
So they DID "just so happen" to "prank" the "perpetrator" in your blood story?
MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 365 reads

Super, SUPER big coincidence, don't you think?

Also, how old are you?  Seriously?  Are you trying to protect the community from a lady who had a period miscalculation/mishap?  Or no pretense even, just straight up acting like a 10 year old?

I recently had an experience where the provider didnt disclose this and I was freaked the hell out by a hole lot of blood!  Anybody have an experience like this?

Why did you book an appointment with me today with your "coworker " cell phone ?? Just to waste my time??? Thanks I had nothing better to do anyways 😒

loveyourtouch863 reads

I have read it about 5 times and have no idea what the hell she's talking about or how it relates to the OP.  What is it I am missing?

Or is it just a rant from a woman who got stiffed?  (Or, more appropriately, DIDN'T get stiffed??)  :)

It appears that two of my dick head coworkers used my TER act and another of of my coworkers phones to prank her.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
I have read it about 5 times and have no idea what the hell she's talking about or how it relates to the OP.  What is it I am missing?  
 Or is it just a rant from a woman who got stiffed?  (Or, more appropriately, DIDN'T get stiffed??)  :)

loveyourtouch726 reads

two of your co-workers have access to your TER account?  Pretty dumb and dangerous shit.  But how does that relate to your OP?  Did you actually see the woman, and she had her period?  And then after that your co-workers pulled a not-so-cool prank?  Why would they choose her of all people?  And how would TER fit into this?  I'm still not getting it.  Sorry.

loveyourtouch701 reads

AND the phone of one of your co-workers AND knew to contact the one woman you had a bad experience with?  Sorry.  Not buying it.  My guess is you were in on the "prank," which was really a scam.

I agree that she should have told you about the time-of-month situation (that is bad!), but what you did is no better.

Nobody ever said this Lilly person is the one I'm talking about.  Don't get ahead of yourself dumbshit.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
AND the phone of one of your co-workers AND knew to contact the one woman you had a bad experience with?  Sorry.  Not buying it.  My guess is you were in on the "prank," which was really a scam.  
 I agree that she should have told you about the time-of-month situation (that is bad!), but what you did is no better.

loveyourtouch593 reads

You allow someone else to use your TER account AND you actually are stupid enough to post that in here along with the prank, which YOU WROTE they pranked "her," and you're calling me a dumbshit??  And from what you wrote about pranking "her," I think anyone reading this thread would infer you meant that poster.

I'll leave it to the readers to decide who's the dumbshit on this one.

"I let two guys misuse my TER account to prank a provider.  What should I do?  I know!  I'll post about it on the Minnesota board!"

Are the Darwin Awards still taking nominations for this year?

Posted By: knotsaway
"I let two guys misuse my TER account to prank a provider.  What should I do?  I know!  I'll post about it on the Minnesota board!"  
 Are the Darwin Awards still taking nominations for this year?

loveyourtouch639 reads

on Lilly or anyone else?  I think not.  Pretty stupid....  unless you're still in middle school.

Whether it was Lilly or not, if any non-provider even knows you have a TER account and can connect your RL self with it, you're playing with fire.  That's Minnesota Nice for "you're an idiot."

When you find yourself in one, stop digging.

I was going to guess lube it up but you gave us the real answer.  :-(

Good point though V

I've seen him a couple times, only recently however did he book an appointment with me about an hour before he was supposed to be there and never showed up or called. Either way, if his account is either hacked or being used by someone else that he gave access to, I'm guessing the profile is definitely a dud. I found it to be odd that suddenly he has no phone to contact me on and was only trying to book appointments with me through this website rather than through text or email. Ladies, stay away from this one because you will only end up waiting for a ghost to arrive. I was hoping to leave all this nonsense behind when I strayed away from posting on BP but I guess it's gonna start inhabiting this website as well.

But some are better than others and I'd rate TER much higher than just what you get from BP.

I just noticed this but it's Ms. Red Wings herself!

