
Re: Lemme tell ya something Talon & the pathetic tools that think like you...
TalonTed 91 Reviews 424 reads

Hoes don't need me to tear each others down.  It's funny the "expensive" hoe calling "cheap" hoe disease/drug addict freaks.

Posted By: LChayse
This is a provider's market. WE get to choose who sees us naked NOT YOU! I know you just hate that dontcha? Oh no! A "ho" gets to decide if your money is worth drinking your cum?! PFFT! It's no wonder fewer local providers are advertising &/or participating on these discussion boards. It's become a place where misogynist get to exploit & tear down women & bitch they actually have to pay to do so. PATHETIC!  
Posted By: talon199094
WTF, really?  It's a fucking business and you guys are charging more than doctors(who has quarter of century of education).  Did you even graduate from high school?  Just be fucking happy that guys are willing to pay for your pussy.    
  I remember when I first got started and a hoe told me $120 is nothing, after about 10 minutes of BJ, she told me to finish and the fuck out of her room.  FYI, $120 is about what an average  American makes in one day.  
Posted By: Ella_J
Ladies who know their worth do not randomly give discounts to an already marked item    
  -- Modified on 10/11/2016 4:54:06 PM

jimmyjohn13406 reads

So I was reading a providers profile and it said this.

When someone thinks it's acceptable to haggle with  me. They wouldn't go into a department store and haggle with the employee, to try and get something for less than its priced. Why would it be ok to do that with me...its extremely disrespectful.

Just to start it off, I would not nor have I ever tried to haggle with a provider.

Just wanted to say it's a bad example.
As I always always ask for another 10% to 30% off when am shopping at any department store. I would have to say 90% of the the time I get that extra percentage off. I try never to pay full price for any thing. Would you pay full price for a hotel room. (HELL NO) When you can ask and get up to 50% off depending on how many rooms they have open. Most people are afraid to ask for more off. The worst that can happen is they say no. If a sales clerk says no. Ask them to speak with the manager or if you can speak with the manager. 9 out of 10 times you will get that little extra off.

Just some words of advice. NEVER NEVER pay full price for any goods. ALWAYS ALWAYS ask for some kind of discount. Even if it is on sale already. If you can't get a discount try and find a coupon.  

I save thousands of dollars a year by not paying full price. That in turn give's me more money for things I pay full price for like being a monger. :) :) :)    

-- Modified on 10/11/2016 2:05:09 AM

Yea whining and being a pest is noble behavior if it saves you a few bucks .  Ill bet the  poor bastards that are working retail that have to deal with you are really impressed with your business savvy.

loveyourtouch504 reads

every sales associate or manager at department stores is able to just discount items...  Pretty sure it happens all the time. (Not)  I'll keep this in mind as I Christmas shop and let the forum know how well I do. Best Buy.  Macy's.  Nordstrom. Von Maur. Target.  Toys R Us.  I'm sure they'll all have the ability to just give me an additional 10% off just for asking.

Ladies who know their worth do not randomly give discounts to an already marked item

-- Modified on 10/11/2016 4:54:06 PM

WTF, really?  It's a fucking business and you guys are charging more than doctors(who has quarter of century of education).  Did you even graduate from high school?  Just be fucking happy that guys are willing to pay for your pussy.  

I remember when I first got started and a hoe told me $120 is nothing, after about 10 minutes of BJ, she told me to finish and the fuck out of her room.  FYI, $120 is about what an average  American makes in one day.

Posted By: Ella_J
Ladies who know their worth do not randomly give discounts to an already marked item  

-- Modified on 10/11/2016 4:54:06 PM

This is a provider's market. WE get to choose who sees us naked NOT YOU! I know you just hate that dontcha? Oh no! A "ho" gets to decide if your money is worth drinking your cum?! PFFT! It's no wonder fewer local providers are advertising &/or participating on these discussion boards. It's become a place where misogynist get to exploit & tear down women & bitch they actually have to pay to do so. PATHETIC!

