
Re: This is hardly the time or place Talon for a rant about racial preferences.
dhp180 37 Reviews 458 reads

talon199094 just demonstrated how racist, ignorant and asinine a complete idiot can be!!!!

There is a man Impersonating another man using his LinkedIn page, and other providers as references.
He robbed me and raped me at gun point. I told another friend, and she knows a provider whom possibly is the same man whom did the same thing to her.
He is white 5'6" 250lbs, very overweight. Blue eyes, eyebrows done, blonde beard. he had a gun and taser, he also wore a gold chain.
Please put the word out, this man must be stopped by any and all means. He will no long terrorize this community. He must be stopped.
This happened in Bloomington around 6 am Friday 9/16

-- Modified on 9/16/2016 6:50:34 AM

But I/we don't know who you are. You don't seem to have a TER link/reviews. Feel free to PM me if you want to share more.

Anyway, do you have any more information for us to go on or to help you?

Hope you filed a police report and went to the hospital to do a rape kit?

I have no clue who he is. He's just not any of the few hobbyists I associate with.

Posted By: DanielaGarcia
There is a man Impersonating another man using his LinkedIn page, and other providers as references.  
 He robbed me and raped me at gun point. I told another friend, and she knows a provider whom possibly is the same man whom did the same thing to her.  
 He is white 5'6" 250lbs, very overweight. Blue eyes, eyebrows done, blonde beard. he had a gun and taser, he also wore a gold chain.  
 Please put the word out, this man must be stopped by any and all means. He will no long terrorize this community. He must be stopped.  
 This happened in Bloomington around 6 am Friday 9/16  
 -- Modified on 9/16/2016 6:50:34 AM

That's why you couldn't see her reviews but she's reviewed...

I see it now.
Thought she'd just turned it off or something this morning.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
That's why you couldn't see her reviews but she's reviewed...

Please post this info on all the blacklist sites.. If you don't belong to any PM me for info or I will post for you..  

Hope you are okay... Be careful & always screen screen screen!!!    
Be careful ladies & gents too!!!  

Posted By: DanielaGarcia
There is a man Impersonating another man using his LinkedIn page, and other providers as references.  
 He robbed me and raped me at gun point. I told another friend, and she knows a provider whom possibly is the same man whom did the same thing to her.  
 He is white 5'6" 250lbs, very overweight. Blue eyes, eyebrows done, blonde beard. he had a gun and taser, he also wore a gold chain.  
 Please put the word out, this man must be stopped by any and all means. He will no long terrorize this community. He must be stopped.  
 This happened in Bloomington around 6 am Friday 9/16  
 -- Modified on 9/16/2016 6:50:34 AM


Sounds like the complete opposite of the "Minnesota Nice" experience that most visiting providers get to enjoy.  I know a couple ladies who don't utilize TER, I'll make sure they know about this.  I really wish that hadn't happened to you.

Oh my so sorry.  Many hugs to you from the rest of us seriously.  This is very troubling in so many ways.

Not in anyway trying to minimize your situation, shitty that this happened to you. Still waiting to see ads disclaimer "Sorry, I don't see white people".  

Posted By: DanielaGarcia
There is a man Impersonating another man using his LinkedIn page, and other providers as references.  
 He robbed me and raped me at gun point. I told another friend, and she knows a provider whom possibly is the same man whom did the same thing to her.  
 He is white 5'6" 250lbs, very overweight. Blue eyes, eyebrows done, blonde beard. he had a gun and taser, he also wore a gold chain.  
 Please put the word out, this man must be stopped by any and all means. He will no long terrorize this community. He must be stopped.  
 This happened in Bloomington around 6 am Friday 9/16  
 -- Modified on 9/16/2016 6:50:34 AM

Why can't I point out the fact the white people also robs providers??  It seems to me that a lot of providers only thinks that only black people will robbed them.  

Posted By: LChayse

If you can't figure out the answer to that question, You're far more ignorant & down right stupid than I've been giving you credit for all this time!  
This is where the conversation ends with you on my part here on this young ladies thread.  

My heartfelt apologies Daniela for the hijacking. Please know most of us here are in your corner.

talon199094 just demonstrated how racist, ignorant and asinine a complete idiot can be!!!!

thought this was a discussion board.  everyone needs to again pull up the big boy/girl pants and deal.  why do you all, yes you ALL want no free exchange of thoughts and info.  in this arena the more information the better.

light weights

He's perfectly free to start a thread on that topic if he chooses to.  To do so in this thread in response to her was completely rude and inappropriate.

the only problem is your opinion has to pass the seal of approval to stay up.  If it was me saying that...down in a split second.  Guess truth hurts, am I right?

souls_harbor662 reads

Facts are that the propensity to commit crime sorted by race results in the following -- blacks, hispanics, whites, asians.  And not just a little bit.  Blacks are 600% more likely to commit murder than whites.  Those are the facts.

