
Re: oh shit
TalonTed 91 Reviews 137 reads

You know I'm a software engineer? I know a shit ton about the internet and securities.  Its not possible for anyone to black list me.

Posted By: hopalong420
Re: oh shit
Talon has returned with a vengeance!  
 Pretty sure ya been added to the list.  
 Are you surprised?

Sent at least 8 emails with 0 response on different day and time. How the fuck are some of you able to get an appointment??????????

hopalong420147 reads

Talon has returned with a vengeance!

Pretty sure ya been added to the list.  
Are you surprised?

You know I'm a software engineer? I know a shit ton about the internet and securities.  Its not possible for anyone to black list me.

Posted By: hopalong420
Re: oh shit
Talon has returned with a vengeance!  
 Pretty sure ya been added to the list.  
 Are you surprised?

Pete142122 reads

All bow to Talon.  Typical software engineer...my shit don't stink and I am a GOD.  I guess no...logic error

How do you think you can prevent a provider from submitting you to a blacklist site?

The fuck I wouldn't know what group they belong to. They never replied to a single email sent from various email address with different wordings. I hope they ladies aren't paying much to be on ME.  

Posted By: JohnnyCumLately
Re: Which group?  It appears the new Burnsville operation has been shut down.

YosemiteSam69167 reads

One of the trio has a new ad up,

I have been in touch with one of them since she went independent and talking semi regularly and then became quiet last few weeks. If there place is no more that makes sense.

Not sure how from the message you are sending to them, the scheduler could tell....... BUT if you messages are any reflection of your reviews maybe they just do not want a hook up with a guy that routinely rates 3-4-5 for performance. As a service provider myself I would not be excited to service someone that fills Yelp and Google with bad reviews, so just saying,  your experience may somehow sneak into your messages or the scheduler if good can maybe dig up info that is not helpful to you and just pass cuz nothing says they have to tell us why they do......... This is not a slam on you just a point that i noticed as i read your thread. good luck and i will love to hear that somehow you get some satisfaction out there.

How long were you a service provider and I have never ever been to a google or yelp web sight!! Any reviews.? Im always interested and you seem like a dirty girl so lets hook up.

well before I get inundated by old horney guys, let me be very clear. When I used the term provider i was using it in a general business sense...... A waiter, a  therapist, a chef,  a gigalo (male), or even a physician can be a service provider so please do not call me and try to get into my pants because you think i am some hot, dirty, sexy little provider.
 If you read my posts you will notice that i am a hobbyist that uses providers (as evidence by my reviews of the ladies I have seen under this username) i am flattered that you see my writings as seductive but unless you are Tessa's alias, or April's alias, or Allie May's alias or Naomi's alias.....then I think i shall pass from your hook up proposal BUT if you do message me, my scheduler will respond VERY quickly (unlike the schedulers and providers that we have been bitching about) to the 4 providers that you have reviewed :) and then give you the boot lol
 If any LADIES out there are confused and would like to reach out to hook up, I am very reasonable and will not disappoint :) and YOU can call me gigalo !!!

and btw, google  and yelp are for normal reviews of anything that has to do with business .....you just might not want to post your TER reviews on there cuz you cannot use aliases and they are well read but users of businesses. I hope this helps any confusion out there

Searching the numerous threads already about this. You might find your answer there too if you aren't finding it here.

JackMeOffJR153 reads

Obviously you don't know who you're dealing with. Rookies !

This has been discussed here many times. Been trying forever to see Tessa and with the exception of a message in which she wasn't seeing new client during the height of the pandemic, every essayed now has been radio slicence..

MnGuy756139 reads

Same expierence here with Tessa and with Allie May.  

Would love to see them and get radio silence anytime I reach out.  I assume they have have enough repeat business that they are not taking new clients or have a substantial waiting list pre-approved.  I get it and have moved on to the schedulers and providers I have established connections with.  

My only wish is they would not advertise so much if they are not taking new business.  it gets your hopes up that this could be the time they reply and than it does not happen, -  First world problems, lol  

Treat the girls well and happy hobbying all!

