
Sparklingjen thread and some thoughts about safe sex
srvfan 6 Reviews 10474 reads

I read through the entire thread a couple of times and decided to take it down. If there are allegations, innuendos or whatever, regarding safe sex, then put it in her reviews. If you feel her standard of service is not there, put it in her reviews. I'm not picking on Jen or anyone here. If other hobbyists are wondering what's going on, they can join TER, a backchannel group, or email them.

"Safe sex" is about on the same level with "army intelligence". (sorry I can't think of anything else and I mean no disrespect to any of the armed forces.) Whether we are hobbyists or escorts, there is so such thing as safe sex. We expose ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually at some level. Sure money is exchanged and protection is used, but who are we really kidding? I bet if people posted anonymously and could tell both the good and bad, there would be far more stories outside of just the physical realm of sex.

I've gotten some feedback (which I respect) stating that the thread should not have been taken down. Perhaps I should not have but I keep coming back to the purpose of reviews. If someone is or is not performing a particular act, is or is not worth the money, then post it in the review section.

Some people feel the Board is dominated by the escorts. Others feel that I don't allow enough criticism of the escorts on the Board. It's your Board, I just try to help make it work. I'm certainly far from perfect.

I'm open to other feedback and won't take it as "bashing". Thanks

Moonray9848 reads

Many members don’t post reviews because they know they’ll be blackballed by certain influential providers if they don’t inflate their ratings.  Even if they do submit an honest rating, there is a good chance it will be thrown out for being “inconsistent” with previous overly optimistic ratings or pulled shortly after it’s posted when the provider lobbies TER administration.

I also think the incestuous local “referral system” is as much about keeping hobbyists in tow and “on message” as it is about safety.  Certain providers are just not supposed to EVER get a bad (or even average or slightly above average) review.  If and when they ever do, they can play, or threaten to play, their blacklist card and tell every other provider in the referral system what an "asshole" the hobbyist has suddenly become for not mimicking how they’re the best thing since sliced bread.

I’m not talking about Jen, BTW.  What I am saying is that some hobbyists, who don’t feel they can be honest when reviewing ALL girls, choose to not review at all rather than apply inconsistent standards based on the status of the provider.

peachs11821 reads

When someone needs to give a fast good or bad heads-up, as opposed to the review board which seems to travel by Pony Express.

I agree with Peaches.  The thread about Jen was nothing personal, just an observation based upon her lack of good reviews and "My Opinion".  I thought thats what the purpose of the board was or to ask questions or to post a pointman review since timely reviews are like the pony express.  

The lady will be out of town by the time the review is posted.  I feel the thread about Jen should have benn left up.  The thread took a turn when decribing her pratices in detail.  The line was crossed there in my opinion.  The mpls board seems to have the most interaction between memebers and one of the better ones about giving Pointman heads up.

webslavedude8402 reads

1. Safe sex is the response of the individual. I would expect that everyone do there research just like you would preparing to handle weed killer or oil paint.  The providers and clients are responsible for their individual safety.  

2. Many providers out there do not not use condoms, are allergic to latex... and many clients pressure for protection not to be used.  This should almost be a given, although it did shock me the first time I felt about it.

3. Protection isn't 100% protection.  Only abstinence is.  But there are degrees of reasonable protection.

4. With any web board, there is going there are going to be alpha posters.  With any rating system, there can be manipulation. It healthy to periodically raise these concerns and understand that there are alternatives out there such as starting another board, using another board, dialoging with the mods, and simply boycotting.

5. The rating system has certain drawback due to both the personal subjectivity of the raters and the tendency for the raters to want hype women they feel a connection with... not to mention the ability to get anonymous accounts.  But all in all it is better than no system.

webslavedude8347 reads

yeah, i got long winded. here is what I am saying.

there has been some talk of a review and some issues around safe sex.  my response is this:  

if a provider and/or client choose to use protection or not tha, then that is their business and their risk. not really up for public debate or expose in my case... at least in a mixed forum like this.  

Regarding reviews: they maybe inaccurate, but having some inaccurate reviews is better than none.

Here's my take.  The reviews are just that a static description of a single encounter.  The boards are for a more dynamic discussion.  When someone mentions the performance of a provider they can interact with others where a review is done once posted.  In fact to be honest, I stopped posting reviews because I typically see the same providers.  No reason to keep reviewing.  I did however pay my quarterly fee for the value I get out of the board discussion.  Sort of like my sick twisted soap opera.  I love it when the providers respond where this is not possible in the reviews.  


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