
take this for an example....
silvertongue1 14 Reviews 380 reads

Let's say this guy goes into a restaurant and says " I will be a regular here if you give me one third off the price!"  My guess is he would be asked to leave after the laughter died down.
The point is , the price is the price in any business.

 You also don't get to deduct from the check if you don't finish all your meal just because you are full.

The guy is a jackass in every manner of the word, and not worthy of anyone's time!

As he's probably looking for another "atf/reg"  

Last nov/ Dec I met a guy that i screened. Seemed safe, he's a verified business is owner and gave me his personal info. My rate was 260hr at the time and he had asked if I was okay with 200. It was kind of irritating that he's now asking me incriminating info after screening but he lived super close to me and I had nothing going on. I specifically told him Il do it this time but I'm usually not going to be able to.

Meeting went fine, met him once more between now and then for same arrangement. He messages me a lot, kind of insulted that i dont respond a lot (because at this point i do 300hr and it's 100$ off. He knows that and says he's a regular and will come a lot. NOT REALIZING THAT'S WHY I WOULDN'T WANT HIM AS A REG)but I told him i would make time (as he has been texting almost every day for 2 weeks)

Well yesterday I forgot to ask for $ first. Big mistake. He stays for about an hour and says "man you wore me out I can't even stay the full time" and gives me 4 20s. I'm thinking, please dont. Please fucking don't punish me for not wanting to ruin your fantasy with a "can I get the $" . I knew him. I had been nothing but sweet and accomodating to him. I said no way your not going to do this to me and he basically says "I've been trying to get a hold of you and your rates are crazy anyways, besides we were only Doing it for about 30" (it was 40 min and 20 min of trying on outfits for him before we got started. He was absolutely here the full hour and it wouldn't even matter if he chose to leave early) and leaves another 20 on my dresser.

As I'm bitching he then claims that's all he has and starts half ass emptying his pockets as he's walking toward my door.

I dont know if he planned on scamming me to begin with or is Just opportunistic and preyed on my stupidity/trust. Regardless, he is a scammer.  

I mean that's basically a rob to me. He knew Damn well what he was doing the whole time. I think pushing the session intensity immediately just so I WOULDN'T ask. I can't believe I fell for this. He absolutely knows I would never be okay with that. He just got a 300$ session for basically nothing (100$) and Its not even about money it's just violating. I dont even particularly care about the money, that's the only good part of this is that it wasn't that much. Still an absolutely flagrant scam though. I  assume a grown ass man will make grown ass man decisions.  

I hate guys like this. They ruin the trust/innocence for other trustworthy people. Its just another lesson on always having to be aware... Even when you think you know/ trust someone.

Booked an hour @ grandfathered discounted 200/hr, knew him and didnt think to get $ first. He gives me a few 20s and insults my rates.

Ps, and regarding DNS's, another guy i haven't met has been sending harassing/ borderline threatening texts saying cops are coming to clean up the cities trash ect after inquiring a few times. Not even sure why he's targeting me. Pm for details on both.  

Pm me for info. Id post here but I think it's against the rules.

Hate to bitch, I know you guys dont need to hear this stuff and probably dont care. I know most are wonderful and would never even think to pull this type of bs. I would post it on provider board if I was accepted. Just giving a heads up and maybe venting a bit ;

Sounds like Eddy and his ugly little friend are playing games with you.

It's best to NEVER offer anyone a discount and to RARELY offer to grandfather.  
TOO many take advantage of it.  Been there, done that.

It's guys like this that screw things up for us nice guys out there. I understand sometimes people have problems coming up with full rates (been there, done that) for one reason or another, but if you're lucky enough to find a lady to help you out, you damn well better be extremely appreciative.  
Sorry this happened to you. Don't hold it against the good guys out there. Pricks like this are the reason people become jaded in this industry.

Were his sessions with you at the discounted rate of $200?  You mentioned that he negotiated a discounted rate on the first date but you replying just this once.  You mentioned you saw him again between then and now....at the discounted rate?  

On the other hand, for him to short you is total bullshit, so I'm not in any way condoning his actions.  However, it seems as if you left some grey areas open.  My advice for your future...leave nothing to chance, keep things simple and as black and white as possible.  I am not saying you are at fault...this is only some friendly advice from a person who deals in negotiations all day, every day.  I wish you much success.

Sorry this happened, and I don't mind the "venting" in here. If you can't tell us, whom can you  tell? And if we don't  want to read, we can just move along.

I'm  sure you've  received and will receive  more advice. My guess is that you've  decided to not see that bum anymore - and IMO, you shouldn't.  Tell him straight up he shorted you and that's not cool. This is a business transaction and he cheated you after you actually helped him a few times with lower rates. And to short you so badly the last time is just plain insulting. Maybe he's  decided he's  not going to  see  you  again  which is  why he did that.

As far as the other clown, remind him you have his number and personal  details, so if LE  comes for you you'll  be  happy  to share his info. What a little  twit he is.

Your rates are average for our market.  That guy is a dumbass.  I don't have that much money either, but I don't short the ladies or take it out on them.  I just have a professional date once every couple months, and in the meantime I play in the even more frustrating civie dating scene.  I count my blessings; my ATF voluntarily grandfathers my rates.  Probably because I DON'T push for lower rates.

I don't make a habit of blacklisting, matter of fact I think I've only done it once or twice in extremely dangerous conditions, but that's definitely worth a blacklist. What an ass to take advantage of you for all those visits and then flat out rip you off! Don't let it get to you though. Karma will prevail and he'll get his in due time. Just blacklist, block him on all sites & with phone/email, and move on to better clients and a happier life without the low balling/theif dickhead. ;)

Keep your head up gorgeous and I'm sending a pm for his info.  

Laney Luvs Ya!

See for example:


But whatever crime this guy committed, he probably assumes you won't press charges. Which is too bad as I'd love to see his sorry ass land in jail.  

