
Re:deeply upset
fordyp 1 Reviews 4630 reads

i have l sue once and this review is not correct

I'm deeply upset about a review I just got. confused? Insulted!
not understanding and very pissed. I understand everyone has their right to their on opinion, but i'm offended by the way he discribed.
Please just read it!


I would like to know your input on this review please.
p.s I'm not trying to cause any problem's

Please don't be, you will never "please" all of the people all of the time. It comes off as a personal preference not a personal slam.

wow, what a f'ing jerk. I can not beleive the words he used to describe you. I think you look beautiful.

lamp0014937 reads

Sue has been the most sincere and awesome person I have met in the Mpls area......I love her style and both inner/outer beauty as well....different strokes for different folks I guess.....

SeeJackRun4537 reads

little sue.. try to take a step back and realise it is only one person's opinion and when you provide a service it is not equal on either party for perceptions.  Be true to yourself and remember to believe in yourself.  First and foremost just keep believing in your self and what you provide.. remember you can NEVER please everyone all the time.

You can never second guess each client hoping to be everything to everyone.  Just be yourself.. and you will have all the business you need, one review is never going to kill any person in this business..

It is always a shock to the system when you read unkind words about you personally and to this I deeply regret someone wounded you this way.. take care my dear


Turkana, please read the review that Sue is pointing out.

I believe that whomever within TER that approved that review has gone against the principles of TER's approach to providing services to us hobbyists.

This 'gentleman' and I use this term with derision and a scathing sense of ridicule, should not be allowed to post anything in this manner about anyone.

An 'Ad Hominam' approach (Personal attack on another person, verbally) to describing services in this case is insulting to Sue (I know her and have known her for 5 years). This persons description is worse than insulting. I suspect he may have tried to have his way and Sue has rules, good rules,and he was set straight. I suspect he didn't like that, so he gets to insult someone in a forum that is difficult to fix once it is out.

Therefore, Mr. Moderator help to right this insulting wrong.

Those of you who read this, and know Sue, please join me in condemning this insulting review and this person.

Also, look at all of her other reviews. How can anyone on TER not see the demeaning and completely out of character description of this review compared to the others.

Give me a break!!!

Love you Sue........Please let this roll off of your back!!!

Has anyone seen a thread from Turkana in the past month? I wrote a review over a month ago and it still hasn't been approved despite repeated appeals to TER staff. I only got one response and it wasn't from Turkana. I've heard of other instances where people have had trouble with reviews also. Methinks we've been abandoned!

The local moderators have nothing to do with reviews, and have no affiliation or connection with TER staff at all.  They are just local hobbyists and their input on review matters are neither sought nor accepted.

Sue, although I have not had the opportunity to see youyet, I read the review and wondered what trailer park this person just came from. He has no class or respect by the way he degraded you and poorly described you.

If you look at your many consistant and excellent reviews, I would keep the theory in mind that you can nevr please all of the people all of the time no matter what you do.

Turkana or any other moderator do not have anything to do with reviews. Be it approving, disproving or removing them.  What he can do is facilitate with the staff to either get it removed or get the issue resolved.

Like my old saying goes: "Water off a duck".  Don't let this bring you down Sue, you are far better of a person than that!


MDL I agree with about everything you said EXCEPT the trailer park remark.  A lot of good people live in trailer parks and you just insulted them all to make your point.  I know it's a common phrase but that doesn't make it less hurtful.  The reviewer is an asshole - let's leave it at that.

People let's think about who will be reading our posts before we hit the "post message" button.

I've noticed similar tactless references to personal preferences in some other reviews recently.

Sue, You are not at all as this guy describes, I don't know you that well but well enough to know that you are a sweet, affectionate, pleasing and Beautiful petit Woman!!!

Certainly anyone can see from your pictures that you're not as this "hobbiest" describes.

Gentlemen: join me in supporting Sue with a extra visit this month, let her know how much we really appreciate her.

-- Modified on 10/19/2004 6:57:26 PM

Turkana4743 reads

No moderator has any responsibility for, or power over, reviews.  We do not see the reviews before they go up.  That is the job of Staff.  We are not asked to second-guess them. We do not approve or disapprove them.  If someone brings a review to our attention that appears to be out of line, all we can do is refer it to Staff.  Since Sue has raised this as a public issue, I feel free to disclose that she sent me a PM complaining about the review, I forwarded it on to Staff and she thanked me.

The responsibility of the moderator, and the only power I have, is what is on this board.  I can approve or disapprove ads and posts, in accordance with TER guidelines.  I can edit posts if they are out of line.  I can moderate people who appear on this board and can un-moderate them.  More than that, I cannot do.

Some moderators view their role as being a cheerleader and make frequent appearances on the board; some view their role as a policeman or teacher and show up telling folks how to behave.  My style changes from time to time, and at the moment, I'm taking a low profile.  Fortunately, for the most part, I don't need to tell you folks how to behave nor do I need to run contests or wave flags to make sure you have a good time.  But I'm on this board probably half a dozen times a day and I'm constantly approving, not approving and editing posts.

Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.

Play hard.  Be safe.
Play safe.  Be hard.


-- Modified on 10/19/2004 7:13:39 PM


Thanks for clarifying your position, role, and desires to moderate the board.

