
Re: I second that emotion
TalonTed 89 Reviews 45 reads

LOL, how little you know.  I used to average 1.78 hoes per day, and more than a few times 5 a day.  Tell me how this is NOT successful, hoe a plenty.

Posted By: vorlon
Re: I second that emotion
As always, a brief look at your review history should tell anyone that your approach is less than successful.

LOL LOL, who the fuck bring roses to a paid meeting?  If you ever did that, you need to re-evaluate your life.  She probably dumped it in to the trash as soon as you left the hotel room.

Why do you even care??No one cares what your think anyways so beat it chump and quit judging people.I think its funny that an internet troll is telling people to re-evaluate there life....roflmao!!!

Nutbar34 reads

I bring flowers often times to people I have seen before.  

Flowers or gifts cost about $20 are a a nice exchange for
added Hospitality: priceless and extra time: $45

Only works between humans though.  

stop and smell the roses  {Wikipedia}
To become calm and reflect upon the finer or more enjoyable aspects of life, especially when one has become overworked or overly stressed.    
      You can't keep working these 80 hour workweeks, John! You have to stop and smell the roses, or else what is all that work even for?

So you are saying you bring flowers to most of your providers. Talk about making them feel uncomfortable. You know if they have just an "ok" time with you and don't feel much of a connection  (shocker this happens more time than you think it does, especially massage girls where they see a handful a day) the minute you leave they probably won't even remember your name or pick you out a lineup from the random they saw last week.
  Sorry but reality hurts.

Nutbar44 reads

No, to people I see before, (regulars).  
Thanks for explaining life to me.  I need your personal advice and always benefit so much from it. Please send me personal notes any time that you want to.  The explainers on this board are soooo helpful.
Oh and I spend a huuuge amount of time with massage girls too, especially those high volume ones.  You must be telepathic to have guessed that.

Love the snobishness, "My hookers only see one person a day".  Right, like you would know.  And bringing flowers is a douche move.  Nothing says: theres a hooker working here,  more than a bunch of guys carrying flowers to an incall.

Now that's something I can agreed with.  Listens up fucktards, and memorize this "Fuck, Pay, Leave" or "Pay, Fuck, Leave",  that's all their is and nothing more.

Posted By: sweetromantic
Re: I second that emotion
So you are saying you bring flowers to most of your providers. Talk about making them feel uncomfortable. You know if they have just an "ok" time with you and don't feel much of a connection  (shocker this happens more time than you think it does, especially massage girls where they see a handful a day) the minute you leave they probably won't even remember your name or pick you out a lineup from the random they saw last week.  
   Sorry but reality hurts.

As always, a brief look at your review history should tell anyone that your approach is less than successful.

LOL, how little you know.  I used to average 1.78 hoes per day, and more than a few times 5 a day.  Tell me how this is NOT successful, hoe a plenty.

Posted By: vorlon
Re: I second that emotion
As always, a brief look at your review history should tell anyone that your approach is less than successful.

Amazing then with all those sessions that none of them of particularly good.

Interesting, because you a liar.  Look at the counters on all of my post, thousands+ read count.
You obviously care about my post, because you posted a reply...LOL.  The only chump here is YOU!!

Posted By: puck3434
Re: Loser
Why do you even care??No one cares what your think anyways so beat it chump and quit judging people.I think its funny that an internet troll is telling people to re-evaluate there life....roflmao!!!

I knew a guy before in this lifestyle that did buy one of his ATF’S an expensive car. History moves on, he is taking a dirt nap, the car is toast and I think that she is still around…LOL

souls_harbor38 reads

I think a gift of roses for a provider is more authentic than gifts to civies that are intended to buy affection.  You'd have to have a heart of stone not to appreciate a gift the sends a message of respect and dignity.

I got turned off of giving gifts in civie relationships because chicks seem so mercenary about them.  I mean when someone gives me a gift I thank them for it.  When I've given gifts to significant others I usually got indirect or worse, direct complaints about the gifts.  They still get gifts but they have to tell me what they want.  Of course that just gives them a different avenue to complain.   So there is no joy in giving gifts to chicks with whom you are in a relationship.  (I've had three long term relationships and all three had the same mercenary streak.  So i don't think it is just dumb luck.  I think chicks tend to be mercenary, on average.)

Of course I don't give gifts to providers either (maybe tips after for good service.)  But if it is unexpected they just might appreciate it more than a civie girl who it would just remind them that you haven't given them a gift in a long while and put them in a bad, unthankful mood.

I love them and I put them right in a vase and enjoy them!!

Not sure why you think this is a bad thing?
Id never throw flowers away!!

Have a great rest of your week


CA9143549 reads

I had seen her plenty of times and her incall always seemed to have at least a dozen roses. The most I saw was 4 dozen at one time.
 I had stopped at the gas station on the way to see her and bought a rose for her. After getting back in the car I called her to let her know I was almost there and she cancelled on me.
When I got home I threw the flower in the trash in the garage but it missed the can and ended up stuck in the back of one of the metal shelves next to the trash and I just left it there. That was more than 3 years ago and I still see that dead rose every time I get out of my car. It's there to remind me not to buy flowers for providers.

I remember about 8 or 9 years ago going to see a popular provider around valentines day.Her apt had so many flowers it looked like there was a funeral there.Anyway I decided then not to give flowers to escorts.I do give gifts but not flowers gift cards are always appreciated and perfume always pays dividends.

I remember about 8 or 9 years ago going to see a popular provider around valentines day.Her apt had so many flowers it looked like there was a funeral there.Anyway I decided then not to give flowers to escorts.I do give gifts but not flowers gift cards are always appreciated and perfume always pays dividends.

I'm literally floored that you all think buying flowers could be a bad thing, unless the provider explicitly stated to be incredibly discreet upon arrival. Thoughtful gifts show your date that you're grateful for the time you have together. It's so intimate and sweet!

... I know providers who simply don't like getting flowers.  She might like something else instead, which could also be more discreet than a bouquet.  

Duh, can't sell roses on Fleebay.

Posted By: knotsaway
Re: Discretion, yes.  Also...
... I know providers who simply don't like getting flowers.  She might like something else instead, which could also be more discreet than a bouquet.  

How do you show that you are grateful for the $$$ we "donate" to  you?? Do you ever just randomly call out previous clients and offer them free bJ to show them how grateful you are for their business?  Blowing my load in your mouth,...now that would be sweet and intimate. On second thought never mind, just looked at your profile pictures.

Posted By: SadiePrescott
Re: Wow!
I'm literally floored that you all think buying flowers could be a bad thing, unless the provider explicitly stated to be incredibly discreet upon arrival. Thoughtful gifts show your date that you're grateful for the time you have together. It's so intimate and sweet!

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