
question for the men
arunee 34 Reviews 413 reads

Hi Asha;
I myself enjoy the Bloomington area as it's easy to park, less parking fees, easy to get in and out but that's just my prefence.

hi guys !!!asha hear im fairly new to the business just wondering  whats the preference for incall location private residents or hotel??

I really prefer not going to hotels... and when I do I usually ask the lady if she is willing to meet for drinks or something so we can walk in together!  Hotels freak me out.. I always get the feeling that everyone knows why I am there, even though they prob don't.  

I usually feel more comfortable at a residence..

I don't mind hotels but prefer something more private, assuming it's in a good neighborhood. Also assuming it has an adequate bathroom. Hotels have a reputation for being more susceptible to LE, which always puts me on edge.

FunToBe476 reads

I'm not partial to either type of location.  Just like it to be busy and anonymous entry.  Why I'm entering should be just like the other people around me coming and going.  No one is able to identify that I am unique coming and going.  Hotels can be great because they have so much traffic.   Residence locations can be larger, more room, more unique.   The residence I think needs still to have a good common busy entry though.  If the neighbors can see you cycling people in and out they are going to wonder.  Hotels can be more likely targets for LE perhaps but so can a quiet neighborhood house?.  I just think a good known provider can be at either.  A new provider could likely benefit perhaps from not being at a hotel.  Just my thoughts..

bosssik476 reads

I prefer a home, apartment, condo, townhouse..anything private to a hotel. Hotel, law enforcement is a concern or randomly running into someone I know and having to explain why I'm there.

This includes apartments.. The main thing is to choose the location such that you avoid your neighbors noticing the traffic coming and going from your door.

loveyourtouch472 reads

....ups anything to a gross misdemeanor.  And as others  have noted, it's much easier for LE to work out of hotels and/or have hotel management  alert them to suspicious activity.  BUT..... I read reviews and see many well-reviewed providers do this, so it must work, but I would avoid hotel/motel.

...with what others have said.  I prefer a private residence.  Too me it offers a piece of mind.  

Be Safe,


I prefer a private residence as long as it's discreet and not very visible to neighbors.  In choosing a hotel, I'd stick with more upscale locations, instead of that usual strip of hotels a lot of visiting providers seem to use.

A private residence definitely feels more comfortable to me. However, I do realize that's mostly just perceived and not necessarily any safer. You do have more options to customize your space to your own style and comfort in a private residence, which is something I really enjoy (but I've been in some real dumps, too :) ).  Each option brings its own risks and rewards. If there is a lot of traffic going into and out of your residence, neighbors could become suspicious and report it to LE. Hotels are less private and obvious places for LE find you or your suitors. It's up to you how you want to play it. Good luck!

-- Modified on 8/18/2016 10:43:12 AM

I honestly don't care what kind of incall you have, as long as it works for you.  However, private residences have some major pitfalls.  First, unlike hotels, a lot of in-and-out traffic is bound to be noticed at a private residence.  Also, it's unwise to use your home as an incall, because there are stalkers out there, and using your home as an incall just makes things easier for the creeps.  If you do choose a private residence, it should be a small, cheap unit that will cost less, or equal to, renting hotel rooms.  It also helps if you can network with other providers and share an incall, although that carries the risk of increased traffic.

Don't worry about which kind of incall will attract clients.  If you have good reviews and an online presence, people will know you're legit.  Just do what works best for you.

SunFired380 reads

Most definitely a private residence.

Hi Asha;
I myself enjoy the Bloomington area as it's easy to park, less parking fees, easy to get in and out but that's just my prefence.

I agree. I have done most of my time in Bloomington, mostly because I lived there. Never a problem, knock on wood

CuriousSort364 reads

Hi Asha

I have never done a hotel and hope to never do a hotel.  I specifically ask providers if they have an apartment, condo or residence before I would book.  For a couple of reasons.  First, visiting a lovely woman in a hotel would feel so detached and cold to me.  It would feel like the only reason I was seeing her was for sex and that's not me. I need to experience her and, if even for a short time, feel like we are lovers.  Her condo, apartment or home feels like we are on a date.  A hotel would feel a bit like walking into a doctors office...cold...sterile...unfulfilling...etc.

Second, most stings are in hotels because LE is going for an easy mark.  They book 2 rooms next to each other and then record the interaction when the unsuspecting person walks into the room.  Its much more unlikely that they would set up a sting in a residence or condo.

While we are talking about this, there is a huge need for providers with incalls north of Minneapolis.  It  seems like so many providers are either right downtown or south of Minneapolis or down by the mall of America.  For anyone north of the cities that ends up being a really long drive.  I hate going into Minneapolis for any reason.  Also north of the cities there is so much less pressure on a provider because LE is less active.  In fact, there are cities/townships that could care less if a provider was working in the area.  So if you're looking for an incall, I'd like to suggest you consider a "niche" and find something north of Minneapolis.  Fridley, Coon Rapids, Anoka, Maple Grove, Blaine, etc.

north metro is not friendly to this hobby.  Providers should be wary of the "pretty pretty pretty please" come to N Metro appts.  Nothing good happens in the N Metro.  There's a reason why there's a vacuum up yonder.

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