
Re: Here's an idea
otlkid48 12 Reviews 2165 reads

Now that is the best offer you've had here.  A well established member of ter is willing to do you a very large favor.  You better jump at this offer.  It will offer you instant credibility here if he provides a good review.  You've about exhausted everyones patience here with all of the drama.  If you are real and are serious about your profession,  this is the best that I can imagine.  I'm not even sure why he would do this.  Good luck!

stefanig4723 reads

So I had a "meeting" or show whatever you want to call it with this guy earlier today. His name is Steve (supposedly), and everything was going smoothly when I walked in. I collected the fee, and then sat down and started asking what he wanted. He started rattling off all these orders and when I didn't do it right away he came at me. I stood up and said if you're going to be an asshole and abusive, Ill get out my pepper spray, call the police, and you'll go to jail. He backed off then, said get out...and chased me out of the building! He followed me at least 5 miles in his car tailgating no more than a foot or two behind me. I got to the police station, explained what happened, and they took HIS SIDE! WHAT THE FUCK?

Anyone want to help me understand this?

anon76588492716 reads

Did you refund his money? Just curious. I'll let others respond.

-- Modified on 9/21/2008 8:02:30 PM

anon88943153 reads

It sounds like you are ok and were not harmed.  Take that a huge blessing to start with.  Then rather than worry about who took whos side, look at how you can prevent this from happening again if possible.

Did you do proper screeening? Check references?

It is hard to say why the police did not believe you without actually being there.

Good luck in the future and again I am glad to hear that you got out of the situation unscathed.

Mr._Obvious1886 reads

What did you tell the police your meeting was to be for?
What did the perp say was his side of the story?
You did give the perp all of his money back didn't you? (except for a modest inconvenience fee)

Last weekend I was perusing the TER reviews and found a link to a ladies web page. When I got to her page i found a notice saying something to the the effect that she is temporarily unavailable because of the visit of one person. Evidently that visit turned violent. Fortunately, according to her, the safeguards she had in place worked and she escaped with injuries and left her future in this business in doubt.

Yes, you were fortunate that you emerged unscathed because there are violent people out there with no respect for others. Hopefully you will put into practice some safeguards that will prevent future incidents.

Good luck

-- Modified on 9/21/2008 9:01:29 PM

stefanig3025 reads

Thanks everyone for being so sweet! But I'm new at this...what should I do to be more careful?

ligpit2858 reads

It is my understanding that a local provider offered you her assistance, you might want to take her up on that.

stefanig2471 reads

Oh and yes...I gave him back all his money. Actually...the female officer grabbed my arm, took the money out of my hand, and handed it back to the psycho bastard and then told him to be on his way.

anon88942859 reads

I would say that the lady officer look at it this way...

She looked at the both of you...said you were doing something illegal and the only thing hurt was both of you phycologically.  Knowing that it will likely go no where in court, she decided why stir up possible legal issues with why you were there in the first place and hopes you have both learned it is not worth getting ripped off in his eyes or injured in your eyes and told you both to go on your way.

One simplistic point of view as to why the officer did what she did.  It was not who was right or wrong, but was it worth the paper work and could it lead to any type of punishment on the specifc incedent.  She knew if you two went to court and the court did nothing...they would not get a conviction for the reason you were both there eiether...so why do anything?

As to what you can do...have a safety net...someone you call to confirm your appointment has arrived if you would like or do a better job at screening if you did not do so in this case.  Hard to say without knowing your process.

Good luck....play SAFE!

Mickey_Spillane4339 reads

Thanks for sharing your story.

You seem to be getting a lot of drama in your first few weeks in the hobby. Perhaps this kind of work is not for you.

What did the cops say "his side" of the story was? Did you get a citation?  

By the way, have you asked TER to remove your first and only review? You said that it was not true. So you should have it taken down.

If it is true, I am surprised that this guy did not chase you down the street also.  

Other opinions:

-- Modified on 9/22/2008 8:03:11 AM

Just as a matter of curiosity...a thread a few days (weeks?) ago referred to a local provider who was "delisted" and threatened moderation of any poster who mentioned her name again.  So I won't.  She also seemed to be heavy into mystery and drama, - under either of the names she was known by.

Anyway, my question is this:  just what exactly does a provider have to do in order to get herself "delisted"?  

