New Jersey

Well, it seems we are back on peopleconfused_smile
SkylerRain See my TER Reviews 1965 reads

Not sure how, what or WHEN this happened but it seems that the US is back on the site. VERY weird seeing how everything is frozen in time from April 2018, lol.  

I guess lets see how it goes. :)  

This site did a LOT for me in the early years but the fact that we were totally abandoned, ignored and not refunded is kind of lame.  (Im sure I am not the only 1 who was charged for VIP membership AFTER we werent allowed on anymore. Then also never responded to after 1 email saying they were figuring it out a their lawyers.)  
I  hope that this site is open to evolving in a Post-SESTA world.  We as a hobby have changed a lot in the United States since April 2018.  
One of the biggest issues - a provider cant get more than a 7 unless giving "certain" services." Not all men WANT those services. I personally believe than nobody can tell a  how good a time he had. 1 man may have had a 9 with a bbbj, a massage  and some daty on the side.... while another needs more than that. But the man that DOESNT want FS isnt allowed to give a higher score unless he fabricated his review?  

I SO hope that we as a community  are open to some positive  changes.  

Xoxo SkylerRainNJ

I signed on and only have basic when I had a few more months to go on my VIP membership   I emailed their CS dept   Let’s see if they make good    If I have to buy new VIP membership I done     Did w/o site for months anyway

I was VIP and whitelisted for many years. Now using "Tunnelbear" to re-route access. I'll wait and see if activity picks up and makes it work re-upping.

I hope things change with the review system, however, I am glad to see that they are back up. A few advertising forums took advantage of  providers by raising cost almost 100 percent in most cities. For that reason, I am glad TER is back up. I'm also tired and afraid to keep sending my identification in for verification.  As far as membership, TER should start off by giving everyone at least 1-3 months free.

You are 100% right.  So glad you put this out there.

OMG...Back when TER was up and running in the open I'd see your ads and fantasize about you. Tall sexy blond, smart, what's not to like?
 I always regretted never hooking up. I was whitelisted, but I think when the site "moved" that info was lost.
Anyway, have a nice holiday, and if you find yourself in NJ, and looking to date a nice, repectful and generous Silver Fox hit me back.

++++1 here FreeSpeech
Jennifer is gorgeous. I wish I had met her and hope someday we will

On other boards here I'm seeing that TER is crediting people with VIP time they had when the site was closed to the US. I believe you have to ask.

Finally! Hope to see you soon ...

I’m knocking ally I am so happy this site is backed up because I had just started in this amazing industry and I didn’t even know or I still don’t know how to utilize the erotic review I would love some advice I’m not asking for it now this probably isn’t the right section but you know I’m curious like me post and you know how do we get the guys to find does I does so many girls so many that have really really got a jumpstart in this industry because of this site and I see a lot of girls are back on here now and it makes me so happy honestly I’ve been so stressed outBecause I’m tired of always watching what I say I absolutely hate Twitter is a platform to be honest with you that’s just my personal opinion because I like to keep my business under the radar anyway so happy to be back I just hope I could use this site right because I was pretty much contacted you know by the gentleman on here and then boom the loss said in love you girls

CBob114 reads

Talk about pleasant surprises!

I read that the site was back on Zasu's newsletter

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