
Re:Huh? Charity?? What's wrong with the Home field?????????????
skypilot00 3053 reads

I agree with Little Sue in regards to supporting our local providers. They're here.
I am not very active at present in regards to seeing providers but would do more under different circumstanes. I believe and support the activity.
And growing up in a Pro Union home meant' that you support and endorse your own. I would rather go to a local small business any day of the week compared to the big boys.
And Especially with all the recent stuff that has been posted on this board, I would rather support our own one way or another.
Finally,  when I do get out into the playing field again, that You; Little Sue are someone I plan on seeing.
Best to all.             SP00

Help support the local providers.

I've been hearing alot about hobbiest doing there companionship with the traveling providers, instead the local providers.

skypilot003054 reads

I agree with Little Sue in regards to supporting our local providers. They're here.
I am not very active at present in regards to seeing providers but would do more under different circumstanes. I believe and support the activity.
And growing up in a Pro Union home meant' that you support and endorse your own. I would rather go to a local small business any day of the week compared to the big boys.
And Especially with all the recent stuff that has been posted on this board, I would rather support our own one way or another.
Finally,  when I do get out into the playing field again, that You; Little Sue are someone I plan on seeing.
Best to all.             SP00

This is not directed personally at little sue, but most locals can't even be bothered to answer their damn phone.  

Among other issues, scheduling with locals is a hassle. Even if you do get ahold of them, I have probably been stood up 25 times by locals - and I have never been stood up by a traveler.  

As evidenced by the shenanigans on this board, many of them are just plain loonie tunes.  

Reputable ravelers and agencies can't afford to fly out to a city, set themselves up in a hotel, then just completely wig out.  I'm sure some do, but agencies tend to dump the psychos.  Now, I know we are *all* a little psycho, but local providers lead the league in this type of thing.

Now notice I said "reputable".  There is no shortage of rip-off and elevator artists among the travelers, but they are very easy to weed out.

I've noticed locals tend to get lazy.  They get complacent and their attitude and service level drops.  

I've noticed traveling gals like Samantha at WOE and Pamela just keep on giving.  

And you never see Samantha or Pamela battling on public boards.  The agency contacts might discuss issues here and there, but they never just start posting random links in desperate grabs for attention like seems to be acceptable on this board.

With some exceptions, in general I agree with your point of view, especially at the $$$+ price points.

Sorry but there are reasons why some of the men are seeing travelers.  One is that the local rates are out of line when compared to the travelers.  I haven't checked your rates so I'm not saying this does or does not apply to you.  Another reason is all the drama with local ladies.  It's just easier and sdafer to see travelers - especially independents who are somewhat under the radar.

-- Modified on 3/2/2005 10:43:18 AM

HD, Little Sue is one that does NOT involve herself in catfight or local hidden agenda's..

Also very reasonable priced

When all is said and done, it just sounds sensible to shop at home whenever possible.  There's no need to throw the baby out with the bath water.  If it's charity, let's remember tht charity begins at home and it goes both ways.  Sounds like a "win win" arrangement to me.

Pie Man3804 reads

Little Sue, when business gets slow, run a special. Retailers do it all the time and it works!

skypilot003697 reads

Hello again,

As I had stated eariler, I do believe in supporting our locals.
Having said that, I do also agree with the postings about the noted problems with locals vs travelers (pros and cons).
I do wonder if such things as no shows, wigging out... is a Minnesota thing or not? I do agree that for some, the services offered and $$$ leave alot to be desired.
I base that off of a comparsion to Denver ( after being out there several years ago for extended periods of time. I did make use of the hobby there).
Hopefully some day (soon), all this will get straightened out.
And...we'd once again get a class operation like the Relax a Lounge which offered alot without all the BS (except from the LE)
that is written about here. Sucess speaks for itself.

Horny Elf3655 reads

The problem is that all the local providers are competing for the business of the same small handful of wealthy hobbyists who can afford to throw around $300+ a shot on a regular basis.  These same guys are the ones who have switched over to primarily travelers.  So what are we left with?  A lot of idle local providers holding out for $300, and a huge pool of frustrated guys willing and able to pay $150.  It seems to me that it would be wiser to cater to the existing local market rather than the market you wish existed.  Rich dudes are in limited supply.  That’s just the way it is.

Very well said Horny Elf.  I have always been very careful to avoid the usual price-gripe threads, but I have talked about the economics of the marketplace a few times over the years...

