New England

Hey guys, I'm new and in RIteeth_smile
lisanice See my TER Reviews 9951 reads

Hi guys =]

I just turned 18 and I'm new to the business.  I'm based out of RI for incall only.  

I'm available Tue thru Sat.  If you'd like to know more, please visit my website.

Hope to hear from you!

blueeyedevil7623 reads

OMG ! It looks too good to be true!

Let's keep our fingers crossed that she is the real deal. Although, I found this on her website:

Important note:
I'm a small girl, and for my own safety I always have a bodyguard nearby. He won't be in the room with us, and as long as you follow the rules and leave the room if I ask, you'll never see him.

And... she doesn't answer the phone, she only responds by e-mail as she has a handler answer the phone.

Sounds a bit risky, especially considering the above area average rate.

Then again... I doubt someone trying to rob a bunch of guys would post so openly.

Hi guys,

I don't know if I should be happy or sad, lol. =P

I am absolutely the real deal, and I certainly wouldn't try to rob anyone, not just because it's illegal but because it goes against my code of ethics.

I chose RI because it seemed to have the least risk for everyone.  It's completely legit there right now (see links below), so you know I'm not LE or whatever.

I do have a friend handling the calls for me, it just makes it a lot easier on me.  Please don't be put off by that, they're just taking times for appointments.  If it makes you more comfortable you can email me and I'll make the appointment directly.

I hope this helps.

Take care,

* see:
or (currently down)

-- Modified on 3/10/2009 4:28:33 PM

FWIW, the guy on the phone is friendly and Lisa answers the emails helpfully. That's the limit of my experience but my impression so far is that she has a well run operation.

Hey guys,

Thanks for all the nice emails and suggestions. =)

Taking one of your ideas, I'll offer a TER intro price of $225/hr and $120/half, until this Saturday.

Hope to hear from you,

nuffced4880 reads

now that is freaking pathetic!!!!!

No, my people call it 'young lady having sex with an older man'

blueeyedevil8131 reads

I am so tempted! Someone please post a review!


I sent you an e-mail earlier. Would love to see you today or tomorrow.

Are you GFE/PSE?

Thanks - Brent

Hi Brent,

Yes I am GFE.

Look forward to meeting you,

HI Lisa,
  I would be very interested. Can you send me your email address so we can pursue this further.

Hi :)

My contact information is on my website.  Hope to see you soon!

I met Lisa this evening, and it was quite an experience (for the both of us). If I didn't have to kennel the dog and leave for London tonight, I would have tried to extend my time with her. She's really an exceptional girl.

I met Lisa this evening, and it was quite an experience (for the both of us). If I didn't have to kennel the dog and leave for London tonight, I would have tried to extend my time with her. She's really an exceptional girl.

So Sorry to hear of your troubles. I was so looking forward to meeting with you but forget about that you should do what is best for you.
I wish you the best and maybe we will meet down the line. Be Well

I met Lisa this evening, and it was quite an experience (for the both of us). If I didn't have to kennel the dog and leave for London tonight, I would have tried to extend my time with her. She's really an exceptional girl.

Something very bad happened to me last night and I"m not comfortable talking about it. =(

I had guessed this job would be hard, but last night made me realize how hard.  =(

I need some time to think about whether I can keep doing this.  I'm sorry to my appointments today and tomorrow, but I have to cancel.  

You girls that are strong enough to keep doing this are truly amazing.  Best luck to you and please stay safe.

=( =( =(


I'm really sorry to hear you've had a bad experience. I hope you're okay. Wish you all the best, whatever you decide to do.

Sensitifeguy7961 reads

Dear Lisa:

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. But remember, you have all your options still open - whatever you decide to do. You are right - this job is not for everybody. One has to be strong and know how to stay positive, sane and optimistic everyday. And how to keep your life and your feelings together and how to keep them separate. No matter how mature you are, after all you are still very young!

Good luck with whatever you chose to do!

Things like this make me ashamed to be a member of the human race ... EOM

I'm new here also (4 reviews) and I'm ashamed that this 'man' and I are the same species.
I was raised by a very good man who showed, by example, how boys/men are supposed to treat girls/women.
Hope she has someone to help her through this.
I would also like to make aquaintance with this toughguy sometime and give him something to think about while he's healing.


I hope everything is okay and I hope that the asshole that did this to you gets what's coming to him.

Take your time and do what you feel is right.

If you do choose to stay on, I will offer some advice: screen, screen, and screen, and don't take any appointments from those who have no past provider references.

And if you do come back, do so at your schedule. Do it not to provide, but be a hobbyist that provides.

Stay safe!

crimsonlass5738 reads

God love ya for getting into this business at your age...I didn't start til I was 30 years old...and I actually started as a pro sex involved AT ALL...wait til you hit 30 and you are horny as hell 24/7...then you will reap the true bennies this job has to offer :-)

Hi guys,

Well, I started working last week out of Rhode Island, but I think I went too hard, too fast and got overwhelmed.  It was my first time, and had a few bad experiences.

So, now i'm going to try again, except i'm going to take it a lot slower and be much more picky about my clients.  I'm also going to do my appointments in Boston, or north of it, so I would like my clients to have a good amount of recommendations.

I am only going to do half hour appointments, and only on one day (wednesday) for now, so if you'd like to make an appointment, please visit my site

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