I saw Tessa for the first time 2-3 months into the pandemic.  She was reluctant because of screening however she gave me a rec for a basic massage provider that gave me 2 thumbs up and the date was set...or the schedular did, I don't know.  Saw her again and then a few others.  The last appt was when I happened to get called for a meeting in Minneapolis at a project I'm involved in one very early morning so enroute, I emailed a gal I was interested in to see if she was avail on short notice.  20 minutes later, I tagged a nice fat deer at 75 mph just out of little falls as I was passing by slower vehicle.  While waiting for a tow, I emailed again stating my plans had changed and I would not be making it to the metro.  I received a very nasty reply about cancelling just a few hours ahead of time and how hard it was to fill an appt with such short notice...WTF.  I realized I was arguing with an idiot and even though I offered to pay for the appointment that I committed to 20 minutes earlier, I still made their black list.  

IJMiggs166 reads

Most of the local FS girls with 8+ looks are substantially overpriced at $500 or $600+ an hour where you could have two one hour sessions with a hot young MNErotica girl that looks and feels substantially better for the same price at two sessions.

There are a couple tenured well reviewed massage ladies that don’t require references for the first appointment and are accepted references that the groups love for references.  I believe Jen is one and there is another that I can’t remember off the top of my head.  I’m sure the gents on here will chime in on on names.  The massage girls want your money.  But they also want to be safe.  Get verified and you will be satisfied.

do you understand how rates are determined because based off of this reply, I'm not so sure.

I do not want to sound obtuse but i would like to hear an opinion as to how rates are determined which you imply in your post you could tell us. Thanks . This can be just good info to the guys and maybe if it is reasonable some will shut up and decide the menu based on what is presented.....but it will still not answer why we are not getting responses to our messages of interest to see a lady

As someone who's been both agency affiliated and independent, many may think it's a competition but fundamentally it's just two different models of doing business. There are pros and cons to each model. Also, I apologize for this being so long... you can give the woman a break from academia (putting a pause on Dr. Savage, PhD) but you cannot get the academy out of her system.

In general, handle nearly everything for the provider. When thinking about the client, agencies usually are pretty reliable and provide a swath of variety, thereby making it less time consuming to find someone. Their inherent flaw comes with upselling and embellishing which can lead to skewed advertising (this too can happen with independents). Oftentimes agencies are beneficial for those more concerned about the services provided than the overall experience provided. However, when you went for a massage at $180-$220 and by the time you've left you've upgraded to BBBJ/ FS and have spent $400 - $600 you didn't really save. The screening that this particular agency does is quite lax, making it quite the lush target for LE; who oftentimes are *not* targeting independents unless they've been specifically reported to LE. For providers, the beauty of an agency is they are providing the place to work, screening, check ins, and a built in client base. The cons for providers with an agency are you have to really put trust and faith in their screening, you don't necessarily get to decide who your clients are, and you are giving a significant cut to the house to cover your incall, screening, base rate, their fees, etc. So essentially, there's a high likelihood that one would need to be seeing clients at a higher volume than an independent. At the end of the day, agencies are businesses with the primary goal of making money. And based on what I read in a previous thread, they are doing well as it appears the providers are losing quite the large cut percentage wise. In no, way, shape, or form am I knocking agencies as they serve a purpose in the market and they cater to certain type of clientele usually. However, by the sounds of it, the only people that are happy are those that are in their circle and by the time they leave they are usually paying the average market price for FS. Not only that but many of you have been, for reasons unknown, brushed off. And no, I have no idea why.  

