
Re: I think you guys think that I've never been NCNS
OldRanger 62 Reviews 419 reads

Rod-most all of te ladies here are wonderful, but you will not find any more friends here then on the general board.

This is not a rant and I'm not angry about it. I've been in this game long enough to know that it happens way too often. I'm just providing this information to others to inform their decision whether to try to see this provider or not.

I setup two appointments with Sophia this week. One on Monday afternoon and one on Wednesday morning. She confirmed both the night before via e-mail. Said to call an hour before the appt for the address. Both times when I called I got her voice mail and no call back.

I understand things come up and schedules have to be broken. I can let that slide once and give a person a second chance, but twice in one week is my limit. Again, I have no animosity or ill will toward Sophia, but I won't continue wasting my time especially with the rates she's charging these days. I just wanted to let others know so they could make their own decision.

I usually stick to just one or two ladies that I see regularly, unfortunately my two favorites are no longer in the area, so I'm looking for a new regular. From reading her reviews and seeing some of the posts here I thought that Sophia was a possibility. Not into flakey though.

-- Modified on 3/4/2015 11:06:07 AM

The only thing missing is a link...which Sophia?

Posted By: minn4evr
No drama. Just the facts.

Was rushed to the hospital with a cracked rib this morning, after experiencing excruciating pain for the last week. I apologize for not contacting you. You did cancel on me prior, which I did not post anything about.. I did not receive a phone call or voicemail from you? Thanks for trashing me on TER! (; I am taking medication for swelling and pain, and still taking appointments.. We will probably not be meeting in the future. Have a nice day.  

Posted By: OldTimerB
The only thing missing is a link...which Sophia?  
Posted By: minn4evr
No drama. Just the facts.

Bummer...cracked or broken ribs are painful. I slept on one side for 3 months once.
Get better and hope you're on your feet (or knees or back) soon.

Posted By: Sophia81
Was rushed to the hospital with a cracked rib this morning, after experiencing excruciating pain for the last week. I apologize for not contacting you. You did cancel on me prior, which I did not post anything about.. I did not receive a phone call or voicemail from you? Thanks for trashing me on TER! (; I am taking medication for swelling and pain, and still taking appointments.. We will probably not be meeting in the future. Have a nice day.  
Posted By: OldTimerB
The only thing missing is a link...which Sophia?  
Posted By: minn4evr
No drama. Just the facts.

He trashed her without telling her he was posting (just as another hobbyist did on Misty last month).

He said (with 4 old reviews) vs She Said (with 8 recent reviews and Rating 9.12 (Looks 9.25 / Performance 9)  

No link.

I would see her in a heartbeat

He did attach a link. It's at the bottom of his post.

I'd like to see her, too, but it might take more than a heartbeat lol.

Unrelated question, do you know why it says the OP has 6 reviews but when you click on that and open it, there are only 4? I've run across this discrepancy a few times...just curious.

Posted By: WK2014
He trashed her without telling her he was posting (just as another hobbyist did on Misty last month).  
 He said (with 4 old reviews) vs She Said (with 8 recent reviews and Rating 9.12 (Looks 9.25 / Performance 9)  
 No link.  
 I would see her in a heartbeat.  

The link was attached as a modification--it was not in the original post.

I love the sublime passive-aggressive.  
"This is not a rant and I'm not angry about it. I've been in this game long enough to know that it happens way too often. I'm just providing this information to others to inform their decision whether to try to see this provider or not.
... I won't continue WASTING my time  
especially with the RATES rates she's charging  ...
 Not into FLAKEY though."

I do not know why the review counter does not work.  It often gives one review just for breathing

I believe it means that some of the providers he reviewed have been delisted, either by choice or not.
The reviews go away but the review count stays the same

... you can see the same phenomenon with my reviews. It's because some providers I reviewed have since been delisted (retirement etc.).  The reviewer can still see those reviews but no one else can.

You know I can't count that high, right? I lose interest, start thinking about MN providers, etc.

Posted By: knotsaway
... you can see the same phenomenon with my reviews. It's because some providers I reviewed have since been delisted (retirement etc.).  The reviewer can still see those reviews but no one else can.