As for the assumption that a grown man will make grown man decisions... we've seen many many examples right here on this board of people who by age and appearance are "men" but have no idea what it means to think and act like a man.  And here's yet another example.  :(

... but still, she didn't consent to a full hour session at half his accustomed rate. In civil court he would lose his case. Men don't short Providers no matter what. In this case, the opposite of being a man is to be a predator. Blacklist the fucker and name him to shame him!

Same goes to provides who advertised 100000% me or its free, been to many of these but have not yet got anything for free.

Posted By: Drumsticks
... but still, she didn't consent to a full hour session at half his accustomed rate. In civil court he would lose his case. Men don't short Providers no matter what. In this case, the opposite of being a man is to be a predator. Blacklist the fucker and name him to shame him!

Yes, under paying anyone for service is wrong, but its NOT rape. They agreed to fuck for cash. She just got less than agreed $.

Posted By: knotsaway
See for example:  
 But whatever crime this guy committed, he probably assumes you won't press charges. Which is too bad as I'd love to see his sorry ass land in jail.    
 As for the assumption that a grown man will make grown man decisions... we've seen many many examples right here on this board of people who by age and appearance are "men" but have no idea what it means to think and act like a man.  And here's yet another example.  :(

If you were to  attend a domestic abuse seminar  or listen to the washed up Ho's of the prostitution rescue organization, Break out or break away ? you would realize.
The nano second that you slipped your ding dong into a female , You Are Guilty of Rape !

I have read some news articles, of some of the insane man hating they spew, and don't you know, All of the women who do pay for play, are victims of a male dominated world order, in which women are used and abused, raped and then victimized further, with arrest and fines, and imprisonment and loss of normal life and so on.
We the males deserve to be hated and despised for what We do to women.  
Just so you realize, No Female is a willing individual with regard to selling sex, no matter the venue, such as marriage, or prostitution, LOL

This is the sort of thinking that has produced the "Nordic model" of prostitution laws, which has recently also been adopted in France and Canada and which quite a few people are pushing to be adopted here in the U.S.  It's good in the sense that it no longer views women as criminals but it does so by putting all the blame on the men and essentially saying that any woman who does this is a victim and if she claims to be doing it of her own free will then she is mentally ill.  That last part is downright insulting to women IMHO.

Let's not get hysterical now. Is the guy a Douche . Yeah but rape . Not really that close. I'm no way was she forced to do anything against her will . Sorry this happened but this is way more often the case from client side, 30-40min for 1 hrs fee. Not cool to short either party.

Of course its not rape, holding a girl down/ violently threatening them is on a completely other level than what happened to me. Calling this rape would be insulting to legitimate rape victims, as much as i think he is a slimy piece of shit. If anything its closer to fraud/ fraudently obtaining services, but i do agree its tough to attach those kind of legal terms to this business. I inherently attach a $ to my intimacy in doing this so i cant really call someone a rapist if they scam me unless they forcefully do something against my will.

And regarding people that say his version would be that i shorted him on time, i did not. He was telling me he was going to try to go twice before we even started and i told him thats fine. I didnt kick him out or rush him in any way, after the first i was basically mentally preparing for the second when he said i wore him out and hes not gonna be able to stay.  

Also "we were only doing it for 30" was not in reference to the whole time he was here, just his perception of how long we were... Connecting

And yes, discounts are tacky. This all started a looong time ago and he really was just someone i was doing a favor for. Thats how i saw it. He was getting double time as it was and it turned out he got about double time for half $.

Posted By: funman1969
Let's not get hysterical now. Is the guy a Douche . Yeah but rape . Not really that close. I'm no way was she forced to do anything against her will . Sorry this happened but this is way more often the case from client side, 30-40min for 1 hrs fee. Not cool to short either party.

That give me something like "double for half the price".  

Not talking about a McD's supersize drink for a $1 for the smart asses here.

Posted By: Christineamf

 And yes, discounts are tacky. This all started a looong time ago and he really was just someone i was doing a favor for. Thats how i saw it. He was getting double time as it was and it turned out he got about double time for half $

and you got a hell of a combo bro.

and your wise wording in stating "calling this rape would be insulting to legitimate rape victims".  This discussion was quickly hijacked by white knights.  That's when the discussion quickly became laughable.  The OP is a strong young business woman who can take care of herself.  I think she was venting, like I tend to do when I see dips being s**ts.

I wish ALL providers knew about this jagg-off!  I don't want to be the 1st to see someone after she's experienced something like that. I don't blame you for being shaken/bothered!  Remember, there are good guys out here ;-)



-- Modified on 4/15/2016 6:06:42 PM

The guy is a douche nozzle for sure, but because of the avoidance of explicit pay for play, no legal contractual obligation is ever established.  And it is certainly not "rape" in the old fashioned definition which requires either intimidation or the the inability to consent.  

We're on the honor system and we depend on community enforcement of mores. Exposure is therefore justified.

We wonder why the better girls in this business give it up. It's because subhuman scum like this don't know how to be a gentleman.  

And yes, this is a form of abuse. I so wish you could out him.

My advice would be to stick to a list of known regulars. Of which, I am not one :( and I would love to meet you... so I am not doing myself any favors by saying that! But, it needs to be said.


Be one of her "regulars" in your mind first. See it happening and then take action and contact her. You never know...she's a sweet girl according to what I've been told.

Posted By: crushedflowers
We wonder why the better girls in this business give it up. It's because subhuman scum like this don't know how to be a gentleman.  
 And yes, this is a form of abuse. I so wish you could out him.  
 My advice would be to stick to a list of known regulars. Of which, I am not one :( and I would love to meet you... so I am not doing myself any favors by saying that! But, it needs to be said.

