
Re: I don't think it's unreasonable However
loveyourtouch 398 reads

To answer your last question first: No.  If a woman says no, that is it. Period. (No pun intended.)  But if a woman advertises nude, B2B massages and exchanges, it is pretty implicit that she will be touched, right? If not, then she should change her advertising.  And I never wrote anything about doing whatever I wanted to any woman.  But if a woman is going to do a nude massage, then the panties should be off, right?  Do you not think a provider should tell a client that it is her time of the month when such activities are to be partaken?  At some point, I think it would be a common courtesy.  Especially for a provider who is well reviewed.  I would expect this from one of the young spinners who come and go every month, but not a seasoned lady.  That's all.

loveyourtouch2278 reads

So I take 1/2 a day off today to enjoy the weather and, of course, some hobby fun.  I scheduled an appt with a provider who is fairly well reviewed.  (I am a massage guy, so this is re: a body rubs lady.)  For the sake of this post, let's just say this provider does (and allows) "A, B, C, and D" according to nearly all her reviews.  Scheduling was easy with a few texts, so we did have open communications.  A bit into the massage, the top comes off.  Nice.  But about 20 minutes into the session, she let's me know that it is her time of the month, so panties would stay on and no playing down there.  WTF?!?!?  Really???  Needless to say, that pretty much deflated everything.  I was really looking forward to "C & D."  ("A & B" can be had many places and for much less.)  I am very unhappy, to say the least, because I could have used that bundle of money to see another provider.  I feel deceived and cheated- especially since this provider has been around for a while and has the reviews.  That almost makes it worse IMHO.  

So my questions are: Why don't providers share this information BEFORE scheduling? I mean, if you're not going to perform at 100%, why charge 100%? Am I unreasonable to have some basic expectations from a highly reviewed provider?

I have run into that situation and all three times I was advised ahead of time and given the option to cancel.  I went ahead with all three but was done with the understanding of what the limitations were going in so no problem.  Me being a breastaholic, this is kinda ok as some women's breasts are more "interactive" during the monthly 'special time'.  I used my gentle oral approach to them and things really went quite well, for both of us!  :)
I did very much appreciate the advance notice, however.  I'd think that would be appropriate.

I think that is all the OP was looking for - advance warning so he could make his decision based on that just as you did. That way he wouldn't have unreasonable expectations, due to her being unable to perform at 100% of normal.

Posted By: monieb
I have run into that situation and all three times I was advised ahead of time and given the option to cancel.  I went ahead with all three but was done with the understanding of what the limitations were going in so no problem.  Me being a breastaholic, this is kinda ok as some women's breasts are more "interactive" during the monthly 'special time'.  I used my gentle oral approach to them and things really went quite well, for both of us!  :)  
 I did very much appreciate the advance notice, however.  I'd think that would be appropriate.

Even if it showed up at the last minute.  I've had a provider call me when I was on the way over to tell me it just hit.

Her timing could have been much much MUCH better - BEFORE you arrive of course! If it started during the date it might be a different story. I would say your expectations are reasonable and maybe a follow up email to address your concerns would be appropriate if you plan to see her again.

loveyourtouch423 reads

I really appreciate it.  It was obvious the event didn't start during the session.  Nice to read a provider's perspective that agrees with me and others that she should have told me BEFORE the session.  Heck, she could have told me while we were sending texts back and forth.  I won't be sending her an email, and I certainly WILL NOT see her again.  Thanks again for your reply.

You're not exactly entitled all access to a woman's body to do whatever you want to her just because you're paying either.
Would you be saying the same things you are now if she weren't having shark week & told you no ?
Not trying to be mean just something to consider ....