They primarily handle everything on their own, although they may hire an assistant. When I think of the benefit of clients I think of more of chemistry and more accurate advertising (usually). The provider's services/menu is usually quite extensive and there is very rarely upselling. You've spent time researching this person so you have a good idea that things will go well. You know they are getting 100% of their rate and based on you passing screening they have CHOSEN to see you. A con with independents is sometimes we may be hard to verify and our reputation isn't backed by an agency. And sometimes we may not respond personally if at all depending on your inquiry and what's either in or not in that email. When fellow independents and I talk shop/or agency providers going independent reach out to me about rates, these are the 8 things to cover (I'm bulleting this out for ease of reading):  

• 1) City's Market: keep in mind what the market can bear. In a place like Minneapolis for independents I've seen FS range from $200-$800 with the average for FS sitting between $400-$600.  

• 2) Aesthetic: being conventionally attractive (thin/athletic & white) *normally* allows for a higher starting price point, but if a provider is niche (alternative, BBW, exotic, etc./combo of anything not norm in their market), they may be able push the rate a bit as they fill a gap in the market and provide something "different" to the norm

• 3) Marketing the Experience: as a provider what do you value & what kind of client experiences do you want? Do you prefer shorter dates or longer dates? What makes your experience different from the next person? Also how much are you willing to spend on marketing every month?

• 4) Experience (pt. 2): do you share an incall or do have your own static incall (rent has gone up significantly)? What do you provide clients in terms of beverages, snacks, ambiance, etc? Do you meet client preferences and/or honor requests like attire?  

• 5) Admin: you're either handling ALL of the admin yourself from marketing, answering inquiries, screening, follow up, etc or you're outsourcing for it. Either way you're spending time (which is money) OR you're spending money... both of which matter.

• 6) Services Provided: I really dislike this one because at the end of the day it's access to our time that we're selling and no client is guaranteed anything... especially if they are pushing boundaries, are rude, or their hygiene is poor. However, it's worth mentioning that typically the higher the rate the more inclusive the services/menu. Let me be clear though, this is not applicable to every independent provider because everyone runs their business as they see fit. It is not lost on me that upselling can still happen with independents especially when it comes to Greek, but that happens with agencies too.

• 7) Other Income: is being a provider your full time gig or your side hustle? Is the outside income stable from month to month? Does it provide benefits or do you pay out of pocket for that?

• 8) How busy do you want to be & what other responsibilities do you have?: This can oftentimes tie in with #7 but not always. If this is your full-time gig, you may want to busier but if it's not, you may only want one client a week. Once you have a consistently busy schedule at a certain rate and it's getting difficult to schedule clients in (booking 2 to 4 weeks out on average) and/or you're getting burnt out, it's probably time to raise the rate to help lower demand a bit.  

As a reminder, I do not speak for all independent providers. I would argue the above 8 points are how many independents determine their rate but everyone does things differently. In addition, please note that there are more pros and cons to both agencies and independents than what I listed here. These were just off the dome.

-- Modified on 6/21/2022 6:39:09 PM

thanks Paige, very well written and hopefully not too long for the ones that pass on posts of more than 2 sentences. This should give us all a view (opinion) (yours) and help the old whining guys .....me included..... decide how to see and what to expect of our sessions for the price presented......we do not have to agree or even partake but it is nice to know a pros thoughts :)

IJMiggs172 reads

In fact, none of them do unless you are paying extra for anal sex.  Congrats for getting $600 an hour for incall.  Really, that is commendable.  MNE girls with 8+ looks charge a maximum of $400/hr for FS.  There are also many that charge $300/hr for FS.  They provide bottled water, Life Savers, a hot shower, and fresh towels too!

Thank you for the compliment. It took a lot of hard work, dedication to the craft, constantly tweaking the experience I wanted to provide to match my marketing and rate (from getting a new incall, what I provide at the incall, attire requests, etc), and ongoing physical improvement (re: losing weight/investing more in aesthetics).  

And yet while I appreciate the compliments, this doesn’t match with information provided to me privately by PM with people who have reviewed several of your providers at that place down there.  

Regardless, hot showers and warm towels are part of the baseline of what’s expected, as is bottled water… *but* life savers? Damn… now I’m shaking in my heels. Looks like I'm fixin' to have to run to the Costco to get a jumbo bag of both the mints and the hard candies. What flavor do you all like? Wint O Green, Pep O Mint, or Orange Mint?

