New England

WickedOne11 3108 reads

Is it just me, or do the BP ad's that advertise 'specials' make you feel like your shopping for a provider at Walmart?!?

Kinda of high mileage gals I dare to say, even gals with 30 reviews here, no thanks

WickedOne113272 reads

Amazingly enough, 30+ reviews doesn't phase me, unless they're bad or all during the same month ;-)
I love an experienced woman!

Not into highhhhhh mileage or the 6th gent of the day! ladies with 20 plus reviews ..ummm well

Posted By: WickedOne11
Amazingly enough, 30+ reviews doesn't phase me, unless they're bad or all during the same month ;-)
I love an experienced woman!

.... because if you mean high-mileage as in general then you don't want an escort.

deb45124377 reads

exactly!  There are some escorts who have been providing for years, have many reviews and are very good, so I've heard!

What the Hell does a gals number of reviews have to do with her volume?!!
Hell, I know ladies with page after page of reviews that really only see one
gent a day and can run circles around 99.9% of the ladies that only half
number of reviews and may very well see as many as they can fit in (no
pun intended) during a 24 hour period.

..... if he's afraid of a woman with a high # if men she's slept with in her lifetime. Even if she's seeing one client a day it sure isn't the same guy (doubt it).

Average volume (due to personal preferences and "real life" commitments) is about 1 - 3 dates a week.  Most gents are regulars and extended dates.
If you consider this to be high mileage, try finding women on


I have to ask . When you say 30 reviews are you meaning every day for 30 days?
If you look at the dates of the review 30 of them wont make a big difference .

The pages on TER hold 10 reviews per page. But look at the months so many times
guys are not aware that there may only be 3 reviews for that month. That isn't high


rather the Provider herself.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong but this very strategy as well as other ill-willed tactics to knock off the competition that lives in in or visits her/your area.
These facts have been disclosed at great lengths on another board (Best_ _ _) in the area.
On this other board, she/you were banned/kicked off for these similar tactics.
This has gone on for over a decade....yep, that long (do your homework folks)

Bottom line: know who you're fucking with before you fuck with them...I dot take to kindly to being fucked with, k

.... sometimes lol a lady can put that if it's her normal let's say half-hour or 45 min rate because BP doesn't allow you to outright post rates for anything under 1hr anymore....just throwing that out there. :)

that times are tough, we are in a recession and business is slow and some of us have to pay the rent. Every other business has been offering specials so why not escorts as well? This is a business and business is slow, so some girls choose to run specials.

And what's wrong with 30 reviews? Even if a girl got 30 reviews in a month, that would equal 1 client a day. We don't exactly see just the one special client and sit home twiddling or thumbs the rest of the month. lol   Now, 30 reviews in a week I would be leery of. Seriously though, if an escort has been in the business for awhile, if she's any good, she will be racking up reviews.

..... use "specials" to upsell OR run  them for so long they might as well be regular rates.....  most other businesses also know when to cut a special OFF.  :)   Also...everyone isn't in a recession and it isn't slow for everyone.

deb45122353 reads

I know times are tough, but the escort industry by no means is slow!  If anything guys are stressed and are in more need of our services.  Any rate under 125 for half an hour is suspect.  It could be your location though.  You could try the Boston area.

If an escort doesn't do specials, she's harassed by certain gents to lower her rates- if she charges too little or offers specials/discounts, then some gents think she must be "high volume" and they don't want to see her. Guys, you can't have it both ways.

Bottom line here- Escorts see men for a living- they see many many men, whether it be one client a day or 5. If you want a woman who doesn't have alot of partners or reviews, well then....ummmm...get a girlfriend or a wife and be happy with monogamy.

deb45124479 reads

Either they are new or they are not the best escorts!  I posted how not to get scammed on backpage today!  It just seems like the site is getting worse!

jsmith8661778 reads

Being on BP is not indicitive of being desperate or a scam artist.  I've met a few gems on BP and at
the same time have been screwed by agencies, CV , and other sites including verification sites!  I have even had major disappointments from "well reviewed" ladies here on TER!  There is no way to really know until you meet someone in person! "reviews" are often fabricated anyways!

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