Posted By: loveyourtouch
So I take 1/2 a day off today to enjoy the weather and, of course, some hobby fun.  I scheduled an appt with a provider who is fairly well reviewed.  (I am a massage guy, so this is re: a body rubs lady.)  For the sake of this post, let's just say this provider does (and allows) "A, B, C, and D" according to nearly all her reviews.  Scheduling was easy with a few texts, so we did have open communications.  A bit into the massage, the top comes off.  Nice.  But about 20 minutes into the session, she let's me know that it is her time of the month, so panties would stay on and no playing down there.  WTF?!?!?  Really???  Needless to say, that pretty much deflated everything.  I was really looking forward to "C & D."  ("A & B" can be had many places and for much less.)  I am very unhappy, to say the least, because I could have used that bundle of money to see another provider.  I feel deceived and cheated- especially since this provider has been around for a while and has the reviews.  That almost makes it worse IMHO.    
 So my questions are: Why don't providers share this information BEFORE scheduling? I mean, if you're not going to perform at 100%, why charge 100%? Am I unreasonable to have some basic expectations from a highly reviewed provider?
-- Modified on 3/30/2016 9:32:28 AM

It's her body to say who has access to what and guys should never EXPECT the ladies usually  fuller menu. Whether it was her time of month or the guy is stanky and dirty and breath of a rhino, she has a right to say no.  Should the guy expect a lower donation for that.......maybe.    Not only that, if he was a new client to this lady, well if she says in writing either text or email that her lower half is off limits, well, isn't that evidence to illegal acts?   I think if she is someone he has seen before, she should have told him that C & D were off limits.  

 I can see both sides and feel for both parties.

loveyourtouch377 reads

I agree with you that it is ALWAYS a woman's (or man's) right to say no or not allow anything to be done to them they don't want done.  That is NOT an issue for me at all. But as far as access goes, if a woman advertises B2B, nude, and exchange, then it is pretty implicit that mutual touching will occur.  If the woman doesn't want to conduct a session in that manner after advertising it and after seeing the client at the door, then she should simply tell him that she prefers not to see him rather than start a session and deliver only a portion of the goods.  Don't you think that is fair?  Regarding texts, new client, and legality.  A simple text stating, "It's my time of the month.  Do you still want to come? Or should we re-schedule"  would take care of any issues.  (Or so I think.)

You are correct:  there are 2 sides to every story.  All I am (was) trying to do is raise the issue and try to prevent it from occurring in the future in a way that is amicable to all.  I don't think it is difficult to avoid, and that is why is was asking for the ladies' feedback.  Why don't they tell a client upfront?  That is all I wanted to know.  Plain and simple.   :)

Thanks for a nice reply.   :)

Had she told him no with not reason he and his wallet could have found someone else the haves good time with.  
Had she told him of the issue they could have rescheduled.
Now he and others Will have her on a DNC list.
I agree that it is her body, but there are also in most cases with experienced clients fairly accurate expectations of what will happen BCD. when it does not nobody wins

The number one point being brought up is Honesty. That's all he wanted so he could decide for himself whether to continue. Yes it's her body to do as she wishes. But at same time it's his cash to do as He wishes that's being overlooked.  In the end she still walked away with his donation in hand and probably won't look back. She certainly could reach out to him if she is on here, it goes both ways right. My suggestion try saying you feel under the weather next time you see someone and want a discount . See how far that goes.

loveyourtouch399 reads

To answer your last question first: No.  If a woman says no, that is it. Period. (No pun intended.)  But if a woman advertises nude, B2B massages and exchanges, it is pretty implicit that she will be touched, right? If not, then she should change her advertising.  And I never wrote anything about doing whatever I wanted to any woman.  But if a woman is going to do a nude massage, then the panties should be off, right?  Do you not think a provider should tell a client that it is her time of the month when such activities are to be partaken?  At some point, I think it would be a common courtesy.  Especially for a provider who is well reviewed.  I would expect this from one of the young spinners who come and go every month, but not a seasoned lady.  That's all.

Idk I didn't see hardly anyone complaining about DIY when that became a thing and fellas were throwing out 8's & 9's for performance scores like no tomorrow and those girls never said anything up front in ads and e-mails for the most part hahaha !

