
That's not necessarily true...
Jamie.Solo See my TER Reviews 454 reads

Being nice and getting taken advantage off are two different things. Since you didn't share what has led you to say this, we can't really assume what has actually happened. You can be both nice, and be firm at the same time.

But clear communication is always a great place to start...or re-start/try again... ect.
You wouldn't believe how much misunderstanding & bad timing can play a role about things in hobby-land.
Hope things get better 4 ya. :)

You are sweet Mindy.  I love reading your thoughtful posts.

You had an unhappy session or at least a less than stellar one?

Perhaps one where the girl/lady took advantage of your generosity, good manners, good nature, etc. and did not deliver as promised?

finish first and last and sometimes in between...  I mean, are we ever REALLY finished?

Nice guys + good decisions tend to get closer to the front of the race.

I could keep going forever with the lack of info.  It just seems like you're upset and reaching out, but the attempt to help is just kinda like thrusting in space trying to hit pay dirt...

Wanna help us out a little?


I just like to finish whether it's first, middle, last, etc

Why not all the above?

Posted By: arunee
I just like to finish whether it's first, middle, last, etc

But you do have to watch out for your own well being.

After spending time, effort, $'s on a nice gift, great night out, or a planning a special travel date you maybe left without a simple thanks, or reply, or shown much less effort the some hourly client holding his TER reviewer credentials gets...you can feel pretty used and stupid for being so nice. For some gals, nice efforts are just like flowers thrown on their rock star stage by strangers.  

Be nice because you want to be and feel good about it, but don't get caught up in what you didn't get in return. Don't waste nice on those who don't appreciate it (this doesn't mean you shouldn't always be respectful and courteous). Be more nice to those who recognize it (certainly some do).  

I like being nice (it's who I am and what I want to experience), but it can be a sign to many here that you're just a sucker willing to give more and expect less. So, in this business don't bother spending too much effort on nice unless you're doing it for yourself or have no expectations for reciprocity.  

Sorry for the "nice" rant.

Being nice and getting taken advantage off are two different things. Since you didn't share what has led you to say this, we can't really assume what has actually happened. You can be both nice, and be firm at the same time.

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