
TER did allow me to edit my review....
loveyourtouch 122 reads

I took your suggestion and wrote to TER and explained the situation.  They asked a question or two and then allowed me to edit my review of her, so I rated her a total rip off and added some verbiage to tell others she stole from me.  Good suggestion.  Thanks.

loveyourtouch7807 reads

I made the mistake of letting a provider into my house.  Guess I'm too trusting.  But no more thanks to this bitch.  I wrote a review yesterday (link below), and near the end of the review I wrote that she left so abruptly I thought she might have ripped off something,  Well, she did.  Took some very expensive cologne and a very nice watch.  Confronted her via text and all she had to say was name calling.  I'm sure she'll just get a new phone number and new fake pics, but until she does, don't fall for her shit like I did.  She asked why I waited until this afternoon to tell her something was missing.  Well, because I had no reason to even reach for my cologne until this afternoon.  I used it before she came here, and no one else has been here.  Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.  

She looks really familiar, other issues on this one?

Any other  phone #'s or names that are verifiably used by  this Adriana also be nice to know.   Common for them to use multiple phone numbers and change names in advertising .  Update the brotherhood  if you know of.

Posted By: sirbucky
Re: Adriana
She looks really familiar, other issues on this one?

Use the google image search function  for her pics .  I went and did it. There are some other #'s  that pop up with the same pics.     Its older info but  still info to do research. I'd be saving that image and number in  your archives  .  The run away from file  that is.

souls_harbor114 reads

Her price didn't really match up with her pictures.  

loveyourtouch116 reads

but...  OK....  I've seen all kinds of pics for all kinds of girls and prices.  The pic looked GND-ish, and that appealed to me.  I'll take those pics over the glamour shots any day.  A pig can look good in glamour shots.  Any way...  it is what it is.  We all have different likes.  Hell, I don't even have just one like....  I like 'em all ... just on different days.

souls_harbor116 reads

I meant that the 200 price was quite low for a nice looking girl like that.

loveyourtouch113 reads

I can't disagree, but I've seen a number of beautiful massage girls at or below that price.  But, I was fooled.  

Nice job LYT.  Posting this to the board as well as writing review.   This gets the word out faster and to more people. Reviews   generally  take longer to get aporoved and posted.   Word needs to hit the streets  as fast as possible  when this happens.       It also informs providers  who read the board  of the scamming , thieving providers out there.  Which if they give a shit about weeding them out also , and a provider has a history of doing this,  will spread the word amongst the sisterhood.  

This is the brotherhoods version of the blacklist,  fucking use it to full advantage.

loveyourtouch116 reads

expose my foolish act, but I still felt the need to warn others.  

But you clearly have a lot more tolerance for risk than I have.  I've never done outcall to my home, but if I ever did it would be only with a provider I already knew really well and thus trusted.  And even then, I don't think I'd leave small, portable valuables laying around.  

Letting a non-reviewed provider whom I'd never met into my home... and thus she and her friends/associates know where I live... nope, I'll pass on that!

loveyourtouch104 reads

I can't disagree with a thing you wrote.  I can tell you this, though, no one else coming here unless I've seen them a number of times.  And the thing is, she was only alone in my bedroom for a minute while I flushed the party hat and washed myself, but the door were open and she was getting dressed.  She had to have gone into my watch box for the heist.  She actually didn't get the most expensive one.    

This is what happens when the brainless head controls the body.  What's weird is that we swapped texts for a few days and even talked on the phone, one day at length- 15 minutes or more, and I never got any feeling she was this kind of person.  I guess this whole episode was more expensive on my trust and pride.  Could have been worse.   From now on, I'll pass too.

We all make mistakes and bad decisions . Its what we do afterwords. Learn make others aware or sit back say nothing and wait for it to happen to next victim.    

I say crow like a fucking rooster , just like what happened here.  Ego took a hit LYT  but save others money and valuables , well maybe you'll  be rewarded at later time.   Along with the rest of  the brotherhood.  Be safe dude.

cleavers113 reads

I think that what happened to you is far too common, I could give you a list from petty stuff to one guy having pretty much his whole house cleaned out.  My incident was even after seeing a provider for years, she still stole cash from me, because she had a gambling addiction and needed to be paid off.

loveyourtouch109 reads

Yes... it sure sucks.  Live.  Learn.  Move on.  Don't repeat mistakes.  That's all we can do...  and BE SAFE!  Right?  

I screened which was hard since he had minimal but people from Rochester seem not to have much verification took a chance cause I wanted to meet my goal.... FML what a mistake.... He took my hard earned $$$ along with what he brought while I went to the bathroom... And ran... That's not the worst part, someone's knocking on my door it's the hotel staff asking if I had issues, I respond no ... I get nervous so pack up to leave as I'm walking out one of the workers says to me "stay out of the news" I'm like what does that mean? He repeated the same thing and then plays it off as "it's mean stay out of trouble & have a good day" !!!   I'm assuming the asshole told them I'm an working girl after he took my Shit!!! So angry but I believe in KARMA it's a BITCH & those whom have done us wrong will get it 100x worse!!!  

Sorry for your incident but that's not cool she's giving us all a bad name!!!  


Sorry this happened. See both sided of the playing field get harmed by this.  And if stay quiet we all look bad right.  Informations sharing if used  the right way is golden.  

Somewhere out there is a new client or new provider  , which never even gave thought to the possibility of this happening. And they are the ones that need the  benefit of this information the most IMO. Think about that next time  your on the fence about posting scammers ,ripoffs.

I guarantee  you someone  was contemplating   doing their first outcall, maybe will use better safety measures because of this awareness.  Be smart be safe to all of you.

you wanted to reach your goal? you are lucky to even to put a goal on yourself when you go to providerless Rochester. That city is a huge bust waiting to happen - know 2 girls (although 5 years ago) that have been busted there - pretty easy to get caught.