Posted By: Christineamf
As he's probably looking for another "atf/reg"  
 Last nov/ Dec I met a guy that i screened. Seemed safe, he's a verified business is owner and gave me his personal info. My rate was 260hr at the time and he had asked if I was okay with 200. It was kind of irritating that he's now asking me incriminating info after screening but he lived super close to me and I had nothing going on. I specifically told him Il do it this time but I'm usually not going to be able to.  
 Meeting went fine, met him once more between now and then for same arrangement. He messages me a lot, kind of insulted that i dont respond a lot (because at this point i do 300hr and it's 100$ off. He knows that and says he's a regular and will come a lot. NOT REALIZING THAT'S WHY I WOULDN'T WANT HIM AS A REG)but I told him i would make time (as he has been texting almost every day for 2 weeks)  
 Well yesterday I forgot to ask for $ first. Big mistake. He stays for about an hour and says "man you wore me out I can't even stay the full time" and gives me 4 20s. I'm thinking, please dont. Please fucking don't punish me for not wanting to ruin your fantasy with a "can I get the $" . I knew him. I had been nothing but sweet and accomodating to him. I said no way your not going to do this to me and he basically says "I've been trying to get a hold of you and your rates are crazy anyways, besides we were only Doing it for about 30" (it was 40 min and 20 min of trying on outfits for him before we got started. He was absolutely here the full hour and it wouldn't even matter if he chose to leave early) and leaves another 20 on my dresser.  
 As I'm bitching he then claims that's all he has and starts half ass emptying his pockets as he's walking toward my door.  
 I dont know if he planned on scamming me to begin with or is Just opportunistic and preyed on my stupidity/trust. Regardless, he is a scammer.  
 I mean that's basically a rob to me. He knew Damn well what he was doing the whole time. I think pushing the session intensity immediately just so I WOULDN'T ask. I can't believe I fell for this. He absolutely knows I would never be okay with that. He just got a 300$ session for basically nothing (100$) and Its not even about money it's just violating. I dont even particularly care about the money, that's the only good part of this is that it wasn't that much. Still an absolutely flagrant scam though. I  assume a grown ass man will make grown ass man decisions.  
 I hate guys like this. They ruin the trust/innocence for other trustworthy people. Its just another lesson on always having to be aware... Even when you think you know/ trust someone.  
 Booked an hour @ grandfathered discounted 200/hr, knew him and didnt think to get $ first. He gives me a few 20s and insults my rates.  
 Ps, and regarding DNS's, another guy i haven't met has been sending harassing/ borderline threatening texts saying cops are coming to clean up the cities trash ect after inquiring a few times. Not even sure why he's targeting me. Pm for details on both.  
 Pm me for info. Id post here but I think it's against the rules.  
 Hate to bitch, I know you guys dont need to hear this stuff and probably dont care. I know most are wonderful and would never even think to pull this type of bs. I would post it on provider board if I was accepted. Just giving a heads up and maybe venting a bit ;)  

Sorry this dude BS'd you.  

It shouldn't happen, but it happened. Chalk it up to a lesson learned and move on? It's never good to simmer on a dick.  

I have been on your end of the equation, for time.   Naming names here in a moot point as the "lady(ies)" do not travel.  
     ** none of them are reviewed by me as nothing 'happened' which can justify a "fictional" story.  

Pass their names around to all the ladies you know and they will regret it sooner or later

Let's say this guy goes into a restaurant and says " I will be a regular here if you give me one third off the price!"  My guess is he would be asked to leave after the laughter died down.
The point is , the price is the price in any business.

 You also don't get to deduct from the check if you don't finish all your meal just because you are full.

The guy is a jackass in every manner of the word, and not worthy of anyone's time!

This is load of crap. I deal with customers everyday in very large orders, some times in the millions, and they all ask for discount. Either telling, they'll only source it from me, or if they double the order if additional discount can be had.

Posted By: silvertongue1
 Let's say this guy goes into a restaurant and says " I will be a regular here if you give me one third off the price!"  My guess is he would be asked to leave after the laughter died down.  
 The point is , the price is the price in any business.  
  You also don't get to deduct from the check if you don't finish all your meal just because you are full.  
 The guy is a jackass in every manner of the word, and not worthy of anyone's time!

I also deal with customers as Talon does that request discounts of various types. It's all part of business negotiations.

In silvertongue's restaurant analogy, one place I often frequent, they often give me free drinks, free food, etc. even though I've never asked just because I'm a good customer.

I think the issue here is in one case, the customer "asks for" discounts and it's an acceptable business practice. In the other, the customer is "offered" discounts to reward their loyalty.

I've noticed in this hobby that some ladies "reward" loyal customers in various ways while others never do.

Posted By: talon199094
This is load of crap. I deal with customers everyday in very large orders, some times in the millions, and they all ask for discount. Either telling, they'll only source it from me, or if they double the order if additional discount can be had.  
Posted By: silvertongue1
  Let's say this guy goes into a restaurant and says " I will be a regular here if you give me one third off the price!"  My guess is he would be asked to leave after the laughter died down.  
  The point is , the price is the price in any business.  
   You also don't get to deduct from the check if you don't finish all your meal just because you are full.  
  The guy is a jackass in every manner of the word, and not worthy of anyone's time!

Sorry this happened to you.   I wish it was possible to make all girls aware of guys like him,  but he ill just move on to some new girl that he can push around

Guys like this are no better and no worse than the "ROB" girls. Both are scum. We should ALL, both providers and hobbyists, do our best to eliminate all of them.

Posted By: 1breeze
Sorry this happened to you.   I wish it was possible to make all girls aware of guys like him,  but he ill just move on to some new girl that he can push around

I have never waited until after sexy time to pay a girl. My routine is and always has been to walk in the room, look for a table or a shelf and put the donation there. I guess I learned it from Miami Companions and I just thought that was how it was done. If I was a provider, I wouldn't think I was being tacky to ask for the donation up front, even from a long time regular.

I commend you for having the audacity to come forward publicly about this incident & hope he is reading this all though I doubt he'll lose sleep over it. Self entitled Narcissists are like that but at least you won't lose any sleep either knowing you did what you needed to do to help others stay safe in this industry.  

