New England

RI Gov signed anti-prostitution bill 11.3.09
shudaknownbetter 5308 reads

I hope I am wrong but I fear the bad people will be more emboldened to harm providers who dare not out thenselves by filing complaints.

To all my lady friends,
you be careful out there.

Due to recent changes in legislature we will no longer be accepting new clients in RI unless they pass very strict screening with multiple reputable provider/agency referances until further notice. All existing clients and pre verified clients will still be able to enjoy our services. If you are not a client but have been verified and wish to use our Agency in RI please email us.

Although we maintain that we have always and always will operate within the legal limits of the law we feel this saftey measure is important to both the providers we represent as well as our valued clients.

Business as usual in all surrounding areas!
Bachelor party bookings as usual in all areas!

We want to wish everyone safe hobbying.


They should mind thier own buissness.  Things were just fine as they were.

shudaknownbetter6083 reads

Totally agree.  It's a shame.  

Its because of the brothels and spas that they had closed it down ,im sure it had nothing to do with us indys,rhode island has the highest unemployment rate 13% -Majority of hotels are now going to hurt real bad ,the resturants that deliver will be cut in half .Someone told me it wont be in effect till the 1st of the year -in january ,im trying to find out if that is true or not ,I know the governer needs to sign the bill first .but are they waiting till the beginning of the yr  or is it right away .anybody know ?

sthcntyguy5823 reads

As soon as the governor signs it, it becomes law. That is likely to happen this coming week.

He's correct,  Rod Driver tried to get an amendment added for the law to go into effect as of June 2010 & it got shot down in the House committee.

we are still watching to see when it gets signed in to law by the Governer as well. I have my lawyer and contacts with the State working on that now. We do know that when he signs it which he is going to then it takes place immediatly. When we find out i will let everybody know.

Again this new change does not pertain to what we all do but the negative attention is not what our industry needs so everyone should be safe and extra cautious.


dvnyc5876 reads

I'm not a betting man, but if I were - here are the set of activities I see in the upcoming weeks.

- Most AMPs and otherwise will see a rush of activity as Johns will try to get their last "legal" ending
- Both AMPs and strip clubs will try to take advantage or squeeze every little flurry of activity possible
- Strip clubs like the Cadillac Lounge, Cheaters and Fantasy's will be hit hard once the bill is signed into law
- AMPs will then take the next hits as the rush to cleanse will be enforced
- SPs will go UTR and maintain what they've always been doing with tighter scrutiny

Best of luck safe hobbying.

shudaknownbetter5255 reads

What happened to Separation of Church & State?  I was brought up in the 60's, Sex, Love & Rock & Roll...  OK, so I didn't get luck near as often as I would have liked...  but I agreed with the concept.  
Legislating Morality is the same as Legislating one's Religious views...  The State needs to stay OUT of people's bedrooms.  Why do otherwise thoughtful people not see this?

Does anyone know when the law officially takes effect? i'm having a hard time finding information about this. I heard this week, next week, even Jan. 1.

thanks, and be careful everyone.

I think I found another loophole in the new law. If you read it carefully, you'll see what I mean.

I also noticed that it was stated on the news reports that the powers that be didn't even get to the subject of our economy! It seems that with the high unemployment rates and other troubles RI has, that would be higher on the agenda.

I was not living in Rhode Island until five months ago, so I did not vote these "powers that be" into office. But you all may have. If you don't like the decisions they've made, then don't vote for them again. Also, strange as it may seem,  providers spend money in the community. If we lose money, the community does too. I'm very glad that there are online businesses such as grocery delivery...etc.

Humptydance4877 reads

this law actually outlaws lap dances completely, but the strip clubs aren't actually smart enough to read the laws before throwing their names out there in support of the bill.

I hope the governor actually reads the damn thing and realizes he will be essentially throwing another 600 exotic dancers out on the street.

Wow! I had not read that part. So that means that every housewife who gets drunk and does a little wiggle for her husband is now in danger of being arrested as a prostitute?

The disturbing thing about the bill is that it was passed without considering any provisions to help prostitutes seek an alternate way of life. There aren't programs in place for a prostitute to get education, housing, job training etc at all! I hope the governor reads it thoroughly too, but it's doubtful. I may seem jaded but I have never been able to trust anyone with power over me to make a good decision! It's been my experience that people with power, fight to stay in power out of egotistical need. I have never known anyone to be in power because they truly cared about the wants and needs of the people and planned to do something about it. So now we have this bill, but no way of helping the people the bill condemns.

snaporaz4827 reads

According to projo it will be signed tomorrow Tuesday and goes into effect automatically.  
BTW , don't miss the comments on the projo's website survey on the issue. Some are very good.
Sad indeed.  

Hypocresy beats freedom in the name of morality, how ironic!

-- Modified on 11/2/2009 5:33:45 PM

shudaknownbetter5309 reads

I hope I am wrong but I fear the bad people will be more emboldened to harm providers who dare not out thenselves by filing complaints.

To all my lady friends,
you be careful out there.

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