Posted By: talon199094[/usernamFacte]"Sorry, I don't see white people".

Check out the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), although they don't properly separate race and ethnicity, especially regarding Hispanics (most are white, some are black).

My sincere hope is that someday you'll be mature and empathetic enough to realize when comments like those you made are totally inappropriate.

Posted By: talon199094
Not in anyway trying to minimize your situation, shitty that this happened to you. Still waiting to see ads disclaimer "Sorry, I don't see white people".    
Posted By: DanielaGarcia
There is a man Impersonating another man using his LinkedIn page, and other providers as references.  
  He robbed me and raped me at gun point. I told another friend, and she knows a provider whom possibly is the same man whom did the same thing to her.  
  He is white 5'6" 250lbs, very overweight. Blue eyes, eyebrows done, blonde beard. he had a gun and taser, he also wore a gold chain.  
  Please put the word out, this man must be stopped by any and all means. He will no long terrorize this community. He must be stopped.  
  This happened in Bloomington around 6 am Friday 9/16  
  -- Modified on 9/16/2016 6:50:34 AM

I am so thankful you made it through alive. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am available if you need any assistance.


Commonstreetsense638 reads

First off, it takes a lot of balls to tell a victimized person she is perhaps a liar.   And Gemma "imposter"  would mean that there is no information to post!  As in he impersonates people.  This happened to quite a few providers these past few weeks.  And why didn't they put this on the board?  He steals personal information and now we have a moronic clusterfuck of people who don't give a shit and won't do anything productive.  He watches TER.  Now he will change his name, MO, and area, and we won't be able to find him.  Kudos people!!!!! Now even more dangerous.  Tell the police anonymously.

Actually,  a physical  description is the most valuable info posted. At least the providers can watch for someone resembling him.  As for your rant,  could you reread it and let us know if you really think you're making any sense

Commonstreetsense477 reads

It happened to me, and I can tell you he disguises his appearance.  So no, you are incorrect.   What are you going to do for a provider that was robbed?  Nothing.  She needs to report it anonymously to the police where real help can be obtained.  This is not real help.  

And, he is Spanish.  So technically not really white if we are going to be "racist".  Gang banger. Race has nothing to do with this.

Whoever Commonstreetsense is we should be worried. Sounds like someone trying to throw us off because I had a run in with the same man and her description is correct. Why is this person trying to steer us away from the facts. I think they need to be reported to TER. It's probably the suspect because I find it very weird that someone is trying to deter us from what we know!

The guy hasn't used a TER handle that I know of.

Ok, Nina, so you are 5 ladies that we know of.  How many more does it take before we act together
and his picture out to ladies?  Or maybe just maybe we should all sit back and wait until he shoots

He is not Spanish. He is very much white and are you him trying to trick us? Who are you?

Thank you everyone for all of your support!

I've gotten so many PM's of helpful information.

It seems this guy has been around for awhile, a few providers have PM me telling me of their experience with this man.

He needs to be stopped, and brought to justice. Primarily for the safety of others, but he is a cancer in our community!

It costs nothing to be kind to others. If you have nothing to add in a situation like this, save the drama for a different topic. Just about every provider is vulnerable to criminals regardless of color

Exactly! There are idiots in every race......

Posted By: DanielaGarcia
There is a man Impersonating another man using his LinkedIn page, and other providers as references.  
 He robbed me and raped me at gun point. I told another friend, and she knows a provider whom possibly is the same man whom did the same thing to her.  
 He is white 5'6" 250lbs, very overweight. Blue eyes, eyebrows done, blonde beard. he had a gun and taser, he also wore a gold chain.  
 Please put the word out, this man must be stopped by any and all means. He will no long terrorize this community. He must be stopped.  
 This happened in Bloomington around 6 am Friday 9/16  
 -- Modified on 9/16/2016 6:50:34 AM

I know that is a hard thing to do but that is what this person is counting on.  There are lawyers who can help you do this in the best way for you and local providers who can help you make contact with one.

5'6" and 2.5 bills.  um, yeah that would be the proverbial brick shit house.

Well I'm a touch taller and am 5 lbs under 250 and do not consider myself a brick shit house..  
Guess we live in different shit houses

We as providers need to stick together and be there for one another. This is so sad and I am so sorry this happened to you because I had a run in with the same man. I just think my adrenaline had kicked in and ran out the room nearly naked. I am glad you had the courage to come out and expose him. I know from here on out I need to do what it takes to keep myself and the rest of the providers on here safe. I hope everyone else will do the same. I hope the best for you and your future endeavors!!!!!!

I'm so sorry this happened to you. Please email me if anyone has his identify info.

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