
Profile vs Reviews
bolson888 1 Reviews 1980 reads

Hello forum, can someone help me out here. I just had an odd email exchange with a provider in which she told me that she had nothing to do with her profile... that the "service offered" section was crafted by over-exaggerating hobbyists. I had always believed that a provider's profile was put up by the provider or by someone on her behalf, which would make sense. I can't seem to find an answer to this on the site. Can someone give me a definitive on this?

The initial profile is created by the first reviewer with or wihtout the provider's permission/collaboration.
The provider can later edit some details (not sure exactly which ones, but including rates) if she joins TER and takes ownership of the profile.

I would take the services offered in the profile with a certain amount of salt, unless you are certain the provider has owned them.  You'll get better results if you check the history of the reviewers and see how credible they are to you.  

Lastly, all providers are YMMV, to one degree or another.  It's usually unrealistic to expect to know what's on the (a la) carte until she knows you.

-- Modified on 4/1/2016 12:23:03 PM

I agree, I always go into a first date with a YMMV attitude about everything. This provider's reviews seem to suggest disappointment over the discrepancy between services offered and services received. She IS a TER member but I guess what you're saying is she may or may not have put the profile up.

JohnMilton_Esq485 reads

Her first reviewer set up her profile with the first review.  She can ask TER Admin to change certain items such as prices and some services by using a Problem Report on her profile.  TER then requires proof from her of the services and prices she claims are misstated, such as an ad or her website.  Sometimes TER will change items she requests quickly, sometimes not.  She can't change anything herself.  When lockstock referred to "owning” her profile, I think he meant when she asks Admin to link her handle to her profile to get the free provider limited VIP.  Then she can use the PM system and see the juicy details of her own reviews, her reviews are linked to her handle when she posts on the boards, but has no other VIP privileges.  The best and most current information on prices are usually her ads or website.  

You should probably spend some time over on the Newbie Board to gain answers to your questions, I linked to it below.  If you use the search function on that that board you will find that this topic and many others are regularly discussed.  You will find a lot of answers to how TER works on that board.

-- Modified on 4/1/2016 9:44:37 PM

She may be hesitant to get into details with you because you (a) don't have any reviews or perhaps have no references (b) she has some reviews that are a bit stretched and doesn't want you to expect everything the past reviewers say they got (C) she truly doesn't know whats on the profile so is unable to share details.  

As the other reply stated, YMMV ! Good luck :

Thanks all. This gal's first review has her as an over-the-top non-fs GFE girl when she's actually (according to subsequent reviews) a mostly topless handi girl. So that explains the discrepancy.

It would be difficult to assess if she only had a few reviews.  But anyone who has amassed dozens of reviews will have the interactions pretty well described in the client reviews (since TER insists on such detail.

I've met a number of massage women that have no control over their ads/emails and some are aware of TER but many don't even know what their reviews say unless they are told.  Between the ads and embellished reviews I approach every session as a YMMV.  I am also skeptical of TGTBT reviews that are written by someone with no other reviews.

If you find someone whose has reviews of providers you have seen and their reviews are similar to your own, then odds are they will be a good resource for you and vice-versa.

I firmly agree with being suspicious of reviews with no other reviews, particularly when coupled with no posting history.

This is a great point. I started recognizing some names in reviews and found that I could trust their opinion. Sometimes I ended having a better session than that other reviewer but at least I had a very good idea of what to expect going in. That said, my reviews have always been written honestly and never exaggerated.

being made her. This particular gal has 30+ reviews and actually directed me to her TER profile in her first email back to me.

Posted By: bolson888
Hello forum, can someone help me out here. I just had an odd email exchange with a provider in which she told me that she had nothing to do with her profile... that the "service offered" section was crafted by over-exaggerating hobbyists. I had always believed that a provider's profile was put up by the provider or by someone on her behalf, which would make sense. I can't seem to find an answer to this on the site. Can someone give me a definitive on this?

No Wongbater... I didn't waste anybody's time. I asked a simple question and got a complicated answer. If you feel as though that constitutes a waste of your valuable time, then next time you see a post from me... just move on by. Nobody wants you to experience the distress of your valuable time being wasted.

Add functionality to allow a poster to close his/her thread. That way, people won't waste their time and then accuse the writer of the OP of wasting their time.

...happen, I'm quite sure. It's a ridiculous and stupid argument for anyone who spends a good part of their day on this board instead of getting out and making their world a better place to complain that someone wasted their time because of what was posted. Simply don't engage the idiots and enjoy the board as if the trolls didn't exist.

Knowing that there are like minded folks on here has restored my faith in the hobbyist community :)

Posted By: Drumsticks
...happen, I'm quite sure. It's a ridiculous and stupid argument for anyone who spends a good part of their day on this board instead of getting out and making their world a better place to complain that someone wasted their time because of what was posted. Simply don't engage the idiots and enjoy the board as if the trolls didn't exist.

JohnMilton_Esq265 reads

It's called the Suggestion and Policy Board.  TER Admin actually reads that Board and sometimes changes get made, although as Drumsticks posted, not likely on this suggestion.

You might actually get a good dicsussion of the merits of your suggestion on that Board.