Posted By: talon199094
WTF, really?  It's a fucking business and you guys are charging more than doctors(who has quarter of century of education).  Did you even graduate from high school?  Just be fucking happy that guys are willing to pay for your pussy.  
 I remember when I first got started and a hoe told me $120 is nothing, after about 10 minutes of BJ, she told me to finish and the fuck out of her room.  FYI, $120 is about what an average  American makes in one day.  
Posted By: Ella_J
Ladies who know their worth do not randomly give discounts to an already marked item  
 -- Modified on 10/11/2016 4:54:06 PM

You choose who gets to see you naked, yes, but that's beside the point. You're not the only one who lets people pay to see them naked, and if you charge too much, no one will bother seeing you naked.  

Posted By: LChayse
This is a provider's market. WE get to choose who sees us naked NOT YOU! I know you just hate that dontcha? Oh no! A "ho" gets to decide if your money is worth drinking your cum?! PFFT! It's no wonder fewer local providers are advertising &/or participating on these discussion boards. It's become a place where misogynist get to exploit & tear down women & bitch they actually have to pay to do so. PATHETIC!  
Posted By: talon199094
WTF, really?  It's a fucking business and you guys are charging more than doctors(who has quarter of century of education).  Did you even graduate from high school?  Just be fucking happy that guys are willing to pay for your pussy.    
  I remember when I first got started and a hoe told me $120 is nothing, after about 10 minutes of BJ, she told me to finish and the fuck out of her room.  FYI, $120 is about what an average  American makes in one day.  
Posted By: Ella_J
Ladies who know their worth do not randomly give discounts to an already marked item    
  -- Modified on 10/11/2016 4:54:06 PM
-- Modified on 10/12/2016 10:59:20 PM

-- Modified on 10/12/2016 11:13:27 PM

Hoes don't need me to tear each others down.  It's funny the "expensive" hoe calling "cheap" hoe disease/drug addict freaks.

Posted By: LChayse
This is a provider's market. WE get to choose who sees us naked NOT YOU! I know you just hate that dontcha? Oh no! A "ho" gets to decide if your money is worth drinking your cum?! PFFT! It's no wonder fewer local providers are advertising &/or participating on these discussion boards. It's become a place where misogynist get to exploit & tear down women & bitch they actually have to pay to do so. PATHETIC!  
Posted By: talon199094
WTF, really?  It's a fucking business and you guys are charging more than doctors(who has quarter of century of education).  Did you even graduate from high school?  Just be fucking happy that guys are willing to pay for your pussy.    
  I remember when I first got started and a hoe told me $120 is nothing, after about 10 minutes of BJ, she told me to finish and the fuck out of her room.  FYI, $120 is about what an average  American makes in one day.  
Posted By: Ella_J
Ladies who know their worth do not randomly give discounts to an already marked item    
  -- Modified on 10/11/2016 4:54:06 PM

You'd be surprised how educated most providers are!!! Myself, I'm in the process of getting my MBA with 2 BAs under my belt....

jimmyjohn1425 reads


Where in my original or replied post did I say providers are not educated.

What I said is her analogy was not a good one. As pertaining to her saying (When someone thinks it's acceptable to haggle with  me)  
Her analogy. was not a very good one. ( They wouldn't go into a department store and haggle with the employee, to try and get something for less than its priced. Why would it be ok to do that with me...its extremely disrespectful.)

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
You'd be surprised how educated most providers are!!! Myself, I'm in the process of getting my MBA with 2 BAs under my belt....

jimmyjohn1328 reads

I think it was a good post and a good message. How not to pay full price on products that have been manufactured.

I get providers and mongers calling me: cheap,troll,stupid,pest, being sarcastic to the original post.

Keep paying full price for your manufactured goods. But I know I enjoy the savings for just asking for a discount. I don't haggle with them I ask for a little percentage off. If the sales associate and or manager say no. I pay the full price. I don't sit around and haggle.

The post has nothing to do with the price of seeing a provider and nothing to do with haggling with a provider. Some times it's better to hold your tongue. You are just a ass when in comes to talking about providers. But you are honest I give you that.

Who thinks Ho's are uneducated read above his handle is talon!!!

No fucking way, prove me wrong.  If true you are the exception.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
You'd be surprised how educated most providers are!!! Myself, I'm in the process of getting my MBA with 2 BAs under my belt....

