New Mexico

Re: I nominate Mikey for our new mod! )eom(
Puck 20 Reviews 8178 reads
1 / 9

as Douglas Adams might say.

I've been moderating boards here for 2 years and it's time to give someone else a chance at all the fun. Interesting wouldn't cover the experience, more like the farewell Bilbo Baggins made at his eleventy-first birthday celebration:
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
Have fun, be safe and I'll see you around the boards.
Peace out.

Ol_Desperado 59 Reviews 8215 reads
3 / 9
hiddenhills 143 Reviews 6353 reads
4 / 9
MP67 11 Reviews 7994 reads
6 / 9

First off, I'd cut the alias' off at the knees. The only reasons I'd let an alias post is because they asked a legitimate question so that they didn't want everybody to know who they were. Something that might be embarrassing to them and possibly hinder their trade if they were a provider or their chances of hobbying if they were a john.

The posters that attack them under an alias, their post would be pulled. Simple.

I feel if you put yourself out there, you garner a certain sense of respect and should be treated with such. That's why you posted under an alias. And if someone shits allover you under an alias themselves, I have a problem with that.

Call it hypocritical cuz I'll shit allover you. But I NEVER use an alias.

If you use an alias to post something fun, more power to you. I won't pull it cuz you used an alias.

You get my meaning?

I'd like a lot of fun and cool shit. And this is up to you. I'd take suggestions, and come up with some ideas of my own.

It's a board. I don't own it. I'd just moderate it. You own it. Thru your dues, your reviews, or what-not. I'd just be there to make sure shit didn't get too out of hand, not unlike the reason I'm moderated now. ;)

The way I see it is, once you've been made responsible for a certain thing, you have to own up to it.

I'm sure the people that have kids can understand this. You fucked off all your life, then you became a parent. You can't fuck off like you used to. Sure, here and there, but not as often as you normally would.

Look. I dig the idea of being a mod, and then I don't. You don't get paid for it, other than free VIP. It might validate a certain sense of 'respect'? But since I don't give a fuck what most people think of me anyway, WTF?

I do dig the idea of taking it in another direction. Especially with the NM board. It's sooo dead.

It'd be cool to have posters from other regions get on here and share their shit. I do on other boards around the country. Why shouldn't they do it here?

Anyway, it's not up to me. And I certainly can understand when Foxy reads this why she pisses in her cute little G-string! lol!

That BANG and splat you just heard was the sound of the bullet leaving her .45 and splitting my skull open...! ;)

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 9444 reads
7 / 9

I say you're definite mod material now  !

MP67 11 Reviews 8844 reads
8 / 9

I'm really a swell guy. Down to earth. Mellow.

I don't know WHERE the fuck these people get this false impression of me...? ;)

Apollo-x 8626 reads
9 / 9

Too late OD :)

The powers had to go all the way to Mount Olympus to get me on board.

By the way. You are moderated for making a tasteless, poor joke and belittling the moderator process.    

Just kidding!! :)

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