I'm still taking appointments despite the injury..  

Don't I get some sort of credit for that?  

You can see the  swelling under my bra straps on the left side..

That is if you came over to see for yourself..

I tried sleeping on my side, and ended up on the couch with pillows under me, to the left and to the right of me..

I'm still just as playful (;  

I am only a little fragile until the swelling subsides!!  

So please don't kick me while I'm down..


... now I'm going to offer some free advice you did not ask for and are free to ignore. But it's worth every penny you didn't pay.

When I graduated from professional school many years ago, I joined a professional association and was lucky enough to have a mentor who explained that care and nurturing of clients is a hugely important skill. Sometimes they are unreasonable, sometimes crabby, but they are always the ones with the money. So learnig how to deal with unreasonable and crabby clients in a way that soothes without abandoning ones own dignity is an important skill.  

Why the emphasis on profession? Because you are a professional. The oldest profession, in fact. Like every professional you offer a service for money. Since you like money, you want clients to come to you for that service even though there are many other professionals around who offer a service which is, for the most part, little different from yours. It's true you have a unique beauty that sets you apart, but the next professional has her own unique beauty, too.

When you saw Darkly's post you had many options for response. I'll mention only three. You could do as you did. Explain what happened from your side, trash him back for cancelling an appointment (though as you did not say last-minute cancel, it's apples and oranges), and make it clear no one messes with Sopia without some payback. Speaking only for myself, when I see that I don't cross you off my list but I do put an asterisk next to your name. Not that you are bad person, but if I see you I'll be walking carefully to make damn sure I don't piss you off. That's not very restful.

Another option was to explain what happened, apologize for his inconvenience (he really was inconvenienced, no matter what the justification), and let it go at that. When I see that I think it's a lady with maturity and judgment.

Or you could have sent him an email, explained your side and offered to meet him when you are healed, possibly, though not necessarily, offering some discount for his trouble. We have seen it on occasion that a post like Darkly's goes up, then a few hours later, or next day, there is a follow-up post that says 'She explained and it's all good and she's not a flake and I take it all back and everyone should see her.' When I see that I think 'Either she has the mafia working for her or she's a pretty smart lady and that's interesting.'

WK2014 would have it there was absolutely no fault on your part and Darkly is complete asshole. I reject that. Darkly is the client, the guy with the money. He reported true facts without a lot of editorializing. He didn't kick you while you were down because he didn't know you were hurt. It's near certain he would not have posted if you had reached out to explain your situation. You don't have to let him abuse you, but turning him away now with a curse when a soft word might reel him in is an inefficient business model. Entirely too common in the hobby, but inefficient.

Kudos to you for working through pain. I hope you heal quickly.

Damn, minn4evr, very well said! Excellent words and advice...I'm taking it whether Sophia does or not.
You almost make me afraid to post/comment even though I'm usually (at least I think so! Lol) trying to help. I certainly will pause first and choose my words more carefully.
Thanks again.