I'd say you have to bear in mind that sometimes our cycles can start any moment like literally any time so she may not of been aware until the last minute(YES THIS HAPPENS) or who knows maybe she's more a YMMV type in the first place which means you may or may not get those options every time regardless.
 It's not uncommon for reviewers to sometimes skew details in order to get a review posted either as we all know that they can get denied for whatever reason .
 I've told people up front and they still came in only later to moan about not having certain menu items available then they go put it in a review rather than earning my trust.
 go figure !  
Now had they waited it or tried again later rather than be mean in a review perhaps it would of been much different .
It's not like we can make our uteruses to bleed on demand in order to annoy you gentlemen lol .
Seeing as I'm a YMMV type,
This is a good reason why I have tiered rates established.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
To answer your last question first: No.  If a woman says no, that is it. Period. (No pun intended.)  But if a woman advertises nude, B2B massages and exchanges, it is pretty implicit that she will be touched, right? If not, then she should change her advertising.  And I never wrote anything about doing whatever I wanted to any woman.  But if a woman is going to do a nude massage, then the panties should be off, right?  Do you not think a provider should tell a client that it is her time of the month when such activities are to be partaken?  At some point, I think it would be a common courtesy.  Especially for a provider who is well reviewed.  I would expect this from one of the young spinners who come and go every month, but not a seasoned lady.  That's all.

loveyourtouch368 reads

I don't think TER rules allow 8 or 9 for DIY.  I don't recall the exact rules, but I think much more needs to take place than DIY for an 8 or 9.  Feel free correct me if I am wrong.  I am not a DIY guy, but I reviewed a body rub gal once and gave her a high rating, but TER wouldn't allow the high score because certain things didn't occur.  And to your comment about them not advertising DIY: No, they didn't advertise that.  BUT, their reviews ALL stated they were DIY, so guys knew that going in.

loveyourtouch418 reads

All I can offer is what TER replied to me, and what TER has posted on its website for rating providers. If there were 8s and 9s for DIY, then they were clearly not written within TER guidelines. So while you jump on the bandwagon to slam me, can you corroborate your statement by showing me some DIYs who got 8s and 9s?  

Here is what #7 reads:  (Feel free to look it up, but I just did the copy/paste a minute ago.)

In order to keep our performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she is willing to perform one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, and Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are offered, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum.

This does not mean she earns extra points for offering the service(s); just that she is now eligible for a higher score. Her maximum eligible score is based on what is offered, not what is performed during your session with her. You may or may not be interested in the “extra” services she offers, but the fact she offers them makes her eligible for the higher score.

If your review rates a provider higher than her maximum score, the score will be adjusted down to her maximum.

loveyourtouch274 reads

Read #7 on TER's rules for submitting.

Just below the yellow envelope?  Since when did this world have rules?  Especially your rules?  To answer the gist behind your OP, and quite frankly, maybe she just wasn't into you?  Or maybe you had bad timing.  Either way that won't be the worst experience in your hobby life if you stick around any length of time.  Enjoy!

loveyourtouch426 reads

Yep. I see that. But guess what?  I have many, many more than 37. Good grief. Another braggard. Do wear your badge of honor 24/7?  Where did I try to insert any rules? Just asked questions. Been around this hobby longer than you realize.   To answer your question, which really was a statement  not a question, she was into me and the whole session.  If not, I doubt she would have went down on me.  Wait until the review is posted. But nice try to assert yourself as a bigger white knight than little purple headed gladiator of love. You guys related? Napoleon one your ancestors?

after the bare ball slapping you unleashed on me.  Ouch!  One factual correction needed on your part...the adjective you used to describe me..."braggard" the spelling of the correct word goes as such..."d-r-u-n-k-a-r-d"

Enjoy your weekend!!

"Insults, personal attacks, name calling or intimidation have no place in civil discussions and are not welcome on TER. Ever."

Not saying that you would do any of that but...keep 'er in mind, that is if we are quoting TER rules.

Have a great night!

