New England

Re: Gotta say.....Ted is spot on!! Been there!
Dannoh 9 Reviews 5095 reads

Some one asked for info, and Ted was nice enough to offer some. He even said she has a following that admires her and her reviews are great!  So what are you whinning about?  Is it because your nose is bigger than your dick or is it because you have nothing better to do.

You will find the complete trick or treat bag with this one. IF, and I repeat, IF you can get an appointment with her and IF she shows up and IF she doesn't cancel on you then you will probably have a good/great time with her. She will also post that she is in two or three different parts of the country at the same time!

Those that have seen her will swear by her (or at least most of them will) but on the other side of the coin are the even larger number of hobbyists that wouldn't go near her.

It's a crap shoot. Good Luck.

I have seen Lisa 4 times and everytime was a 9/9
Tought to meet her verification, but after that it is smooth sailing.  Don't miss her

hadthebest4797 reads

Todd is spot on with this. When you meet her verification requirements, you're all set. 9/9 from me as well (firsthand and frequent).

Nothing like reading the rantings of a bitter old hobbiest spewing what is obviously second (or possibly third ?)hand information, because he's never met with the lady himself.

Move on Ted.

hadthebest5074 reads

So the score is 2-2.  In other words, the batter is hitting 500. Even though she's probably really carrying a 900 average.  Every lady (and every hobbiest) has their own little quirks and nuances.  Was a crime committed here ?  Did someone get hurt, or worse yet.....ripped off ?  I think not.  Not by Lisa anyway.

Schedules change; last minute things come up in everyones daily life (more frequently in some lives than others). Get over it, or give up the hobby for something more accurate and reliable like predicting the local weather.  Haha.

While her scheduling and availability may get indifferent reviews, her 'real' reviews are stellar.  Any complaints?  I didn't think so.  Only from those who've never seen her themselves.

Class dismissed.

Some one asked for info, and Ted was nice enough to offer some. He even said she has a following that admires her and her reviews are great!  So what are you whinning about?  Is it because your nose is bigger than your dick or is it because you have nothing better to do.

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