-- Modified on 6/22/2022 10:42:22 AM

IJMiggs134 reads

I think the reviews and forum posts about the MNE girls tell the truth about their rates.  Unless there is been a recent price hike, $400 will get you FS with most all of the girls I am aware of.  I'm not really sure which "providers at that place down there" even means.  There are multiple agencies and dozens of independent ladies that advertise on MNE.  

Can I ask why you would even care to PM people about what MNE girls are charging for service?  You have made it clear that they are beneath you, offer inferior service, and shouldn't be any threat to your market share.

I didn't send PMs to people, they sent them to me. A lot of people write reviews but do not interact on this board due a select of amount of people. You being one of them. So please, don't shoot the messenger.  

My snark about the lifesavers was in jest because it was such a random fact to drop. Also, isn't providing bottled water, a hot shower, and warm towels standard practice across the board? I'm failing to see how providing that makes something "elite"... that's just good old fashioned manners and is polite. Second, I do not think lowly of my agency colleagues at all.  As indicated above, I have worked for an agency - and they can be great and work well for people just as much as being an independent can. It's simply a different form of business; one I have quite a bit respect for but one with conditions I do not feel comfortable working under again (re: trust in how the house screens, the large cut, the higher volume). I am also aware that there are non agency providers on MN Erotica but aye, here's the rub:  many of *you* all refer to it this way: ME Girls (& their schedulers) vs. Independents. And many of you do it quite often. By using this language you imply that the majority of the providers on MNE are agency affiliated and/or MNE is an agency. Words mean things. Then when one looks at the HUNDREDS of posts from client accounts on TER about MNE encounters and/or logistics... I mean preponderance of the evidence.

Regardless, it's a damn a shame that you got so defensive and had to project false emotions on to me but hey, whatever makes you feel better. Add it to the running list of  "reasons MN TER users dislike me" list *shoulder shrug*.

-- Modified on 6/22/2022 3:02:25 PM

JackMeOffJR156 reads

He now decided to switch it up on you with :  There are multiple agencies and dozens of independent ladies that advertise on MNE. BS he knows everyone is talking about the SLP location. That's the girls down there or the place we don't get a response from. it's mainly that location and scheduler that people are bitching about. The others you eventually will get  
some type of response.

The problem is that many people have no way of knowing which providers on MNE are independents vs being with an agency or which agency for that matter.  With normal agencies, you know which providers they are handling.

So let me get this straight....   $180 to get into the door then another $400 or $300 for FS.   How many pops?

The reason why I ask is because that would mean $480 on the low end and $580 on the high end for 1 pop with most MNE girls.   Correct??   Also sometimes the door fee or original fee is $200.    Anyways.... some providers not with MNE charge $600 for 90 mins and two pops.... but excluding the water, life savers, etc.    Also you can get two pops for $500 for 1 hour... again excluding water and life savers.    

Like I mentioned in the thread below.   Sometimes for "newbies" who want to see the MNE girls they dont know what type of pocket change to bring.  With other providers they know exactly what to bring and what is expected.   As much as you like to attack Paige.... you know what you need to bring for a fee and you know exactly what to expect with that fee.

IJMiggs134 reads

$180 total for a massage, kissing(usually), P2P, and a handjob.  
$300 for everything above, a BJ, and with many providers FS.
$400 total for the full menu which includes FS.  

Thank you for the price point and comparison.

And like we all know... YMMV and each provider might be different with every client as well.

And this is all fantasy and fiction.

He's just shilling for MNErotica providers like he always does.  Actually getting the details right isn't his priority.

Dmbs1165 reads

When group first came on line saw a few and then rates were 170/180 in the door and then add BBJ 300 add FS 400 and now reading On some FS 500. Two hours FS with agency is 800 definitely not well below the GFE market .  
So you are comparing two one hour sessions @180 which is HJ and some pinch and tickle to an hour session with Paige - not Apple and oranges but fruits and vegetables.  
As for references many of these guys that have references equal or better in community standing then Jenn - no knock on Jenn - and are ignored . Was in before and have not tried in the last years as do not see the point of making an agency prosper on the backs of the girls.