Super, SUPER big coincidence, don't you think?

Also, how old are you?  Seriously?  Are you trying to protect the community from a lady who had a period miscalculation/mishap?  Or no pretense even, just straight up acting like a 10 year old?

Butthole261 reads

Detroit Red Wings?

And how some ladies just want the money while more considerate upper classier type ladies let you know in advance if possible and give you the option to cancel or reschedule.

Obviously, you had the former recently. Not fun.

Posted By: Urples69
I recently had an experience where the provider didnt disclose this and I was freaked the hell out by a hole lot of blood!  Anybody have an experience like this?

Reminds me of when I saw a stripper with her tampon string hanging out of her thong

loveyourtouch494 reads

in the massage world.  And while some (usually ladies) poo-pooed it when I posted comments about this topic in the past, it happens and it can be disgusting...even in the massage world.  It's not uncommon to have a little extra fun with providers, and when that is the norm, it comes to be a somewhat expected part of the service, which is why guys see that provider vs. another.  But extra-curriculars aside, just lying face down while a woman stands doing a massage makes for unpleasant odors.  

So to answer your question: Yes, I have had this happen.  In fact, in a one week span this year, I hit the trifecta.  Yep... three women in one week on the rag.  It would be nice if they'd give a warning or take a few days off.

Let me set the record straight....this post is not about this misslilly person!  That is an isolated incident that should have never happened.  It has nothing to do with the original question.

who's time your co workers wasted using your TER handle (she didn't pick you out of thin air).

loveyourtouch554 reads

...now he's gonna call you a dumbshit too.  I guess the whole thing only made sense to him and his "co-workers."  Although I'd still like to know his answer to how they had access to his TER account and another person's phone, AND just happened to know to call this one particular woman...  Makes no sense to me, but according to him, I'm the dumbshit.

Maybe the next pranks will be on him, huh?  Maybe he'll show up somewhere only to be alone...  Or left sitting in a parking lot...  I dunno...  shit happens.

Thank you  

He sent me a pm about a same day appointment, I reply and asked him to call to schedule a time. I get a call from someone who knew his username and was claiming to be him, we agreed to a time. That person "showed up" 30min early but I give him the hotel anyways. Then he never calls for the room # so I called to see if he got lost etc. instead I get sent to vm and a confusing text about who are you? And I have no idea what your taking about?!?!  

We never met and I am not on my period  

He claims his coworkers pranked me nonetheless I wasted an hr of my time and now he doesn't want to reschedule b/c I outed him on this post.  

I saw this post after the "prank" n I was mad so I replied with my experience with him. Maybe I shouldn't of but I did.  

Posted By: Wongbater
who's time your co workers wasted using your TER handle (she didn't pick you out of thin air).

loveyourtouch497 reads

His story doesn't add up to me in any way.  If it happened as he wrote, he should be banned from TER for some period of time just for being so fricking reckless with his account.  How many people actually talk to co-workers about the hobby (aside from providers who share locations and LE)?  And for co-workers to know what TER is and how to login in, etc, and then go to then extraordinary length to do such a prank using someone else's phone without their knowledge (that happens a lot, right? - not!)... none of it adds up to me.  

I wonder if they pranked other girls who never outed him?  If so, maybe they'll chime in. It'd be interesting to see how widespread this prankster and his co-workers took this.

I once had a provider cancel on me with the explanation that she needed to postpone "due to the arrival of that which cannot be avoided." I was perplexed. That which cannot be avoided? Death? Taxes? I didn't respond to that email and simply contacted another provider who was available. In hindsight, I think that the first provider was talking about her period, but the wording was too vague for me at that time.

I had a request the other day asking if I was on mine.... Cause he was seeking a provider on it... Unfortunately I wasn't but if I was & his screening cleared I would definitely do it cuz I'm the MOST hormonal at that time!!!   Also one can say the earned their "RED WINGS" wink wink 😜😜😜😜😜

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