
That does seem odd. Hope it works out for you. -e-
Dr.BudGreen 10 Reviews 813 reads


Visiting Minneapolis for business purposes. See the ad of a new provider. Checked out reviews and looked good though only a couple of them. So just emailed to inquire. Sent pictures of id, privacy, etc as requested for verification.  Got a response of green light. But when it comes to the real scheduling, never got the response from the  provider not even the initial automatic greetings. Bizzare. Did this happen a lot in Minneapolis or to you guys before?

Posted By: tq2014
Visiting Minneapolis for business purposes. See the ad of a new provider. Checked out reviews and looked good though only a couple of them. So just emailed to inquire. Sent pictures of id, privacy, etc as requested for verification.  Got a response of green light. But when it comes to the real scheduling, never got the response from the  provider not even the initial automatic greetings. Bizzare. Did this happen a lot in Minneapolis or to you guys before?

payintherange994 reads

If you are send copies of your ID STOP!  If they want to verify it when you get there that is up to you but sending a photo copy is really putting yourself out there to be victimized by the criminally insane!



Are you nuts?

Oh right, you must mean the fake ID you used to buy beer when you were 18, right!

Posted By: tq2014
Visiting Minneapolis for business purposes. See the ad of a new provider. Checked out reviews and looked good though only a couple of them. So just emailed to inquire. Sent pictures of id, privacy, etc as requested for verification.  Got a response of green light. But when it comes to the real scheduling, never got the response from the  provider not even the initial automatic greetings. Bizzare. Did this happen a lot in Minneapolis or to you guys before?

Not the dl. But company badge. And I modified the eyes. But I later sent a head picture as she asked. Though it is a small crop.  Am I so screwed?

Posted By: tq2014
Not the dl. But company badge. And I modified the eyes. But I later sent a head picture as she asked. Though it is a small crop.  Am I so screwed?

I did not renew my p11 and my Ter handle is not enough. I am hoping it will not get worse. It is just name and employer name. Her review looked good and reviewer did mention that the screening is lengthy as the providers are new. Everything is so setup?

Most likely nothing will come of it but I wouldn't hand out that info again.

You are right. The badge has name. Company name and city name. But nothing more than that. I can only have finger crossed now. It is a good lesson in a hard way. Hopefully, it will not get worse.

Posted By: vorlon
Most likely nothing will come of it but I wouldn't hand out that info again.

Have you done that before...sending pictures and employment info in other parts of the country where you have traveled?  Not at all the rule of thumb in these back woods sir.

Hopefully you are not screwed on this one as those girls appear to be on the up and up, but just stop doing it.   The more you do it, the more likely you are to run into a nut job and get yourself in trouble.

sadfromthesouth907 reads

I think her and her sister are legit but new at this and making some rookie mistakes!

Posted By: tq2014
Visiting Minneapolis for business purposes. See the ad of a new provider. Checked out reviews and looked good though only a couple of them. So just emailed to inquire. Sent pictures of id, privacy, etc as requested for verification.  Got a response of green light. But when it comes to the real scheduling, never got the response from the  provider not even the initial automatic greetings. Bizzare. Did this happen a lot in Minneapolis or to you guys before?

Thanks !It sounds a little reassuring. I also try to help a little since they are  new though I am also a rookie hobbist. Otherwise, I would not have done this. So far I have seen only 3 providers. Initially, I contacted her friend but her friend is not providing any more. So she recommended this provider and also because her friend really has quite a few good reviews, I did what she asked me. Maybe, I should have found a newbie friendly provider. On the other hand, when saw a provider in CA, she was so newbie friendly that I started to feel uncomfortable. You know if something seems too good ro be true, it is a trap

-- Modified on 7/28/2015 9:32:00 PM

sadfromthesouth734 reads

She follows the boards! Maybe she will reach out to you to make it right!  

Posted By: tq2014
Thanks !It sounds a little reassuring. I also try to help a little since they are though I am also a rookie hobbist. Otherwise, I would not have done this.

sadfromthesouth930 reads

Maybe someone here who has seen them can jump in to the discussion and reassure you they are legit. I'd like to hear myself because there ad pics if accurate are hot!

Posted By: tq2014
Thanks !It sounds a little reassuring. I also try to help a little since they are though I am also a rookie hobbist. Otherwise, I would not have done this.

Hopefully they are legit, for the OP's sake and everyone else's.

Posted By: sadfromthesouth
I think her and her sister are legit but new at this and making some rookie mistakes!  
Posted By: tq2014
Visiting Minneapolis for business purposes. See the ad of a new provider. Checked out reviews and looked good though only a couple of them. So just emailed to inquire. Sent pictures of id, privacy, etc as requested for verification.  Got a response of green light. But when it comes to the real scheduling, never got the response from the  provider not even the initial automatic greetings. Bizzare. Did this happen a lot in Minneapolis or to you guys before?

What's this bash the new girls day, good grief lol. WK find something better to do seriously lol!  

Posted By: WK2014

cumotz744 reads

Well they should come on this board and ask questions. There are a lot a of very helpful people on here. Both providers and clients alike. Also check out the newbie board. Portia posted a link in January I believe for books on how to start an escort business. I think it was on Amazon. Do a search.

It's amazing how much control the little head has over the big head at times.

There may have been some technical issues. I've been finding a ton of emails in my spam.

Emails are to get a reply no longer then a half hour if screening etc comes back good. I'm very anal about this, must be a slight mix up. Let's chat!

Tq2014: it looks like you may be getting extra service given her attitude about emails....

Posted By: SavannahSummer
Emails are to get a reply no longer then a half hour if screening etc comes back good. I'm very anal about this, must be a slight mix up. Let's chat!

