New Mexico

I'll tell you what....regular_smile
MP67 11 Reviews 5340 reads

If you do me good, I won't drink.

That's a hell of a stretch for me. And anyone that knows me will testify to that.

How bad do you want the challenge is a better question?... ;)

where is everyone hiding ? Is there another board  her locally that gets all the buzz? anyone want to say hello and what we might be able to do to get thing started ? Our PHX was  like watching paint dry  last August  and now its  really fun  but it takes a group effort you already have some of the more funny guys here  and there must be some gals out here that would like to come out and play with me .......

clever play on words there Apollo so at least I know NM has a cool mod that's a good start!

Has to be to keep me here, lol! But yeah, Vic told me she was gonna do this. The do-gooder type, you know. ;)

okay so I do not drink  gimme another  good reason to type  lol I will do you good !

If you do me good, I won't drink.

That's a hell of a stretch for me. And anyone that knows me will testify to that.

How bad do you want the challenge is a better question?... ;)

very bad! lol  I am empressed you not get your drink on.......for me ! I love that fact!

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