Posted By: minn4evr
... now I'm going to offer some free advice you did not ask for and are free to ignore. But it's worth every penny you didn't pay.  
 When I graduated from professional school many years ago, I joined a professional association and was lucky enough to have a mentor who explained that care and nurturing of clients is a hugely important skill. Sometimes they are unreasonable, sometimes crabby, but they are always the ones with the money. So learnig how to deal with unreasonable and crabby clients in a way that soothes without abandoning ones own dignity is an important skill.  
 Why the emphasis on profession? Because you are a professional. The oldest profession, in fact. Like every professional you offer a service for money. Since you like money, you want clients to come to you for that service even though there are many other professionals around who offer a service which is, for the most part, little different from yours. It's true you have a unique beauty that sets you apart, but the next professional has her own unique beauty, too.  
 When you saw Darkly's post you had many options for response. I'll mention only three. You could do as you did. Explain what happened from your side, trash him back for cancelling an appointment (though as you did not say last-minute cancel, it's apples and oranges), and make it clear no one messes with Sopia without some payback. Speaking only for myself, when I see that I don't cross you off my list but I do put an asterisk next to your name. Not that you are bad person, but if I see you I'll be walking carefully to make damn sure I don't piss you off. That's not very restful.  
 Another option was to explain what happened, apologize for his inconvenience (he really was inconvenienced, no matter what the justification), and let it go at that. When I see that I think it's a lady with maturity and judgment.  
 Or you could have sent him an email, explained your side and offered to meet him when you are healed, possibly, though not necessarily, offering some discount for his trouble. We have seen it on occasion that a post like Darkly's goes up, then a few hours later, or next day, there is a follow-up post that says 'She explained and it's all good and she's not a flake and I take it all back and everyone should see her.' When I see that I think 'Either she has the mafia working for her or she's a pretty smart lady and that's interesting.'  
 WK2014 would have it there was absolutely no fault on your part and Darkly is complete asshole. I reject that. Darkly is the client, the guy with the money. He reported true facts without a lot of editorializing. He didn't kick you while you were down because he didn't know you were hurt. It's near certain he would not have posted if you had reached out to explain your situation. You don't have to let him abuse you, but turning him away now with a curse when a soft word might reel him in is an inefficient business model. Entirely too common in the hobby, but inefficient.  
 Kudos to you for working through pain. I hope you heal quickly.

..... further humiliation here on the board.  While I agree with some of what you wrote, it would have been far better to share this with her via PM.  IMO, you delivered what I refer to as a jab sandwich, feigned concern for her at the beginning and the end with a nice jab in the middle.  I also agree with WK2014 (something I don't do often) that the OP wrote in passive aggressive mode, yes, thinly veiled, but the reader gets the message...don't see her.  You gave him the proverbial pat on the back for that.  Not good!  

I used to be criticized frequently on this board for the length of my posts, one  poster said a couple of years ago that I sucked the air out of the room when I wrote long posts.  You just did that here.  I have learned to be pithy, you might try it

-- Modified on 3/4/2015 10:01:02 PM

We all can learn from minn4evr's advice this way.  

Had he sent it to her in a PM, she would have been spared from "further humiliation" as you put it but I think this young lady will be quite fine!

Posted By: mnjohnny247
..... further humiliation here on the board.  While I agree with some of what you wrote, it would have been far better to share this with her via PM.  IMO, you delivered what I refer to as a jab sandwich, feigned concern for her at the beginning and the end with a nice jab in the middle.  I also agree with WK2014 (something I don't do often) that the OP wrote in passive aggressive mode, yes, thinly veiled, but the reader gets the message...don't see her.  You gave him the proverbial pat on the back for that.  Not good!    
 I used to be criticized frequently on this board for the length of my posts, one  poster said a couple of years ago that I sucked the air out of the room when I wrote long posts.  You just did that here.  I have learned to be pithy, you might try it  

-- Modified on 3/4/2015 10:01:02 PM

Advice or no advice, they'll figure it out eventually...or never, but the invisible hand is always at work. Top ladies don't earn their spot with excuses.

And reporting a NCNS is not trashing someone unless it is not true.  I personally would have given her more time to respond but I've never told someone who NCNS'd me that I was going to post about it on TER.  I understand it is a tough business and that shit happens and often at the worst times.  I've been canceled on while on the way to an appointment.  Very frustrating but at least I wasn't left hanging and when that happens is when I get cranky.

Kindness often goes a long way, your suggestion sums it up best. Be gracious and generous in how you treat others, it turns out she was unavailable, posting a long diatribe on someone with great reviews is a poor reflection on you.

There's a fine line between being gracious and generous and being taken advantage of and it's often hard to tell where that line is exactly.  And sometimes even really good providers lose sight of how they got to be that way and start thinking that the normal rules of courtesy and customer service don't apply to them.  And sometimes people just screw up.  I'm a pretty forgiving person so long as I don't feel I'm being taken advantage of.  And I also think that people who make mistakes should own up to them.

