New Mexico

Re: I'll Go First!
RedorGreenorXmas 17 Reviews 963 reads

One of my favorite quotes of all time: I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death.

This ideal is probably one of the main reasons I am in the hobby as well.

Best advice I've ever gotten related to here: stay away from anyone who advertises on BP, no matter if they have other places or reviews on the web.  Told to me by my first (and almost last) BP advertiser.


And since it's my first time, I'll try to go easy on you ;-)


What is the best piece of advice you've received? (This could be regarding the hobby, or just life in general)


See... Now that wasn't so bad!

Here is one of my favorites:

"Twenty years from now you, will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do"

I received this little gem when I was deciding if I was going to join this profession or not. I loved the idea of escorting, but had insecurities about if I was cut out for the more complicated aspects of the job (safety, accounting, marketing, etc..). One of my very good friends said this to me and it's completely true. How many women have the fantasy of being an escort, but never  the courage to try? I was not going to be one of those women! This bit of advise has helped me make a lot of decisions since then.  

Should I have a nude photo shoot? (YES! You'll never be this young again).  
Unexpected funds: Should I go on the trip I've always wanted to go on, or should I save extra money? (GO! In a few years, I won't regret that I don't have that money in my savings, but I will regret that I didn't go on that trip when I had the chance).
Should I go dancing with my friends tonight? (YES! Don't worry....Netflix will still be here when you get back)
Life is way too short to miss out on adventures and opportunities because of fear.

When I am old and grey, I don't want to look back on my like and think "I wish I would have....". I would rather look back and think "That was one Hell of a ride!"

One of my favorite quotes of all time: I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death.

This ideal is probably one of the main reasons I am in the hobby as well.

Best advice I've ever gotten related to here: stay away from anyone who advertises on BP, no matter if they have other places or reviews on the web.  Told to me by my first (and almost last) BP advertiser.


Hey RGX!

I love that first piece of advise! It's very similar to mine. I agree with the second as well!


In regards to this, what about the cities that BP is widely used ? There's no other form of advertisement to choose from as hobbyest use only BP in that city.

In Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s wonderful novel Cat's Cradle a character says "Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God".  Same idea as yours, it has served me well when I feel tempted to refrain fro adventures due to the fear of the unknown.  Take big bites out of life and enjoy!

"Never eat anything at a single sitting that you cannot lift."

Ha ha ha. Sound advise for anyone! Thank you for indulging me!

This has got to be, hands down, the best advice I have ever received. It is applicable to all areas of one's life. Sometimes we are so accustomed to accomplishing a task the way that we have always done it and miss the opportunity to do it better or more efficiently.  

Thank you for putting some pep in the step of this board, Noel. Great job!

That's a very good way to look at thing s also! I strongly encourage thinking outside the box.

Thank you for indulging me, lovely lady! You're the best!

whore like a lady and a lady like a whore and you'll never want for pussy...

                                           ----- my old papp

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