I would suggest posting on all three. (to include here) Many don't look at the other forums & will miss out on useful information. This topic is a great example of that.

Thank you for bring up this issue.


"Don't judge too quickly"  Great words for us all!!  Thanks for posting!!

GroinGravy294 reads

-- Modified on 4/3/2016 5:30:23 PM

"survival of" exactly who Mr/Ms alias?  With all you do I will still be here 24/7 watching, listening.

Nothing to say about the thread subject, nor the posters, But this video is the Bomb !  
I had pop blowing out of my nose because of that, Should have been a warning posted that before
viewing, empty mouth of any liquids ! LOL  

Posted By: GroinGravy

-- Modified on 4/3/2016 5:30:23 PM

Really?  If you think so I have no response.  Baseline here...he says he has nothing to say about the thread but he feels the need to troll.  No biggie.  Just more info to pack away I guess.

As I stated, my post is merely me, stating, that I have no comments on the substance or content of the post, nor those posting whatever opinion on the subject of the post.
I am stating, that the video is FUNNY, and has me laughing in stiches, and it is not saying or stating
anything with regard to you wongbater, or anyone else for that matter.

Hopefully this clears up any confusion, and further removes any doubt, as to the intention of my post.
Let me repeat, The Video is Funny, even if the individual who linked to it may have intended to take a swipe at you, so be it, however it was not my intention to validate any opinion of any specific individual.
So go look at the Video, and have a good laugh, because it is very comical, and Funny !  
The folks posting, need to post things like this more often, without directing negativity at anyone individual ! and instead of people cock fighting, everyone can have a good belly laugh instead.
So come on, go view it, and reply with a laugh, and defuse the original linked intention.

It is a Funny Video ! as well as some of the following video's as well. LMFAO.

Posted By: Wongbater
Really?  If you think so I have no response.  Baseline here...he says he has nothing to say about the thread but he feels the need to troll.  No biggie.  Just more info to pack away I guess.  

Hey nobodysfool07,

Can you dumb it down so others can understand your true feelings about the video. It's hard to see how you really feel.

On the other hand, I'm thinking Wong hasn't gotten that much attention for a while lol.

Posted By: nobodysfool2007
As I stated, my post is merely me, stating, that I have no comments on the substance or content of the post, nor those posting whatever opinion on the subject of the post.  
 I am stating, that the video is FUNNY, and has me laughing in stiches, and it is not saying or stating  
 anything with regard to you wongbater, or anyone else for that matter.  
 Hopefully this clears up any confusion, and further removes any doubt, as to the intention of my post.  
 Let me repeat, The Video is Funny, even if the individual who linked to it may have intended to take a swipe at you, so be it, however it was not my intention to validate any opinion of any specific individual.  
 So go look at the Video, and have a good laugh, because it is very comical, and Funny !  
 The folks posting, need to post things like this more often, without directing negativity at anyone individual ! and instead of people cock fighting, everyone can have a good belly laugh instead.  
 So come on, go view it, and reply with a laugh, and defuse the original linked intention.  
 It is a Funny Video ! as well as some of the following video's as well. LMFAO.  
Posted By: Wongbater
Really?  If you think so I have no response.  Baseline here...he says he has nothing to say about the thread but he feels the need to troll.  No biggie.  Just more info to pack away I guess.  

Obviously by just clicking problem report. I had to change it a few times and it was wast

Posted By: bolson888
being made her. This particular gal has 30+ reviews and actually directed me to her TER profile in her first email back to me.  
Posted By: bolson888
Hello forum, can someone help me out here. I just had an odd email exchange with a provider in which she told me that she had nothing to do with her profile... that the "service offered" section was crafted by over-exaggerating hobbyists. I had always believed that a provider's profile was put up by the provider or by someone on her behalf, which would make sense. I can't seem to find an answer to this on the site. Can someone give me a definitive on this?

That's kind of what I figured...

Actually that varies. I know a gal who has been trying to change something on her profile for a year with no success. Every response back has been we can't change that. So just because its on there does not mean she does it. Like others have said read the reviews and YMMV, always.

I've had problem reports turned down even though there is a clear error so I try submitting it again and it gets approved.  Only thing I can figure is the person checking it the second time was somebody different.  And I've heard from providers who were easily able to get something wrong changed in their profile while another provider had to go back and forth with TER many times to get something fixed.

now that we know who you're referring to.

1)  The reviews and profiles were designed for escorts, not massage providers, and they don't work well for massage.  The approach to take for researching massage providers should be heavily review (as opposed to score and service) based.

2)  Reviewers who have great experiences with massage providers have nowhere to record it numerically.  The result is that services get exaggerated so that the reviewer can bump up the score.  (It's slightly more complicated than that, but that's the basic phenomenon.)

3)  And of course -- have we said this yet?  --  YMMV.  Being nice, and generous, and horny, and having a big dick, and putting on a French accent, and bringing flowers... all these things help to move the encounter out of stultifying transaction-land into the wider possibilities of fantasy.  Just ask Talon.  As a P.S., the proliferation of schedulers has had the opposite effect by reducing direct communication

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