
Thank you cards, a lost art
souls_harbor 57 reads

Nobody sends thank you cards anymore.  I think the last 2-3 wedding gifts I've given (each worth several hundred dollars) were never acknowledged.   It might even be more than that, but I can't remember now.

And what a voice!  But her beauty and talents go far beyond her voice.  The Stormy Experience is not to be missed!

Sweet Kail —-and she sure is sweet , and sexy, and sensual as well as about as accommodating a date you will find. Whoops forgot the fantastic kisses and  curves.
Thank you Kali

I've been at it for ~ 3yrs, and can't recall if EVER a ho thank me for my business or send me a post card.

Posted By: TalonTed

I've been at it for ~ 3yrs, and can't recall if EVER a ho thank me for my business or send me a post card.

-- Modified on 11/17/2017 5:52:47 PM

Show me a fucking single card you ever got from a ho???? Show me or STFU.

Posted By: knotsaway
Re: Why does that not surprise me.  (EOM)
Posted By: TalonTed
 I've been at it for ~ 3yrs, and can't recall if EVER a ho thank me for my business or send me a post card.
-- Modified on 11/17/2017 5:52:47 PM

But showing them to you would be impractical.  However... we know providers like Francesca like to give cards and thank-you's, and I've seen Francesca.  

I think you've hit on why you don't get thank-you's or cards, and guys like me do.  You see women you think of as "ho"s, while others including me  see "providers".  It's not the word that's important, but the mindset behind using it.

So there you go.  I won't be SingTFU anytime soon.  

Does your mindset theory  , and use of word  , Ho, hooker, whore,  apply to the ladies use of it or you giving them a pass?  

As I said, it's not the word, but what's behind the use of the word.

A provider using ho/whore/hooker once in awhile in jest is one thing.
A guy using it constantly in reference to providers along with other words that show disdain and disrespect for them is another thing entirely, IMO.

It's an example of a common behavior where a member of a close-knit group uses a term to refer to other group members that could be considered an insult if stated by someone outside the group, but is just playful banter when used between group members.  

But hey, I could be completely wrong about that.  Maybe along with saying "thank you" not being in providers' DNA, as you claim, it's also not in their DNA to care one bit what anyone calls them.  You and Talon could keep doing that, and report back to us here after awhile as to how that went.

They are too busy wondering  why you didn't  bring them something off their  wishlist.  
Maybe go to wally world  get some pre -written cards  and if your lucky they will sign and give back to you.  Just an idea.   You know they don't  like to waste time.    

...But you must have learned how to treat providers from talon, the women I choose to spend time with always invite me to cum-back & give me a great fair-well smooch on my way out the door, of course this may be part of the act but from my end it feels pretty good to be fooled that way. If you want more appreciation from your trysts try treating them more respectfully & don't expect too much from the $100.00 1/2 hour girls.

Well I get that same responce from the wal mart greeter on way out door, minus the smooces.  And I get the same come see me again from the hookers   So what.  
Hey chump that admits it's   possibly all an act, thats not what I wrote about. Actually a hand written card.  How many of you idiots have a shoebox  full of those?  Probably not as many as the hookers.  

Jesus Christ at least  publicly ,Francesca  came on this  fuck board and  gave a Thank You to Veterans, where were all your board favorites on  that ?

...well Mr.Murphy the post you left that I responded to was blaming & insulting to providers, these women are professionals just trying to earn a living, they provide a service & we pay for it that is all. It is entirely up to them if they want to go further than a simple thank you. Please tell us if you get thank you cards from other people that you hire like your auto mechanic or your landscaper it's great if you do, but to expect that from casual business dealings is foolish indeed & if you don't like the way you were treated by the provider you can post that in your review.

Blame , where and how did I blame as you say ,  providers?   Give me exaple of that.  

Good logic you have there, that  I am insulting them for  something  they shouldn't  do in
the first place because  it's  just casual.   What the hell ,  they shouldn't  be insulted then . If they are insulted , maybe they should be for not  taking time and effort  to do a thank you note, especially  if they receive them and are true professionals as you say.  
  I for one don't  worship the ground they walk on .  
 Everyone else you go right ahead if it gives you tingles in your nutsack. I just call it like it is.   Always will.  

My mechanic , my concrete guy aren't  on this fuckboard, so don't  change the primary subject. You WK's are great at that.  No pal they don't  . But they also don't  regurgitate how much they love  and adore their clients either.   Stick to the subject  stop deflecting.  

 Its the act of giving , you simpleton.  See the Hookers are about the taking . Give me  this give me that . You think I'm wrong, put up a dudes  wishlist see how that goes for ya  .  Not all but in general I stand firm in my position.  

Just to be clear I'm not telling  anyone how to conduct business,  just pointing out disparity.  So don't  even go there WK's.  

...ole Charlie continues to display his perfect example of why providers need to be use caution with the customers they see, regardless of the type of work they are doing they deserve the same respect as any other person you choose to do business with & not be referred to as "hookers are about taking". And Charlie mistakenly faults my post for using other business examples to make the point that providers ought to be ashamed for not sending thank you notes, I've spent enough of my time calling out this guy's disrespect for providers now he is on his own.

No idiot , you wanted to bring  unrelated business relations  into this discussion. .  As usual with WK try to validate position with irrelevant info and change direction of subject at hand. .

 Well pally, they are hookers . You got a problem,  get the dictionary  definition changed or deleted.   The term is acurate and applies.  And if you really don't  like term you sure as fuck better tell the hookers to not use it. And Iv'e seen them use it on this board.   But coming from you that is highly  unlikely.  Trust me , I've seen plenty that agree with  my message. And thank me for  saying publicly what they can't. Because they know  it will jeopardize  reputation and connections needed.  

All about the taking,  I made it very clear  that was refering to material objects , not their time  or service. Well call on your legions  of WK's  to dispute it , by telling me how many Thank You gifts and notes you and  they get on a regular basis.  Go ahead Charlie can take it, if I am on the wrong side  of  this.  Balls in your court  . Prove me wrong  .   Take my challenge  put up that  dudes wishlist. See how many takers you get.      

 I never said they "ought  to be ashamed" of anything. What I did say was  based on your original term " insulted " but your Alzheimer's  must have kicked in, was  " maybe they should be insulted"  which leaves  it open for them to decide.    Maybe is open term not a declaration.  .  

OK go run hide , just like you did with miggs.     Thats some serious allegations  of stalking and you let it go unchallenged. You willing to go on record denying  your a stalker?

I suspect Francesa is writing those Thank You notes  while others  are busy Tweeting, but I could be wrong.  

souls_harbor58 reads

Nobody sends thank you cards anymore.  I think the last 2-3 wedding gifts I've given (each worth several hundred dollars) were never acknowledged.   It might even be more than that, but I can't remember now.

That's really sad, especially for a wedding gift. Proper etiquette dictates one should always send a thank you note for a gift. As far as business goes, the one I managed for many years (personal services) had a policy to always send a card thanking our guests after each visit. Sometimes we offered a small incentive to return within a certain amount of time. I'm a thank you note writer and enjoy sending beautiful cards with seals, etc. outside of business. I use printed cards signed personally in my freelance work and e-cards or simple emails to my Francesca clients. It only takes a few minutes and makes me happy to acknowledge someone's kindness and thoughfulness.

Thats why I  referenced  your post  on Veterans Day.  

If a gent has time and they do to write a note ,  trust me I've  seen plenty posted publicly. It should go both ways.  If gratitude is  as important as laid claim to on the providers side of field.    Otherwise whats the takeaway, gents time is not as important?

Well at least someone understands the whole intent of what I wrote.  

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