar?  Apparently so, just surprising to me.

BTW, I just saw the rant for the first time.  I did not intend to revisit an old topic.

Sounds like schtick, maybe a man maybe someone who wanted people to read Craigs list.  What real provider has the time for this?  Maybe a man thought it was funny.  I am highly highly skeptical its a provider.  sounds familiar in writing style to other rants that have been posted

I'd hate to think I might unsuspectingly call this woman.

That article gets posted at least once a year somewhere...the names, the cities and the rants may change but the underlying theme remains the same... ;-)

I've red a few times now these "let me do my fucking job which is making YOU cum and stop trying to make ME cum" comments.
Although I'm pretty sure this was never told personally similar threads were posted already.
Providers who feel this way should take this as a hint. "The client is always right" thing is true, although we can't do wathever we want, we are the ones who can help you become better providers.
A good provider is not the one who does her job the way she likes. A good provider is the one that satisfies clients, even by doing stuff you may consider silly.
It is kind of silly after all the fact that we are the ones paying you and we are the ones trying to give you pleasure. But remember that we guys are extremelly visual and watching a girl squirm in pleasure make us crazy. That's why pornography sells so much. So let us live this fantasy, which is all this is about.
I many times asked the provider I'm with to just masturbate, then I tell her to let me help her masturbate, that makes me crazy, I even got a boner right now by just typing this.
We do appreciate all the tips you give us about how to give head to a girl for example and other stuff, that make us better lovers, but please do the same and take our hints on how to satisfy us the way we like, which many times means to be just passive and let us try at least make you cum.
OK, that's all.
Lots of love for you ladies.

It has made its rounds a few times already.

I think what you have there is a woman who is burned out, lol.  We all don't feel that way.

The magic cure for me, if I meet someone I have an issue with- I don't see them again.  It makes everyone happier in the long run.

It's not worth the money to be so miserable.  I value my sanity and enjoyment very much, if seeing a particular client sucks the life out of me I don't care how much I am getting paid- it just isn't worth it.

Happy Provider = Good Provider in my book.


"how can she provide a good enough service to be worth $500."

She may very well be very good at what she does.
Certainly she isn't saying this to people walking in the door.
I often hear people speaking of the fantasy in all of this . the writter mentions it as well .I have a little theory on fantasy . Personally I do not believe in it. Pixies, neverland , mythical creatures , santa clauss and the like just have never been all that convincing to me . I think it is possible the fantasy I hear everyone speaking of isn't completely of the hobbiest desire. I submit that if a girl feeling this negative about the men she is seeing  and job she is doing then it is entirely possible the fantasy is for her benefit and not yours. If someone really felt this way about their job then maybe she would need to make it a fantasy and simply not real as a coping mechanism . If it were real and she felt this way it could be crippling leaving the girl emotionally bankrupt regardless of the money she makes. I feel sorry for her even if it was a transient feeling and fleeting moment she was having.
I honestly think the guys might quite like a girl who isn't creating a fantasy and truly loves to be with the men regardless of their looks , age , number of hairs on his head ect.I have said before to people and stand by it , if I was to create a fantasy woman she couldn't ever be as good as the real me . If I could create a character more likable , interesting and sexy than myself I might want to consider being an actress or playwrite .The provider would be kidding herself to think the  one dimensioal character a girl might create for forfilling your fantasies is really going to be bought by anyone other than someone looking for exactly that fantasy. Also consider all of our fantasies will differ to some extent. If it is an act it will in someway resinate and if you look hard enough you will find the strings in any puppet show imho . I like to keep it real. Kendall

A couple of points come to mind:

On pleasure:  I once had a provider who I believe was really being truthful with me tell me that the 'real' reason I shouldn't worry about her pleasure was that having big O's, especially early in the evening, left her worn out as the night went on.

On fantasy:  I truly believe that for every man who sees a provider to fulfill a fantasy, there are two more who are seeing her either for the intimacy of the experience or for sheer variety.  And sometimes those three men are the same man, too.

Another good commentary....I never believed in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, or Elvis reincarnated either......

For me, providers are Santa Claus.  And I don't mind paying to help feed the reindeer.  Everybody has to eat.

ROTFLMAO yes I think she is just burnt out. It happens to all of us. But then again maybe she is not. Providers do not provide because we have a high sex drive. That is a myth. The ones of us who love doing what we do love it because we love people. We love meeting new people. The excitement of getting ready, opening the door, knowing this man is willing to pay just to have an hour of your time. We love learning about places and things we have never experienced. Be it the man who rock climbs or the one who just rebuilds classic cars, it is new and exciting for us to hear about it. Now do not get me wrong we love sex too, but if that was just the case, I would think we would be at the local bar or club instead. I come for the people that I meet. They are priceless and very insightful.

I've seen this before - I actually find it hilarious.

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