In terms of advice, I'm not clear that is what you are seeking or just want to get the word out but if it's any help to you or others I'd like to share my thoughts.

His actions were obviously intentional & qualifies as a deliberate, calculated ROB & he should be Blacklisted. Who knows how many others he has pulled this stunt on & I take the risk to say, there HAVE been others before you & WILL be others after you.

As far as how his behavior impacts your business choices in the future, that is something only you can evaluate. Think of YOUR long & short term goals. Is there room for negotiation? Is this someone you even want to negotiate with? Etc... I think you get my drift.  

I'd love to share more but prefer to do so privately. Ladies need to keep some info close to their chests. Feel free to contact me privately if you are interested in hearing more. In the meantime, stay safe & please know this guy is a minority & OH! did I mention a real Jack-Ass!!!


A certain person paid you in advanced because you needed the extra $. He tried to make appointment two weeks later, and you told him you were in jail, among other excuses. This person even showed me your text saying you'll give him back his $. He tried for another two weeks, and zero reply from you, and has given up. You and your pimping bf are all about the $$$.

Posted By: Christineamf
As he's probably looking for another "atf/reg"  
 Last nov/ Dec I met a guy that i screened. Seemed safe, he's a verified business is owner and gave me his personal info. My rate was 260hr at the time and he had asked if I was okay with 200. It was kind of irritating that he's now asking me incriminating info after screening but he lived super close to me and I had nothing going on. I specifically told him Il do it this time but I'm usually not going to be able to.  
 Meeting went fine, met him once more between now and then for same arrangement. He messages me a lot, kind of insulted that i dont respond a lot (because at this point i do 300hr and it's 100$ off. He knows that and says he's a regular and will come a lot. NOT REALIZING THAT'S WHY I WOULDN'T WANT HIM AS A REG)but I told him i would make time (as he has been texting almost every day for 2 weeks)  
 Well yesterday I forgot to ask for $ first. Big mistake. He stays for about an hour and says "man you wore me out I can't even stay the full time" and gives me 4 20s. I'm thinking, please dont. Please fucking don't punish me for not wanting to ruin your fantasy with a "can I get the $" . I knew him. I had been nothing but sweet and accomodating to him. I said no way your not going to do this to me and he basically says "I've been trying to get a hold of you and your rates are crazy anyways, besides we were only Doing it for about 30" (it was 40 min and 20 min of trying on outfits for him before we got started. He was absolutely here the full hour and it wouldn't even matter if he chose to leave early) and leaves another 20 on my dresser.  
 As I'm bitching he then claims that's all he has and starts half ass emptying his pockets as he's walking toward my door.  
 I dont know if he planned on scamming me to begin with or is Just opportunistic and preyed on my stupidity/trust. Regardless, he is a scammer.  
 I mean that's basically a rob to me. He knew Damn well what he was doing the whole time. I think pushing the session intensity immediately just so I WOULDN'T ask. I can't believe I fell for this. He absolutely knows I would never be okay with that. He just got a 300$ session for basically nothing (100$) and Its not even about money it's just violating. I dont even particularly care about the money, that's the only good part of this is that it wasn't that much. Still an absolutely flagrant scam though. I  assume a grown ass man will make grown ass man decisions.  
 I hate guys like this. They ruin the trust/innocence for other trustworthy people. Its just another lesson on always having to be aware... Even when you think you know/ trust someone.  
 Booked an hour @ grandfathered discounted 200/hr, knew him and didnt think to get $ first. He gives me a few 20s and insults my rates.  
 Ps, and regarding DNS's, another guy i haven't met has been sending harassing/ borderline threatening texts saying cops are coming to clean up the cities trash ect after inquiring a few times. Not even sure why he's targeting me. Pm for details on both.  
 Pm me for info. Id post here but I think it's against the rules.  
 Hate to bitch, I know you guys dont need to hear this stuff and probably dont care. I know most are wonderful and would never even think to pull this type of bs. I would post it on provider board if I was accepted. Just giving a heads up and maybe venting a bit ;)  
-- Modified on 4/16/2016 10:33:38 PM

More information comes out...let's see how the board, white knights, OP, all respond to this latest development...yes folks there are sides to every story

Yep ! and as far as all the crying and wailing, and then the R word is trotted out there as well.
IF the other side of the story has valid substance, Then Who Really has been Raped by the supposed event ?  

I know of a similar circumstance that occurred to a very good friend of mine, with whom I would not question his credibility for a second.
And Yep, this provider calls him up, crying and begging for a loan, cause her pimp BF needs his drugs, so my friend, against his better judgement, fronts her some $$
Well, you can guess the rest of the story, once she has $$ in hand, she disappears and does not answer the phone and so on.
Then about 8 months later, she contacts him, asking why he has not called her, to book some time, and so he books time with her, so that he can recover his $$, she shows up, and promptly questions, "Where is the donation ?" at which time he reminds her of the past outstanding loan, and so she defiantly gives him a quickie with an attitude, and tells him upon her exit from his location, To Never Contact Me Ever Again ! LOL  
Are you kidding me ! LOL  

BSC ! and so I advised him, that while she may be pretty and a good fuck, She is not worth the hassle, so find another provider, and One who is somewhat Sane ! LOL


Posted By: Wongbater
More information comes out...let's see how the board, white knights, OP, all respond to this latest development...yes folks there are sides to every story

He tried to get a free session out of me.

