
To whoever sent me a PM. I don't have VIP & can't read it. Sorry. (eom)red_smile
LChayse See my TER Reviews 898 reads


First off. Every provider has the right to see whomever she wants. This is a voluntary business and nobody is compelled to see anyone. Incidentally that goes both ways.

In all of my reviews I am really trying to be objective. Despite it being a business it's not like selling shoes.  

Emotions,  likes,  dislikes and yes egos go in to this. Unless you're robot feelings are involved at some level.
Someone's  goddess is someone else's average. To use, an outdated phrase. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  
Chemistry however brief goes along way. I get all that.

I am a pretty blunt person and sinice English is not my first language I tend to be less attuned to the subtleties of the English language. But I try to be honest.  

OK I am done complaining and whining.

I thought this board was about giving true information. If I have offended anyone I am sorry. It wasn't my intention.  

To be called picky and high maintenance is just weird. Sorry.

But I am a big boy and I can take opinions, but I will continue to be honest.

if anyone understands this post please fill me in cuz i am lost and maybe it stems back to an old thread ....but?       WADZILLA please help !!

A provider refused to see him based on his reviews.     I am pretty sure hobbyists refuse to see ladies based on her reviews so turnaround is fair play, IMO

Well if that is the case the provider in question made a HUGE mistake telling him why she is refusing him. This is all too common among ladies.  

What are guys learning from providers giving TMI when declining to see them? NOT TO DISCLOSE THEIR TER HANDLES! At that point our ability to thoroughly screen is cut back. ZIP IT! All that needs to be said is "I'm sorry. I do not believe we are compatible. Good luck! I do hope you find a lady that will rock your world!" You could even take the time to recommend a lady you believe may be compatible to his requirements. That would be a great kindness.

despite giving a provider high scores,  he referred to her as "chubby, but in a very good way" in a recent review.  That (perhaps) unfortunate choice of adjective makes a little more sense given english isn't his first language.  Either way, the overall review was good and wouldn't deter me from seeing the provider.

again, just my guess.  


-- Modified on 1/26/2015 8:16:30 PM

Although I have not yet reviewed Jenessa Skye I have received two massages from her over the past month and all I can say is that she is a perfect 10! .. I am sorry dude there is NO chub on the girl and further more the pics could not be more accurate :) For what it is worth!  

Posted By: newbieguy42
despite giving a provider high scores,  he referred to her as "chubby, but in a very good way" in a recent review.  That (perhaps) unfortunate choice of adjective makes a little more sense given english isn't his first language.  Either way, the overall review was good and wouldn't deter me from seeing the provider.  
 again, just my guess.  

-- Modified on 1/26/2015 8:16:30 PM

Thanks "dude" but where did I say she was Chubby?  Answer: I didn't.  I was simply saying that because he isn't a native English speaker, that something was probably lost in translation.  My guess is that he meant that she "wasn't all skin and bones" which is in fact a GOOD thing.

I naturally thought about "that" review as well but then the OP's post did not make sense. I looked at some of his other reviews for the answer...don't know for sure but the timeline and taking everything into account made sense to me. Just my guess...

Posted By: newbieguy42
despite giving a provider high scores,  he referred to her as "chubby, but in a very good way" in a recent review.  That (perhaps) unfortunate choice of adjective makes a little more sense given english isn't his first language.  Either way, the overall review was good and wouldn't deter me from seeing the provider.  
 again, just my guess.  

-- Modified on 1/26/2015 8:16:30 PM

I'm not VIP but it's not difficult to come to conclusions based upon his latest review introduction.  

I've recently spent quality time with Langeweile and found him to be a very decent, respectful gentleman. A straight-shooter with a great sense of humor!

-- Modified on 1/26/2015 6:16:08 PM

A gentleman doesn't disparage a woman's character, e.g. saying she is deceitful in her advertising, without REAL good evidence.  

A gentleman knows the difference between being objective, and being cruel.  

A gentleman is respectful by striving for accuracy when creating a profile for a provider, e.g. gets her name right and verifies with her information such as age and services provided. And he doesn't create a new profile when one already exists.  

And if a gentleman injures someone, he apologizes and, if possible, tries to set things right.

Get an eye exam... and if needed, update your corrective lenses, or get some if you don't have any.  That should help you distinguish between photos that are in fact of a given provider, and those that aren't.  ;)

Still amazed by the quality of photoshop. Some reviews I regret some I don't. Get over it.

I want to touch on just one point the OP made (about giving true information) and I agree with it wholeheartedly.

If we, the hobbyists, aren't truthful in our reviews, then others that follow are misled and might not have a good experience, write a negative review, the provider gets angry, the hobbyist is angry...it's just not a good situation.

