New Jersey

Robbed and roughed up
TheOldPervert 3719 reads

A provider friend, who is not a member of TER, was roughed up & robbed this week.
I contacted TER, asking how I could share his information with other providers.
They suggested a warning post on the Regional Board, so here I am.
But they also advised me not to post his name, email address, phone number or photo - all of which I have - in this warning post, but rather to request that any provider who is interested email me for the info, and then pass it along to other providers.

P.S. The roughing up and robbery took place on his 2nd visit.  
No clues the 1st time.  
It seems the 1st visit was just to size up her place and get the layout.

Can you just give a county and town name so that providers in THAT area know to contact you for more info on this douchebag?  
Weeds out some of the gals who arent in that area at all from reaching out and wasting yr time.❤

TheOldPervert352 reads

I would like to, but TER's instructions were quite clear: no specific information is to be posted on a public board.
But if you will either email me or PM me, I will give you all the info you're asking for, and then some.

TheOldPervert355 reads

If there is any problem receiving it, please let me know.

[email protected] please e-mail me the specifics, I travel to Jersey often

TheOldPervert362 reads

Sorry for the late reply, but I have finally just email it to you.
And BTW, although he seems to be Jersey based, this incident took place in Manhattan.

TheOldPervert361 reads

Hi Jennifer....

I just emailed you all the info plus his photo.

If you did not receive it, please get back to me.

P.S.  Merry Christmas!

Could you please send me the info.

Thank you!

TheOldPervert355 reads

Sorry Sarah for the delay, but I have finally just emailed you his info - with photo.

Hi there TheOldPervert,

Thank you for helping to keep us girls safe by sharing this info.  Can you please email it to me along w/his picture as I'm NJ based.  I will pass this along to my NJ provider friends as well.

Happy New Year !

T-shirt n Panties On

[email protected]

Good morning Samantha... sorry for the delay, but I have just emailed you his info.
Wishing you a Happy & Healthy New Year.

TheOldPervert354 reads

Good morning Kelis, & sorry for the late reply, but I did just email you his info & photo.
If you have any problem opening it, please let me know.

Sorry I did not get the email. The correct email: [email protected]

I would appreciate the info as well  
Thanks for your time!

[email protected]

Would you email me the specific info [email protected]

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