
Re: It's the mother's
MsDynamite See my TER Reviews 250 reads

I was thinking more like more access to education, birth control and cheaper abortions but whatever...I'm fortunate to be married to my "baby daddy" ( I hate that term mind you) However, it's clear that these child support laws are absurdly designed to impoverish and imprison men, it's no wonder they jump ship to the caymans or end up in jail thus preventing them from going to work in the first place but that's a whole different thread.  
Anyway...God forbid a woman succeeds and makes a life for herself on her own without a man at home I mean why empower her? Then she'll be some uppity sex worker and start wanting things like a home etc etc .

fearlessfury1374 reads

Let's wish all you irresponsible baby daddy's a happy fathers and thank you for providing us with so many great escorts nothing like providing these young women with a child then having them fend for themselves your so special especially the ones who continue to manipulate and live of these women you truely are a special kind of blood sucker maybe someday you'll man up because actually takes a man to be father but I doubt it cause it's all about you.

But Why? The baby daddies aren't on TER ;) Lol! Sorry you're feeling this way... time to rub one out and relax :) XO

I'm not sure what to nitpick here.  
The horrible spelling errors or your horrible assumptions about providers here ?
Natalie has a great idea, GO GET LAID .

Posted By: fearlessfury
Let's wish all you irresponsible baby daddy's a happy fathers and thank you for providing us with so many great escorts nothing like providing these young women with a child then having them fend for themselves your so special especially the ones who continue to manipulate and live of these women you truely are a special kind of blood sucker maybe someday you'll man up because actually takes a man to be father but I doubt it cause it's all about you.

Or you had a stroke.  Congratulations on the #1 rambling, run on sentence post of the year...so far.

fearlessfury342 reads

Sorry about the spelling but not the thought wongbiter, hope I got that right. The message seems very clear here if your not to thick.

Wouldn't characterize anything about me as "thick".  I only wish!  As for your post...and I'm speaking of your words only, and not you hiding behind an alias, your post sounded like you had a bad bad moment.  It's about time you figured out if your keyboard is broken or if it's your fragile psyche.  Can't wait to hear your response!

fearlessfury313 reads

Thank for your nomination for #1 rambling so far this year,also your concern about my health. I guess my ramble regarding irresponsible baby daddy's hit a nerve with you and others, well wangbiter it was meant to. Also sometimes the truth hurts even a white knight.

Only thing is the world can collectively thank me for having not bred any evil Wongbater devil spawn, although Lord know's I've practiced my breeding extensively over the years.  Furthermore, I am white but I hardly think anyone around here would call me a knight (in fact Kia thinks I'm a hateful meanie) but formulate your own opinion.  Keep it filthy big guy, we wouldn't expect any less of you.

Posted By: fearlessfury
Thank for your nomination for #1 rambling so far this year,also your concern about my health. I guess my ramble regarding irresponsible baby daddy's hit a nerve with you and others, well wangbiter it was meant to. Also sometimes the truth hurts even a white knight.

Yes there are those whose primary contribution to their children is being the sperm donor but escorts, including the great ones, have many and varied reasons for escorting, and making money to support their children is only one possible reason.

But, not all providers are forced into this by pimps (or baby daddy's).    There are many who do this by choice.   Some do it because they like money and money pays the rent and college tuition.  Some do it as a social experiment of sorts.  Some do it because they love to fuck.   Find those ladies who make the choice on their own free will and you will have a much better experience

fearlessfury384 reads

Your correct Belinda we all know somebody that has been or is in that position. That is a dark side of the hobby but none the less very true and not uncommon.I also know there are many other reason and circumstances women become escorrts. My sarcasm towards irresponsible baby daddy's was me dead. ant for them only not towards providers. There is a problem with these dead beats who prey on women through there children sorry if it upsets some people but it is a reality and I called attention to it.

Posted By: belindabell
But, not all providers are forced into this by pimps (or baby daddy's).    There are many who do this by choice.   Some do it because they like money and money pays the rent and college tuition.  Some do it as a social experiment of sorts.  Some do it because they love to fuck.   Find those ladies who make the choice on their own free will and you will have a much better experience.  

The message was harsh but on point.  She (I assume OP is female) makes a great point about male responsibility.  When you father a child you are responsible to see that the child and the mother are protected and provided for at least until the child is an adult and responsible for them self.  

I was surprised and frankly disappointed to see how many were critical.  Why should women be forced to be mom and dad.  Man up, is an understatement.  Regardless of the relationship with the mother a man who walks out of a child's life is not a man.  The men who leave kids fatherless are the root cause of most of the poverty and much of the crime in our country.  


Posted By: fearlessfury
Let's wish all you irresponsible baby daddy's a happy fathers and thank you for providing us with so many great escorts nothing like providing these young women with a child then having them fend for themselves your so special especially the ones who continue to manipulate and live of these women you truely are a special kind of blood sucker maybe someday you'll man up because actually takes a man to be father but I doubt it cause it's all about you.

rochmn266 reads


Posted By: cheyen
The message was harsh but on point.  She (I assume OP is female) makes a great point about male responsibility.  When you father a child you are responsible to see that the child and the mother are protected and provided for at least until the child is an adult and responsible for them self.    
 I was surprised and frankly disappointed to see how many were critical.  Why should women be forced to be mom and dad.  Man up, is an understatement.  Regardless of the relationship with the mother a man who walks out of a child's life is not a man.  The men who leave kids fatherless are the root cause of most of the poverty and much of the crime in our country.    
Posted By: fearlessfury
Let's wish all you irresponsible baby daddy's a happy fathers and thank you for providing us with so many great escorts nothing like providing these young women with a child then having them fend for themselves your so special especially the ones who continue to manipulate and live of these women you truely are a special kind of blood sucker maybe someday you'll man up because actually takes a man to be father but I doubt it cause it's all about you.