Better to be honest but there are many ways to do so without being hurtful, negative, and so on while still getting the point across.

In my case recently, I was looking at a lady's website and I thought I might like a session with her. I began perusing her reviews and while I found many to have graded her around the same range, there were a couple that did make mention of certain "things" that led to those reviews being lower than the 'herd' had graded. Anyway, with this "different" info, I am/was/have been able to adjust my   expectations to a more reasonable level. Whether I choose to go ahead and see that provider or not, at least now I know what I'm getting into.

Personally, I appreciate the honesty in the reviews.

Lastly, the review(s) that I am alluding to were written in a positive way yet still was able to say something that needed to be said in a nice way as it needed to be said.

Does anyone understand what I'm trying to say? English is also not my first language but I think my point is fairly clear.


Posted By: langeweile
First off. Every provider has the right to see whomever she wants. This is a voluntary business and nobody is compelled to see anyone. Incidentally that goes both ways.  
 In all of my reviews I am really trying to be objective. Despite it being a business it's not like selling shoes.  
 Emotions,  likes,  dislikes and yes egos go in to this. Unless you're robot feelings are involved at some level.  
 Someone's  goddess is someone else's average. To use, an outdated phrase. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  
 Chemistry however brief goes along way. I get all that.  
 I am a pretty blunt person and sinice English is not my first language I tend to be less attuned to the subtleties of the English language. But I try to be honest.  
 OK I am done complaining and whining.  
 I thought this board was about giving true information. If I have offended anyone I am sorry. It wasn't my intention.  
 To be called picky and high maintenance is just weird. Sorry.  
 But I am a big boy and I can take opinions, but I will continue to be honest.

Genesis only uses real photos!  Why would you suggest otherwise?  If you think they are fake, by all means, show us the links to the real ones, so we know.  Wadzilla would be a good one to ask, because he is a picture finding genius.  I have met Jenessa, and she has ZERO reasons to use fake photos.  To say those things and say that you would repeat?  I'm a bit baffled by your confusion.  Saying she is larger is one thing, because it is honestly YOUR opinion.  However, to say anything about fake photos is just erroneous.  Please prove me wrong or recant.


Trinity, I had.no clue what Genessis (sp?) was...but I agree, effin' autocorrect lol.

Is everybody just "assuming" he's talking about Janessa here? What if he's not?

People may well be jumping to conclusions here.  And even if they are correct, the review reads as a positive one to me.

Clearly 3 out of Jenessa's 4 pics on BP are not her. Unless some of them are very old pictures.  

If you would have read my review you would know that I actually was baffled by the fact that she wouldn't use all pictures of herself.  
Maybe the word chubby is not the right word, but she us by no means fat. I actually enjoy my time with her.
For the record. My whining wasn't about any of the ladies I have reviewed.  

Posted By: TrinityLake
Genesis only uses real photos!  Why would you suggest otherwise?  If you think they are fake, by all means, show us the links to the real ones, so we know.  Wadzilla would be a good one to ask, because he is a picture finding genius.  I have met Jenessa, and she has ZERO reasons to use fake photos.  To say those things and say that you would repeat?  I'm a bit baffled by your confusion.  Saying she is larger is one thing, because it is honestly YOUR opinion.  However, to say anything about fake photos is just erroneous.  Please prove me wrong or recant.  
-- Modified on 1/27/2015 8:15:49 AM

bdrmEyes1085 reads

I first met Jenessa about 6 months ago and she was using 4 of the 5 pics from her BP ad of today on her website then. I think they absolutely are her (in my expert opinion, being a experienced, knowledgeable and thorough observer of Janessa) and are accurate to what she was a couple of months ago. I see her next week, so I'll let you know if she's changed. No, she's not a waif, but then, if she were, I never would have tried to see her. As you said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

...and, I don't think anyone thinks you are complaining about Janessa. The conclusion everyone has drawn is that the review of Janessa soured the unnamed provider on seeing you. This would be especially true if unnamed provider is a similar body type and therefore knows she wouldn't be your dream girl.

Recently, I've seen  people complain about "overrating" of providers, now we have someone who "underrates".   I guess I see it this way.  The providers have ads, some show faces, some show bodies, some show both and some show neither.  I'm only going to see providers who interest me from their ads (including photos) and am therefore likely to rate them highly.  I saw them, I picked them for a reason.  Now, if I show up and it's not her nor a fair representation of her, then we may have issues.  For the most part, the ads are correct and should be viewed like any other ad where assets are highlighted, etc.   Some say come see me at this low rate - "What a bargain!".  Others stand on their own merit and demand a higher price.   We should have an idea of what we're getting into before contacting a provider.  Once, I've done my ad homework, then it's time for review homework, but that's secondary.