And...isn't it a better service to let hobbyists know what is going on rather than throw a blanket over the incident(s)?

Just wondering.

Or TER can ban her for certain rules violations, such as writing fake reviews for herself.

In your short time around here, this is what we have seen concerning you
1) Your initial ad plagiarizes another well known and well regarded provider's ad
2) Another poster who has been around here for a while warns us against seeing you
3) Your first review accuses you of blatantly ripping off the client

And now this.  You know, I would like to think that you are legit and have just had a major run of bad luck somehow.  It's good that whatever happened you ended up unhurt.  But the reality is that you have a huge credibility problem at this point.  Do you understand this?  If so, you need to figure out a way to fix this because the way things are going so far is not going to attract a good base of customers.

First this is a supposed internet porn star becoming your run of the mill provider. She had someone else make her eros webpage and whoever that was just pasted and copied another provider's info.

Then comes a review (I can't read the VIP stuff) saying she is a ripoff. The one thing that went through my mind was, why would an internet porn star feel the need to rip anyone off? She can get good money doing the sex thing, have someone film it for the internet, and it is all legal. Why try something illegal and then push it further by being a flake? I was kinda willing to give her the benefit of the doubt at this point, but barely.

Now this. What can we make from this? Did the guy follow her into the police station and they had an argument in the station and then the police decided he was more believable? I doubt that. More likely she went in and told them what happened (leaving out the illegal aspect of it) and since she didn't know who he was, or where he was the police really couldn't do anything. She must think since they aren't acting on it that they are taking his side.

What did she really tell the police? "I met a guy at a hotel and he gave me some money and told me he wanted to do 'stuff" with me. I told him I would pepper spray him and ran out." Without giving back the money I would take his side on that too.

I would really like to believe a naive girl is just having a few start up problems in trying to enter this business, but I can't. She is a porn star, she knows what she is getting into. She has help, not doing it all alone. That is all based on her own comments. Now if none of that is true and she is alone, and not a porn star, well then she has a whole new set of problems.


You and I can meet and there won't be any discussion of donation or services.  Assuming things go well, you'll be happy with the donation I leave and I'll report back to everyone and/or write a review.  

Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt but I don't think I can remember when a new provider on the scene has had so much trouble establishing credibility.

Now that is the best offer you've had here.  A well established member of ter is willing to do you a very large favor.  You better jump at this offer.  It will offer you instant credibility here if he provides a good review.  You've about exhausted everyones patience here with all of the drama.  If you are real and are serious about your profession,  this is the best that I can imagine.  I'm not even sure why he would do this.  Good luck!

anon88941844 reads

cuz he is horny and has money burning a whole in his pocket! lol

fonic8er.I tried the same approach this weekend.Using the e-mail provided on stefanig's eros add I contacted her and this was the reply I recieved  "who ever you are...I would highly suggest not going into detail further e-mails of what you are looking for.You just e-mailed a police officer that you want to provide money for sex".

ligpit2763 reads

Stefanig to move on to another city.

-- Modified on 9/22/2008 10:45:16 AM

...or another solar system?

Mickey_Spillane1953 reads

That email is just scary. WTF?

I would not connect this person under any circumstances.

It sounds more and more like a multi-personality disorder (as was warned by a previous poster who met her).

anon88941657 reads

He is looking for those not on my list if his post above is of any value.  Well at least he asked me so I figured I might as well help him out, maybe he has something worth value to add to this thread.  Maybe not, I could be wrong.

Impeachable - just for you!
You asked, I am just pointing one out to you so now you can pick up the phone and give her a call.  BTW, campare my list of reviews to yours and then ask yourself the same question!  Oh, don't forget to look at the review scores of the ladies I choose to spend time with and those YOU chose.  I can not help you make your decissions, but I do try to see ladies I will have a good time with and already know they fit my appearnce needs.

Happy hobbying!

-- Modified on 9/22/2008 12:18:48 PM

At this rate, this chick's career as a provider is toast. After all I've seen about her in the past few weeks, I wouldn't risk fucking her if SHE paid ME!

Yes, but consider what a bargain - you get two or three providers for the price of one!!!

DJ!3022 reads

When your right, You're right.
She is a psycho drama mama.
hmmm.... Hitchcock comes to mind.