Posted By: talon199094
A certain person paid you in advanced because you needed the extra $
He showed up 45 min late without donation. I didnt just call him up asking for an advance, we had an arrangement that i showed up for and he didnt. If he was paying in advance for a session why would he just bring the $ for the session he showed up for? He didnt want sessions, he wanted fwb.  
Posted By: talon199094
 He tried to make appointment two weeks later, and you told him you were in jail, among other excuses. This person even showed me your text saying you'll give him back his $.
I didnt string him on with excuses i just stopped responding. More because i didnt want to break that i wasnt interested in that sort of relationship. If i responded i might have said il pay u back or give session, i really dont think i did though.
Posted By: talon199094
He tried for another two weeks, and zero reply from you, and has given up. You and your pimping bf are all about the $$$.  
He didnt give up. He texted me off a different # and ncnsed and then yet another # and went thru with the apt. He did pay donation

And i really thought that wasnt cool, even though he paid donation. I flipped when i saw it was him at my door. That is unfair and intimidating to put me in that situation. Luckily he is a gentleman but i didnt know that. Very stressful session, not knowing if hes going to scream or hurt me.

And one more thing. I think many ladies would feel entitled to the money simply at the time he said he didnt have the $. I could almost argue what we each did cancels each other out. You wasted a ton of my time, i wasted a bit of your $. But i should have made that known immediately. Then i would have been out the time and $.

You realize most girls would have flipped and blacklisted realizing that 45 min of time was wasted (plus the 30min it takes to get ready) and hes now in my room without $. Most girls would have fucking flipped, blacklisted and demanded a cancelation fee for the massive amount of time wasted. Yes he could have and probably would have said shove your cancelatipn fee up your ass. I cannot force him and shouldnt manipulate my way into getting it. But that wasnt what i was doing. I had intentions of going thru with it untill i had time to think and realize what was really going on and how much of a different page we were on.

And This was before i even had reviews and he was telling me about ter. He had to know that wasnt acceptable. I was brand new and ignorant, and he was a well versed hobbyist. Maybe he thought he could groom me, looking back at it.  

I struggled so much with trying to figure out what to do. I was not at peace with not responding, But he would think im a bitch anyways if i just gave him a session. He wanted me to spend nights at suite/ dinner dates and so much more than a simple session.

I feel bad for him that this is all getting brought up unprovoked. Hes truly a good guy and it was just a misunderstanding... Unless he was being manipulative, which i cant particularly see him being. I cant imagine why he thought i would want fwb or that he didnt have to bring donation like the first time. I dont know what other girls do, but I dont give free sessions to repeat

Wow ! quite the reveal from the other side of the coin.
I don't know any of the players, or at least I don't think that I know any of them. and sitting on the side line, watching the show, well here we have the classic story, of a provider who is supposed to have gotten abused and ripped off by a client ?
Then we have the other side of the story, where an intermediary third party, steps forward, to dispense a rebuttal from the supposed offender client.

So the real question here, is what to believe ?

Well from my past experiences, I am going to put my money on the rebuttal, as Talon has stated that there is text or email, in which the ability is to follow the Money.
And so, with that ability to follow the money, it appears that the innocent provider, had to fabricate a story, to give the appearance, that "She" is the victim, where as if one were to accept the other side of the story, it shows that she is the ROB, and maybe another case of BSC provider as well.

And while I agree with the idea of honesty and respect, I know fully well, that there are losers on both sides of the isle in the hobby, and it is those very individuals whom I desire to keep away from me and my life and well being.

Posted By: talon199094
A certain person paid you in advanced because you needed the extra $. He tried to make appointment two weeks later, and you told him you were in jail, among other excuses. This person even showed me your text saying you'll give him back his $. He tried for another two weeks, and zero reply from you, and has given up. You and your pimping bf are all about the $$$.  
Posted By: Christineamf
As he's probably looking for another "atf/reg"    
  Last nov/ Dec I met a guy that i screened. Seemed safe, he's a verified business is owner and gave me his personal info. My rate was 260hr at the time and he had asked if I was okay with 200. It was kind of irritating that he's now asking me incriminating info after screening but he lived super close to me and I had nothing going on. I specifically told him Il do it this time but I'm usually not going to be able to.  
  Meeting went fine, met him once more between now and then for same arrangement. He messages me a lot, kind of insulted that i dont respond a lot (because at this point i do 300hr and it's 100$ off. He knows that and says he's a regular and will come a lot. NOT REALIZING THAT'S WHY I WOULDN'T WANT HIM AS A REG)but I told him i would make time (as he has been texting almost every day for 2 weeks)  
  Well yesterday I forgot to ask for $ first. Big mistake. He stays for about an hour and says "man you wore me out I can't even stay the full time" and gives me 4 20s. I'm thinking, please dont. Please fucking don't punish me for not wanting to ruin your fantasy with a "can I get the $" . I knew him. I had been nothing but sweet and accomodating to him. I said no way your not going to do this to me and he basically says "I've been trying to get a hold of you and your rates are crazy anyways, besides we were only Doing it for about 30" (it was 40 min and 20 min of trying on outfits for him before we got started. He was absolutely here the full hour and it wouldn't even matter if he chose to leave early) and leaves another 20 on my dresser.  
  As I'm bitching he then claims that's all he has and starts half ass emptying his pockets as he's walking toward my door.  
  I dont know if he planned on scamming me to begin with or is Just opportunistic and preyed on my stupidity/trust. Regardless, he is a scammer.    
  I mean that's basically a rob to me. He knew Damn well what he was doing the whole time. I think pushing the session intensity immediately just so I WOULDN'T ask. I can't believe I fell for this. He absolutely knows I would never be okay with that. He just got a 300$ session for basically nothing (100$) and Its not even about money it's just violating. I dont even particularly care about the money, that's the only good part of this is that it wasn't that much. Still an absolutely flagrant scam though. I  assume a grown ass man will make grown ass man decisions.    
  I hate guys like this. They ruin the trust/innocence for other trustworthy people. Its just another lesson on always having to be aware... Even when you think you know/ trust someone.  
  Booked an hour @ grandfathered discounted 200/hr, knew him and didnt think to get $ first. He gives me a few 20s and insults my rates.  
  Ps, and regarding DNS's, another guy i haven't met has been sending harassing/ borderline threatening texts saying cops are coming to clean up the cities trash ect after inquiring a few times. Not even sure why he's targeting me. Pm for details on both.    
  Pm me for info. Id post here but I think it's against the rules.  
  Hate to bitch, I know you guys dont need to hear this stuff and probably dont care. I know most are wonderful and would never even think to pull this type of bs. I would post it on provider board if I was accepted. Just giving a heads up and maybe venting a bit ;)  
-- Modified on 4/16/2016 10:33:38 PM

These threads appear from time to time and it comes down to who each of us thinks is more credible.  For my part, I'd prefer to hear directly from the client.