Nah. I have a BA from UW Madison in Turkish language. I worked as a medical interpreter for a couple years.  

And if your response to this is "why are you a hoe" you are literally the embodiment of everything wrong with the hobby. You think being a hoe = no education, only thing I have going for me.  

Some hoes actually really enjoy being intimate and loving another human being for a finite amount of time. However looking at your reviews, you seem to be stuck seeing the same kind of provider. Which leads me to ask the question: who's the uneducated one?

-- Modified on 10/13/2016 10:10:09 AM

BA = Wasted time and $$.  No wonder your a hoe, get a real degree that makes solid $$$.  I can sit on the crapper for 2 years and get me a BA or two.

Posted By: AbbiMinx
Nah. I have a BA from UW Madison in Turkish language. I worked as a medical interpreter for a couple years.  
 And if your response to this is "why are you a hoe" you are literally the embodiment of everything wrong with the hobby. You think being a hoe = no education, only thing I have going for me.  
 Some hoes actually really enjoy being intimate and loving another human being for a finite amount of time. However looking at your reviews, you seem to be stuck seeing the same kind of provider. Which leads me to ask the question: who's the uneducated one?  

-- Modified on 10/13/2016 10:10:09 AM

Yes, high-end providers often have multiple advanced degrees.  I do.  And there is a segment of society that makes more than 120.00 a day.  And many people study and sacrifice a lot to get to the point where they make that kind of money.  At times I have felt bad for you because you have said that you have a hard time getting a provider to see you.  I don't feel bad for you anymore.  You are just hateful.

Some people just can't handle the truth.  If I look at your baby, and it's ugly, I'll tell you it's ugly.  I have ZERO problem finding hoes to suck my dick.

Posted By: America_Pie
Yes, high-end providers often have multiple advanced degrees.  I do.  And there is a segment of society that makes more than 120.00 a day.  And many people study and sacrifice a lot to get to the point where they make that kind of money.  At times I have felt bad for you because you have said that you have a hard time getting a provider to see you.  I don't feel bad for you anymore.  You are just hateful.

jimmyjohn1479 reads

Ms. Ella. Did you read the full post ?  
I did day.
Quote: Just to start it off, I would not nor have I ever tried to haggle with a provider.  

I would not say I'm a (Cheap ass) I only see reviewed top TER MN providers. My last visit with one was 10/5 A nice woman whom I have never seen before. Not only did I bring her a few gift's. I also snuck her a $100 tip. Now this is a woman I never had the pleasure of meeting before. After The date I sent her a nice Email and paid her some nice compliments. Then had the pleasure of her company five days later.

So I would not say I'm a (CHEAP ASS) as you put it. First visit: gift's, tip, compliments, repeat business,  

Posted By: Ella_J
Ladies who know their worth do not randomly give discounts to an already marked item  

-- Modified on 10/11/2016 4:54:06 PM

I have nothing to say to you untill you write to me with a non alias handle...

jimmyjohn1319 reads


I did not ask for you to reply. So in turn I have nothing to say to you until you send me a photo of your face. As your profile just has that sexy phat ass photo. Mmmm it does look good.

Posted By: Ella_J
I have nothing to say to you untill you write to me with a non alias handle...

It probably costs you more than you know.  I doubt they will give you the best room.  They probably try to slip you goods they cannot sell and get rid of you at the quickest opportunity.  Don't care if you get a bum rush in every facet of your life?

jimmyjohn1397 reads

Bum rush Hmmm let's see.

My last three purchases:
#1.  Macy's
Four mens Dress shirts total cost $278.00 I asked the Nice attractive forty some thing sales woman if she could take 40% off. She said she could not do that. I ask her to talk with her manager. She walk into the back area. Came back in about two minutes. She said the manager said no to the 40% But told her 25% would be ok.  
($278.00 - 25% = $98.04 Saving) With $10.80 sales tax total cost $190.76.
Bum rush nope. I got a dinner date with the attractive sales woman. Had a nice time. But she is not my type. So I made a new friend, Who will give me discount next time I visit her in store.  

