
Well I'm a review Whora.... Soo.....red_smile
Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 646 reads

I have clients who's reviewed me cause I've asked them to & they usually do not do reviews..   I mean it's review site, why not review every girl you see...  Good or Bad!!!  Just my .02!!!  

Once again Minnesota Thank you so much for your hospitality!!! I had a great time meeting new & repeat client!!! I will miss my MN ATF!!! I experienced my first bonfire, got to spend a weekend up in the north Northwoods (attached is a pic I took of the sunset one of the days I was up there), dined at bar La Grasse (yummy) but I'm starting my semester soon so I won't be traveling until break, I have 2 semesters to go til I get my MBA degree (yay for me).. Everyone who I had the time to meet & share our experiences, I thank you so very much!!!! . Minnesota has a special place in my Heart & I will miss your State!!!  

Hope to see you soon & Happy Hobbying!!!  


Not only are we back to new names for some providers...

But the "guys" reviewing some girls recently have only one review.  

Amazing all of the new TER profiles amidst the recent turmoils, busts, etc.

Maybe Wong needs to start reviewing again

loveyourtouch634 reads

many of the girls are friends and post reviews for one another.  But, some of the old schedulers are still here and so are their tactics.  I noticed what you did, too, about the new reviews and reviewers.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
many of the girls are friends and post reviews for one another.  But, some of the old schedulers are still here and so are their tactics.  I noticed what you did, too, about the new reviews and reviewers.

They do make it rather difficult for anyone to write a review from the same place as a provider is regularly logging in.

loveyourtouch319 reads

It's not as hard as you think. Yes, they make it somewhat of a pain, but it can be done.  I wish it weren't so prevalent because the phony reviews piss me off, but everyone doesn't  play  by the rules. Unfortunately.

... like report these providers who write fake reviews to Admin?  Did you know there's a special category of "rip offs" just for providers who've done that sort of thing?

You could also report them on this board. We know you're all about helping fellow hobbyists.  

Of course, before you take either of these actions you'll want to be very sure of your facts.

i've done just that for years...with no constructive change in the status quo.  i gave up on that angle, trying to change the structure of our "chat" many moons ago.  The fight is in the streets, one session at a time now i guess big boy.

loveyourtouch355 reads

TER's  job only to be rejected. I've put stuff out here and had it disallowed. I've written couple of reviews and called them rip offs only to be disallowed because a rip off is for when they grab cash and run, etc.  I've tried calling out certain phony/suspicious reviews and reviewers. I'm all about helping fellow hobbyists. If I have a shitty session I try to write an honest and objective review as quickly as I can to alert others. If it's a good review and the providers have similar reviews, then I don't have much to add and either won't review or rush to review.    

With many of the Em girls changing names, I'm watching for the new reviews and will call out the phonies. I have a pretty good idea which girls do this. And then there are the girls who change locations and change names. I know them.

Report a problem to Admin and back it up with hard evidence, and it will be accepted. That's been my experience over the years.  Every. Single. Time.

Now, if you merely bring a suspicion to Admin, of course they'll reject it--as well they should.  You need to give them proof.  Hard facts.  Not just your suspicions.  

For example, not long ago you accused a long-time member with writing fake reviews for money. Was that based on hard evidence?  Not from what I could tell. You accused him of writing fake reviews for pay because his scores for some providers you've both seen are higher than yours. Also because he doesn't post very often here. And because he tends to TOFTT.

Guess what?  That's not hard evidence.  You've been around long enough to know that experiences with providers are YMMV and review scores are subjective and can vary widely for a provider.  And you may have noticed that most local reviewers never, or almost never, post here.  And there's several local reviewers with long review histories who tend to TOFTT.  

So, as you look to "call out the phonies" in the future, please do everyone a favor and do so only when you have hard evidence to back up your assertions.  That's only fair to those you accuse.  And then take that evidence to Admin, and I bet you'll get results.  

Posted By: loveyourtouch
TER's  job only to be rejected. I've put stuff out here and had it disallowed. I've written couple of reviews and called them rip offs only to be disallowed because a rip off is for when they grab cash and run, etc.  I've tried calling out certain phony/suspicious reviews and reviewers. I'm all about helping fellow hobbyists. If I have a shitty session I try to write an honest and objective review as quickly as I can to alert others. If it's a good review and the providers have similar reviews, then I don't have much to add and either won't review or rush to review.    
 With many of the Em girls changing names, I'm watching for the new reviews and will call out the phonies. I have a pretty good idea which girls do this. And then there are the girls who change locations and change names. I know them.

The providers should follow it, too. Hard evidence, not gossip...