And another strike against her

I should add that I do feel there is a girl amongst us who is indeed the person in the Eros add.Research found legit modeling portfolios of the girl, aka Porn Starlet "Tiffany Roxx", complete with various Minnesota connections(as well as many other home base locations),and what I feel to be at least a legitimate real name to go with said modeling pictures.

Whether or not the person posting here, answering e-mails,phone calls, or placing the Eros ad is the same person is very open to debate at this point.But the bottom line for me is that as said in an earlier post,there just seems to be way to much drama and confusion...stefanig, my advice would be to start from scratch.Get your own web site.State you Donation fee for your time so we don't have to dance around the obvious question.Answer all e-mails and Phone calls in a prompt and curteous manner.Avoid the drama you've helped to create here on TER and seek out the help offered by the top flight provider who offered it.

stefanig1981 reads

What is wrong with you people? and why the fuck are you being so mean? I did nothing to any of you! I have put hundreds of dollars out of my own pocket out there to try to prove who I am because some bastard wrote a bullshit review...and now you're accusing me of all these things? Get a life! I just wasted $500 on a hotel suite to prove who I am for obviously no reason at this point!

Do you deny sending the e-mail you are accused of sending or the PM fornic8ter says you just sent him?  You have acquired a bad reputation very quickly and posts like these are doing nothing to fix it.

stefanig4447 reads

What do you expect me to do? And no I do not deny sending that email! But you also have no idea what I said in the email. And it was not rude. If anyone is being rude, illegit, pricks its you all! You have no reason to ruin my name off of one single bullshit review! Yet you continue to do it!

What do you people do that give you so much time to sit on a escort forum and ruin peoples lives???

None of you know anything about me! So you can all go fuck yourselves!!

What I suggest is you get control of your anger instead of letting it control you.  No matter what you think the reality of the situation is that everything that is going on and everything you are doing is making your situation worse.  You are the only one who can do anything that might change that.

Pay you or fuck myself for free.  Given the above, I opt to fuck myself for free.  I know I won't get pepper sprayed.

DJ!3138 reads

"None of you know anything about me!"

Except for me. I know all about you and your multiple personalities.

You don't call this rude? Quoting the first sentence of your email:

"You must be out of your mind!"

And that was the tame part of the message.

Okay, this is silly enough to make me stop lurking.


Why did you spend $500 on a hotel suite in this town? ... I mean seriously, there are plenty of nice hotels that are a fifth of that price. Either you are exaggerating your expenses, or you have champagne tastes, or you really do not have a clue about how to book a hotel effectively.


who's being Mean? I have seen no one saying that the fellow was correct to tailgate you, I have seen people trying to figure out what might prompt a guy to aggressively follow a provider... and I'm guessing 300 or more dollars clutched in your hand might be at least one of the big reasons. I know that if I decide to not follow thru with a provider, I am more than willing to leave her something for her time.. but not the whole amount. Especially not the whole amount if she has threatened to spray me with pepper spray.

( which, you girls should be aware is often not an effective way to solve a problem at all.. especially inside the closed confines of a hotel room.)

Basically, instead of offering up anything positive as to why we should want to spend any of our money for the fun of fucking you, you make certain that a man would have to be a thrice dammed fool to get himself into any situation with you.

Sorry, maam, there are millions of women out there who have at least as nice of a body as you, with much better social interaction skills, and I'm guessing they are lots more fun in the sack or on a table or a chair, or the floor.

Well, she must have paid for a VIP membership or something because I just got a PM from her in response to my offer above.  The exact opposite reaction  I expected.  Simply put, she wouldn't trust me to be fair and figures I would just cheat her out of the money anyway.  

Sounds to me she's just a rip-off artist trying to get as many guys to drop their pants after forking over the money, work the locals until she gets run out of town and do it all over again in the next city.  My guess is there is another side to her story above.  I can't imagine the police being able to coerce her into returning the money unless the guy had a pretty convincing charge to make and it wasn't about just getting ripped off for a massage.  She probably robbed his wallet or something a lot worse than a misunderstanding over the services.  

-- Modified on 9/22/2008 3:49:15 PM

Not sure to what the whole story is but ladies please remember "all money is not good money" And gentleman please stick with the well known providers that have reviews and we should all be safe.... Happy Hobbying!!!!!

-- Modified on 9/22/2008 6:13:24 PM

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