Posted By: belindabell
and NOT the one the OP posted about.   Talon, please clarify.

If in fact she is being pimped out, that makes her a victim. You see it time & time again. Pimp gains control using intimidation & manipulation. He then uses (forces) these young ladies to lace his dirty little pockets with your Benjamins & IF the young lass is lucky, she may get a new pair of shoes & breakfast at McDonald's from time to time. More often than not however she will get belittled & beaten because she only turned over ten "Tricks" that night & be sent back out & warned of further consequences if she returns empty handed.

None of us were present for the interactions between her & the "certain person" so jumping on the bandwagon & taking either side is ridiculous.

Bottom line is that situation has nothing to do with the OP & regardless of what may or may not have happened with the "certain person" the guy we are discussing here is still a total ROB & a Jack-Ass.

First let me question something, You L C state, that it is possible that Talon is taking about a different individual altogether, as opposed to the OP. In the chronology of his post, in relation to the post that his reply follows, YOUR Post. So is Talon stating that YOU, the appalled one, stuck it to a client ? Or is he referring to the OP as the culprit ? LOL Confusing No?

As for Pimps, and predators, Yes Pimps are predatory, and so are other individuals not engaged in the pay for play world, They are known as sociopaths, pyscopaths, and other personality disordered people. Lets not forget to cover ALL the bases, in relation to abusers, liar, manipulators, thieves and BSC.
They are Everywhere, and it is not against the law for them to exist, It is when they cross the line
and do illegal acts, such as pimping, kidnapping, Murder. fraud, rape, and so on that finally offends society enough, to do something, or at least we hope that the powers that be, would do something.
However everyone else with an agenda, jumps on board with regard to the issue, and then pollutes
and further confuses the entire issue.
Such as the small hobby world, of consenting adults, paying for play, and having to find ways to side step the LE, because why? Because it is illegal to solicit for sex, and or pay for sex.
So Are You,  a BAD BAD individual L.C.  Are You a mentally ill, or criminal or both according to the women's advocacy groups or the civil and criminal justice system ? Do  you need get rescued from yourself, or your pimp /boyfriend. where they lock you away in a jail setting, or a mental institution, because You must be unstable and are a threat to society at large.  
That my dear, is what the Law and advocacy groups want everyone to think of males who pay for play. Where do we draw the line ? on what is acceptable ? and not ? this venue, or board exists as an support to help weed out the undesirable individuals, or at least identify them, then it is a see them at your own risk kind of advisory.
Sadly, the Dis ordered folks are able to manipulate things at times, and use this venue to further their enterprise, of abuse, personal gain, or general drama and confusion.  

And Here we are, yet again, trying to figure out, Who is the culprit in the latest round of Drama ?
What we know, is that one of the players, may be a sociopath, or pyscopath, or other disordered individual, But whom is the one who is hiding behind a false façade, and charming the pants off  
everyone, enough to be considered creditable ?

Okay, enough of as the world turns ! Everyone stay safe, and enjoy the weather, and go out and have sex ! :)
We shall continue to sort out whom is a jack ass, or rob, or BSC as we process the evidence and examine the facts. Remember, Everyone is Innocent, at least until you Catch them, and that is their ( The dis ordered ones ) game.


Posted By: LChayse
If in fact she is being pimped out, that makes her a victim. You see it time & time again. Pimp gains control using intimidation & manipulation. He then uses (forces) these young ladies to lace his dirty little pockets with your Benjamins & IF the young lass is lucky, she may get a new pair of shoes & breakfast at McDonald's from time to time. More often than not however she will get belittled & beaten because she only turned over ten "Tricks" that night & be sent back out & warned of further consequences if she returns empty handed.  
 None of us were present for the interactions between her & the "certain person" so jumping on the bandwagon & taking either side is ridiculous.  
 Bottom line is that situation has nothing to do with the OP & regardless of what may or may not have happened with the "certain person" the guy we are discussing here is still a total ROB & a Jack-Ass.

He arrived at my house with 0 money 45 min late? He had met me once and the second time came up to my house without $ trying to convince me of some fwb stuff. I didnt have time to wait for him to go to atm and he came 45 min late.

Most girls would call this a cancelation fee... But i made the wrong decision of saying i would meet up again with him. I was fucking furious. Think. 45 min late and no money. Ask him. Thats how that situation started. Had he done what he should have done he would have gotten his session. Thats bottom line. Yes i handled the situation wrong but he put me in the situation. My actions were reactionary. Never intended to rip off.

We have an apt at 1. I have to get on a leave at 215 that day. Sorta needed the money and i had already dedicated an hour to him. And Im pretty sure I didnt make excuses I just ignored because I didnt know what to say. I like to avoid conflict and I didnt want to get full court pressed on questions of "why don't you like me, why don't you want to see me outside of work"

I was less avoiding him because of the money and more because if the fwb awkard situation that i didnt want to deal with.

Also it didnt bother him much because he set up ANOTHER apt with me giving me a fake name and showed up and went thru with the apt. That was this year.

I have never robbed someone or intentionally ripped anyone off. That was a mistake and it was a really akward situation that i had the best intentions in.  


-- Modified on 4/17/2016 6:01:41 PM

Its sort of funny that always comes up when i tell someone i dont want a relationship outside of what i do. Dig up personal info and assume I have a pimp because it helps them sleep better at night thinking the only reason I'm not interested is because my pimp wont let me. Its hardly original.