I have always said that from a pure price-dynamics standpoint, that Minneapolis was not a town where the 300 price point could be sustained.  Sure, high demand, limited supply, and good economic times might support that price for a while...  a year, 2 years maybe.  But I said then, and I have said again now that the 300 price point is not sustainable here.

I remember 2-3 years ago when the going rate locally suddenly jumped from 200 to 300.  Back then we maybe had 2-3 agency-based travelers a month at most.  No one here in MN had ever even heard of Taylors or WoE, etc...  They were 50+% more expensive than our local rate and simply couldn't afford to sit around an empty room waiting for the phone to ring.  But one by one, most local providers made a run at 300 and the traveler market opened like flood gates because we left no price advantage for a local gal.  Now look at us, we have something like 8 agencies that frequesnt us, and between agencies and traveling indies, we probably have more like 30 or 40 visitors some months.

Just like when a city has no affordable housing, the entire eco-system...  every single person in it, suffers when there is not a stratified price spectrum.

Markets... all markets, thrive when there is a continuum of prices srpead across a wide range of customer affordability.  All markets thrive when there is some meaningful linkage between the quality of goods or services offered.  If customer's don't believe they're getting more quality buying a $10 widget than a $7 widget, then they stop trusting that ANY higher priced vendor brings anything more to the table.  (What Dell has done to HP/Compaq, for instance)

Once that spectrum of pricing becomes compressed, and once customer confidence in the linkage between price and quality is lost, everyone in the market loses.

I have always believed that the right "mainstream" price in the cities is $200.  It leaves the right price gaps above and below the market price to allow the market to "spread out."  If we were at 200:

a.  A lot more Horny Elves could afford to participate more.  A provider may ask "what do I care how many guys are in the hobby, as long as I'm making my numbers"...  Because a larger population of active customers is the only protection against economic downturns, and the only protection against traveler influxes.  In the long run, making $3k from 15x 200 customers is better than from 10x 300 customers.  A market sustains itself through hiccups better when there ar more people in it, often called the "portfolio effect."

b.  A new, untested provider could come in at 150 more comfortably.  It's hard emotionally, and from a marketing perspective, for a newbie to come in at 150...  that's 1/2 the market rate and makes you sound like a complete cheapskate.  If the market rate was 200, then a 150 price point would only be 25% off of the market rate in return for being unknown.

c.  A limited service provider that really didn't want to get into the whole GFE thing could still be at 150 and bring in a ton of business.  There are a lot of gals that aren't as comfortable getting into the whole GFE session but are comfortable with more of the "let's hook up, have a little stress relief, and get you on your way".  Not meant to be a rip at all, but look at that Kristi/Julie that has been around here for years...  At 150, she'd be getting 7s and 8s...  But by charging the "market price" she sets the expectation that her services should be measured on par with the most premium level providers, and the result?  5s and 6s.  She's not a bad provider, just a mis-marketed provider.  At the right price point, she'd be a hot commodity.

d.  The super-upscale provider that really wants to provide the extraordinary level of service, that really want ot go all out... they still have some room for a premium price above 200, say 250 to 300, that still stays below the radar of the travelers.  Everyone thinks they're the premium provider, but really, I can only think of 3 or 4 locally that have that reputation of being able to provide that consistant, hit-the-ball-out-of-the-park level of physical and emotional engagement day after day.

What we have today is a totally compressed market crowded around 300-400, and as long as that's the case, then only those providers willing to offer extraordinary service, including ease of scheduling and communication before the meeting, will prosper.

Sadly, it has taken me many sentences and paragraphs to say what Horny Elf said in 6, well, really just 4 content sentences.

Pie Man3799 reads

Omega, there are a number of things you and I don't agree on, but your assessment of the market is RIGHT ON.  Unfortunately, very few of the ladies understand economics. They think emotionally rather than rationally. There are some exceptions. A couple of veterans on TCU have figured out how to have a steady reputable business year in and year out. They have figured out the right price point for who they are and what service they deliver and they are consistent and reliable. Simple marketing 101.

kidd14742642 reads

I am impressed Omega.....

I grad. form a private college in the area with a accounting/econ. degree.  You are right on.  Not intended as a rip, but if you ladies need it in a little more layman's terms, please feel free to ask me.  You can drive out your competition, have a stronger buisness, and make more money in the long run.

And there is NO SHAME at all in being a mid-level or limited service provider.  There are lots of providers that aren't interested in the kind of emotional engagement that comes from really throwing yourself into every session.  There's nothing wrong with that at all.

Understand your own strengths, your own desired limits, then price it right, and away you go, success is yours.

Yes Horny Elf was more succinct but some of us do appreciate the more detailed analysis also!

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