It is clear to me that we don't all know the processes and procedures of this service. YOU SEEM TO.

So, with that in mind, how's about lending a hand!? I notice that you have seen Sue, and your review was a nice one. BTW, you should see her again, as she has changed much at her location, and I'm sure as a result of your review and input.

Do what you can with the STAFF and whoever else needs to be aware of this.

Turk, I don't believe it is satisfactory for you to say "NOT MY JOB"......Again, how's about some help for Sue.

Pass it on, that's all I can ask!!!



I gotta say that, while I'm sympathetic to your cause, this post is a little over the top.  I do agree that "personalizing" the remarks in a review is inappropriate and that Staff should consider editing a few of the words out of the review.  But this has nothing to do with Turk.

Moderators are local hobbyists that volunteer to moderate their local boards.  They have no connection back to TER staff above and beyond what you and I have.  From Staff's perspective, they're just another local hobbyist and their views and advice are given no more creedence than anyone's.

I think it's quite satisfactory for a moderator to say "not my job" because it isn't. In fact, they're volunteers, they don't have any "job" at all.

Let's put it this way... given the choice, would you prefer:

a. Moderators who are local hobbyist volunteers that have absolutely no affiliation whatsoever with TER, or
b. Moderators who are affiliated with Staff/GND, but aren't local hobbyists.

We'd all choose (a) every time, yet we've repeatedly criticized him because he doesn't have any "hotline" connection back to TER, as if that's his fault.

Let's all remember that Turk isn't the moderator because he lobbied and pulled strings for the job.  He's the moderator because NO ONE ELSE wanted to do it and he agreed to do it rather than all of us being at the mercy of a staff moderator, or being moderated by another region's moderator.

-- Modified on 10/19/2004 9:09:25 PM

I for one like the way you have been doing things.  It's a thankless job (that evidently doesn't pay well either! :) ).

The reviewer only made himself look foolish.  You have and pages of 8's and 9's and then this chucklehead.

If they only let good reviews stay up, what good would TER be?  I have criticized TER in the past for allowing escorts to nuke even favorable reviews they don't like.

There is a massive preponderance of good reviews for you.  I would suggest you take this small negative review along with all your great reviews and let it go.

sexluvr4984 reads

Thanks TB......

I have seen Sue a number of times - and while I don;t publish reviews, my views on her are consistent with MOST all of the reviews that have been published for her.  She is superb and while all may not feel the same way, enough of us have spoken.

Sue, ignore the insensitive comments from a marginal poster.  Take comfort in knowing that his view is a minority view and don;t place any value in it - as anyone else looking at your reviews would  come to a different conclusion than he would present.


Then TER would be largely useless.  So one guy didn't have the greatest time.  That's just what it was like for him.  It's clear the overwhelming majority find Sue to be great and I hope that is what she takes from this.

Try not to be so upset.  It's true you can't please everyone but you come far closer than most of us.  I do understand it's not just something you can instantly blow off but time will help and it's clear from your reviews and other postings that you have many fans.

HI Sue

I'm sorry you are sad, it's not your fault!  He had ample time to read your reviews, take a look at your pics and check out your detailed profile.  He had a chance to leave when he met you as well.      

I wish I knew the answer, but I think I know the reasons:

Email David at [email protected] and ask him to take a look at it with a link to the review.  I don't think they read all reviews before they're approved so it's up to the community to keep things fun and respectful.  

Some choose to pay for discretion...others have no choice, this is their dating pool.  


TymberLee4158 reads

You know that though.. I talk to you everyday.

i have l sue once and this review is not correct

Jack314661 reads

Hey Sue:

I've spent a lot of time checking out the various providers on this site. I've even made a list of the two or three I'd most like to meet--and you're one of them. My personal perferences were based not only on your beauty and nicely-worded profile, but also on the many excellent reviews you've received. I sent you an e-mail a few days ago, but didn't hear back. Even though I've been thinking about "jumping in" to this activity for a while now, I've been a bit nervous, so I haven't made the move. Maybe you're just the person to help me make the jump????

HoneyTaster4500 reads

Sue, 99% of the guys who have seen you believe you are an attractive and talented young lady with a great personality. Don't worry about the 1%! Be content with the other 99%.  No matter who the lady is, someone is going to view her differently than everyone else. Base your feelings on the vast majority.  Just put this behind you and move on. Its not worth worrying about.

I think that the guy's description was insulting.  But at the same time, that's how he felt (or reportedly how he felt, I suppose he could have been wrongly vindictive for some reason or other.)  I think the comment about little people should be edited out.  Otherwise, not everyone is going to find every woman attractive.

I have a friend (not a hobbyist) who finds large breasted women gorgeous simply for their large breasts.  Often, I don't think he ever looks at another part of their body (unless they have a belly larger than their breasts.)  Some women I point out as gorgeous (either in movies or in public) he finds so-so.  I just can't fathom where he gets some of his preferences.  But those are his preferences.

I don't think that his view of your looks should be edited out.  Everyone has their own preferences.  But his comment about little people was out of line and should be removed.

By your pictures, I personally find you very attractive, and your petiteness along with that has you on my hot list of providers I'd like to see one day.

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