Posted By: knotsaway
Report a problem to Admin and back it up with hard evidence, and it will be accepted. That's been my experience over the years.  Every. Single. Time.  
 Now, if you merely bring a suspicion to Admin, of course they'll reject it--as well they should.  You need to give them proof.  Hard facts.  Not just your suspicions.    
 For example, not long ago you accused a long-time member with writing fake reviews for money. Was that based on hard evidence?  Not from what I could tell. You accused him of writing fake reviews for pay because his scores for some providers you've both seen are higher than yours. Also because he doesn't post very often here. And because he tends to TOFTT.  
 Guess what?  That's not hard evidence.  You've been around long enough to know that experiences with providers are YMMV and review scores are subjective and can vary widely for a provider.  And you may have noticed that most local reviewers never, or almost never, post here.  And there's several local reviewers with long review histories who tend to TOFTT.    
 So, as you look to "call out the phonies" in the future, please do everyone a favor and do so only when you have hard evidence to back up your assertions.  That's only fair to those you accuse.  And then take that evidence to Admin, and I bet you'll get results.    
Posted By: loveyourtouch
TER's  job only to be rejected. I've put stuff out here and had it disallowed. I've written couple of reviews and called them rip offs only to be disallowed because a rip off is for when they grab cash and run, etc.  I've tried calling out certain phony/suspicious reviews and reviewers. I'm all about helping fellow hobbyists. If I have a shitty session I try to write an honest and objective review as quickly as I can to alert others. If it's a good review and the providers have similar reviews, then I don't have much to add and either won't review or rush to review.      
  With many of the Em girls changing names, I'm watching for the new reviews and will call out the phonies. I have a pretty good idea which girls do this. And then there are the girls who change locations and change names. I know them.

is often enough to figure out the real deal-io.  Sometimes the truth is more simple than one's mind believes.

Got that off a fortune cookie.

If you need a life coach I can get you referred easy peasy  ;-)

With "Jess"?😗

Posted By: Wongbater
is often enough to figure out the real deal-io.  Sometimes the truth is more simple than one's mind believes.  
 Got that off a fortune cookie.  
 If you need a life coach I can get you referred easy peasy  ;-)

This candidate has never touched that red headed trophy wife, nor did I parade around in a banana hammock no matter what the rumors are.  

Besides oral isn't really having schmexy times right?

loveyourtouch270 reads

Don't write as if you have a monopoly on the way it is. It's a pretty well known fact that a number of phony reviews are written, and it really doesn't take a genius to figure them out. So spare us the lecture. It's exactly people like you who have caused me to open up over the last few months. It really got old sitting back reading the board where a handful of people feel the owned it, and if anyone challenged the status quo, they were chastised. Enough is enough. You wanna come here and lecture me, I'll stand right up to you. You have no rank over me.  I'll continue to express my thoughts freely.  And it seems I, and others, were  right about that certain "established" person, huh?

I understand your aggggggrivation.  Believe me.

It was just the same sort of local mess years ago that got me to open up and engage in this endless banter.  You and I both know it's like yelling at a brick wall.  Just remember it's more telling who is not posting when, where, and why than it is a few of us trading jabs.  More people than you could ever believe are watching silently.  

this space makes for strange bedfellows.  what ultimately matters is furthering our best agenda, collectively, together.  when i make a point it's in that direction folks.  for those that detract it's fine, i'm rarely so totally wong, but i learn from the feedback when it's constructive.  

respectfully submitted,


But from what you posted, it appears I've had greater success over the years getting problem reports accepted than you have. So I was trying to be helpful to you with what I've learned from that experience.  As with any advice that's offered, we're free to take it or leave it.  

As for "ownership" the board and chastising people... I think you have the wrong target for that comment.  

As for "lecturing" you, I have as much right to state my opinion here as you do.  If you think I'm lecturing you or you just don't like my opinions, you might take the advice you've given others here, for similar situations: don't read those posts.  

And I don't know to which "established person" you're referring, but I can tell you that some of what you and others have posted about recent events is dead wrong.  That's why I said its important to separate facts from opinions.  Funny thing is, you said something very similar here not that long ago

loveyourtouch300 reads

Do tell, please and cite examples and the evidence proving wrong.  If you don't know what established  person I am referring to, how do you know what's  right or wrong?

I've had success  with TER but get very frustrated with their inconsistent application  of rules that  are vague.

You must be being sarcastic cuz nobody would think it's difficult to buy another phone or tablet, go to a coffee shop, create a new name, and write a fake review. So rather difficult as you say, especially in the world of rose-colored glasses😕

Posted By: CailinRoisin
They do make it rather difficult for anyone to write a review from the same place as a provider is regularly logging in.

Now this is just insulting our intelligence , if you expect  us to believe. Really?

And they would obviously have to do so using a phony client account.

And there are ways to mask your location so it appears the reviewer and the provider are in different locations. Or it could simply be done from different locations.  That's one of the reasons why guys look at the history of the reviewers and not just the providers.

I have clients who's reviewed me cause I've asked them to & they usually do not do reviews..   I mean it's review site, why not review every girl you see...  Good or Bad!!!  Just my .02!!!  

Once again Minnesota Thank you so much for your hospitality!!! I had a great time meeting new & repeat client!!! I will miss my MN ATF!!! I experienced my first bonfire, got to spend a weekend up in the north Northwoods (attached is a pic I took of the sunset one of the days I was up there), dined at bar La Grasse (yummy) but I'm starting my semester soon so I won't be traveling until break, I have 2 semesters to go til I get my MBA degree (yay for me).. Everyone who I had the time to meet & share our experiences, I thank you so very much!!!! . Minnesota has a special place in my Heart & I will miss your State!!!  

Hope to see you soon & Happy Hobbying!!!  


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