The main function of TER is to allow hobbyists to exchange information on escorts so that they can see the ones that do provide a good service and avoid those who don't.  Consequently, posting information about NCNSs is perfectly appropriate.  Keep in mind that at the time the OP made his post he had been NCNS'd for the second time in three days and had no knowledge that she'd gone to the hospital.  To me, the whole situation is quite unfortunate and emphasizes the need for good communication.

my_2Cents625 reads

"I would see her in a heartbeat"

Breadmaker, you'd see anybody in a heartbeat and give them 10/10.  After they wrote the review for you.

notkidinu995 reads

If it is not a rant and you are not angry, why did you come here to publicly bash her? It is unfortunate that you did and now she says she will not be seeing you. She is a wonderful person and provider. Actually she cancelled our first appointment the morning of and called me the next day to re-schedule. We have had another cancelled appointment and quite frankly, I was more concerned for her safety and well being on this occasion. I'm sorry to say but you sound angry that "twice is my limit." Quite frankly, you would be lucky to see her if you can and she is NOT flakey. Geeez. What do you expect??? Sophia, you are great and do not deserve this!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: Darkly2007
This is not a rant and I'm not angry about it. I've been in this game long enough to know that it happens way too often. I'm just providing this information to others to inform their decision whether to try to see this provider or not.  
 I setup two appointments with Sophia this week. One on Monday afternoon and one on Wednesday morning. She confirmed both the night before via e-mail. Said to call an hour before the appt for the address. Both times when I called I got her voice mail and no call back.  
 I understand things come up and schedules have to be broken. I can let that slide once and give a person a second chance, but twice in one week is my limit. Again, I have no animosity or ill will toward Sophia, but I won't continue wasting my time especially with the rates she's charging these days. I just wanted to let others know so they could make their own decision.  
 I usually stick to just one or two ladies that I see regularly, unfortunately my two favorites are no longer in the area, so I'm looking for a new regular. From reading her reviews and seeing some of the posts here I thought that Sophia was a possibility. Not into flakey though.

-- Modified on 3/4/2015 11:06:07 AM

Thank you & see you again soon (;  


Posted By: notkidinu
If it is not a rant and you are not angry, why did you come here to publicly bash her? It is unfortunate that you did and now she says she will not be seeing you. She is a wonderful person and provider. Actually she cancelled our first appointment the morning of and called me the next day to re-schedule. We have had another cancelled appointment and quite frankly, I was more concerned for her safety and well being on this occasion. I'm sorry to say but you sound angry that "twice is my limit." Quite frankly, you would be lucky to see her if you can and she is NOT flakey. Geeez. What do you expect??? Sophia, you are great and do not deserve this!!!!!!!!!!  
Posted By: Darkly2007
This is not a rant and I'm not angry about it. I've been in this game long enough to know that it happens way too often. I'm just providing this information to others to inform their decision whether to try to see this provider or not.  
  I setup two appointments with Sophia this week. One on Monday afternoon and one on Wednesday morning. She confirmed both the night before via e-mail. Said to call an hour before the appt for the address. Both times when I called I got her voice mail and no call back.  
  I understand things come up and schedules have to be broken. I can let that slide once and give a person a second chance, but twice in one week is my limit. Again, I have no animosity or ill will toward Sophia, but I won't continue wasting my time especially with the rates she's charging these days. I just wanted to let others know so they could make their own decision.  
  I usually stick to just one or two ladies that I see regularly, unfortunately my two favorites are no longer in the area, so I'm looking for a new regular. From reading her reviews and seeing some of the posts here I thought that Sophia was a possibility. Not into flakey though.  
 -- Modified on 3/4/2015 11:06:07 AM

TheProfessor755 reads

Because they rally to your defense when called to White Knight you when you screw up or because they have poor reading comprehension and write drivel?  It looks to me like 2 quick emails or calls to the OP would have saved all this and your time calling out your Knights, I hope you have offered a nice discount for their time.

notkidinu618 reads

I was never "called" to her defense....................never mind, you are not worth my time or energy, I. I have only spoke the truth and I will not get in to an on-line battle with such nit wits and assumptions "Professor."


Something about this time line makes me wonder.

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