New England

The different clientele brackets
SK058 10 Reviews 365 reads

Keilani - I totally get and understand what you are saying.  I also like the "if I was charging what I thought I was worth as a person" line - that is something that perhaps I poorly phrased.  Because it is a business at the end of the day - though man, if you don't enjoy your job, this is not a profession for you!  I would never understand anyone who became a provider if, on some fundamental level, they don't really really love sex.  To me it would be like working at a burger joint if you're a vegetarian.  Yes, girls who get in out of desperation or a bad habit or something like that, that all happens - that's why I use the term "provider", because I don't consider that low tier to be providers.  

I will say that I can see how price can weed out a certain type of client, make a girl feel a little more secure.  And gentlemen who are willing to pay for a P411 membership or go through verification.  Though  I will also say that price is no indicator of quality, sadly.  And reviews are very helpful, but one is never 100 percent sure until the moment arrives.  Perhaps I just didn't click with the couple of high-end providers I took a shot with, it's entirely possible.  I'd like to think I'm a decent human being and get along well with most people, but not everyone can have chemistry - I guess that's the tricky part of this hobby, is that no one wants mechanical and wants chemistry, but chemistry can't be faked or forced.  My ATF was really underpriced for the area, and she was such a sweet woman who just loved what she did and had some skills that . . . well, we all know the drill, it's part of how someone becomes your ATF.  She went on to become someone's exclusive sugar baby - good for her, sad for me :)

Looking over my past few posts, I realized I've caused some controversy and some heart attacks and some other feelings to float about.  Not wishing at all to be a troll - because I am the opposite thereof - I'm just dropping in to say hello, and to ask a general discussion question, because I'm honestly curious.  Maybe it's impolite to ask this, and if I'm told this is a bad question to ask, I will withdraw it. But I have always wondered about this.

Providers: how do you decide what your time is worth, ultimately?  I know there are obviously such things as what the general market of your home area demands and can bear, as your reputation grows you are able to make your time more valuable, how low or high volume you are, etc.  But what else plays into your decisions?  For example: let's say you feel your time is worth $350 an hour, maybe not linear after the first hour.  That's what you feel you're worth as a person, in skills and reputation, and what is reasonable in the area you live.  So when you travel, do you change your rates?  I know some do and some don't.  What leads to that decision as well?

I realize this may be a complex question, or an impolite question, or both.  I think it's a fascinating discussion for New England which, let's face it, probably has some of the wildest variations in economic status in the country (from country dirt poor and city dirty poor to the Boston Brahmin).  But if I have asked something that should not have been asked, I guess I'll see if I can delete the post somehow

I think that the answer could go in numerous directions because, as you mentioned, there are many factors. Ultimately, I think providers are looking to profit the maximum amount in the area they are visiting. Rates can vary for so many reasons, and you have to consider that some women prefer to rely on lower prices with a higher volume. Some prefer higher rates and lower volume. With a good reputation/following a solid provider certainly has more ability to be selective with who she shares her time and self with.

 I know that not all providers change their rates when they travel. For the most part I do not either because travel and accommodations add up no matter where I go. Understandably, cities like NYC are much more expensive and it has become the norm to expect higher rates here. I think each provider's price is more geared towards the max rate they can achieve with their look/reputation/location on an ongoing basis vs. it being their "worth as a person." If I were charging what I thought I were worth as a person, it would be far beyond my $500 hourly rate. It's a business, though, so it's not solely based on what I feel I should get. It's a combination of the two.

I can also say that from my experience, different rate brackets attract very different clientele. That has a huge impact on my rates, personally.

Alas, I could go on and on....
Just a little insight from me!

Keilani - I totally get and understand what you are saying.  I also like the "if I was charging what I thought I was worth as a person" line - that is something that perhaps I poorly phrased.  Because it is a business at the end of the day - though man, if you don't enjoy your job, this is not a profession for you!  I would never understand anyone who became a provider if, on some fundamental level, they don't really really love sex.  To me it would be like working at a burger joint if you're a vegetarian.  Yes, girls who get in out of desperation or a bad habit or something like that, that all happens - that's why I use the term "provider", because I don't consider that low tier to be providers.  

I will say that I can see how price can weed out a certain type of client, make a girl feel a little more secure.  And gentlemen who are willing to pay for a P411 membership or go through verification.  Though  I will also say that price is no indicator of quality, sadly.  And reviews are very helpful, but one is never 100 percent sure until the moment arrives.  Perhaps I just didn't click with the couple of high-end providers I took a shot with, it's entirely possible.  I'd like to think I'm a decent human being and get along well with most people, but not everyone can have chemistry - I guess that's the tricky part of this hobby, is that no one wants mechanical and wants chemistry, but chemistry can't be faked or forced.  My ATF was really underpriced for the area, and she was such a sweet woman who just loved what she did and had some skills that . . . well, we all know the drill, it's part of how someone becomes your ATF.  She went on to become someone's exclusive sugar baby - good for her, sad for me :)

ejack1966335 reads


Love to know who you are referring to...

Sorry ejack, can't answer that.  I was asked not to mention the name when she left the business.  And I make it a point to respect a lady's wishes in all cases and requests, especially if said lady ever comes back on the scene again - and you know for damn sure I have kept my ear to the ground and my eyes peeled in that regards. :)

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