Do you know why I'm critical of this ?
Because it's statistically inaccurate.  
Might as well start generalizing that all black men abandon their children and are deserters when it comes to family they're pimps or maybe they'll grow up to be cocksucking transexuals that rob banks at this point....Which I'll also have you know isn't accurate either. Jeeze, if you're going to make some bitter, ignorant assumption against women at least have your shit together and be able to back it up with factual data.  
As if women need anymore Republicans disguising misandry as misogyny...

Posted By: cheyen
The message was harsh but on point.  She (I assume OP is female) makes a great point about male responsibility.  When you father a child you are responsible to see that the child and the mother are protected and provided for at least until the child is an adult and responsible for them self.    
 I was surprised and frankly disappointed to see how many were critical.  Why should women be forced to be mom and dad.  Man up, is an understatement.  Regardless of the relationship with the mother a man who walks out of a child's life is not a man.  The men who leave kids fatherless are the root cause of most of the poverty and much of the crime in our country.    
Posted By: fearlessfury
Let's wish all you irresponsible baby daddy's a happy fathers and thank you for providing us with so many great escorts nothing like providing these young women with a child then having them fend for themselves your so special especially the ones who continue to manipulate and live of these women you truely are a special kind of blood sucker maybe someday you'll man up because actually takes a man to be father but I doubt it cause it's all about you.
-- Modified on 6/22/2015 5:31:17 PM

When someone goes all "Rick Santorum" I just can't help myself lol
 I wish people would learn economics before posting such ignorance about the causes of poverty and not blame single mothers, It's a very misogynistic veiwpoint .
Truth be told
One of the main causes of poverty is due to low wages, not fatherless children smh

1. That frothy mixture of lube, semen and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.  

2. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)
As his happy cries subsided, the sweet sticky santorum began dribbling from his distended asshole like melted mocha frappuccino. He told me that he loved me. It was only then that I realized the man I'd sodomized in a Pittsburgh bathouse was noe other than Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA). I felt dirty.

I actually am a qualified expert in economics.  I could testify in a court as an expert.  More important I was raised by a single mother.  I would never blame single mothers, I blame ALL of the people who fail to realize how hard their life is.  I recall an advertisement where a school age child asks "how much does the world weigh?" the announcer answers "ask a single mother" This is the toughest job in the world and few appreciate what single moms go through.  

On Fathers day I have no dad to call, he died 40 years ago.  I do call my mother and thank her for being both dad and mom for 4 kids who were under 8 when he died.  The cause of poverty is not single mothers, it is worthless men who believe women are property to be used and kids are not a responsibility.  If you combine low wages, poor education, bad neighborhood and most of the contributors to poverty they account for less than growing up in a disadvantaged single parent household.  I divorced because I could not stay with my ex but walking out on my children, not supporting them was never a possibility.  

BTW Rick Santorum is an ideate  

Posted By: MsDynamite
When someone goes all "Rick Santorum" I just can't help myself lol  
  I wish people would learn economics before posting such ignorance about the causes of poverty and not blame single mothers, It's a very misogynistic veiwpoint .  
 Truth be told  
 One of the main causes of poverty is due to low wages, not fatherless children smh .  

fearlessfury236 reads

Take a deep breath honey there was no mention of race or politics.we don't want wongbiter throwing another sissy fit.

Posted By: fearlessfury
Let's wish all you irresponsible baby daddy's a happy fathers and thank you for providing us with so many great escorts nothing like providing these young women with a child then having them fend for themselves your so special especially the ones who continue to manipulate and live of these women you truely are a special kind of blood sucker maybe someday you'll man up because actually takes a man to be father but I doubt it cause it's all about you.
Well now sonny, I'm glad to have fathered countless hundreds of little bastards all over the place.  Just call me Johnny Appleseed - I win !

The good news and the bad news is that Mn family law grants the mother total control and say over their children in the event the sperm donor does not come forward or claim paternity. The single mom (never married to daddy) has no obligation or requirement to offer custody to the daddy until / unless the daddy establishes paternity. This opens the door to child support. The bad news is a mother cannot deny access to the paternal father even if child support is not paid or current.  

In the event a single woman finds herself pregnant, she should seek legal counsel (I'm not an attorney) and understand the full extent of her rights and options

I was thinking more like more access to education, birth control and cheaper abortions but whatever...I'm fortunate to be married to my "baby daddy" ( I hate that term mind you) However, it's clear that these child support laws are absurdly designed to impoverish and imprison men, it's no wonder they jump ship to the caymans or end up in jail thus preventing them from going to work in the first place but that's a whole different thread.  
Anyway...God forbid a woman succeeds and makes a life for herself on her own without a man at home I mean why empower her? Then she'll be some uppity sex worker and start wanting things like a home etc etc .

payintherange249 reads

Keep your legs closed and you will never have to worry about it!

Or be responsible yourself!  Don't spread your legs if you can't raise the child on your own!  Think about it people die unexpectedly every day and kids bare the brunt of piss poor planning!   People do not plan to fail, they fail to plan!  Kind of the old saying - Plan for the worst and hope for the best!

BTW thanks for the well wishing... :-)

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