New Jersey

Re: This is Horseshit !
followme 2513 reads
2 / 23
cordoba505 2691 reads
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parasale 2 Reviews 3652 reads
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Cordoba, I thought it was pretty cryptic...obviously this one is not going to get a shining review is she?

Posted By: cordoba505

Could you be any more cryptic?

cordoba505 2974 reads
5 / 23

I'll reserve judgement till I read it. Her reviews are pretty good. Nothing too special and the price is good.

Christian124 7 Reviews 3472 reads
6 / 23

I think we all get the idea; don't see her!

archer1235 3245 reads
7 / 23

lots of people asking so what's the deal, I saw her she was great

greeneyedude 145 Reviews 3863 reads
8 / 23

booked an appt but she wouldnt give me her in-call location, instead wanted me to meet her in the parking lot of a movie theater

thought that was a tad odd so I cancelled, what happened next should remain backchannel

thanks for understanding

ClassyCamillexo 2525 reads
9 / 23

Him  being cryptic is because he knows what he did was VERY wrong, and he wont face me or call me to fix what he did.


ClassyCamillexo 3258 reads
10 / 23

I am amazed at your response to what occured. I did NOT ever agree to meet you in a parking lot, you got my exact location and floor number then did not show up or anwer my calls.  Contrary to your popular belief I am concerned for my physical safety and do not play games.  You are clearly a member of this site and have read my reviews so you  know I am not shady or going to play games with you, MY REVIEWS speak for themselves... YOU put my safety at risk and didnt have the respect to call me or explaing your discomfort.

ST THINK: f I had your address and said I was coming and didnt show up or call you that would make you VERY uncomfortable.

This is the only time I am responding to your Thread. You have gone so far to respond to one of my clients and tell them I  MUST contact you to remove yor from the blacklist and you will remove this thread...blackmail

Blacklists are specifically for clients that put us, as providers, at risk,.  Its a shame that I am 100% real and dont play games and get treated in the manner you have treated me.

Have a good day


ClassyCamillexo 2527 reads
11 / 23

You should not see me if you want to play games,or  make me feel unsafe. My reviews speak for themselves, dont allow one client who is not being honest guide your thoughts

Classy Camille

ClassyCamillexo 3371 reads
12 / 23

Back channel huh.................WOW, that means you dont want people to know about your behavior and your direct disrespect. You CANT leave a review but clearly read my reviews.  

Get yourself together and fix what you did instead of being cryptic and shady.  YOU know what you did and your not being honest with  your fellow TER partners.  

If you want to fix it you know my number dont sent me messages through other clients, call yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ClassyCamillexo 3598 reads
13 / 23

playing games gets you no where


ClassyCamillexo 2839 reads
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As I already stated YOU know what you did. YOU know that you read my reviews and after arriving you  knew my location and floor #.  I would NEVER meet you in a parking lot. I do not play games and you went out of your way to make me feel unsafe.  NOT ok. You did not respect my safety or time in playing all your games.

Now your telling other clients to make me take you off the blacklist and you will remove your post. BLACKMAIL huh..... Thats how you work !!!!!!

You started this thread becase you were put on the blacklist for other providers to know you create an unsafe situation and show NO respect.  I wont let other providers be put at risk becuase you think its cute or funny.

Get yourself together and recognize a REAL provider who posts real pics and does not play games. I dont care what other girls do, Im real and my revies speak for themselves.


ClassyCamillexo 4026 reads
15 / 23

Thank you. KNOW he is responding to what he did wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


vadhaman 81 Reviews 4048 reads
16 / 23

Camille - YOU are the one who went PUBLIC. YOU are the one who posted Greenie's personal info on the Blacklist site. Greeneye wanted to keep it back-channel. Remember ?
What if he did go through another client to try and work things out ? It's called "reaching out" , "trying to do the right thing " or just plain being ADULT !
Even assuming that you are telling  the truth and you did give him your room number, so what ? Didn't you screen him first ?
He didn't knock on the door and then run away , did he ?
You didn't get any harassing phone calls , did you ? No unwanted Room Service ? So wtf is your problem besides dreaming up silly nightmarish scenarios ?

parasale 2 Reviews 4657 reads
17 / 23

She sounds wonderful doesnt she, how inviting, writing someone's real name for a no show on a national blacklist board. You better show guys, or you will be publicly shamed.

Posted By: vadhaman
Camille - YOU are the one who went PUBLIC. YOU are the one who posted Greenie's personal info on the Blacklist site. Greeneye wanted to keep it back-channel. Remember ?
What if he did go through another client to try and work things out ? It's called "reaching out" , "trying to do the right thing " or just plain being ADULT !
Even assuming that you are telling  the truth and you did give him your room number, so what ? Didn't you screen him first ?
He didn't knock on the door and then run away , did he ?
You didn't get any harassing phone calls , did you ? No unwanted Room Service ? So wtf is your problem besides dreaming up silly nightmarish scenarios ?

ClassyCamillexo 2328 reads
18 / 23

First of all I NEVER went public. That's you believing everything you hear. His original thread was cryptic because he knew his behavior was foul. My blacklisting him from seeing ME is my prerogative. I NEVER said I was going on the internet. Ever!!!  2nd of all I didn't go into details about it enough for you to make any assumptions. Back channel it. !!!  Did he!!!  No!!!!  He sent a veiled message through someone else. Him reaching out would of been him calling me or responding to my MANY Calls when this all occured. Your so busy defending him your not looking at the big picture. That's a shame. I hope your not one of these people that only looks at this from one direction.


parasale 2 Reviews 3352 reads
19 / 23

Camille defending yourself publicly like this with no cause is just not looking good. He reached out her, and certainly did not name you. Unfortunately you have missed that....why so defensive?

vadhaman 81 Reviews 3348 reads
20 / 23

Who named who ? You did.
Who posted whose info on a blacklist site ? You did.
You're literally trying to blame GED for YOUR behavior !

followme 2669 reads
21 / 23

I do believe you have the correct substance , but perhaps the wrong animal.

Thank you
2012 = 28

ClassyCamille See my TER Reviews 3170 reads
22 / 23

Ive gone over and over this issue with GED, and have come to the conclussion he is going to continue to attack me and many will listen, some will take the time to read my reviews and understand that there are 2 sides to the story.

I did not defend myself at all at first, I let it go, but it go to be too much esp. with ppl inboxing me veiled threats.  GED is allowed his opinion as am I.  My reviews are out there, read them and see if they match up to his "story".  


Classy Camille

bphunter 1862 reads
23 / 23
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