It feels like some people (not outing Langeweile), look at the ads, decide to see someone then tear them down, when they/we are the ones making the decision to contact.   The providers have a choice, but the choice starts with us.  I don't have any providers banging down my doors to pay to see me. :-)  I'm the one starting the process.  

I guess I'm saying that I expect the ratings to be over-inflated to a point.    

BTW to respond LChayse, IMHO - It's not an issue of giving out TER IDs.  I'm sure most of the women I've reviewed know my ID from what my review said.    

I give kudos to Langeweile for the honesty (and not using an alias), but we still should look for people who peak our interest and rate fairly based on personal experience.  

Other than low scores, Langeweile's reviews don't seem to be overly harsh, but I wouldn't blame someone for not wanting to go into a situation where most of the time the scores are low.

I was curious when you mentioned his low scores so I looked at his 20+ reviews, just the #s.  
Yes he does have some very low scores lol but...

If you actually read those reviews, some of the low scores are almost justified. He does mention about "beauty is in the eyes..." and all that. Obviously he chose to see some ladies that maybe he should have done more research on first or even not seen them at all.

However, if you look at some of the low "performance": scores, his are actually in line with most of the others and even higher than some.
He has seen some "higher ranked" ladies and gave them excellent scores.
I guess what I'm saying is that maybe he (and all of us as well) should do our research and due diligence (ads, websites, reviews, PM to previous reviewers, etc.) before seeing a lady. That goes for the ladies as well, as much as possible...since hobbyists usually don't have ads and websites lol.

Posted By: kasper_woods
Recently, I've seen  people complain about "overrating" of providers, now we have someone who "underrates".   I guess I see it this way.  The providers have ads, some show faces, some show bodies, some show both and some show neither.  I'm only going to see providers who interest me from their ads (including photos) and am therefore likely to rate them highly.  I saw them, I picked them for a reason.  Now, if I show up and it's not her nor a fair representation of her, then we may have issues.  For the most part, the ads are correct and should be viewed like any other ad where assets are highlighted, etc.   Some say come see me at this low rate - "What a bargain!".  Others stand on their own merit and demand a higher price.   We should have an idea of what we're getting into before contacting a provider.  Once, I've done my ad homework, then it's time for review homework, but that's secondary.  
 It feels like some people (not outing Langeweile), look at the ads, decide to see someone then tear them down, when they/we are the ones making the decision to contact.   The providers have a choice, but the choice starts with us.  I don't have any providers banging down my doors to pay to see me. :-)  I'm the one starting the process.    
 I guess I'm saying that I expect the ratings to be over-inflated to a point.    
 BTW to respond LChayse, IMHO - It's not an issue of giving out TER IDs.  I'm sure most of the women I've reviewed know my ID from what my review said.    
 I give kudos to Langeweile for the honesty (and not using an alias), but we still should look for people who peak our interest and rate fairly based on personal experience.    
 Other than low scores, Langeweile's reviews don't seem to be overly harsh, but I wouldn't blame someone for not wanting to go into a situation where most of the time the scores are low.

That's my point exactly...the low scores seem to be on the "looks" category.  One should have a pretty decent idea of what a provider looks like from her ad photos and only contact her if one believes she will be a good match.  "Beauty in the eye", etc.

The great thing about this, is that there's someone (or many) out there for everyone.  

The actual reviews appear to be somewhat fair.

Posted By: kasper_woods
 BTW to respond LChayse, IMHO - It's not an issue of giving out TER IDs.  I'm sure most of the women I've reviewed know my ID from what my review said.
I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. (seems a lot of that is happening in this feed) Lol!

I was responding to Belinda's reply which addresses ladies declining to see gentlemen they've never seen before based on their review history. I am aware many hobbyists won't be forthcoming with their handles or even having a TER account for that matter when requesting to see a provider for the 1st time because they fear being rejected after the provider has looked up his reviews & posting history.

In hindsight I'm wishing I wouldn't have thrown in my two cents at all considering the OP's ramblings aren't really clear as to what he's actually disturbed about. Oh well.... What's done is done.  

Kirstie & a bow.... be safe, have fun ya'll!

Well though out and said Kasper.

As for me, I've been fortunate in my short time in the hobby.  I've seen 4 providers and have been extremely happy with my experiences with 3 of the 4.  The fourth performed precicely as described in her reviews and I thought it was something I would enjoy but for some reason I didn't.  I did not review that experience because I felt it was me and not the provider.  I knew what was in store based on prior reviews.  I did write positive reviews of the experiences I enjoyed.  However, I had problems with assigning numbers and descriptions from a drop down box. If anything, I errored on the low side due to the standards and because I did not want another hobbist that is more critical than myself to be dissappointed or hive too high of an expectation.