"It" will likely not go away but you'll be a whole lot happier sweetie.

loveyourtouch458 reads

I did some research because I like to deal with facts.  I looked at reviews for some of the gals known to do/did DIY, and I saw some 8s - 4 years ago.  So I will stand corrected (as I asked to be).  But at the same time, TER will not allow 8s or 9s in today's world for DIY.  I know not only because of their rules, which I copied and pasted in another post, but because one of my reviews for a non-DIY sessoin was "Unapproved" for its high score because the provider did not perform any of the required acts.

I am not a "Massage/Body Rub girl " I am a full service GFE provider. So I don't know if the rules or passes are any different with massage girls or not. But us ladies generally know when it's going to be our time of the month. She, A. should not have scheduled massages during her time of the month. Or B, she should have just used a diaphragm or Cervical Cap type protection and proceeded with her session. or C, she should have refunded a portion of the rate. Just my opinion.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
So I take 1/2 a day off today to enjoy the weather and, of course, some hobby fun.  I scheduled an appt with a provider who is fairly well reviewed.  (I am a massage guy, so this is re: a body rubs lady.)  For the sake of this post, let's just say this provider does (and allows) "A, B, C, and D" according to nearly all her reviews.  Scheduling was easy with a few texts, so we did have open communications.  A bit into the massage, the top comes off.  Nice.  But about 20 minutes into the session, she let's me know that it is her time of the month, so panties would stay on and no playing down there.  WTF?!?!?  Really???  Needless to say, that pretty much deflated everything.  I was really looking forward to "C & D."  ("A & B" can be had many places and for much less.)  I am very unhappy, to say the least, because I could have used that bundle of money to see another provider.  I feel deceived and cheated- especially since this provider has been around for a while and has the reviews.  That almost makes it worse IMHO.    
 So my questions are: Why don't providers share this information BEFORE scheduling? I mean, if you're not going to perform at 100%, why charge 100%? Am I unreasonable to have some basic expectations from a highly reviewed provider?

loveyourtouch424 reads

Your reply is EXACTLY what I hoped to elicit from providers.  Not necessarily that we are in agreement, but that you provided a thoughtful response and some options.  I truly just wanted to hear from providers to get their perspective.  I have my own views, as does everyone else, and I wanted to learn if I was way out of the norm for thinking what I did.  Thanks again.  I really appreciate it!  (And I think the rules would apply to providers across the board.)

Way different for massage providers here.
It's always YMMV with the vast majority of us and if you don't get that then don't see massage only providers see FS ladies instead...

loveyourtouch332 reads

When you are charging top dollar and have pages of reviews, it is pretty well understood what the session will involve.

Sorry honey, I have to inform you that it's actually not black & white like that.
Like I've said, which bears repeating just so you & maybe some others get it.
Many reviewers here find themselves having to embelish massage ladies reviews in order to get them posted.
 Because more often than not they get deferred for whatever reason well, unless you're a classic misogynist who constantly insults every provider you visit with low scores and digs at her looks or whatever makes your cock feel bigger than your brethren but that's a whole other thread....Aside from that,
 massage ladies are always YMMV . No more, No less.

Maybe you could take it up with her privately instead of coming on here with the tired rhetoric of comparing a living human being who's a sex worker to inanimate objects & restaurants in order to period shame her here, expecting us providers to kiss your ass and side with you ?
 Naw man,
I don't kiss hobbyist ass. It even says so in the services offered part of my P411 page & review profiles. How's that for accuracy ! :D
I'm just calling it like I see it after re-reading your original post.
That's just what it looks like to me now.
Have a good one and play safe ! Xox

It is a simple and straight forward proposition. I will not make a fuss about it, but it is an expensive lesson. Lesson learned. There are plenty of reviewed ladies that offer far more for the same rate, but that's a personal preference. The provider should have said something to you about her situation, especially since it was your first encounter, and asked you if you were okay before proceeding with the session.

loveyourtouch257 reads

I couldn't agree with you more.  And she is a well-reviewed provider.  That's why I was so surprised.

Like all really complicated questions the reason the answer is difficult is because at some level both sides are correct.

From the ladies side your right to your body and who touches you and how is yours and yours alone.  No one should ever ever question that.  

