Minnesota Buzz

Re: More Mindy /pic.3///pic. 4
Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 1609 reads
1 / 13

Good Monday morning,
I'm still running a M-W special of 75 off total time spent with me!
 I'm looking to meet a few new, good ;) friends, and as always I  
Absolutely LUV the time I get to share with my current good friends....
          I would tell you things like- I will give it my all & you won't be disappointed- but the truth is;
Spending time with friends is easy & the good times come natural, my  friends always seem to go above & beyond making me feel soooo good.  
So much so that after a nice visit -I have to have a good strong cup of coffee or even an energy dink & gather myself back to the real world again.....
 That -
is how far .....
we will drift.....
 into our own little world!  
            So contact me today, you deserve some MINDY HAPPINESS =

Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 978 reads
2 / 13
Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 940 reads
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Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 941 reads
4 / 13
hardyharhar 81 Reviews 533 reads
5 / 13

Spectacular - all of them - as are you! :)

T-ricky 12 Reviews 405 reads
7 / 13
narcisserotoid 24 Reviews 288 reads
8 / 13

i'd be willing to slowly take the socks off both of you, then  . . .   make the love to the feets!

gatorincs 37 Reviews 332 reads
9 / 13

There are socks in that photo? I hadn't noticed ...

Tippe 41 Reviews 463 reads
10 / 13

I asked you to punch me in the face with your boobs

bosssik 272 reads
11 / 13
bosssik 269 reads
12 / 13

These pictures are fabulous, so hot, but doesn't begin to capture your true beauty.

DJ1985 21 Reviews 367 reads
13 / 13
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