#2. 2017 Mercedes-Benz  GLC300  (loaded)
MSRP Price. $51,395.00 plus tax I talk with the salesmen. Told him I'm willing to pay cash and to take $3,500.00 off the MSRP. He had the general manager of sales come over. I received the $3.500.00 off. Plus he gave me two tickets to a Mn Wild game.  Now back to the salesmen to right it up $51,395.00 + tax= 55,313.87 - 3,500.00=$51.813.87 So basically I got the discount and only paid $418.81 is sales tax. Not much saving. But still a win in my book on a new.  
Bum rush nope wrong. I took the salesmen out for lunch when I picked up my SUV the next day. He picked up the check.

#3. Sears store
One off the rack sweeter with a small stain on the sleeve. Ask the cashier for 15% off for the stain in the sweeter. She gave it to me. Took it to the dry cleaners the next day got the stain out. I wore the sweeter one time did not like the way it fit. Gave it to the goodwill.

I have been in sales now for thirty two and do very well. I'm Sure I know what am doing. It's all about how you present you're self and how you talk to people.

I do very well in my dealings with other sales people because I know the business and know the talk. I see by you're reviews you are a good provider. But I would not book with you. I would not want to get the BUM RUSH! out the door.  

Posted By: America_Pie
It probably costs you more than you know.  I doubt they will give you the best room.  They probably try to slip you goods they cannot sell and get rid of you at the quickest opportunity.  Don't care if you get a bum rush in every facet of your life?
-- Modified on 10/12/2016 3:04:26 AM

When you negotiate for a product that has been manufactured, the price is the only variable.  When you negotiate for a service, the quality of the service can vary greatly depending on how the vendor feels about the compensation you just negotiated.  In other words, you get what you pay for.

Fuck that "You get what you paid for shit".  Best BBBJ I've ever got was $60 in N. Minneapolis.  I've visited some high price in the $350-$500 and have yet to find one that comes close to that $60.

Posted By: Ball Turret
When you negotiate for a product that has been manufactured, the price is the only variable.  When you negotiate for a service, the quality of the service can vary greatly depending on how the vendor feels about the compensation you just negotiated.  In other words, you get what you pay for.

Imagine how much cum that chick had to swallow just before placing your dick in her mouth just to pay her hotel for a few days, her smokes, food, possibly drugs, etc.  


Posted By: talon199094
Fuck that "You get what you paid for shit".  Best BBBJ I've ever got was $60 in N. Minneapolis.  I've visited some high price in the $350-$500 and have yet to find one that comes close to that $60.  
Posted By: Ball Turret
When you negotiate for a product that has been manufactured, the price is the only variable.  When you negotiate for a service, the quality of the service can vary greatly depending on how the vendor feels about the compensation you just negotiated.  In other words, you get what you pay for.

interesting ho bad mouthing another ho, love it. Your not much far from that boat.

Posted By: RaynaParis
 Imagine how much cum that chick had to swallow just before placing your dick in her mouth just to pay her hotel for a few days, her smokes, food, possibly drugs, etc.  
Posted By: talon199094
Fuck that "You get what you paid for shit".  Best BBBJ I've ever got was $60 in N. Minneapolis.  I've visited some high price in the $350-$500 and have yet to find one that comes close to that $60.  
Posted By: Ball Turret
When you negotiate for a product that has been manufactured, the price is the only variable.  When you negotiate for a service, the quality of the service can vary greatly depending on how the vendor feels about the compensation you just negotiated.  In other words, you get what you pay for.

You try to degrade Mr. Talon's post by degrading the provider as much as if not more.  Reminds me of the old saying...something about "honor among thieves."  It's amazing how you just threw your sister under the bus to try to take a pot shot at a guy that obviously doesn't care.

Talon, you bring out the truth in a lot of local providers.  Bravo.  I get your point that was lost on Paris.  Sometimes you get the best bj of your life and it didn't come from a top 10, or even anyone who would care to be involved on this board.

Then why not leave the board/ter and just stick with the $60 bbbj?