I have had nothing but great sessions with ME girls. They are ramping in numbers too, so I don't know why they are not responding to some inquiries, I have no idea. Think of a college girl ready to jump your bones as soon as you turn over.

I agree with you Sirbucky - I had nothing but great experiences with the girls on MNE had no problems with the schedulers. Independent girls are charging double the price and rarely answer the emails. Being a  hobbyist the only thing I ask for is consistency and fair rates.

hopalong420136 reads

I'm with Bucky and BigBoy.
The rates are more reasonable than most Indys and I get answers quick. Schedulers appear to be doing a fine job imo.

I always reply. And I don't play games because I'm a grown ass woman.  XOXO 😘
Website for details- www.mysweetbetty.com  
Text for screening and to make an appt 612-434-5556.  Please do not submit screening on my website,  my email is on the fritz.  
Betty 💋

Not all advertising on MNE is by the same agency or indies. It represents a blend of several agencies as well as independents. Anyone can pay a fee and run a ad. Hence, to group every gal into the same MO is ludicrous.
This isn’t a slam on MNE Gals or the agencies, as I’m very pleased with the overall experience and have provided some of the best sessions I have had in the hobby. Shoot, my ATF is a team member at one of the agencies. However, NOT all Gals are at $400.00 FS all in! Heck, Gals in the same agency are not. Examples are a Gal that was around late afternoons and evenings at a common location that was $200 more than others in the group. Same goes for a current little popular small breasted, smile and giggle to die for, ass from heaven Dynamo Blond that has a side hustle working for the same agency.
So no, not all MNE Gals are at 400.00….but, overall, still a great atmosphere and experience.
I believe we take for granted how many great providers are available in this area. We have a wonderful variety of MNE gals, as well as some wonderful independent Ladies. Why do we continue to complain about variety or different levels of price. Find what works for you and enjoy the experience.

my only problem with the people who advertise and are reviewed on MNE "girls"....

Is for someone who wants to branch out and try something new.  IT IS HARD TO FIGURE OUT PRICING.   this goes for the guys who review.

What I am getting at is that with the MNE ads the rates that are posted are for the massage or entry fee.   hardly does anyone in the details say what they get charged for with FS, BJ, HJ, etc.   So someone new might not know what to bring to the table so to speak.

Now I know some of you will say... well experience mongers know... BLAH BLAH BLAH.   But like someone just commented... rates are different even with the girls who use the same scheduler.  

So if people want to help out the community on this board or site... maybe in the discussion talk about what was paid.   Because when you see someone who isn't on the MNE site and has own site and what not.  You know what price point to bring with you for services.... Most of the time.    Just saying.      

Here is my story with the one and only MNE girl I saw (been awhile since I had fun in MN because of damn time constraints).   I showed up thinking I had the correct tip amount... when it came time to hand it over.... I WAS SHORT and felt like an idiot.   I apologized.  Just went with the lower service.    But I felt like an idiot and HOPE TO GOD that the provider didn't "report" me as being cheap or get be possibly blackballed.   Because we all know that haggling, not paying full amount, and other things can get you in trouble with schedulers and providers alike.   Even when simple mistakes like mine could happen.

So that is my only complaint.   It is more or less that us on this board could just possibly help out more by saying what the total cost is and services rendered type thing.

Dmbs1134 reads

The rates for services can easily be corrected by the agency or the individual provider . For most if not all none of the profiles has been claimed so many of the first reviewers have listed menu and price and listed only the entry fee and not the additional fees or donation. Not an accident - get them in the door and upsell.
One will notice again that none of the profiles have been claimed which is easy and feel the agencies know how. Maybe the first reviewers should go back and contact TER and ask to add the other prices . Does not appear the individual provider has access to their profile so the mysterious someone needs to do so.
Get that fixed and answer date requests from those who come with references and could become better then it all ready is . Maybe the agency should help the providers get access to their profile and then they can read their reviews correct menus and PM potential clients. Whoops maybe the last is what is not wanted.

