
Then the next day...
Derpdydoo 78 Reviews 720 reads

Posted By: 2+2=4
Tuesday:      I contact a well reviewed but relatively new provider.  
 Wednesday:  She says I pass screening.  
 Thursday:     We finalize time for Saturday AM ("Perfect," she writes.)  
 Friday:         We confirm and I get a strong green light.  She says she will contact with email/text for directions in AM.  
 Saturday:     No contact from her.  

Sunday.. Fall madly in love with her, write glowing reviews how your soul is now complete and you'll never see another.

2+2=41285 reads

Tuesday:      I contact a well reviewed but relatively new provider.
Wednesday:  She says I pass screening.
Thursday:     We finalize time for Saturday AM ("Perfect," she writes.)  
Friday:         We confirm and I get a strong green light.  She says she will contact with email/text for directions in AM.
Saturday:     No contact from her.

A gentleman never tells.
Only a fool would rebook.

Non a viable business model

But after that, it's not helpful to the rest of us if we don't know who did this.

she contacts you. Sometimes booking gets crazy, especially when one is independent. I'm certain most providers here have experienced the same, people are fallible. I try to give others the benefit of the doubt, at least the first time around! ;)

Posted By: 2+2=4
Tuesday:      I contact a well reviewed but relatively new provider.  
 Wednesday:  She says I pass screening.  
 Thursday:     We finalize time for Saturday AM ("Perfect," she writes.)  
 Friday:         We confirm and I get a strong green light.  She says she will contact with email/text for directions in AM.  
 Saturday:     No contact from her.  


Sunday.. Fall madly in love with her, write glowing reviews how your soul is now complete and you'll never see another.

We are all fallible.

If she is a good business person, she will reach out to you and attempt to correct the situation.  Possible a discount or an extended session.  Personally, I would just ask what happened.  Say she had a relative or friend drop by unexpectedly, "gee mom, I'm sorry to leave you here, but I have to go blow somebody."

One of the best client's I have ever had was someone that I failed to return a call.  I apologized and did everything in my power to make it right.

Help others avoid the bad business model name names. Sounds harsh, and it is, but bad behavior is just that. Unless Alzheimer's is at fault, she's knows where she shouldda been. Instead she leaves you twisting in the wind.

Did she emailed you like 3:49AM the next day and tell you that her phone got wet like 10 mins prior to the appt time and wasn't able to answer her phone?? Happened to me on Sept 28th @ 9pm. If you look 3 posts down from here, you know who I'm referring to. She is apparently looking for a restaurant to celebrate her big day. For those who plan to treat her to a nice restaurant, pls make sure her phone doesn't get wet again this time like 10 mins before the schedule time.

Sorry, I'm NOT looking for a fight but just have to vent to take it off my chest.

It's not safe to vent on this board,  you will get roasted.

Well, what do you want us to do? Feel sorry for you or help you? (Table for pity party of 1.) We cannot help without info, and if you provide no info, then you're just venting and wasting our time.  Just place "venting" in the title so we don't bother reading.  Feel bad for you for sure, but grow up.  You're dabbling in an "iffy" hobby not playing marbles with your neighborhood pals.  Lots of very nice people in the hobby but also some that have other motives (or are just plain strange).   Sometimes 2+2=4.  Sometimes 2+2 =5.  But 1+0 =1   You always have yourself

You get zero empathy from me because you didn't mention who this person is. After all of the screening, etc. the professional thing to do would have been an apology from her and request to reschedule. Just out tell the rest of us who she is so we can avoid her and move on to someone better. There are many better providers out there.

If nothing that saturday morning send her another email asking whats up and seeing if your still on - dont just assume, you have to take initiative if you really want to see her.

thumper6969687 reads

by booking with her, and being approved.  It's her job to confirm as she said she would.  Why chase her?  Move along unless she has a plausible reason for NCNS

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