Posted By: talon199094
Fuck that "You get what you paid for shit".  Best BBBJ I've ever got was $60 in N. Minneapolis.  I've visited some high price in the $350-$500 and have yet to find one that comes close to that $60.  
Posted By: Ball Turret
When you negotiate for a product that has been manufactured, the price is the only variable.  When you negotiate for a service, the quality of the service can vary greatly depending on how the vendor feels about the compensation you just negotiated.  In other words, you get what you pay for.

Posted By: Ella_J
Then why not leave the board/ter and just stick with the $60 bbbj?
Because he can come here for free and provoke an argument.  

-- Modified on 10/12/2016 12:00:22 PM

Sadly she disappeared two weeks later, I'm guessing back to college.  This might be one of those revenge fucking boy friend breaking up.  She told me just broke up with her bf.  

Posted By: Ella_J
Then why not leave the board/ter and just stick with the $60 bbbj?  
Posted By: talon199094
Fuck that "You get what you paid for shit".  Best BBBJ I've ever got was $60 in N. Minneapolis.  I've visited some high price in the $350-$500 and have yet to find one that comes close to that $60.  
Posted By: Ball Turret
When you negotiate for a product that has been manufactured, the price is the only variable.  When you negotiate for a service, the quality of the service can vary greatly depending on how the vendor feels about the compensation you just negotiated.  In other words, you get what you pay for.

I've been in the hobby for awhile now and I don't ask for discounts nor do I expect them.  I can either see a provider or not, my choice, and likewise a provider should charge what she wants as it is her choice.  Gents don't realize the drama, fear and anxieties that a provider must go through each time she sees a new client.  Is he a jerk?  Is he a masochist?  Is he worse?  Will he a cop?  So for those who are so angry when a provider puts a rate higher than they want maybe he should try and look at the world through their eyes.  For you providers I say take care and stay safe.  You give men like myself wonderful experiences.

Posted By: talon199094
Fuck that "You get what you paid for shit".  Best BBBJ I've ever got was $60 in N. Minneapolis.  I've visited some high price in the $350-$500 and have yet to find one that comes close to that $60.  
Posted By: Ball Turret
When you negotiate for a product that has been manufactured, the price is the only variable.  When you negotiate for a service, the quality of the service can vary greatly depending on how the vendor feels about the compensation you just negotiated.  In other words, you get what you pay for.
Based on your reviews, you've paid as much as $350 only once, and never more than $350.  Also, you gave that provider the highest score you've given anyone.  

Based on available facts, the respected fuckcheck.org must rate your post...

LOL, you have no idea.  Ever been to Vegas?  Let's just say it's a good bet that I spent more $$ on hoes last year then your take home pay check for the year.  

Posted By: knotsaway
Posted By: talon199094
Fuck that "You get what you paid for shit".  Best BBBJ I've ever got was $60 in N. Minneapolis.  I've visited some high price in the $350-$500 and have yet to find one that comes close to that $60.  
Posted By: Ball Turret
When you negotiate for a product that has been manufactured, the price is the only variable.  When you negotiate for a service, the quality of the service can vary greatly depending on how the vendor feels about the compensation you just negotiated.  In other words, you get what you pay for.
 Based on your reviews, you've paid as much as $350 only once, and never more than $350.  Also, you gave that provider the highest score you've given anyone.    
 Based on available facts, the respected fuckcheck.org must rate your post...

... based on what you typically pay for providers, you're averaging at least 3 a day.  That's pretty amazing!  But I'm trying to figure out how you get any work done.  Or are you independently wealthy?  :)

I have seen 5 in one day, 8 am to 8pm, 5 chicks.

Posted By: knotsaway
... based on what you typically pay for providers, you're averaging at least 3 a day.  That's pretty amazing!  But I'm trying to figure out how you get any work done.  Or are you independently wealthy?  :)

You spend all that money and yet your reviews continue to show you are getting a continuous stream of mediocre experiences from it.  I'd think by now you'd have figured out you are doing something wrong.

I highly doubt You get these discounts at a department store or any retail or hospitality establishments!!! If a pretty girl can't get it definitely a monger troll wouldn't get it either!!! We'll, Unless your handicapped or a super senior citizen & only reason you're getting that is cause it's PITY not your skills as a wheeler dealer!!!  