Employment information is a absolute must if the gentleman doesn't have any references, P411, DC, white list etc. How else am I suppose to verify he's who he says he is? I prefer a white list or repetuable reference over the hassle with employment any day thats for sure haha! ;)

Yes I'm new :) but- I have been researching this business for three years now. I still have a ton to learn, but am firm on my screening. ;)

Soak up some sun its always a hot time with Summer! ;) have a great day! ;

Do not ever compromise your screening level to the point where you are not comfortable.
If you do that the session will not have the comfort or connection that it should to start and may nevertheless get on track.
Client loses in the short term and you in the long run.
Stay safe!!

Here in MN there are a lot of top quality ladies at, around, or even below this price. Next time I'd do a little more research and choose one of the ladies with more reviews.

Posted By: tq2014
Visiting Minneapolis for business purposes. See the ad of a new provider. Checked out reviews and looked good though only a couple of them. So just emailed to inquire. Sent pictures of id, privacy, etc as requested for verification.  Got a response of green light. But when it comes to the real scheduling, never got the response from the  provider not even the initial automatic greetings. Bizzare. Did this happen a lot in Minneapolis or to you guys before?
I gave out my work information only once before, she called me and verified that I worked there.  I felt "safe" in doing so because previous reviewers have indicated it and also stated on her website.  i had some memorable times together with her before she left the scene.  

In the future, do NOT share work information with ladies who are not "well reviewed"

Don't ever do that again.  I have absolutely no problem with the ladies doing what they feel is necessary for their personal safety but think with big head and not the little.

There are ladies out that know my real name and where I live but that's after significant time together and trust well built.

Remember, your security/safety is just as important.

I wouldn't see him due to his very low review scoring. But that's just me.

And we wonder why these scores are so over inflated on TER.

semi-hard921 reads

What, no confidence in your services??  

Posted By: NicoleAble
I wouldn't see him due to his very low review scoring. But that's just me.

One can't help but wonder if he's scoring ladies so low because of them or his own personal problems? I'm guessing it's his personal problems... Like Mr Talons earlier reviews for example.  
Just a thought on the subject that's all  

Posted By: semi-hard
 What, no confidence in your services??    
Posted By: NicoleAble
I wouldn't see him due to his very low review scoring. But that's just me.

Maybe that is the level of those girls (quality of services performed, price, etc.). You can't equate those providers scores and say you are better or he does not deserve to see you.  

I'm sure many hobbyists have seen providers multiple times and would score them differently each time. I know I have.

Just look at your scores this year, they range from 6/5 (your most recent review) to 8/9 with most being around 7/7. I certainly would not pay $300 for a 6/5 lady - is that you, Nicole?  

Now an 8/9, I'd gladly pay that.  

As for 7/7, I'd do more research and it could go either way but generally, in my opinion, 7/7 ladies are not worth that price. They should either be less expensive or their scores should be better. There are an awful lot of ladies at $300 or less with much higher average scores, both here and obviously elsewhere.

Lastly, I'm not telling anyone how to run their business nor what they should charge but rather stating my opinion on what a quality $300 lady's score would be...IMO.

Posted By: NicoleAble
I wouldn't see him due to his very low review scoring. But that's just me.

Nicole. It is too late. We had a good time yesterday. Maybe, we can do a 3some when you decide to come back to business.

I smell ID theft and it's going to cost you dearly to fix, much $$$ and years.

Posted By: tq2014
Visiting Minneapolis for business purposes. See the ad of a new provider. Checked out reviews and looked good though only a couple of them. So just emailed to inquire. Sent pictures of id, privacy, etc as requested for verification.  Got a response of green light. But when it comes to the real scheduling, never got the response from the  provider not even the initial automatic greetings. Bizzare. Did this happen a lot in Minneapolis or to you guys before?

TCButtman885 reads

Sent email, provided recent reference of a great provider, asked a question and didn't hear back. I am not one to post this kind of stuff but feels like a trend to me.

-- Modified on 7/29/2015 9:34:29 AM

You asked if I was available evenings, my auto reply gives all availability. Lets get this resolved- remember- I'm not perfect nore is anyone :). I'm going to soak up some sun I hope everyone enjoys this amazing weather!!

Posted By: TCButtman
Sent email, provided recent reference of a great provider, asked a question and didn't hear back. I am not one to post this kind of stuff but feels like a trend to me.  

-- Modified on 7/29/2015 9:34:29 AM

Hello my fellow hobbist,

I really thank you for your attention and inputs. It turned out just to be an accident that some emails went to the spam box of her email. Once she found out this issue, she responded to me very promptly and everything was set up easily. I had a very good time with Savannah. She did whatever I asked for. I can understand that new providers may be extra precautious in the beginning and ask for some extra information which may seem a little weird. But I am sure they will be more accommodating once they get a foot hold. I will post a review for her. Bottom line, it is worthy for a newbie like me. I enjoyed the time with her. If possible, I would like a double with her sister Paige

Guess you got an offer you couldn't refuse. Glad it worked out for everyone.

In my absence from the hobby, I forgot how inconsiderate these "ladies" can be in maintaining their safety

Posted By: jcinbp

Yes because God forbid we keep the creeps and law enforcement out of our private lives .

Hopefully you're not referring to me as I've never had a inquiry from you.  

Posted By: jcinbp

Nope. It was two highly regarded providers and a third, relatively new to the hobby. All since Monday.  

Posted By: SavannahSummer
Hopefully you're not referring to me as I've never had a inquiry from you.  
Posted By: jcinbp

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