
Re: ...Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of "Save" button.....................
OldTimerB 45 Reviews 566 reads

Yeah, they told me 3-4 months. Good thing it wasn't anything" complicated" eh

Posted By: wadzilla69
They're working on it ...  

Can I save a review that's not finished?

I'm pretty tech-challenged and don't have a computer at the moment.

Anyway, I finished writing a somewhat lengthy review on my phone and clicked 'Submit' feeling proud of myself.

The review said I needed to enter a phone # which the provider does not have.
Started typing 555 and then hit the wrong key which often happens when big fingers try to tap little keys on a phone.
Of course, either my phone or the browser I was using decided to freeze at that moment.
Hitting the back button, delete, refresh, nothing worked.

I just wanted to get back a couple strokes to type that damn 555 in slowly and correctly before submitting...

Wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of "Save" button to push before you're finished with a review!

Does anyone know if the info is saved somewhere on my profile or on TER and I can go back and finish it?

I even started submitting a new review hoping that when I typed the provider's name, the info would be there but no dice.
Don't care about the stats and stuff, just spent a good amount of effort on the dirty details.

Think I'm going to go see a lady now to relax!

Appreciate any help you can give.
I have an Android phone by the way if it matters.

I draft the review text as an email on my private email, with myself as the recipient (in case I accidentally hit Send).  I can save it as a Draft as often as I want, until I'm finished.  Then it's a simple matter to copy/paste it into the TER window.

...I've had that happen where I've been timed out of TER while writing a review and then losing everything I had written. Now I just write the review in Word and then copy and paste it to TER. Not so easy to do on a phone but still possible but I do this on my desk top or lap top. Another way is to have two browsers open to TER at the same time. Keep refreshing the TER browser that you're not using to write the review every few minutes and this will reset the clock on all open TER browsers so you don't tme out before the review is completed.

Yeah, they told me 3-4 months. Good thing it wasn't anything" complicated" eh

Posted By: wadzilla69
They're working on it ...  

I suggest never writing anything significantly long using a form in a web page; sans things like google docs. You run a great risk of losing the entire thing. I use an editor of some sort (e.g. wordpad) and then copy/paste it into the web page. I personally don't have the patience to type anything significant using a phone, but on an iPhone you might be able to type into the notes app and then copy paste it to the web page. Android probably has something similar.

Thanks robojunk.
Exactly what happened to me - lost the entire thing.
Hate doing anything (like this) more than once - except sex lol.

Posted By: robojunk
I suggest never writing anything significantly long using a form in a web page; sans things like google docs. You run a great risk of losing the entire thing. I use an editor of some sort (e.g. wordpad) and then copy/paste it into the web page. I personally don't have the patience to type anything significant using a phone, but on an iPhone you might be able to type into the notes app and then copy paste it to the web page. Android probably has something similar.

It would be very nice if it did but you have to resort to one of the other methods people have suggested at this point.

-- Modified on 1/31/2015 1:56:01 PM

Thanks for all the great advice. It's been very helpful. More importantly, simple and easy to understand...and hopefully do! Lol

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