Happy Hump day Minnesota the city I adore the 2nd to my own Chicago!!!  

Posted By: jimmyjohn1
So I was reading a providers profile and it said this.  
 When someone thinks it's acceptable to haggle with  me. They wouldn't go into a department store and haggle with the employee, to try and get something for less than its priced. Why would it be ok to do that with me...its extremely disrespectful.  
 Just to start it off, I would not nor have I ever tried to haggle with a provider.  
 Just wanted to say it's a bad example.  
 As I always always ask for another 10% to 30% off when am shopping at any department store. I would have to say 90% of the the time I get that extra percentage off. I try never to pay full price for any thing. Would you pay full price for a hotel room. (HELL NO) When you can ask and get up to 50% off depending on how many rooms they have open. Most people are afraid to ask for more off. The worst that can happen is they say no. If a sales clerk says no. Ask them to speak with the manager or if you can speak with the manager. 9 out of 10 times you will get that little extra off.  
 Just some words of advice. NEVER NEVER pay full price for any goods. ALWAYS ALWAYS ask for some kind of discount. Even if it is on sale already. If you can't get a discount try and find a coupon.  
 I save thousands of dollars a year by not paying full price. That in turn give's me more money for things I pay full price for like being a monger. :) :) :)      

-- Modified on 10/11/2016 2:05:09 AM

I have some bad news for you, your not pretty.

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I highly doubt You get these discounts at a department store or any retail or hospitality establishments!!! If a pretty girl can't get it definitely a monger troll wouldn't get it either!!! We'll, Unless your handicapped or a super senior citizen & only reason you're getting that is cause it's PITY not your skills as a wheeler dealer!!!    
 Happy Hump day Minnesota the city I adore the 2nd to my own Chicago!!!  
Posted By: jimmyjohn1
So I was reading a providers profile and it said this.  
  When someone thinks it's acceptable to haggle with  me. They wouldn't go into a department store and haggle with the employee, to try and get something for less than its priced. Why would it be ok to do that with me...its extremely disrespectful.  
  Just to start it off, I would not nor have I ever tried to haggle with a provider.  
  Just wanted to say it's a bad example.  
  As I always always ask for another 10% to 30% off when am shopping at any department store. I would have to say 90% of the the time I get that extra percentage off. I try never to pay full price for any thing. Would you pay full price for a hotel room. (HELL NO) When you can ask and get up to 50% off depending on how many rooms they have open. Most people are afraid to ask for more off. The worst that can happen is they say no. If a sales clerk says no. Ask them to speak with the manager or if you can speak with the manager. 9 out of 10 times you will get that little extra off.  
  Just some words of advice. NEVER NEVER pay full price for any goods. ALWAYS ALWAYS ask for some kind of discount. Even if it is on sale already. If you can't get a discount try and find a coupon.    
  I save thousands of dollars a year by not paying full price. That in turn give's me more money for things I pay full price for like being a monger. :) :) :)      
 -- Modified on 10/11/2016 2:05:09 AM

Have you met Gemma before to confirm she isn't pretty? Guess what, i think you are the cheap ass and ugly one here. Based on your review history, you haven't been ever satisfied with a provider. Because you pay less, and want more and they object, you end up writing them a bad review. Poor girls that keep seeing you.
They pretty ones in your eyes are the 10mins quickie BBBJ for $60.

