
You must be breaking some kind of rule
OldTimerB 45 Reviews 419 reads

Any grammar Nazis here?

Maybe Talon has reached his daily limit on posts according to TER?

Wong, I give up. Someone will let you know what rules you're breaking...or the thread will simply disappear into...do do do do, do do do do...the Twilight Zone:-)
Posted By: Wongbater
It's clear this board is truly dead.  From now on, log in once a week so you can peruse the newbie and traveling clients posting those ISO's (which are always resolved with a simple search), the routine giggly "have a nice snowstorm" or "have a happy birthday", and those weekly Friday extra ad posts that hide behind a discussion thread facade.  
 Even when it gets slow the alias pot stirring has become predictable and, well, those aliases can only pretend so long before it's obvious  
 Get a real discussion about real issues that really effect real providers and real clients?  Removed.  
 Reality too much to handle folks?  
 Wong's advice to the newbies and uninformed in times like these...it's very telling who won't get involved in the conversation when it gets too "real".  Those who give it to you straight without the BS no matter if you agree or not, that may be a hobby friend.  Talon, am I right?  I'm obviously talking to myself, this post won't last long, even though no board rules broken.

It's clear this board is truly dead.  From now on, log in once a week so you can peruse the newbie and traveling clients posting those ISO's (which are always resolved with a simple search), the routine giggly "have a nice snowstorm" or "have a happy birthday", and those weekly Friday extra ad posts that hide behind a discussion thread facade.

Even when it gets slow the alias pot stirring has become predictable and, well, those aliases can only pretend so long before it's obvious

Get a real discussion about real issues that really effect real providers and real clients?  Removed.

Reality too much to handle folks?

Wong's advice to the newbies and uninformed in times like these...it's very telling who won't get involved in the conversation when it gets too "real".  Those who give it to you straight without the BS no matter if you agree or not, that may be a hobby friend.  Talon, am I right?  I'm obviously talking to myself, this post won't last long, even though no board rules broken.

Are we on the same page ?
If so, yes, I can concur, that the post should have remained, if anything to bring awareness to the fact that others may desire to steer clear of certain situations.

We are under enough pressure from society, and the long tether of those empowered to enforce
the will of the people upon all of us, right or wrong.

I would like to add, from the subject line of another post, of the difference between the 70 and now.
One Huge difference, Back in the 70s it was illegal for gays to engage in any sexual exchange, so they did so, by meeting and using gay bars, like the one downtown.
The point is, the gay community was pretty much an underground movement, such as the hobby
still is today.
However, with the advent of the internet, the hobby and those who engage in the hobby, have more resources available, to pursue that special hobby. but society still wants to drive the hobby
back underground, where as the gay community can now legally engage in sex, and Get married !

When will the hobby become common place and accepted well enough, that those who engage in the hobby, can do so, without fear of persecution by society ?

A lot has changed, but yet some things never change. It is a vicious circle.  

Posted By: Wongbater
It's clear this board is truly dead.  From now on, log in once a week so you can peruse the newbie and traveling clients posting those ISO's (which are always resolved with a simple search), the routine giggly "have a nice snowstorm" or "have a happy birthday", and those weekly Friday extra ad posts that hide behind a discussion thread facade.  
 Even when it gets slow the alias pot stirring has become predictable and, well, those aliases can only pretend so long before it's obvious  
 Get a real discussion about real issues that really effect real providers and real clients?  Removed.  
 Reality too much to handle folks?  
 Wong's advice to the newbies and uninformed in times like these...it's very telling who won't get involved in the conversation when it gets too "real".  Those who give it to you straight without the BS no matter if you agree or not, that may be a hobby friend.  Talon, am I right?  I'm obviously talking to myself, this post won't last long, even though no board rules broken.

Any grammar Nazis here?

Maybe Talon has reached his daily limit on posts according to TER?

Wong, I give up. Someone will let you know what rules you're breaking...or the thread will simply disappear into...do do do do, do do do do...the Twilight Zone:-)

Posted By: Wongbater
It's clear this board is truly dead.  From now on, log in once a week so you can peruse the newbie and traveling clients posting those ISO's (which are always resolved with a simple search), the routine giggly "have a nice snowstorm" or "have a happy birthday", and those weekly Friday extra ad posts that hide behind a discussion thread facade.  
 Even when it gets slow the alias pot stirring has become predictable and, well, those aliases can only pretend so long before it's obvious  
 Get a real discussion about real issues that really effect real providers and real clients?  Removed.  
 Reality too much to handle folks?  
 Wong's advice to the newbies and uninformed in times like these...it's very telling who won't get involved in the conversation when it gets too "real".  Those who give it to you straight without the BS no matter if you agree or not, that may be a hobby friend.  Talon, am I right?  I'm obviously talking to myself, this post won't last long, even though no board rules broken.

Couldn't agreed more.  The baby sitter here, like to keep an orderly house I guess.  Many people wonder why TER hasn't banned me yet too.  TER didn't notified me the reason for removal, unless they think naming the city of Burnsville was too specific?

TER- Care to comment?

Posted By: Wongbater
It's clear this board is truly dead.  From now on, log in once a week so you can peruse the newbie and traveling clients posting those ISO's (which are always resolved with a simple search), the routine giggly "have a nice snowstorm" or "have a happy birthday", and those weekly Friday extra ad posts that hide behind a discussion thread facade.  
 Even when it gets slow the alias pot stirring has become predictable and, well, those aliases can only pretend so long before it's obvious  
 Get a real discussion about real issues that really effect real providers and real clients?  Removed.  
 Reality too much to handle folks?  
 Wong's advice to the newbies and uninformed in times like these...it's very telling who won't get involved in the conversation when it gets too "real".  Those who give it to you straight without the BS no matter if you agree or not, that may be a hobby friend.  Talon, am I right?  I'm obviously talking to myself, this post won't last long, even though no board rules broken.

TER's admin double posted on their shutting down the thread and when they removed the dup, yours was underneath it so it went too.  Unless we are talking about another post altogether.


Talking about Talon's "Burnsville, pimp" thread now slightly renamed I believe, not the post where Talon said I can still reply after the thread is closed.

Posted By: vorlon
TER's admin double posted on their shutting down the thread and when they removed the dup, yours was underneath it so it went too.  Unless we are talking about another post altogether.

Posted By: Wongbater
It's clear this board is truly dead.  From now on, log in once a week so you can peruse the newbie and traveling clients posting those ISO's (which are always resolved with a simple search), the routine giggly "have a nice snowstorm" or "have a happy birthday", and those weekly Friday extra ad posts that hide behind a discussion thread facade.  
 Even when it gets slow the alias pot stirring has become predictable and, well, those aliases can only pretend so long before it's obvious  
 Get a real discussion about real issues that really effect real providers and real clients?  Removed.  
 Reality too much to handle folks?  
 Wong's advice to the newbies and uninformed in times like these...it's very telling who won't get involved in the conversation when it gets too "real".  Those who give it to you straight without the BS no matter if you agree or not, that may be a hobby friend.  Talon, am I right?  I'm obviously talking to myself, this post won't last long, even though no board rules broken.

here comes Jason with a machette music when they read that post...chilling

LC, or whoever is behind the handle currently, you may either explain further, PM me, or take a flying leap...

...into spring.  (hope it warms up soon - and I hope you choose the latter cause I could care less what you think)


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