Ya reach my goal!!! unlike most hookers I have set goals for myself & I was there to see a repeat client & thought since I have the room til next day,  I would work harder twords achieving my goals... I didn't know Rochester was that whacked with amateur hobbyists!!!  Ugh.  

loveyourtouch113 reads

when one encounters the mean liars and cheats.  

Be safe!

Letting a stranger into your home is a risk. If you're comfortable with that risk for the purpose of hobbying, god bless ya. The fact that the stranger displayed congenial behavior should not be construed to be a positive character reference.  I too have a watch collection (small, but meaningful to me) and I would never leave it unsecured. This policy applies to all valuable assets whose portable nature makes them susceptible to theft.  I've been taken advantage of by a provider, or two. I think it's par for the course in the hobby. Thankfully the losses were marginal. The key thing to take away is to learn from your mistake by preparing for the risk and not allow it to happen in the future. Trust has to be earned.  

-- Modified on 8/28/2017 9:02:08 PM

-- Modified on 8/28/2017 9:11:57 PM

You are  a winner BRF.  The lamest most overwrought sentence ever posted on TER. Take a fucking bow and next time you regal us with your worthy prose please let it be an enthralling description of a Tijuana donkey show. "The fact that the donkey displayed congenial behaviour should not be construed as a positive character reference".  Words to live your life by. Thanks BRF.

Most overwrought?  
Maybe in the top 100 here at best.  
I get the impression that you like to be correct about things so here's one. It's bfw, not BRF.
Next time I'll post when I'm sober. Then you'll really have something to get wound up about.  
You're welcome.

On the bright side,  she must have liked your cologne.

loveyourtouch108 reads

she didn't fess up and apologize.  Imagine my disbelief.  Yeah... I'm sure her BF/pimp is wearing the stuff.

Don't  give them that much credit. They hocked that shit faster  than they smoked the meth afterwards.

loveyourtouch95 reads

Who'd buy a bottle of cologne?  It was not cheap, but still....  an opened bottle of cologne?  She should use it on her stinky ass.  That's for  sure.

Ok the cologne I'll  conceed . I forgot about that  half.  

Hey it wasn't  freebie from Channel 5  and she thought it said Chanel?

I bet she's done this before; too bad none of the earlier victims spoke up.

You might ask TER if they will let you edit your review to add the details about the theft.

loveyourtouch120 reads

allow an edit since I've asked in the past.  Perhaps they will this time, but I doubt it.  Guess all I can do is ask...  Thanks!

loveyourtouch123 reads

I took your suggestion and wrote to TER and explained the situation.  They asked a question or two and then allowed me to edit my review of her, so I rated her a total rip off and added some verbiage to tell others she stole from me.  Good suggestion.  Thanks.

loveyourtouch115 reads

For some reason the edited review is sitting in deferred status.  I don't know why.  I've asked.  I even told TER I'd rather have the original review posted to warn other guys rather than wait for this one to be approved.  I don't know what the hold up or issue is.  I didn't change anything.  Just added that she stole from me.  Just when I think they're going to quickly do the right thing... road block....

loveyourtouch151 reads

So my initial review was approved and posted within minutes.  I wrote it to warn others.  TER allowed me to edit the review so I could actually confirm that the woman stole from me, and I also changed the performance from a 2 to a 1 (Rip-off).  It was sitting in deferred status for over a day, so I wrote and asked.  More delay, so I asked why.  More delay.  Then TER replies that they noticed I changed the performance rating. Well, DUH!!!  That was the whole point, in addition to adding a couple of lines stating that she did actually take things.  (I only added a couple of sentences and changed the rating. I didn't change anything else.)  So now the review has been offline for days not helping any potential victims, and she continues posting.  And here for a moment I actually thought TER would do something right and let the site be used for one of its intended purposes:  providing information to other hobbyists.  So much for that idea. Not sure why I even give a shit anymore to be honest.  Why the fuck should I care if others get ripped off?  I mean, once I've been ripped, telling others won't make it better for me.  But...  I'm not a prick.  (ha ha)  I really do care and don't want others to get ripped off.  Hence my honest reviews, although sometimes they are terse and brutal.  I only write to help others.

You and I both know why LYT, your not posting in the  
May.. Only .. Disseminate... Shit... forum.   You don't  get those bennies that come with that.  

cleavers111 reads

Hey LYT, I guess there is so much that a guy can do, and I’m positive that you have done your share in posting about what happen to you on this board. The word is out about her and it will filter on thru the client underground

I’m sure she still will get some clients, but there is the boomerang effect for her. Well done!

Apparently changing a review score is a pretty big deal for Admin.  C'est la vie.  But the stuff about being robbed should be enough of a warning.  Thanks for your efforts.  

And FWIW, I've noticed that Admin response time slows down a lot on weekends.  My assumption is that they have fewer staff working on weekends.

loveyourtouch95 reads

and yep...  they are slow on weekends and even slower when it's a holiday.  Appreciate your kind words.   And another yes... re: changing the score being a big deal.  That was a deal breaker for them, but I thought they were going to allow it when they allowed me to edit the review.  I guess we all know now how they feel about changing reviews.  One thing that irked me during my back and forth with them was at one point they chastised me stating I should have known right away that she stole something.  Oh, well....  now we all know more about TER, and more important, people know about the thief.  And that was all I really wanted.

And a score of 2 won't win her any interest either.  But it makes no sense for them to not allow you to revise the score as well.

My Out is to Hotels only, no clue who's in a home.
I constantly get calls in this area if I am in an apartment or hotel?
Goodness, I would only allow somebody I knew very well in my home glad you have chosen the same.

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