
There wouldn't be a TER if there weren't a lot of us who look at it that way (e)
vorlon 117 Reviews 90 reads


My comfort zone is delineated by knowledge. I couldn’t imagine just going into BP (especially with all its scams) and picking a lady with no other input. My question is this: am I the only one who can’t act without input? Am I the only one who loves ter because it allows me the luxury of making choices based on knowledge

It the most convenient method (checking TER reviews of p411 ladies.)  I would also be open to recommendations from providers for newbies (otherwise they'd already have reviews.)  

but not all reviews are true so keep that in mind

I would tend to agree it's a great go to. The most important part is you know if the gal is legit, no doubt some of the play by play is embellished ymmv but it's good to be informed.Although in the past I have come across some real gems, but my share of I wished I'd never called too. Anyway happy hobbying.

...Are the best way to stay safe in the hobby, before I started using the TER reviews I walked into bait & switch, I was robbed @ gunpoint & had some very unsatisfying sessions, but watch who's reviews you choose to believe, always check the reviewer's history.

great advice...always make sure the reviewer is legit!

Since P411 and TER have had less then hoped for experiences but none bad.
One of my best was with a non reviewed P411 provider who did not have and still does not have any.  
Saw her on advice of another  client and was more then satisfied.
His referal was my review.

Nothing could beat a friends recommendation for most of those arnt available so we use the best source at our disposal

I'm with you. Won't make a move with checking things out on TER first.  Hobbying is great, but there are lot of risks: from personal safety to avoiding unsatisfying sessions.  Currently on a free P411 trial, but being cheap, not sure if I'll continue.  So TER is essential in my book.

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