Here it comes : However

If you are advertising a service for a fee you have some responsibility to communicate anything that would be a significant deviation from what was offered.  I understand that the add it self may not have been specific but an escort add and or reviews explaining services is an offer.  If you took a car to have the tires changed and business told you we only replaced two tires but the full price is still charged that is deception.  ( I do not consider and intimate experience the same as changing tires, I offer that as an easy to understand example of offer and offer denied.)  

Ladies have an inalienable right to offer or decline to offer anything they want.  because this is a business and fees are paid the ladies have some responsibility to let the customer know what they should expect.  If the C and D are not offered he can go somewhere else.  If C&D are offered and then withdrawn after $ is paid that should not happen.  

Posted By: loveyourtouch
So I take 1/2 a day off today to enjoy the weather and, of course, some hobby fun.  I scheduled an appt with a provider who is fairly well reviewed.  (I am a massage guy, so this is re: a body rubs lady.)  For the sake of this post, let's just say this provider does (and allows) "A, B, C, and D" according to nearly all her reviews.  Scheduling was easy with a few texts, so we did have open communications.  A bit into the massage, the top comes off.  Nice.  But about 20 minutes into the session, she let's me know that it is her time of the month, so panties would stay on and no playing down there.  WTF?!?!?  Really???  Needless to say, that pretty much deflated everything.  I was really looking forward to "C & D."  ("A & B" can be had many places and for much less.)  I am very unhappy, to say the least, because I could have used that bundle of money to see another provider.  I feel deceived and cheated- especially since this provider has been around for a while and has the reviews.  That almost makes it worse IMHO.    
 So my questions are: Why don't providers share this information BEFORE scheduling? I mean, if you're not going to perform at 100%, why charge 100%? Am I unreasonable to have some basic expectations from a highly reviewed provider?

Totally agree...  As is so often the case, issues on this board seem to be easily polarized into the really hard yes/no, black and white absolutes.  Nothing about getting totally naked with a near-stranger and having the kind of intimacy the hobby provides is ever going to be that absolute.

On one hand this is just a natural part of being a woman.  It's not this gross failure or some kind of malfunction, it's part of the bigger whole that makes a woman profoundly attractive on every level.  We get way too "OMG what the hell is going on down there" about it and act like this is the first we've ever heard of it.

On the other hand, just imagine how differently this would have played out if he called, and she said "hey, not everything is available today, would love to still see you..."  Ad then maybe a deal sweetener like a little lower rate or a little extra lovin' time...  And then leave it totally up to him.

She doesn't OWE him not having periods, and she doesn't OWE him any concessions...  But the way you make passing customers regulars is by just doing little things that let them know you appreciate them and want them to come back.  If you limit this discussion to simply "she shouldn't be forced to XYZ" and "he shouldn't be forced to XYZ", then you miss out on all the really great compromises that could have instead started with "Hey, maybe we could XYZ"

It really is that easy to compromise or make a "negative" into a win-win situation by offering as you suggested.

But too many people, not only in this hobbyist/provider but in all industries these days, make it all about the money. There certainly is a lack of respect, communication, and basic human decency these days more so than in the past IMO.

Posted By: OmegaZap
Totally agree...  As is so often the case, issues on this board seem to be easily polarized into the really hard yes/no, black and white absolutes.  Nothing about getting totally naked with a near-stranger and having the kind of intimacy the hobby provides is ever going to be that absolute.  
 On one hand this is just a natural part of being a woman.  It's not this gross failure or some kind of malfunction, it's part of the bigger whole that makes a woman profoundly attractive on every level.  We get way too "OMG what the hell is going on down there" about it and act like this is the first we've ever heard of it.  
 On the other hand, just imagine how differently this would have played out if he called, and she said "hey, not everything is available today, would love to still see you..."  Ad then maybe a deal sweetener like a little lower rate or a little extra lovin' time...  And then leave it totally up to him.  
 She doesn't OWE him not having periods, and she doesn't OWE him any concessions...  But the way you make passing customers regulars is by just doing little things that let them know you appreciate them and want them to come back.  If you limit this discussion to simply "she shouldn't be forced to XYZ" and "he shouldn't be forced to XYZ", then you miss out on all the really great compromises that could have instead started with "Hey, maybe we could XYZ"

