
Thanks, all!
oldguy666 65 Reviews 198 reads

Thanks, all!  Good points, all.  Much appreciated.


I'd value people's thoughts on cancellations.  

I had a terrible winter and spring, health-wise, and had to cancel several times with a lady.  It was always with at least 24 hours' notice, and usually closer to 48 hours.  I always thought that it was plenty of time for her to fill the slot with someone else--and she was thankful I didn't come and bring her my cold--but I wonder if I should still compensate her for part or all of the time.



just tip her a little.  Most providers understand their will be cancellations and, as long as they are given plenty of time, no compensaition is usually required.  That may not be as true for touring providers who have extra expenses to cover.

Thanks, Belinda.  Good advice.

She's a local lady, UTR, and I've seen her for close to three years now

I don't think compensation is necessary.  You gave plenty of advance notice and it's not like you wanted to get sick.  Unexpected things happen in all our lives.  So long as it isn't a downright NCNS or someone who habitually makes appointments and cancels them (doesn't apply to you because you were sick) I say we need to be tolerant of the unexpected things that happen in people's lives.

if you see her again, you might bring a small present as a token of your appreciation and sign of your goodwill.

Thanks, all!  Good points, all.  Much appreciated.


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