I have been blessed to enjoy the providers I have seen, but I have done my homework before asking for an appointment.  I read reviews, checked out websites, and gathered as much information as I could.  Had I not done that and the ladies had not been what they were I don't know that I would have continued in the hobby.

The one thing you do is not to call a very highly rated girl is "chubby" as there is bound to be harsh feedback on it. This came up I think in early fall where a client called a well reviewed massage provider bigger than he would have liked and yah it got brought up here on the board too and she was not too happy. As for the picture thing I am not saying they are her or not her but on her newest ad there is a newer picture that is not like the others and that is probably what he is talking about.  She is stunning and I would love to see her sometime and making it known to the girl that you were "dissapointed" in some of her looks is not the best thing to do, especially when she knows your doing it.

I never said I was disappointed in her looks. That's your interpretation.

This is what I said :Only one picture on BP is her. The rest is not her. Not sure, why she isn't using her own pictures. She is a very attractive MILF. I will repeat.

Which part of very attractive and will repeat says I was disappointed?

Just let the providers review us too, we can take it , ha

I know they would have a field day trying to put a number to my ability and appearence. Is it possible to receive negative numbers in the rating?  

Posted By: tayler3000
Just let the providers review us too, we can take it , ha


The talk of placing a number to the providers & reviewing clients made me think of this song.  It's old but humorous.


Posted By: tayler3000
Just let the providers review us too, we can take it , ha

Ha ha, good one, I remember that song. Lets forget about these long detailed reviews about what happens between two people alone and just put a number to them

I received two pm's confirming that all of Jenessa's pictures on BP are hers. I believe it and I have to admit I was wrong.
But to be clear my visit with her wasn't what prompted my rant. She is a great lady. The word chubby was used in a playful way, especially since she told me that she was trying to lose some weight. I apologize if the word chubby was taken in an offensive way.
Moderator guy had me actually take down the performance score by one, since it didn't meet board guidelines.
My rant wasn't related to any women I have seen and reviewed here

Damn right, damn English language. At least it's not British English!

Of course your original performance score didn't meet board guidelines, because you messed up and created a new profile instead of adding your review to Jenessa's existing profile.  Had you done that, your original performance score would not have been challenged by Admin.

Is it that difficult to look up a provider's existing profile when creating a review?  Jenessa only has 91 reviews, in addition to yours.  Someone as particular as you should be able to figure it out, don't you think?

Also, if you don't use a tool like Google Image Search to verify photos in ads--you should.

Had to reduce performance from 9 to 8  Due to services performed.  Isnt adding reviews to existing providers the moderators job?

I would think someone with as many reviews as you have would know how the review system works.  My mistake.

So, here's how it works:  When you write a review, check to see if the provider already has a profile, and reviews.  If so, you use that provider's TER ID and name and details from her profile to complete your review.  You can change some of the profile details in your review if you want, but keep in mind that by itself won't cause her profile to be updated.

As for Performance score, here's what TER says about it:

"Her maximum eligible score is based on what is offered, not what is performed during your session with her. You may or may not be interested in the “extra” services she offers, but the fact she offers them makes her eligible for the higher score."

If you look at Jenessa's profile (her real profile, not the one you created), you can easily see the maximum score she's eligible for based on the rules.  And you can also see all scores in her 91 reviews.  Note that most of them are the score you originally wanted to give her, or even higher.

Before you complain, before you call out someone for posting "fake" photos, before you call someone "wrong"--do your research.

Thank you for the information. Been a member since 2005 which equals to about 2 reviews per year. Sorry that I haven't taken the time to learn all the functionality. My bad.

But your accusatory style put me on the defensive.  I should know better. 😊

and when you report this to lower the scores, this is what happens....


-- Modified on 1/27/2015 11:29:34 AM

My Problem Report pointing out the duplicate Profile was marked 'N/A' by TER and the duplicate profile remains. And now a second review has been added to that new Profile, dated last November. It's one thing when a reviewer doesn't understand the system, but when TER doesn't understand, or care about, it's own rules ... kind of seems like a hatchet job on Jenessa.

I believe that N/A means that it is not "new," "approved" or "unapproved" yet, i.e., they are still researching.  Combining profiles (as was pointed out earlier by admin) takes some time to make sure they get it right.  I bet they are trying to contact Jenessa first, so  I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it.

I've done that occasionally when problem reports get denied for no good reason and that usually gets things fixed.

So another review just popped up for the Sky - e girl and called her botox-y. It is like they either saw a different girl or think guys won't catch on. I can imagine what kind of discussion we will have on this one.

After the mountain that was manufactured out something not even qualifying as a molehill in the first review, that comment, while unkind, will undoubtedly produce all sorts of apoplexy.

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