
Sorry, Love...
TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 470 reads

That is unusual.  Are you screening through other providers or just personal information

I must say, I really love Minneapolis and all of the wonderful people here! This is my second trip and overall a wonderful success! Unfortunately I have had 2 gentleman who were screened, booked Appts, and then no show! As a provider, this costs is money and I have 0 tolerance for people who can't even send a courtesy cancellation text! So ladies, please reach it to me via PM so I can share these clients with you, so you can avoid the same costly mistake I made!

Not that anybody should NCNS anyone and I am sorry it happened to you.  I can't tell you the number of times I have been "guided" to a parking lot only to have my txt messages and phone calls go unanswered. In your case it's money and in our case it's time.

I know it sucks and this topic seems to be re-visited every so often on the boards.

A buzzer that isn't working has been my experience a couple times. So yeah, our time can get wasted as well. But I email immediately when I get back home to say that I wasn't a NCNS and explain what happened from my side. I think that's good policy and then just proceed to reschedule and everyone is happy. A little later...

It comes with the territory for both sides.  Time and money go hand in hand if you think about it.  Hopefully, there is communication as far as why it happened but not always.  There are enough good guys in the hobby to overcome the few that cause issues.  In the long run, your stay should be a pleasant one.  You just need to bo-lieve!

I think almost all of us know how frustrating a NCNS can be.

I was thinking of making an appointment but you're a little out of my price range so I didn't. I've been an admirer of you for a few years now but I felt uncertain about parting with that amount of $$, so I decided that I shouldn't make an appointment. It seems that some people didn't apply the same amount of forethought and decency.

Good luck... I very much enjoy your videos :) the link contains a clip from probably my all-time favorite scene

Sucks when this happens, but my time is just as valuable as anyone else.

I am agree with you fully on this issue Talon.  
I have Never done this to a provider, and I despise when they have done it to me.

Or a different but equally poor showing, is when a time and date is set, and the provider calls and keeps moving the time back, because of her poor organizational skills, or other personal problems.  
Keep in mind, I understand that things come up some times, but when someone pulls a no call no show on  me, That is the last time I care to seek to book with her.
And if they do the second kind of stuff, moving the date / time back, on more than one occasion, then that ends my desire to book time with her as well.

Me, myself and I, are not arrogant, nor snotty, or aloof, but I am important enough, to myself, to not allow anyone to treat me with disrespect.

Posted By: talon199094
Sucks when this happens, but my time is just as valuable as anyone else.

Totally agree with both Talon and nobodysfool07.  

I have never treated my clients the way I've heard some providers do, according to the forum and PMs from fellow hobbyists and even providers. It's just not good business sense. It's all about the relationships, loyalty, and so on. The sex is just an action, like a handshake, no more no less. But still important lol.

Posted By: nobodysfool2007
I am agree with you fully on this issue Talon.  
 I have Never done this to a provider, and I despise when they have done it to me.  
 Or a different but equally poor showing, is when a time and date is set, and the provider calls and keeps moving the time back, because of her poor organizational skills, or other personal problems.  
 Keep in mind, I understand that things come up some times, but when someone pulls a no call no show on  me, That is the last time I care to seek to book with her.  
 And if they do the second kind of stuff, moving the date / time back, on more than one occasion, then that ends my desire to book time with her as well.  
 Me, myself and I, are not arrogant, nor snotty, or aloof, but I am important enough, to myself, to not allow anyone to treat me with disrespect.  
Posted By: talon199094
Sucks when this happens, but my time is just as valuable as anyone else.

I totally agree that clients deserve just as much respect as providers. However, I am touring this area and those who no show cost me money, I hav expenses. I'm merely giving these providers the info and they can do with it what they want, but I would hope they would do the same with me. If you are a quality client, then that is amazing and should be appreciated. The men that I am warning these providers about, are not only flakes, but from what I've heard in some of the responses, dangerous as well.

Maybe you didn't screen hard enough on the front side?  That is if the responses from your peers are as you say.

Theyre never ready when I show up,  usually a 15  to 45 minute wait.  Course this is the same when you date women--theyre never ready.  Just their way of putting us in our place.

Then cancel, don't be a flake. Simple as that. I never cancel without giving notice.

That is unusual.  Are you screening through other providers or just personal information

Posted By: KellyKlass
Both 😊
That sucks.  Not just for you, but for those of us who were trying to make a date with you and may not have been able to because of a previous agreement with the NCNS.  Hopefully you come back soon so we can try again!

But.... that being said; I had it happen twice last week.  I sat in my car, money burning a hole in my pocket and not a call-back to be seen.  I have a 45 minute drive into the cities where the dates were, so timing work and family is not that easy.  Since last-minute dates are going the way of the dinosaur, I just turned around and went home.  

Someday I'd love to know why the dates went south, but like most, I'll probably never know.

A seriously wise statement in this response --->

 Someday I'd love to know why the dates went south, but like most, I'll probably never know.

woodchip248 reads

Sorry to hear about this again.  I had replied to a similar thread on another board.  Inquiring minds want to know if these gentlemen paid the cancellation fee?

If I posted every NCNC or cancellation I've had, i'm not sure what my reputation would be on the board?  So posting these notices here, on the public board, does not seem like the best of business practices.  Isn't there a provider board for such things?  I'm not trying to be confrontational and I've personally never no showed a provider and would never even think of doing it because its not in my nature. For others on both sides, their time is the only thing that matters, screw everyone else.

Cancellations and NCNS on both sides SUCK! They happen way more than they should.  I'm just not sure how we eliminate the practice.  

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