Again, using back page last year really hurt me with questionable clients. I'm interested in discreet fun not finding partner or making relationships. If it happens it happens but thats my choice and odds aren't good.  

I think most that know me know that I am not being trafficked. I have a good time doing what I do by choice and that should be obvious.

My intentions in posting this were to warn others. It is a violating feeling. I dont post enough to post on provider only board.. It wasn't to purport an image of innocence. I have made mistakes. And maybe I deserved it.

And I would love it to be karma because if thats the case I shouldnt have to deal with shit like this again.

Ps talon, dns meaning do not see list. Know u were wondering

The person I know is LOADED, we share a garage at http://automotorplex.com/ and "cheapest" car we have in the garage is $100k.  Not trying to brag about him/us, just letting you know that he's not 'cheap' and would never try to get anything free from anyone. I'm 100% certain, that he would never arrived w/zero $, as for 45 minutes late(maybe?). I asked him about the one time he had to run to ATM, and he told me you needed more  $ than the normal fee.  He felt bad because you were crying and need the $ that day, so he went to the ATM and got you the extra $(and never did asked for anything in return for that $)

Here are some of the things he has told me. He fixed your squeaky door, tried to help you with your broken stove and he also told me would have paid for your tuition if you went back to school, etc.  He also told me he was willing to pay for all your legal obligations that were outstanding and asked you numerous time to add them up and give me the total.  For whatever reason, you never gave him the information.    

Posted By: Christineamf
He arrived at my house with 0 money 45 min late? He had met me once and the second time came up to my house without $ trying to convince me of some fwb stuff. I didnt have time to wait for him to go to atm and he came 45 min late.  
 Most girls would call this a cancelation fee... But i made the wrong decision of saying i would meet up again with him. I was fucking furious. Think. 45 min late and no money. Ask him. Thats how that situation started. Had he done what he should have done he would have gotten his session. Thats bottom line. Yes i handled the situation wrong but he put me in the situation. My actions were reactionary. Never intended to rip off.  
 We have an apt at 1. I have to get on a leave at 215 that day. Sorta needed the money and i had already dedicated an hour to him. And Im pretty sure I didnt make excuses I just ignored because I didnt know what to say. I like to avoid conflict and I didnt want to get full court pressed on questions of "why don't you like me, why don't you want to see me outside of work"  
 I was less avoiding him because of the money and more because if the fwb awkard situation that i didnt want to deal with.  
 Also it didnt bother him much because he set up ANOTHER apt with me giving me a fake name and showed up and went thru with the apt. That was this year.  
 I have never robbed someone or intentionally ripped anyone off. That was a mistake and it was a really akward situation that i had the best intentions in.  

-- Modified on 4/17/2016 6:01:41 PM

Yikes!  I think Captain Saveaho has lost contact with reality.

It's to her credit that she didn't pick his bones clean.

This guy is obviously infatuated and potentially jealous.  A true friend would try to slap some sense into him.  There is nothing ahead but bitter disappointment.

Posted By: talon199094

 Here are some of the things he has told me. He fixed your squeaky door, tried to help you with your broken stove and he also told me would have paid for your tuition if you went back to school, etc.  He also told me he was willing to pay for all your legal obligations that were outstanding and asked you numerous time to add them up and give me the total.  For whatever reason, you never gave him the information.

Possibly, but he's super nice guy and like to help others when they are down.  Guessing maybe she told him some sob stories and he bought it.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Yikes!  I think Captain Saveaho has lost contact with reality.  
 It's to her credit that she didn't pick his bones clean.  
 This guy is obviously infatuated and potentially jealous.  A true friend would try to slap some sense into him.  There is nothing ahead but bitter disappointment.  
Posted By: talon199094
  Here are some of the things he has told me. He fixed your squeaky door, tried to help you with your broken stove and he also told me would have paid for your tuition if you went back to school, etc.  He also told me he was willing to pay for all your legal obligations that were outstanding and asked you numerous time to add them up and give me the total.  For whatever reason, you never gave him the information.

I'm just saying that kind of niceness doesn't even cut it in the civie world.  A woman who hasn't "earned" his generosity is not going to respect him. On the contrary she'll just feel like he is trying to buy her affection. Which is in turn, rightly or wrongly, is taken as evidence of low self-worth.  So it sends all the wrong signals.

I'm not worried about him losing a few bucks.  I'm worried about him suffering one relationship failure after another.  

Posted By: talon199094
Possibly, but he's super nice guy and like to help others when they are down.  Guessing maybe she told him some sob stories and he bought it.

Is that, with absolute certainty he came to my house with 0 money 45 min late.

And dont you get it? Your second paragraph proves my point! I would have never asked him to do any of those and thats NOT what im looking for. It sort of made me uncomfortable, he was so nice and accomodating i didnt have the heart to twll him i wasnt interest what he was pushing. He was pushing suites, being pampered, paying my bills, instead of paying a rate. I can tell you i wasnt interested. I didnt give him that info or try to manipulate more BECAUSE I WAS JUST INTERESTED IN SESSIONS.  

He wanted to "do way more for me than my rate but not pay for pussy". Im not saying he is cheap or broke.  

Some would say i handled this well. Got $ for the time he wasted of mine and didnt take advantage of a situation i had no intention of fufilling.

And one more thing, this was all about 200$. So now your suggesting that he came with lower than that and i requested more. Well how little of money could it be?

But i really have to be done responding. The flagrant disregard for facts/ truth in your posts regarding me is staggering. Your grasping at straws now with no regard to the validity of what your saying. And i know you get off on "being an asshole of the bored" but i have no idea why your even targeting me like this.  You have anonominity. Its all fun and games for you to make baseless claims hiding behind computer screen, knowing that i attach my identity when using this site. I guess you need to find entertainment somewhere.