Posted By: talon199094
I have some bad news for you, your not pretty.  
Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I highly doubt You get these discounts at a department store or any retail or hospitality establishments!!! If a pretty girl can't get it definitely a monger troll wouldn't get it either!!! We'll, Unless your handicapped or a super senior citizen & only reason you're getting that is cause it's PITY not your skills as a wheeler dealer!!!    
  Happy Hump day Minnesota the city I adore the 2nd to my own Chicago!!!    
Posted By: jimmyjohn1
So I was reading a providers profile and it said this.    
   When someone thinks it's acceptable to haggle with  me. They wouldn't go into a department store and haggle with the employee, to try and get something for less than its priced. Why would it be ok to do that with me...its extremely disrespectful.    
   Just to start it off, I would not nor have I ever tried to haggle with a provider.    
   Just wanted to say it's a bad example.    
   As I always always ask for another 10% to 30% off when am shopping at any department store. I would have to say 90% of the the time I get that extra percentage off. I try never to pay full price for any thing. Would you pay full price for a hotel room. (HELL NO) When you can ask and get up to 50% off depending on how many rooms they have open. Most people are afraid to ask for more off. The worst that can happen is they say no. If a sales clerk says no. Ask them to speak with the manager or if you can speak with the manager. 9 out of 10 times you will get that little extra off.    
   Just some words of advice. NEVER NEVER pay full price for any goods. ALWAYS ALWAYS ask for some kind of discount. Even if it is on sale already. If you can't get a discount try and find a coupon.    
   I save thousands of dollars a year by not paying full price. That in turn give's me more money for things I pay full price for like being a monger. :) :) :)        
  -- Modified on 10/11/2016 2:05:09 AM

Her ass is HUGE on P411 picture and I can tell once the bra comes off them tits are going to hit the floor.

Posted By: Ella_J
 Have you met Gemma before to confirm she isn't pretty? Guess what, i think you are the cheap ass and ugly one here. Based on your review history, you haven't been ever satisfied with a provider. Because you pay less, and want more and they object, you end up writing them a bad review. Poor girls that keep seeing you.  
 They pretty ones in your eyes are the 10mins quickie BBBJ for $60.  
Posted By: talon199094
I have some bad news for you, your not pretty.  
Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I highly doubt You get these discounts at a department store or any retail or hospitality establishments!!! If a pretty girl can't get it definitely a monger troll wouldn't get it either!!! We'll, Unless your handicapped or a super senior citizen & only reason you're getting that is cause it's PITY not your skills as a wheeler dealer!!!      
   Happy Hump day Minnesota the city I adore the 2nd to my own Chicago!!!    
Posted By: jimmyjohn1
So I was reading a providers profile and it said this.    
    When someone thinks it's acceptable to haggle with  me. They wouldn't go into a department store and haggle with the employee, to try and get something for less than its priced. Why would it be ok to do that with me...its extremely disrespectful.    
    Just to start it off, I would not nor have I ever tried to haggle with a provider.    
    Just wanted to say it's a bad example.    
    As I always always ask for another 10% to 30% off when am shopping at any department store. I would have to say 90% of the the time I get that extra percentage off. I try never to pay full price for any thing. Would you pay full price for a hotel room. (HELL NO) When you can ask and get up to 50% off depending on how many rooms they have open. Most people are afraid to ask for more off. The worst that can happen is they say no. If a sales clerk says no. Ask them to speak with the manager or if you can speak with the manager. 9 out of 10 times you will get that little extra off.    
    Just some words of advice. NEVER NEVER pay full price for any goods. ALWAYS ALWAYS ask for some kind of discount. Even if it is on sale already. If you can't get a discount try and find a coupon.      
    I save thousands of dollars a year by not paying full price. That in turn give's me more money for things I pay full price for like being a monger. :) :) :)        
   -- Modified on 10/11/2016 2:05:09 AM

He's dicks very tiny & he's intelligence is even tinier!!!   Lmfao Thank you that's the first time I've ever been told I have a huge ass!! I've always wanted an ass!!! Woo whoo!!!  Spinning classes really work!!!   Btw I wouldn't see he's kind, cheap ass who thinks he can talk to woman the way he does, people with tiny dicks usually have to talk like they have a big one. Maybe that's why he can only afford 60$ Ho's!!!!

What's the matter with a tiny dick? So long as I'm paying for it, I mean? I've never had a provider complain. Regular women, well...that's what providers are for.

-- Modified on 10/14/2016 3:49:43 AM

Do you talk down to woman like this troll is doing with his tiny dick??? If so then something is wrong with you or anyone who does!!!

You're not the brightest batch in the troll pool!!  But then again $60 Ho's will see just any troll...  

Thanks Elle!!!

And *you're* asking hoes whether they've graduated high school or not?

Maybe English isn't his first language?

...following someone like J.J. thru the line at the grocery store, it's for sure your ice cream would be melted before you got the chance to pay for it.

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