What I was getting at is that in the VIP details...

Some reviewers get graphic and write a penthouse letter type thing.  (YEAH I KNOW SHOWING MY AGE)... .but they could also say.... $300 total damage for the experience... or $400 total damage for the experience... etc.

Do that in the VIP DETAILS.

Also above someone broke down this for me.  Which again... THANK YOU.

There's a way we can fix that.  On the left side of a provider's profile there is a section for cost of service.  It includes a brief description, the duration, and the cost.  When someone reviews an existing provider at a different service level/duration/price than what's listed in there, submit a problem report along with the review.  TER will not update the profile based on review information but I have successfully gotten profile information updated by submitted a problem report documenting the change.

VIP = all inclusive and shouldn’t involve a tip or up sale. Who the hell wants to have to discuss or worry about $.

This is exactly what I was talking about.

If going into the situation you know what the donation is for an express service... Just have the money there right up front and hand it to them.    Talking about $ during is always a turn off....

Great input indeed. We could all help each other out by clearly stating what our the door price was paid, (perhaps excluding amount of a tip). This would help the hobbiest as well as the hotties…

This post have gone so off topic lol

And this topic doesn’t seem to die or go anywhere.  

Never have I had an issue with getting a girl on MNE to see (unless they are indie and want real info) me. At the end of the session I tell the girl, your portion is 300/400 and the extra 20/40 (what ever my mood is) is for the scheduler as a thank you. And guess what, I get a reply almost instantly every time I shoot off an email. Do I like tipping them? Fuck no, but I like fucking these hot chicks more.

I was told the scheduler keeps $100 for every session and the rest is the providers to keep. That's why they have incentive to provide additional services and also see repeat clients that tip more, which you seem to be doing.

We are hobbyists. Why would I care what the scheduler/ assistant gets paid. As a hobbyist - I’m just happy I get to see young beautiful ladies. Pay the price they request and move on with your life. If you can’t afford it, find someone at the bar for free. These board posts are getting ridiculous and honestly stupid.  Gas prices used to be $.75 and now running at $5.00+. What are you guys going to do about it? Continue to bitch about it and put all your little cries on the board?  

Pay the price and move on. Like I said, you men should get a life. Can’t afford it? Sit at home with your family and shut the fuck up.  For Christ sakes, times have changed.

GD2112172 reads

Pretty easy to see where you fall Captain obvious.

Funny how you went after Jordan so hard.

Not sure if you are responding to me or Joe. I was simply saying that the schedulers keep a cut upfront. Joe says that he leaves a 20/40 tip for the schedulers if he has a good session. They already take a large cut upfront and the girls really don't get to choose how much to leave based on what the clients says.

BUT , Joe you lost me on this one ...... The thread seems to be about not getting an answer to your (our) first and following repeat and unanswered messages. So I am confused, If you are offering up the tip and the donation to be shared with the scheduler, Does that not mean that you have already communicated with them, scheduled and had a session ?  AND if you were any good at also providing a positive sharing experience with the lady, that she can admit " he's a keeper" you should not need to bribe for your return.  It is like being told that is gets better on the next visit, in hopes that you will venture back again. If my test drive is amazing i should not need a repeat test drive to sell the service.....it should simply be amazing and if not dream on to the next lady and don't get into games. I think that is ahy in the past i felt white listing were so special.  
They should happily respond to subsequent emails or tell the scheduler to get you repeat performances if they also enjoyed the time you shared with them. The tip sounds great but not really helpful to those of us trying to get noticed in the first place and i would much rather have the invite back ........ like not, thanks, I had a good time (6) ? but her asking " when will you see me again (9)?"  so joe , possibly good advice for you maybe , but wrong thread.

Start some new threads with some better content. Ladies engaging makes me more likely to want to contact them.  
Drama is optional reading material I don’t need more of.

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