I'm surprised TER's servers haven't crashed under the weight of the pettiness of this thread. Pettiness from all directions. The world in which we play is laced with uncertainty. You just never know what you're going to get on a first visit until you go. I've found that I usually get what I expect based on the reviews. Usually, but not always. There have been times when I've gotten the "not on the first date" line. And I've often suspected that perhaps it was a time of month issue. But our world is not BestBuy where the sales associate "should" have told you that your printer cartridge would only last two weeks. There's no implied contract here. My approach has always been that everything is YMMV on the first date. And if I can't figure out a way to have a nice time with a beautiful girl who isn't giving me everything I expected then perhaps I should take up a new habit. Knitting or crosstitching or vintage parking meter collecting. What really slays me is the vitriol with which people on all sides are reacting. I don't feel a need to have the last word on this, but I truly hope the last word happens soon... before the servers crash.

95% of massage girls use schedulers and the scheduler schedules them to work no matter what. I was told by providers that they pretty much have to go in no matter what if someone schedules. That or she did not like you so she made an excuse. If she cancels an appt that is already scheduled then she loses the money and still has to pay the scheduler so just bad timing on your part.

1 you were informed ahead of time.
2 you were offered my lower rate TWICE.
3 EVERYONE KNOWS that I do that just in case because I'm NOT an asshole.
You weren't ripped off at all so take you little story and kiss my ass

" So I take 1/2 a day off today to enjoy the weather and, of course, some hobby fun.  I scheduled an appt with a provider who is fairly well reviewed.  (I am a massage guy, so this is re: a body rubs lady." Posted March 29

This bothers me and here's why;  
So you say saw ME on the 29th? Me ?
Are you sure ?
 I mean, it's not hard to skim through my reviews and pick whatever you want from them to write something, it's not hard to find my location either .
It's also part of the norm to have guys text or email me for days on end & not follow through with an appointment or try to use me as a reference later even write reviews & ncns.
I know because It's happened like 6 times in the last 4 years .  

The reason I wonder is  
Because I wasn't in town here that day and neither was my pet shark for about two weeks in fact ! That's so strange !  
You had to come here and lie ? Abuse a provider who didn't do anything to you ? You werent ripped off at all. Stop. Just stop.
 But if everyone must know my cycle don't ask this guy !
 Because he knows fuck all about how I am and what I do .  
Your story is a joke and so are you dear alias.  
 I tried to accommodate and be nice to you too after you posted this because I keep fairly good track of my visitors and make good on my word so I wanted to make sure you were the same person I saw three weeks ago that I promised to make it up to them and offered the basic donation ...
( You ARENT because they came in today and got their make-up session I promised after I gave them the cheaper rate the first time.  
 your misogynistic behavior and blatant lack of respect for women in general ( see where you compared us to inanimate objects) over powered logic and common sense.
Furthermore I'll be the first to tell you if you came into my restaurant acting like that, you will be waiting forever for a table .

I know there was this rumor about me retiring this spring ( April to be exact) that a few of you nosey gentlemen spread to people I know,  
which wasn't true at all .
 Good thing it got back to me like most back chat does so I could set the record straight.  
Nevertheless, I find it a very strange coincidence that all the sudden I get attacked & accused of being this rip off amongst other things that I don't do let alone would even think of doing to another person in my real life, hobby or not. I even get threats which I ignore.
 I don't hang out with hobby people and I definitely don't start fights with anyone.
If I were you,
 I'd be careful about telling such exaggerated stories like you're done kind of authority.  
...they might come back to bite you later .
Oh and honey my pics are me and no older than any other providers, I don't need steal pics .  
I'm many things but a thief and a liar aren't one of them.  
Need to get your head checked dude

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