Why isnt he getting on and saying this? I know he has t

You have his phone number and he showed me the various conversations between you two.  He has given up any chance of getting his $ back from you.   Knowing what kind of guy he is, I'm glad you didn't give him the requested information, as I know he would have foolishly pay all your court fines.  
Fact is he showed me the  text message from your phone number, telling him your going give him back the $ but you have chosen not to.  I just wanted to bring this information up because you've done similar thing to other and yet you complain when same sh$t happens to you----Karma Karma. check out my comment about Karma x2.

Posted By: Christineamf
Is that, with absolute certainty he came to my house with 0 money 45 min late.  
 And dont you get it? Your second paragraph proves my point! I would have never asked him to do any of those and thats NOT what im looking for. It sort of made me uncomfortable, he was so nice and accomodating i didnt have the heart to twll him i wasnt interest what he was pushing. He was pushing suites, being pampered, paying my bills, instead of paying a rate. I can tell you i wasnt interested. I didnt give him that info or try to manipulate more BECAUSE I WAS JUST INTERESTED IN SESSIONS.  
 He wanted to "do way more for me than my rate but not pay for pussy". Im not saying he is cheap or broke.  
 Some would say i handled this well. Got $ for the time he wasted of mine and didnt take advantage of a situation i had no intention of fufilling.  
 And one more thing, this was all about 200$. So now your suggesting that he came with lower than that and i requested more. Well how little of money could it be?  
 But i really have to be done responding. The flagrant disregard for facts/ truth in your posts regarding me is staggering. Your grasping at straws now with no regard to the validity of what your saying. And i know you get off on "being an asshole of the bored" but i have no idea why your even targeting me like this.  You have anonominity. Its all fun and games for you to make baseless claims hiding behind computer screen, knowing that i attach my identity when using this site. I guess you need to find entertainment somewhere.  
 Why isnt he getting on and saying this? I know he has ter  

Again talon is referring to a seperate person/ situation that happened a year ago before i had reviews or even knew what ter was.

 Ive responded 3 times on this 2nd subject, far more than i even should have. I feel like airing the details of this is worse than the situation itself for the 2nd person in question. He didnt ask for this and doesnt deserve this. Hes actually super nice and cool, its unfortunate that we had such a miscommunication

My intention in making this thread was  
1 warn girls about him
2 remind providers that just because youve met dont let guard down (i see many threads of where guys dont like being asked for $ and like to pay after when they know them. I know it makes it more personal, being trusted, but thats a quick way for otherwise honest people to get ideas or make a shitheads job easy of ripping you off)
3 yes probably venting a bit. Feels shitty knowing hes walking out of your incall, still smiling and in a great mood after release having no regard for what he did.  

Not to look innocent or demonize anyone. Unless the 2nd person in question wants to get involved and clear up any of this im done responding to these. Its truly not fair to him unless he feels its relevant and he wants to say it.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.

Seems to be some common elements in this and other threads...

Woke up to a text message this morning and it said your bf/pimp was arrested the other day. Now I'm almost 100% certain that the bf/pimp has total control of this used ID and is the one posting these messages.

Posted By: Christineamf
As he's probably looking for another "atf/reg"  
 Last nov/ Dec I met a guy that i screened. Seemed safe, he's a verified business is owner and gave me his personal info. My rate was 260hr at the time and he had asked if I was okay with 200. It was kind of irritating that he's now asking me incriminating info after screening but he lived super close to me and I had nothing going on. I specifically told him Il do it this time but I'm usually not going to be able to.  
 Meeting went fine, met him once more between now and then for same arrangement. He messages me a lot, kind of insulted that i dont respond a lot (because at this point i do 300hr and it's 100$ off. He knows that and says he's a regular and will come a lot. NOT REALIZING THAT'S WHY I WOULDN'T WANT HIM AS A REG)but I told him i would make time (as he has been texting almost every day for 2 weeks)  
 Well yesterday I forgot to ask for $ first. Big mistake. He stays for about an hour and says "man you wore me out I can't even stay the full time" and gives me 4 20s. I'm thinking, please dont. Please fucking don't punish me for not wanting to ruin your fantasy with a "can I get the $" . I knew him. I had been nothing but sweet and accomodating to him. I said no way your not going to do this to me and he basically says "I've been trying to get a hold of you and your rates are crazy anyways, besides we were only Doing it for about 30" (it was 40 min and 20 min of trying on outfits for him before we got started. He was absolutely here the full hour and it wouldn't even matter if he chose to leave early) and leaves another 20 on my dresser.  
 As I'm bitching he then claims that's all he has and starts half ass emptying his pockets as he's walking toward my door.  
 I dont know if he planned on scamming me to begin with or is Just opportunistic and preyed on my stupidity/trust. Regardless, he is a scammer.  
 I mean that's basically a rob to me. He knew Damn well what he was doing the whole time. I think pushing the session intensity immediately just so I WOULDN'T ask. I can't believe I fell for this. He absolutely knows I would never be okay with that. He just got a 300$ session for basically nothing (100$) and Its not even about money it's just violating. I dont even particularly care about the money, that's the only good part of this is that it wasn't that much. Still an absolutely flagrant scam though. I  assume a grown ass man will make grown ass man decisions.  
 I hate guys like this. They ruin the trust/innocence for other trustworthy people. Its just another lesson on always having to be aware... Even when you think you know/ trust someone.  
 Booked an hour @ grandfathered discounted 200/hr, knew him and didnt think to get $ first. He gives me a few 20s and insults my rates.  
 Ps, and regarding DNS's, another guy i haven't met has been sending harassing/ borderline threatening texts saying cops are coming to clean up the cities trash ect after inquiring a few times. Not even sure why he's targeting me. Pm for details on both.  
 Pm me for info. Id post here but I think it's against the rules.  
 Hate to bitch, I know you guys dont need to hear this stuff and probably dont care. I know most are wonderful and would never even think to pull this type of bs. I would post it on provider board if I was accepted. Just giving a heads up and maybe venting a bit ;)  

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